Florida legislature poised to bolster 'Stand Your Ground' law

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Old 04-05-2017, 08:14 PM
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Default Florida legislature poised to bolster 'Stand Your Ground' law

Florida legislature poised to bolster 'Stand Your Ground' law
| Reuters

Florida lawmakers advanced a measure on Wednesday that could make it easier to avoid prosecution in deadly shootings and other use-of-force cases by seeking immunity on self-defense grounds under the state's pioneering "stand your ground" law.
Old 04-06-2017, 04:41 AM
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The Stand your Ground law received national attention primarily because interested groups sought to make it a political issue rather than a simple legal issue.

We are a country where the rule of law applies and every person is entitled to due process. That happened and a jury made the decision.

The legislation pending now desires to reinforce the requirements of criminal law, that being that a defendant has to be found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

This law protects those who find themselves confronted by people who have no respect for the law, people and even themselves.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 04-06-2017, 05:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The Stand your Ground law received national attention primarily because interested groups sought to make it a political issue rather than a simple legal issue.

We are a country where the rule of law applies and every person is entitled to due process. That happened and a jury made the decision.

The legislation pending now desires to reinforce the requirements of criminal law, that being that a defendant has to be found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

This law protects those who find themselves confronted by people who have no respect for the law, people and even themselves.

Personal Best Regards:
And whom pray tell are you referring to?

MINORITIES...who are up to 10X MORE violent than white people...REAL white people...not the fake Hispanics who claim it on census forms and arrest reports.

Minorities ARE this nations #1 problem. They are 1/2 the population now and growing...while our numbers continue to shrink.

It's going to get worse before it gets better.

Thank the liberal, empathetic women...they encouraged them, they helped them. Might as well treat dogs as equals...you get MORE from them than the typical inner city minority.
Old 04-06-2017, 12:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The Stand your Ground law received national attention primarily because interested groups sought to make it a political issue rather than a simple legal issue.

We are a country where the rule of law applies and every person is entitled to due process. That happened and a jury made the decision.

The legislation pending now desires to reinforce the requirements of criminal law, that being that a defendant has to be found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

This law protects those who find themselves confronted by people who have no respect for the law, people and even themselves.

Personal Best Regards:
If you take a look at the 3 cases of STAND YOUR GROUND in Florida...

1. A police wannabe who picked a fight with a younger stronger male and when he was about to get his ass kicked pulled out his gun and killed him. I think after some of the thinks he did after award the jury made a mistake.
2. A middle aged white male objected to music playing from a car full of teenage boys when they wouldn't turn it off he opened his car door, reached into the car, opened the glove box, took out his weapon and started shooting. He is still in jail.
3. An older former police officer object to a younger male texting in the movie theater even though the movie had not yet started. In hindsight the younger man was checking in on the sitter and saying he was turning his phone off. The older guy picked a fight with the wrong guy and when he was losing he took out his gun and shot the man dead.

In each case the people killed were unarmed and not the aggressor.

So what is the point of this new law?
Old 04-06-2017, 02:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
If you take a look at the 3 cases of STAND YOUR GROUND in Florida...

1. A police wannabe who picked a fight with a younger stronger male and when he was about to get his ass kicked pulled out his gun and killed him. I think after some of the thinks he did after award the jury made a mistake.
2. A middle aged white male objected to music playing from a car full of teenage boys when they wouldn't turn it off he opened his car door, reached into the car, opened the glove box, took out his weapon and started shooting. He is still in jail.
3. An older former police officer object to a younger male texting in the movie theater even though the movie had not yet started. In hindsight the younger man was checking in on the sitter and saying he was turning his phone off. The older guy picked a fight with the wrong guy and when he was losing he took out his gun and shot the man dead.

In each case the people killed were unarmed and not the aggressor.

So what is the point of this new law?
And you FORGET about the thousands and thousands of shootings by those same minority males? So...you have 3 against white guys...and thousands against minority males. In what world is this even? Equal?
Old 04-06-2017, 03:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
If you take a look at the 3 cases of STAND YOUR GROUND in Florida...

1. A police wannabe who picked a fight with a younger stronger male and when he was about to get his ass kicked pulled out his gun and killed him. I think after some of the thinks he did after award the jury made a mistake.
2. A middle aged white male objected to music playing from a car full of teenage boys when they wouldn't turn it off he opened his car door, reached into the car, opened the glove box, took out his weapon and started shooting. He is still in jail.
3. An older former police officer object to a younger male texting in the movie theater even though the movie had not yet started. In hindsight the younger man was checking in on the sitter and saying he was turning his phone off. The older guy picked a fight with the wrong guy and when he was losing he took out his gun and shot the man dead.

In each case the people killed were unarmed and not the aggressor.

So what is the point of this new law?
So let me ask is it the "Stand Your Ground"law or the inability of others as to its criminal investigation, interpretations and prosecution. Or is it perhaps, that no matter how thoroughly a case is investigated some people have already passed judgment based on their read of newspaper headlines.

The Treyvon Martin case was sensationalized, politicized and televised . The three cases you cited did not garner the attention as the Martin
case. Sensationalism seems to drive such cases these days .

Was Casey Anthony guilty or not guilty?????? According to a jury of her peers, not guilty.

I respect the law and I respect everyone's right to due process and the right to "benefit of innocence until proven guilty".

So in my view the Stand Your Ground law is good law . The issue that should be debated is not the law itself , but a review and discussion of criminal investigation, and our court system demanding that both be conducted in a professional and non-partisan manner in order to obtain a factual and objective finding based within a certainty given the best investigative technologies, etc available.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 04-06-2017, 04:09 PM
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Street law enforcement. Another way of saving taxpayer money.
Old 04-06-2017, 07:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
And you FORGET about the thousands and thousands of shootings by those same minority males? So...you have 3 against white guys...and thousands against minority males. In what world is this even? Equal?
The resident racist speaks.....

We are discussing the STAND YOUR GROUND LAW as far as I know there are only 3 documented cases of this law. The first 1 one was Hispanic on Black, 2nd White on African American and the last White on White.

If I have missed any others then bring those up for discussion.
Old 04-07-2017, 05:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The resident racist speaks.....

We are discussing the STAND YOUR GROUND LAW as far as I know there are only 3 documented cases of this law. The first 1 one was Hispanic on Black, 2nd White on African American and the last White on White.

If I have missed any others then bring those up for discussion.
3 cases that made the NEWS...
Old 04-07-2017, 06:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Racist Boy Baldwin

3 cases that made the NEWS...
So show us the cases that didn't make the news.

It's OK, we know you've already been frantically looking...and couldn't find anything.

Another win for cologal!

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
Old 04-07-2017, 01:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
So show us the cases that didn't make the news.

It's OK, we know you've already been frantically looking...and couldn't find anything.

Another win for cologal!

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
Hey (unt... Guess it goes over your head that if something doesn't make the news, there's nothing to find?

I'm not wasting my time scouring ALL the murder trials in Florida? The trials that are 80% minority involvement.

When white people are violent...it makes the news...it's that rare...when minorities do...they can only show the worst few because they can't take up too much space/time reporting it. Watch ANY big city local news...minority violence.

Act like a douche...you'll be treated like one.
Old 04-07-2017, 03:05 PM
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If someone breaks into your home, hears you, and is making his getaway with some cash and is running down the street - are you legally okay with shooting him in the back as he runs?
Old 04-07-2017, 03:33 PM
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Sandy shooting someone fleeing your property or shooting at someone that has already fled your property has never been legal, and it makes no difference if they stole or not.

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Old 04-07-2017, 07:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Hey (unt... Guess it goes over your head that if something doesn't make the news, there's nothing to find?

I'm not wasting my time scouring ALL the murder trials in Florida? The trials that are 80% minority involvement.

When white people are violent...it makes the news...it's that rare...when minorities do...they can only show the worst few because they can't take up too much space/time reporting it. Watch ANY big city local news...minority violence.

Act like a douche...you'll be treated like one.
Stand Your Ground claims are quite popular as it turns out and they are multi-racial as well. Below is a list of all claims in the state.

BTW the case that was in the movie theater has still not come to trial.

Stand your ground law, Trayvon Martin and a shocking legacy: Defendant Jeffrey Brown, Defendant Jamal Taylor, Defendant Andrae Tyler and victim Michael Jackson | Tampa Bay Times
Old 04-08-2017, 08:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Stand Your Ground claims are quite popular as it turns out and they are multi-racial as well. Below is a list of all claims in the state.

BTW the case that was in the movie theater has still not come to trial.

Stand your ground law, Trayvon Martin and a shocking legacy: Defendant Jeffrey Brown, Defendant Jamal Taylor, Defendant Andrae Tyler and victim Michael Jackson | Tampa Bay Times
Over 200...and you pick out the ONLY three to make the news. ANYONE can claim self defense and they were merely standing their ground. Raw numbers mean nothing until put in context. How many were a minority attacking another minority or a white? I'd bet most. THAT is what matters. Minorities are up to 10X more violent than a white person.

florida, stand, ground, law, bolster

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