The gofer in chief

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Old 08-03-2017, 12:04 PM
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Default The golfer in chief

Article in SI about Trumps golf game. He takes improved lies, fails to count penalty strokes, replays misses and doesn't count the miss, shaves strokes and so on. It has been said that the game of golf reveals character. So there you have it.
Old 08-03-2017, 04:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Article in SI about Trumps golf game. He takes improved lies, fails to count penalty strokes, replays misses and doesn't count the miss, shaves strokes and so on. It has been said that the game of golf reveals character. So there you have it.
Now why would a man who has cheated his entire life, NEVER played by anyone's rules but his own, NEVER cared about his actions and how they might affect others, change his behavior in any way.

Rubicon keeps referring to Trump derangement syndrome as he speaks down to all us who have done our due diligence, KNOW for a fact he is a crook and has always been one, and care much more about our country than the party.

Yet it is he and others like him who are the non patriots, the deceivers, the pawns in a very very ugly play put on by Trump.

It is he and others who believe what this person says. I am convinced that what his biographer said about him, a man who knew him well....."Schwartz says of Trump, “He lied strategically. He had a complete lack of conscience about it.” Since most people are “constrained by the truth,” Trump’s indifference to it “gave him a strange advantage.”

This from the man who ghost wrote the "Art of the Deal" and has regretted it since.

Donald Trump’s Ghostwriter Tells All | The New Yorker

AND this from another biographer....

"Donald Trump has a "minimal relationship with the truth," according to the GOP nominee's biographer David Cay Johnston.

"Donald makes up things he creates his own reality," Johnston said on CNBC's "Power Lunch" on Wednesday. "And in his mind, there's nothing wrong with that."

Johnston — a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist — spoke out about Trump just after the release of his book, "The Making of Donald Trump."


You bet...this man is in charge of our country, and is running it and especially the Presidency into the ground.
Old 08-03-2017, 04:30 PM
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Politics aside, he is a miserable excuse as a human being, and that is not an emotional opinion, but one based on the facts of his life. I can understand people rationalizing support for him based on what they think he can deliver for them, but I fail to understand how anyone can feel anything but disgust for his character.
Old 08-03-2017, 05:41 PM
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Cool Ho hum.

Originally Posted by Guest
Article in SI about Trumps golf game. He takes improved lies, fails to count penalty strokes, replays misses and doesn't count the miss, shaves strokes and so on. It has been said that the game of golf reveals character. So there you have it.
The golf games of other presidents and vice presidents have been similarly casual. (I've seen them.)

This may be in part because they were social events in which the socializing among the players was paramount; they were not playing for money or for standing in a competition.

Ho hum.

Carl in Tampa
Old 08-03-2017, 06:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The golf games of other presidents and vice presidents have been similarly casual. (I've seen them.)

This may be in part because they were social events in which the socializing among the players was paramount; they were not playing for money or for standing in a competition.

Ho hum.

Carl in Tampa
You know, you are an intelligent guy, but you do the same thing as all Trump supporters do on here.

Of course you are correct, but you skip entirely and ignore the posts, all verifiable, about his character and complete lack of morals.

I also know from personal experience, that the "backstage" is different than "onstage" for every President.

But you folks are so consumed in this alternate universe, you ignore what this person, I try not to use the word "man" because that he is not, is doing to our presidency. You try to normalize a person who is a chronic and compulsive liar about EVERYTHING, not the eggaeration on policy....simple unnecessary flat out lies. You ignore his ignorance and lack of any civility that any moral person would manifest. You actually support behavior that is eating at the core of our presidency.
Old 08-03-2017, 07:24 PM
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Does it not sicken anyone else that the President of the United States sits in our Oval Office and condemns any ACCURATE reports as fake news simply because he doesn't like it.....


Invent a phone call from the Boy Scouts and invent a call from the President of Mexico and feed us that as news ?

This is just the latest example, and I just wonder how we have fallen so much in our country to find that behavior as acceptable.
Old 08-03-2017, 07:48 PM
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Wink Logic, please.

Originally Posted by Guest
You know, you are an intelligent guy, but you do the same thing as all Trump supporters do on here.

Of course you are correct, but you skip entirely and ignore the posts, all verifiable, about his character and complete lack of morals.

I also know from personal experience, that the "backstage" is different than "onstage" for every President.

But you folks are so consumed in this alternate universe, you ignore what this person, I try not to use the word "man" because that he is not, is doing to our presidency. You try to normalize a person who is a chronic and compulsive liar about EVERYTHING, not the eggaeration on policy....simple unnecessary flat out lies. You ignore his ignorance and lack of any civility that any moral person would manifest. You actually support behavior that is eating at the core of our presidency.
YOU err when you attribute all of those attitudes to ME.

I only responded to a posting about golf games of presidents (and vice presidents) that were casual games where the rules are not strictly observed.

For you to PROJECT upon ME approval of anything that I have not specifically discussed is a major fallacy of logical reasoning. However, it is understandable. I have observed that Liberals are often more emotional than rational, and logic is often lacking.

Feel free to find statements that I have actually made in support of Trump and refute them. But please quit attributing to ME positions that I have not endorsed. I would sincerely appreciate it.

Carl in Tampa
Old 08-04-2017, 06:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You know, you are an intelligent guy, but you do the same thing as all Trump supporters do on here.

Of course you are correct, but you skip entirely and ignore the posts, all verifiable, about his character and complete lack of morals.

I also know from personal experience, that the "backstage" is different than "onstage" for every President.

But you folks are so consumed in this alternate universe, you ignore what this person, I try not to use the word "man" because that he is not, is doing to our presidency. You try to normalize a person who is a chronic and compulsive liar about EVERYTHING, not the eggaeration on policy....simple unnecessary flat out lies. You ignore his ignorance and lack of any civility that any moral person would manifest. You actually support behavior that is eating at the core of our presidency.
They ALL lie/lied...every one of them.

game, golf

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