As expected....

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Old 06-23-2011, 08:04 AM
Posts: n/a
Default As expected....

"In his speech, Obama lowered the goals for the U.S. mission in Afghanistan and invited the Afghan government to negotiate a deal with the Taliban, the ultra-orthodox Islamic group that hosted al Qaeda organizers of the 9/11 mass-murder."
Old 06-23-2011, 08:22 AM
Posts: n/a

Klassen - Don't you realize that the Taliban, the ulta-orthodox Islamics, who now hate the US are the same ones that the Carter and Reagan administrations gave guns, food, and aid to when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan in 1979. It was also reported that bin Laden was the recepient of some of that aid. They were called "freedom fighters" or mujahideen at that time.

It was the USA's position at that time that the Soviets were wrong in invading Afghanistan - and now the USA has about 100,000 soldiers there.

What isn't right with this picture?
Old 06-23-2011, 08:35 AM
Posts: n/a

That was then, this is now. I realize many have forgotten 9/11 but Obama is Commander and Thief now.

As usual Obama gets a free pass from the left... as expected.
Old 06-23-2011, 10:26 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Absolutely Correct DK

Originally Posted by dklassen View Post
That was then, this is now....
You hit the nail right on the head. After more than a decade of fighting fruitless wars, the American public has figured out that we don't give a rat's arse about finding weapons of mass destruction that never existed, trying to democratize people who don't want to be democratized, rebuilding countries so they can tear them down again, killing and maiming tens of thousands of American kids, and breaking our treasury in the process.

Great decision by President Obama. My guess is that were it not for about 30% of the public and the Republican-controlled Congress who would rather spend our blood and treasure that way instead of investing here at home, the POTUS would have brought our troops back home faster and sooner. We're damn lucky we don't have John McCain as POTUS. McCain--the one who admitted he didn't know much about economics--would be killing even more of our kids and driving the country off the financial cliff
even faster.

If you want to call me a liberal, leftist, dove, or whatever...have at it. What we had to do following 9/11 was correct and justified. But that was then and this is now. Circumstances clearly show our priorities should be different.
Old 06-23-2011, 10:50 AM
Posts: n/a

Except for the fact that the Taliban and al Qaeda will probably regroup there, setup new bases from which to train and plan attacks on the US. I’m sure they will also work to destabilize Pakistan once they get a new foothold on Afghanistan. I’m sure they are after the nukes Pakistan has as well. Add to that Iran is building their nukes in an attempt to wipe Israel our one true ally in the middle east off the map. Egypt is moving in the same direction with the Muslim brotherhood taking control. Now we’re in Libya helping the “rebels” most of whom are also terrorists.

Let’s just pull out and let the chips fall where they may… all in time for the 2012 elections of course.
Old 06-23-2011, 11:03 AM
Posts: n/a

VK is 100% correct. He is one smart cookie.

Klassen did not say anything about the fact the US was arming, training and giving aid to the precursor of the Taliban. He just says that was then.

Look out Klassen, the radical Muslims are trying to take over Spring Hill. They already want to build a mosque in Murfreesboro - I bet you are against that - even though it is a guaranteed right of the US Constitution.
Old 06-23-2011, 11:23 AM
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You like to get personal don't you? Calling out names, places, surrounding towns, places and things to which you have no knowledge of.

You like to bait, get things personal just to get a rise out of people?

Maybe a few kindergarden insinuations just to get the last word? Taking threads off topic on purpose?

What does where I live have anything to do with this topic?
Old 06-23-2011, 11:38 AM
Posts: n/a

Klassen, I was staying on point about the Taliban. You refused to comment on the fact the US was arming, training, and giving aid to them in the Reagan years.

I know all about Murfreesboro and the mosque controversy there.

I am a well informed person - and I know about Spring Hill, too.

I am not baiting anyone, I do like to get to know things about the people I deal with on line.

Don't take life so serioiusly, Klassen, enjoy a sip of Johnnie Walker Black now and then.
Old 06-23-2011, 11:55 AM
Posts: n/a

I'll ask just one more time.

What does where I live or how I feel about a mosque 40 miles away from where I live have ANYTHING to do with this thread?

Another thing you love to do is right after you bait someone enough to get them good and frustrated you respond by telling them to take it easy and have a drink or some such nonsense.

You bait and switch here all the time.
Old 06-23-2011, 12:41 PM
Posts: n/a

and dk what are your alternative plans? If you were the Pres. what would you do? I want to hear your plan. More troops? More money? Surge? Invasion of Pakistan? What would you do?
Old 06-23-2011, 12:54 PM
Posts: n/a

I wouldn't align myself with terrorists that's for sure. I'd finish the job.

I didn't write the article, I just quoted a piece of it.

Obama seems to think we can afford the war in Libya ok. Oh wait, that’s just a mini war so it doesn’t count especially since there was no congressional approval for the funds. Wonder if he's going to finish that one?
Old 06-23-2011, 03:29 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Tbugs View Post
Klassen - Don't you realize that the Taliban, the ulta-orthodox Islamics, who now hate the US are the same ones that the Carter and Reagan administrations gave guns, food, and aid to when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan in 1979. It was also reported that bin Laden was the recepient of some of that aid. They were called "freedom fighters" or mujahideen at that time.

It was the USA's position at that time that the Soviets were wrong in invading Afghanistan - and now the USA has about 100,000 soldiers there.

What isn't right with this picture?
Tbug As to this issue you and I agree. I never liked the idea of American boots on the ground in Afghanistan, especially after witnessing the Soviet Union just about go bankrupt there.

I did believe we needed to engage them such as ith Drones, CIA operatives, etc. These Middle East countries are all tribal and as such it creates a very complex dynamic.

However we did a build up over a ten year period and now we must be cautious as how we disengage. Succintly stated if my word is my bond then how do other countries now view America's word?
Old 06-23-2011, 03:51 PM
Posts: n/a

Well, maybe I do not need Actor and Dale as my fellow liberals in this forum. It looks as though I have Rubicon on my side, BBQMan has alligned himself on several issues with me, and, of course, RichieLion has stated publically that he agrees with Barney Frank on legalization of marijuana.

See, it was not so difficult to turn to the light and away from the Dark Side. Welcome to my world.

Klassen - you still have lots to accomplish before you can come to the light.
Old 06-23-2011, 04:26 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Par For The Course

Originally Posted by waynet View Post
and dk what are your alternative plans? If you were the Pres. what would you do? I want to hear your plan. More troops? More money? Surge? Invasion of Pakistan? What would you do?
I'll second that question Waynet. The primary thrust of the President's speech was that we believe that continued nation-building in Iraq and Afghanistan is an inappropriate and unnecessary continuing priority and that we need to begin to invest here at home, addressing the problems of the American public.

So what's wrong with that? What would you do DK? Again, what is wrong with the plan and priorities that President Obama outlined in his speech? What did you say in your original post...?
Originally Posted by dklassen View Post
"In his speech, Obama lowered the goals for the U.S. mission in Afghanistan and invited the Afghan government to negotiate a deal with the Taliban, the ultra-orthodox Islamic group that hosted al Qaeda organizers of the 9/11 mass-murder."
...seems like thinly-veiled criticism, but no alternative ideas. Pretty par for the course
Old 06-23-2011, 05:55 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Huh?

Bin Laden is dead. We won. There's no oil on Afganistan.

Stop criticizing Obama just for criticism's sake.

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