Feds work overtime to get more Hillary voters but don't have time to release Hillarys

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Old 09-23-2016, 04:45 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Feds work overtime to get more Hillary voters but don't have time to release Hillarys

You can't make this stuff up.

"This Is An Absolutely Corrupt Process" - Clinton's Deleted Emails Won't Be Released Until After The Election | Zero Hedge

Email shows federal immigration bosses in OT push to swear in new citizens 'due to election' | Fox News

The Villages FloridaThe Villages Florida
Old 09-23-2016, 06:07 PM
Posts: n/a

If Trump wins, it will be a miracle considering what he has had against him from the start. If he wins, he should rate the most gifted and powerful president of all, for his successfully overcoming all obstacles in his way to the White House. This is probably the most corrupt government we have ever had in history, so if he wins it should really prove that right can conquer wrong. If anyone can win for the Republican party, it will be the person with the savvy to get down in the dirt and fight like an animal. The Dems do it all the time, so they are more experienced. That is why we had to get someone that is comfortable at their level,.....the gutter.
Old 09-23-2016, 06:16 PM
Posts: n/a

And if by some remote possibility the criminal, felon wins....then there is nothing left but revolution....white rioting, the majority making itself know (somehow), a demonstration that we the people are sick and tired of the crooked and corrupt Washington politics starting with the president.

But none of the above will happen. We the people....the ones mentioned above and all who share disgust for business as usual crooked and corrupt politics....just will not do what is required to make a difference.

Our time is running out. We are fast headed to be the minority, making a truly free and honest government increasingly more difficult to regain.
Old 09-23-2016, 06:41 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
And if by some remote possibility the criminal, felon wins....then there is nothing left but revolution....white rioting, the majority making itself know (somehow), a demonstration that we the people are sick and tired of the crooked and corrupt Washington politics starting with the president.

But none of the above will happen. We the people....the ones mentioned above and all who share disgust for business as usual crooked and corrupt politics....just will not do what is required to make a difference.

Our time is running out. We are fast headed to be the minority, making a truly free and honest government increasingly more difficult to regain.
After listening to the racist-in-chief speak today, I have to reluctantly agree with you. He is allowed to say whatever comes into his racist head at the time and no one holds him accountable. It's time for a change and Hillary is not going to give us that change. Obama has set us back 40 or more years in our effort to dissolve racial perceptions of bias. I was raised to totally ignore racial differences and treat everyone equally. But, since Obama has been in office I have felt racial prejudice for the first time in my life. Obama makes me feel insulted and resentful like I am not cooperating in some manner. ME, not cooperating? Does he not realize that in Charlotte right now, there are Blacks being violent and destroying private property? Does he not realize that it is blacks that have harmed several cops in this rioting? Does he not realize that it is blacks that are looting? Does he not realize that if these were whites that were perpetrating these crimes, they would be shot for looting by the National Guard? Does he not realize that it was a black cop that shot the man which caused this rioting?
Does Obama, while all this is happening and he is giving a speech at the new National Black museum say things like how blacks have been treated so wrongly, not realize that those days are gone and now they are given/GIVEN every possible chance to succeed and that he is insulting today's whites with his "hate" speech?

Isn't it time for the other side to take the chip off their shoulder now that they have been given the keys to the city. At least, before people start resenting their more than equal treatment that they are taking for granted.

Sorry, but humans only have so much patience and we do not like having our decency taken for granted and then get insulted to boot.

Charlotte should never have been given a chance to last this long. These scumbags are impeding the flow of traffic and should be dealt with harshly.

make, release, stuff, time, hillarys

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