FOX News breaks record

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Old 03-30-2017, 05:12 AM
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Coming from the massively insecure person, who has almost 30,000 posts and over 600 supposed 'friends' on this site alone...big surprise you choose and brag about quantity over quality.

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Old 03-30-2017, 05:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
What a joke, average age of a Fox News viewer is 68 ! Talk about a mute point.
I think you meant 'moot.'

Then again, a lot of the really old Faux News viewers can't seem to speak facts or the maybe you're closer to the truth after all.
Old 03-30-2017, 06:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Coming from the massively insecure person, who has almost 30,000 posts and over 600 supposed 'friends' on this site alone...big surprise you choose and brag about quantity over quality.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
Comrade, is it that you don't applaud successful business or you worry as to why the quiet and successful, hard working people of America watch this channel? Perhaps if you would watch it for a few days, you would see why it is so popular. The talking heads don't always agree with each other but the show does have excellent writers and producers who see that what is aired as news is factual and not opinionated.

Most people, as they age and gain life experience, some degree of financial security and wisdom, become more conservative in their views. Perhaps you are too young to know this yet. If a woman is not a liberal when she is young, she has no heart, and if she is not a conservative when she is old, she has no brain.

Personal and sincere kicks to your silly posterior.
Old 03-30-2017, 07:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Graceless
Comrade, is it that you don't applaud successful business or you worry as to why the quiet and successful, hard working people of America watch this channel? Perhaps if you would watch it for a few days, you would see why it is so popular. The talking heads don't always agree with each other but the show does have excellent writers and producers who see that what is aired as news is factual and not opinionated.

Most people, as they age and gain life experience, some degree of financial security and wisdom, become more conservative in their views. Perhaps you are too young to know this yet. If a woman is not a liberal when she is young, she has no heart, and if she is not a conservative when she is old, she has no brain.

Personal and sincere kicks to your silly posterior.

Your whining, insecurity, inability to think on your own, your need to be 'part of the pack' and passive-aggressiveness...are all too obvious.

That you think longevity alone automatically connotes 'wisdom'... proves to me that you're really insecure about being so old.

You have mentioned numerous times about me being 'young' so it's really going to leave a large bruise to tell you that I'm in my 60's...and was very successful in my chosen career.

I know you are older and seem to possibly be in the early stages of dementia, but I could be wrong and it's just that you're angry at how pathetic your life turned out to be.

But hey, I didn't cause that so please, for the sake of saving yourself from further embarrassment...go crawl back in your insecure hole.

I know you won't though.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
Old 03-30-2017, 10:12 AM
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Originally Posted by graciegirl View Post
Comrade, is it that you don't applaud successful business or you worry as to why the quiet and successful, hard working people of America watch this channel? Perhaps if you would watch it for a few days, you would see why it is so popular. The talking heads don't always agree with each other but the show does have excellent writers and producers who see that what is aired as news is factual and not opinionated.

Most people, as they age and gain life experience, some degree of financial security and wisdom, become more conservative in their views. Perhaps you are too young to know this yet. If a woman is not a liberal when she is young, she has no heart, and if she is not a conservative when she is old, she has no brain.

Personal and sincere kicks to your silly posterior.
You think quiet people watch Fox? The Fox viewers I know are far from that. Loudly opinionated would be a polite term. And with 30,000 posts you are hardly a wallflower. I can only imagine what a conversationalist you are.

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Old 03-30-2017, 10:26 AM
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Liberals always have excuses for everything that makes them look truly stupid.

You come with such ridiculous statements like "well, it's proven that if one ONLY watches FOX then they are stupid and can't answer questions." How many of you libtards believe that someone watches ONLY FOX? DO you only watch FOX? After all, it is proven that almost half the FOX viewers are either liberals or Independents.

It does not matter what you say about MSNBC or CBS or PBR or NPR or whatever, FOX came out number one, and made broadcast history for such a long run at number one.

I knew that there would be much gnashing of teeth and renting of clothing when I posted it. You proved my theory.

The point is that it does not matter if you agree with FOX, you still watch it. Let's face it, you get a lot more coverage with FOX than you do with the rest of the liberal media. And before you suggest that it has something to do with their reporters or whatnot, most of what FOX has is from the AP or Reuters. There is no other reason for the rest of the networks to censor news, than the fact that they have an agenda. At least, if FOX has a conservative agenda, they still broadcast the news item. This is why liberals come to FOX for their news. Otherwise, they would not even hear much of it.
Old 03-30-2017, 12:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You think quiet people watch Fox? The Fox viewers I know are far from that. Loudly opinionated would be a polite term. And with 30,000 posts you are hardly a wallflower. I can only imagine what a conversationalist you are.

Sent from my VS995 using Tapatalk
Chi. I am disappointed. I think a great variety of people watch Fox, but not those with the kitty hats with fur. No. I don't think they do. I know a lot of Ohio people watch Fox and they are fairly nice in their day to day actions. They aren't horn honkers behind you at the light, when your old brain thinks how lucky you are to be living this day and you take a few seconds to move forward. I type a lot, that is true AND it is correct I have never been a wallflower. I try when I am feeling insecure to remember that others in the room might be even feeling more insecure. That has worked so far. I see no reason for your character assassination. It isn't like you at all. You are way smarter and usually kinder than that.
Old 03-30-2017, 12:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest

Your whining, insecurity, inability to think on your own, your need to be 'part of the pack' and passive-aggressiveness...are all too obvious.

That you think longevity alone automatically connotes 'wisdom'... proves to me that you're really insecure about being so old.

You have mentioned numerous times about me being 'young' so it's really going to leave a large bruise to tell you that I'm in my 60's...and was very successful in my chosen career.

I know you are older and seem to possibly be in the early stages of dementia, but I could be wrong and it's just that you're angry at how pathetic your life turned out to be.

But hey, I didn't cause that so please, for the sake of saving yourself from further embarrassment...go crawl back in your insecure hole.

I know you won't though.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:

Perhaps Passive aggressive is how all big mouth people view the behavior of those from areas where mothers would smack you in the mouth for things like you just said. I think our differences go beyond age and geographic area. Everyone I know and have ever known would think that you are rude, unkind, have no bringings up and probably have failed in a lot of areas. Not one person I spend any time with ever, EVER, speaks like you do. Do your friends talk to you like that? Your children? Your wife? Did your mom?
Old 03-30-2017, 12:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You think quiet people watch Fox? The Fox viewers I know are far from that. Loudly opinionated would be a polite term. And with 30,000 posts you are hardly a wallflower. I can only imagine what a conversationalist you are.
You nailed it!!

There are a lot of us that are proud of you.
Old 03-30-2017, 12:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Graceless
Perhaps Passive aggressive is how all big mouth people view the behavior of those from areas where mothers would smack you in the mouth for things like you just said. I think our differences go beyond age and geographic area. Everyone I know and have ever known would think that you are rude, unkind, have no bringings up and probably have failed in a lot of areas. Not one person I spend any time with ever, EVER, speaks like you do. Do your friends talk to you like that? Your children? Your wife? Did your mom?

Perhaps 'passive-aggressive' simply describes nasty, mean little gossipy twits...who try to fool others with the occasional cute homey saying?

You don't fool everyone, so quit the bullying and throwing your not-so-insignificant weight around...and just live with it.

As to commenting on your spouse/parents/family in a demeaning way, I have a lot more class/ethics/integrity than you will ever have...and won't do it.

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Old 03-30-2017, 01:06 PM
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in summary, Fox little news but lots opinion.
Old 03-30-2017, 01:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
in summary, Fox little news but lots opinion.
Now this surprises me, from you.
Old 03-30-2017, 01:15 PM
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Originally Posted by graciegirl View Post
Chi. I am disappointed. I think a great variety of people watch Fox, but not those with the kitty hats with fur. No. I don't think they do. I know a lot of Ohio people watch Fox and they are fairly nice in their day to day actions. They aren't horn honkers behind you at the light, when your old brain thinks how lucky you are to be living this day and you take a few seconds to move forward. I type a lot, that is true AND it is correct I have never been a wallflower. I try when I am feeling insecure to remember that others in the room might be even feeling more insecure. That has worked so far. I see no reason for your character assassination. It isn't like you at all. You are way smarter and usually kinder than that.
I have friends here and in Illinois who watch Fox and are very nice people, so you are right about that. And thanks for the kind words, but many of these same people can turn on a dime when it comes to any mention of a viewpoint that is not in lockstep with the the Fox indoctrination, especially the ones that have Fox as their only news source. The fact that they speak the same mantra suggests some form of brainwashing. But keeping away from the political side we have fun together like there is no divide.

I guess the key here is that if they are nice people to begin with that can transcend political boundaries.

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Old 03-30-2017, 01:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Chi. I am disappointed. I think a great variety of people watch Fox, but not those with the kitty hats with fur. No. I don't think they do. I know a lot of Ohio people watch Fox and they are fairly nice in their day to day actions. They aren't horn honkers behind you at the light, when your old brain thinks how lucky you are to be living this day and you take a few seconds to move forward. I type a lot, that is true AND it is correct I have never been a wallflower. I try when I am feeling insecure to remember that others in the room might be even feeling more insecure. That has worked so far. I see no reason for your character assassination. It isn't like you at all. You are way smarter and usually kinder than that. a often feel insecure. It's a common trait among women. You don't hear that from men...because we're the ones making you FEEL insecure. It's the way nature made us. We're the predator and you're the prey. We're not equal and we think VERY differently. When I go into a first thought is...who would I like to go home with...not who should I fear.
Old 03-30-2017, 01:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Racist/Misogynist Boy Baldwin a often feel insecure. It's a common trait among women. You don't hear that from men...because we're the ones making you FEEL insecure. It's the way nature made us. We're the predator and you're the prey. We're not equal and we think VERY differently. When I go into a first thought is...who would I like to go home with...not who should I fear.
Go crawl back in your hole Racist/Misogynist Boy.

Unlike you, her massive insecurity and nastiness isn't driven by a fear of the opposite sex...or those of a different skin color.

While I think she is nothing but a bully and a passive-aggressive twit...she isn't nearly the lowlife scum you are.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:

million, news, record, breaks, fox

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