Got to love this one!!! Trump's on the ball

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Old 01-05-2016, 04:38 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I was the one with the typo so when in the He** have I ever criticized anyone for a typo.

Your are just to rude!
You're right. I was replying to the one that criticized your spelling. Must have clicked the wrong reply button. Worst than a typo. I was actually attempting to defend you, believe it or not.
Old 01-05-2016, 05:19 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You're right. I was replying to the one that criticized your spelling. Must have clicked the wrong reply button. Worst than a typo. I was actually attempting to defend you, believe it or not.
Old 01-05-2016, 08:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Trump finally releases a campaign ad going after immigrants running over a boarder fence.

Only problem is its not the US Boarder. If this was The Apprentice we would be hearing this....


Donald Trump's TV ad mistakes Morocco border for Mexico - NY Daily News

Trump Running an Ad Showing Illegal Immigrants Climbing a Wall

Donald Trump is finally running an ad, one with the caption: "Stop illegal immigration." It depicts dozens of people running through the desert and trying to climb over a wall. Unfortunately, the wall is in Morocco and the people are trying to get into a Spanish enclave in Morocco called Melilla. And there is a wall there, but it isn't having much of an effect. Maybe Trump needs to hire a professional geographer to handle his next ad. (V)

Old 01-06-2016, 06:24 AM
Posts: n/a

We don't need a wall, just volunteer snipers at the border. Bet that would have an effect that would work as a stopper to the gush of illegals.

Actually, if they would enforce the laws that we have on the books and deport faster when caught, that would probably help a bit. If we charged anyone hiring an illegal, there would be no jobs for them and they would go home.

Maybe if Trump would push the illegals off a cliff in a wheel chair, you liberals would ok his add, right?
Old 01-06-2016, 08:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You are right that she has been INVESTIGATED but to use the word felon you have to be CONVICTED!
Not true.

An individual who commits a crime of a serious nature, such as Burglary or murder. A person who commits a felony.

West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

I can give you Federal felony laws that Hillary has violated, with no doubt at all. The evidence is posted in her emails, all over the Internet for everyone to see. And those are the emails that were even redacted and still blatant violations. There is NO defense for her actions, unless she wants to plead insanity. Ignorance is not an option.

And if you want to ask me what makes me knowledgeable on the subject, I worked for the Dept of State, in telecommunications and know the briefings and instruction that is given anyone that utilizes classified communications. She had to sign a form SF312 in order to have access to any classified material.

Hillary also granted access to her server to an unauthorized/uncleared civilian maintenance technician. That is a major violation too.

So, you can defend her all you want but the evidence is there for anyone that wishes to prosecute her. Key word "wishes" to prosecute her. Even if Obama protects her, it does not mean she is not guilty of perpetrating the crime.

Anyone that would vote for someone that has so much disregard for national security, is an idiot.
Old 01-06-2016, 08:30 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Not true.

An individual who commits a crime of a serious nature, such as Burglary or murder. A person who commits a felony.

West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

I can give you Federal felony laws that Hillary has violated, with no doubt at all. The evidence is posted in her emails, all over the Internet for everyone to see. And those are the emails that were even redacted and still blatant violations. There is NO defense for her actions, unless she wants to plead insanity. Ignorance is not an option.

And if you want to ask me what makes me knowledgeable on the subject, I worked for the Dept of State, in telecommunications and know the briefings and instruction that is given anyone that utilizes classified communications. She had to sign a form SF312 in order to have access to any classified material.

Hillary also granted access to her server to an unauthorized/uncleared civilian maintenance technician. That is a major violation too.

So, you can defend her all you want but the evidence is there for anyone that wishes to prosecute her. Key word "wishes" to prosecute her. Even if Obama protects her, it does not mean she is not guilty of perpetrating the crime.

Anyone that would vote for someone that has so much disregard for national security, is an idiot.
I believe in the American system of Justice we are all innocent until PROVEN guilty....
Old 01-06-2016, 09:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
We don't need a wall, just volunteer snipers at the border. Bet that would have an effect that would work as a stopper to the gush of illegals.
You do realize, I hope, that posts such as yours can be interpreted as a viable threat by NSA and investigated by the FBI.

Forum chat rooms are not considered private emails and are subject to NSA scrutiny.
Old 01-06-2016, 09:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I believe in the American system of Justice we are all innocent until PROVEN guilty....
If I see someone murder someone else, I don't need them to be convicted to declare them guilty of murder. Hillary has been proven guilty by her own statements and the emails that have been publicized. Only the ignorant can defend that kind of "proof."
Old 01-06-2016, 09:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You do realize, I hope, that posts such as yours can be interpreted as a viable threat by NSA and investigated by the FBI.

Forum chat rooms are not considered private emails and are subject to NSA scrutiny.
That is an idiotic statement. No intelligent person would construe any threat from that comment. But, ignorance is what got this idiot elected that currently sits in the White House, so why should we expect anything different from liberals? Another reminder of the effects of legalizing marijuana.
Old 01-06-2016, 09:45 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You do realize, I hope, that posts such as yours can be interpreted as a viable threat by NSA and investigated by the FBI.

Forum chat rooms are not considered private emails and are subject to NSA scrutiny.
Where's the implied threat, brainiac?
Old 01-06-2016, 09:58 AM
Posts: n/a

Probably not a typo as the wrong word was used twice in the post.

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You criticize others for their "typos" but with you it is excusable, right?
Old 01-06-2016, 10:02 AM
Posts: n/a

While I support any efforts to enforce our immigration polices building a wall is only a drop in the bucket.

We have Asian women coming for birth tourism but they come by air. Visitor and student visa over stays but they also come mostly by air.

If we really want to stem the tide there is only thing that will help and that is to cut off the access to employment and entitlement programs. While I would like revoke the birthright changing the Constitution is a pipe dream.

But there are things we can do
  1. Update the Social Security Card system to include a picture ID. We have pictures on our driver's licenses and credit cards why not our Social Security cards?
  2. Employers are supposed to do checks before hiring a new employees but there are problems with recognizing the use of multiple people using the same SS#
  3. We should level stiff fines against any companies who are found with employees with an illegal status.
  4. Shutdown these santuary cities and require all agencies to report illegals...fine they if they violate this law.

Why aren't the candidates talking about this?
Old 01-07-2016, 08:55 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
While I support any efforts to enforce our immigration polices building a wall is only a drop in the bucket.

We have Asian women coming for birth tourism but they come by air. Visitor and student visa over stays but they also come mostly by air.

If we really want to stem the tide there is only thing that will help and that is to cut off the access to employment and entitlement programs. While I would like revoke the birthright changing the Constitution is a pipe dream.

But there are things we can do
  1. Update the Social Security Card system to include a picture ID. We have pictures on our driver's licenses and credit cards why not our Social Security cards?
  2. Employers are supposed to do checks before hiring a new employees but there are problems with recognizing the use of multiple people using the same SS#
  3. We should level stiff fines against any companies who are found with employees with an illegal status.
  4. Shutdown these santuary cities and require all agencies to report illegals...fine they if they violate this law.

Why aren't the candidates talking about this?
I wonder how many work around here.

running, ball, trumps, love

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