George Soros. "Commie"?

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Old 04-04-2017, 08:02 AM
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Default George Soros. "Commie"?

George Soros - Wikipedia

This is another billionaire involved in US politics. Far from a communist anyway you look at it.
Old 04-04-2017, 09:37 AM
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Soros believes that terrorism is caused by a dearth of “international income redistribution” and a “growing inequality between rich and poor, both within countries and among countries.” “A global open society,” Soros stressed, “requires affirmative action on a global scale.”
Not communism? Seems legit...

Some light reading

George, Main Stream Media, and how you get your "enlightened" information:

A biased opinion

And you'll notice that I didn't even mention his early life in Hungary as a Nazi collaborator!
Old 04-04-2017, 06:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Soros believes that terrorism is caused by a dearth of “international income redistribution” and a “growing inequality between rich and poor, both within countries and among countries.” “A global open society,” Soros stressed, “requires affirmative action on a global scale.”
Not communism? Seems legit...

Some light reading

George, Main Stream Media, and how you get your "enlightened" information:

A biased opinion

And you'll notice that I didn't even mention his early life in Hungary as a Nazi collaborator!
80% of the planets population lives on less than $10 a day.

The plan is to bring everyone DOWN...not bring them up. That is why the successful white European countries and America are being allowed to be overrun by minorities. A majority minorities is/will continue to bring the white countries down. America WILL BE a 3rd world Mexico II within 30 years. Europe will be right behind. THEN all the countries will be equal...equally sh!tty.
Old 04-04-2017, 06:42 PM
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Instead of your obsession with crap like this...go read the thread on remember them..or these two items..the last one just breaking.

Grow up folks..,join the real world

"Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) says that if he was a betting man, based on the evidence he's seen that some associates of President Donald Trump will go to jail for their ties to Russia's meddling in the US election.Source: CNN"
"(CNN)North Korea fired a projectile into the Sea of Japan on Wednesday morning, a South Korean Defense Ministry official told CNN.
The United States believes it was likely a ballistic missile, according to a US official.
The projectile was fired from a site in the vicinity of Sinpo, South Hamgyong Province, the South Korean official said.
The United States has grown increasingly wary of the pace of North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programs as the regime has fired several tests in the first two months of this year.
A senior White House official on Tuesday said: "The clock has now run out, and all options are on the table," pointing to the failure of successive administrations' efforts to negotiate an end to the country's nuclear program.

North Korea fires a possible ballistic missile, US official says -
Old 04-05-2017, 06:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Instead of your obsession with crap like this...go read the thread on remember them..or these two items..the last one just breaking.

Grow up folks..,join the real world

"Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) says that if he was a betting man, based on the evidence he's seen that some associates of President Donald Trump will go to jail for their ties to Russia's meddling in the US election.Source: CNN"
"(CNN)North Korea fired a projectile into the Sea of Japan on Wednesday morning, a South Korean Defense Ministry official told CNN.
The United States believes it was likely a ballistic missile, according to a US official.
The projectile was fired from a site in the vicinity of Sinpo, South Hamgyong Province, the South Korean official said.
The United States has grown increasingly wary of the pace of North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programs as the regime has fired several tests in the first two months of this year.
A senior White House official on Tuesday said: "The clock has now run out, and all options are on the table," pointing to the failure of successive administrations' efforts to negotiate an end to the country's nuclear program.

North Korea fires a possible ballistic missile, US official says -
I watched CNN when I was in Iraq, but never watch it now. They are the ones that refuse to report on Rice's involvement in spying and unmasking of this administration in Intel reports ILLEGALLY.

Yes, I am following NK's launching of their missile into the water. NK posturing is like a Yugo threatening a Mustang with a race for pink slips. Hardly worthy of a second thought. NK is a starving country, a third world country. The only threat is their body guard, China. If not for China, NK would already have been squashed like a bug.
Old 04-05-2017, 06:21 AM
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Default Reiver. This is my guess.

You were far more than a gifted student. You went to college for a very long time and chose a very hard career.

Your common sense and your in touch with humanity attitude makes your family and friends very proud of you and happy to know you.

I like to read your posts.
Old 04-05-2017, 06:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I watched CNN when I was in Iraq, but never watch it now. They are the ones that refuse to report on Rice's involvement in spying and unmasking of this administration in Intel reports ILLEGALLY.

Yes, I am following NK's launching of their missile into the water. NK posturing is like a Yugo threatening a Mustang with a race for pink slips. Hardly worthy of a second thought. NK is a starving country, a third world country. The only threat is their body guard, China. If not for China, NK would already have been squashed like a bug.
Thank you for your service, sir.
Old 04-05-2017, 07:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I watched CNN when I was in Iraq, but never watch it now. They are the ones that refuse to report on Rice's involvement in spying and unmasking of this administration in Intel reports ILLEGALLY.

Yes, I am following NK's launching of their missile into the water. NK posturing is like a Yugo threatening a Mustang with a race for pink slips. Hardly worthy of a second thought. NK is a starving country, a third world country. The only threat is their body guard, China. If not for China, NK would already have been squashed like a bug.
ALL the "news" is full of bullsh!t...every network.

NK just wants to be left alone. If you were a chihuahua and had a bull mastiff standing over you growling...would you not show some teeth to let them know you won't go down easily?

There was a big exercise Foal Eagle" going on. THAT is why they launched their test missiles. Foal Eagle - Wikipedia

Did the news TELL you that the biggest military exercise in the world was going on in S Korea? No...they told you one piece from one side. The "news" is propaganda.
Old 04-05-2017, 12:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
ALL the "news" is full of bullsh!t...every network.

NK just wants to be left alone. If you were a chihuahua and had a bull mastiff standing over you growling...would you not show some teeth to let them know you won't go down easily?

There was a big exercise Foal Eagle" going on. THAT is why they launched their test missiles. Foal Eagle - Wikipedia

Did the news TELL you that the biggest military exercise in the world was going on in S Korea? No...they told you one piece from one side. The "news" is propaganda.
The news also doesn't tell you (because they don't know about it) that the NK navy uses little mini subs to infiltrate military into the SK. The tiny subs are called Yugos and the slightly larger ones are called Sambos. Just a bit of useless knowledge FYI.
Every year, in the winter NK postures because it is a starving nation. Famine and flooding does a number on the country. They used to have a game of threatening with their nuclear power plants, used for weaponizing and would negotiate a deal where we would supply them wit rice (food) in return for their assurance that they would cease working toward weaponizing nuclear material. That was before the old man died.
Old 04-05-2017, 01:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
George Soros - Wikipedia

This is another billionaire involved in US politics. Far from a communist anyway you look at it.
Returning to the topic of "Soros" have any of you notice one, just one progressive that complained accused demanded an investigation of Soros' interference in the presidential election? Oh, it is because he supported Hillary.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 04-05-2017, 01:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Instead of your obsession with crap like this...go read the thread on remember them..or these two items..the last one just breaking.

Grow up folks..,join the real world

"Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) says that if he was a betting man, based on the evidence he's seen that some associates of President Donald Trump will go to jail for their ties to Russia's meddling in the US election.Source: CNN"
"(CNN)North Korea fired a projectile into the Sea of Japan on Wednesday morning, a South Korean Defense Ministry official told CNN.
The United States believes it was likely a ballistic missile, according to a US official.
The projectile was fired from a site in the vicinity of Sinpo, South Hamgyong Province, the South Korean official said.
The United States has grown increasingly wary of the pace of North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programs as the regime has fired several tests in the first two months of this year.
A senior White House official on Tuesday said: "The clock has now run out, and all options are on the table," pointing to the failure of successive administrations' efforts to negotiate an end to the country's nuclear program.

North Korea fires a possible ballistic missile, US official says -
Hmmm, excuse me but aggressive investigators have gone all the way back to 2005 and finally found someone associated with Donald Trump who has a Russian connection. This man would soon raise $140 million from parties associated with the sale of US uranium business to the Putin government. His wife controlled the agency that provided the needed approval for the deal. This man attended Donald Trump's wedding back in 2005 and his name is Bill Clinton.

Personal Best Regards:

politics, commie, soros, george

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