This board is a disgrace.

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Old 11-15-2017, 11:55 PM
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Default This board is a disgrace.

Old 11-16-2017, 08:33 AM
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Seniors Vs Crime in The Villages

It does seem to be becoming one.
Old 11-16-2017, 08:42 AM
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The GOP bill that should be called the Cut Taxes on President Trump and Other Very Rich People Act of 2017 always had a secondary purpose: to jack up the deficit so Republicans could later cry out in horror, “Look at that awful debt!” They would then use the pools of red ink they created to justify deep cuts in social programs. Lawmakers can fool themselves into believing this is fiscal responsibility. Don’t let them fool you, too.
Old 11-16-2017, 08:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The GOP bill that should be called the Cut Taxes on President Trump and Other Very Rich People Act of 2017 always had a secondary purpose: to jack up the deficit so Republicans could later cry out in horror, “Look at that awful debt!” They would then use the pools of red ink they created to justify deep cuts in social programs. Lawmakers can fool themselves into believing this is fiscal responsibility. Don’t let them fool you, too.
And do we really need a huge increase in military spending?? Why let Donald John Trump play soldier?
Old 11-16-2017, 09:08 AM
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When it comes to budget.....when was the last time we had one?....and spending...and cuts....there is NEVER anything new proposed or said that has not been said many, many, MANY times before.

Yet we still go with no budget...we still spend....recent past POTUS doubling debt or more....numbers all continue to go the wrong way....debt continues to climb....

And we all know doing the same thing year after year and expecting a different result is insanity.

Yet we continue to re-elect the same curmudgeons, the too old to know anything else....too partisan to care about we the people.

So nothing new to be matter who is in the WH.
Just more anti-Trump blathering by the same constituents.

Old 11-16-2017, 09:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
When it comes to budget.....when was the last time we had one?....and spending...and cuts....there is NEVER anything new proposed or said that has not been said many, many, MANY times before.

Yet we still go with no budget...we still spend....recent past POTUS doubling debt or more....numbers all continue to go the wrong way....debt continues to climb....

And we all know doing the same thing year after year and expecting a different result is insanity.

Yet we continue to re-elect the same curmudgeons, the too old to know anything else....too partisan to care about we the people.

So nothing new to be matter who is in the WH.
Just more anti-Trump blathering by the same constituents.

NOW you're getting it...2 sides of the same coin..the coin being corruption. Which industries get the best benefits, is favored, varies, by party but they ALL are stealing from the treasury and are stealing our labor.
Old 11-16-2017, 09:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
When it comes to budget.....when was the last time we had one?....and spending...and cuts....there is NEVER anything new proposed or said that has not been said many, many, MANY times before.

Yet we still go with no budget...we still spend....recent past POTUS doubling debt or more....numbers all continue to go the wrong way....debt continues to climb....

And we all know doing the same thing year after year and expecting a different result is insanity.

Yet we continue to re-elect the same curmudgeons, the too old to know anything else....too partisan to care about we the people.

So nothing new to be matter who is in the WH.
Just more anti-Trump blathering by the same constituents.

And what would you do about the debt? Donald John Trump's plans for the country-- HUGE wall on Southern border, tax cuts, HUGE military build-up-- have hardly shown any kind of restraint with respect to curbing the debt's rise. Just the opposite.

He is not for limited government but government interfering in every aspect of our lives. Some of the needed to stop ISIS like terrorists as well as domestic terrorists.
Old 11-16-2017, 01:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
And what would you do about the debt? Donald John Trump's plans for the country-- HUGE wall on Southern border, tax cuts, HUGE military build-up-- have hardly shown any kind of restraint with respect to curbing the debt's rise. Just the opposite.

He is not for limited government but government interfering in every aspect of our lives. Some of the needed to stop ISIS like terrorists as well as domestic terrorists.
People in congress or billionaires or Obama-like agendas have no need for a budget. Do not understand a budget.
Do not want to understand the need for a budget.
Would not have the first clue how to make and adhere to a budget.
Hence the spending goes on.
And if Trump follows the Washington overwhelming modus operendi regarding money it will never ever change.

So if he directs the spending to the areas that we the people think it should be then that in and of itself is an improvement.

Unfortunately all Washington, legal trained dunces and billionaires are not going to give up any $$$ for special interests, minorities, crony back scratching and stealing.....the "new" spending winds up incremental.

Trump is not the problem.

Washington has been, continues and remains financially incompetent.
Old 11-16-2017, 02:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Then leave and quit whining about. After all it's not mandatory you read or post.

disgrace, board

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