The Great American Tragedy

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Old 08-19-2017, 11:35 AM
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Default The Great American Tragedy

The very deep and wide political schism permeating in this nation today owes its paternity to identity politics. Identity politics began by the progressives but now is pulling conservatives into this abyss. identity politics is tribal in nature and hence does not unify but divides.

With identity politics there are no shared values and hence blame is easily assigned. Debate by the left had first become uncomfortable and now is non-existent because the left has framed all social and cultural issues as not up for discussion....either you concur with their ideology or your opinion is based solely in bigotry. LGBT cause has moved from a discrimination issue to a demand for ideological acceptance and endorsement of their lifestyle if not then you are a homophobic bigot

The rationale for denying the opportunity for national discussion is clear the left seeks power and control they do not seek national solutions.

How does one engage in a frank and honest discussion when the right says "all lives matter" but is greeted by the left with you are a racist pig. the left wears identity politic as a badge of honor.

the incongruity of identity politics is not that the left has taken this too far but that they have ignored truth in favor of power.

Nancy Pelosi's , Maxine Waters, Alex Baldwin, Michael Moore et al rants are prime examples.

To help resist this fascist movement by the left make it a practice to adopt one conservative idea a day. A conservative idea a day keeps the fascist away.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 08-19-2017, 01:30 PM
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Post Free Speech

Alas, what is happening is a direct assault on the Free Speech provision of the First Amendment.

The "Holier Than Thou" Left Wing Liberals are agitating to make "Hate Speech" illegal here, as it is in Canada, Germany, and other countries. Of course, it is up to the Liberals to decide which speech is Hate Speech.

The framers of our Constitution wrote provisions to protect free speech, no matter how objectionable it might seem to others. This provision has been affirmed by our Supreme Court.

It is because I am such a dedicated supporter of our Constitution that I am obliged to oppose the objectives of Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Incidentally, I also oppose Black Lives Matter because of their demonstrated antipathy towards law enforcement officers as a group.

Carl in Tampa
Old 08-19-2017, 05:53 PM
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Carl: most living in this nation bleed red white and blue. You wouldn't know that because the liberals in government, news media, education and corporations intentionally relegate that information to the waste basket.

The liberal political agenda is not rooted in the holy purpose of accomplishing for the "common good" but rather governing in a quasi-totalitarian manner and working against the timeless truths to which America is based.

the liberal agenda is replete with social and cultural claptraps.

Its why I said earlier that a response from the left to "all lives matter is that you must be a racist.

Indeed they applied this same response when Trump condemned "all racist "groups. the immediate response from the liberals accused Trump of being racist because he didn't place blame only on white supremacist..convenient huh. Yet Obama supported Black Lives Matters and thus the liberal hypocrisy grows.

Blue lives don't matter because cops are racist pigs. Hollywood (big and small screen) feed this stereotype of cops ad nauseam.

the caliber of the antifa is apparent in that they filled balloons with urine and threw them at police. disgusting human beings

another claptrap abortion. If a fetus has a future then it has moral value. However if a fetus has no future then it does not have any moral value

The liberals disclaim the Laffer curve as an effective measurement but yet there never has been a new tax that hasn't demonstrated it.....and the beat goes on

I use to believe that the left was applying Alinsky tactics until I took a closer look and made a comparison. the left is applying the tactics of the church of Scientology that they use to totally destroy anyone they deem an enemy of their church.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 08-19-2017, 06:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Alas, what is happening is a direct assault on the Free Speech provision of the First Amendment.

The "Holier Than Thou" Left Wing Liberals are agitating to make "Hate Speech" illegal here, as it is in Canada, Germany, and other countries. Of course, it is up to the Liberals to decide which speech is Hate Speech.

The framers of our Constitution wrote provisions to protect free speech, no matter how objectionable it might seem to others. This provision has been affirmed by our Supreme Court.

It is because I am such a dedicated supporter of our Constitution that I am obliged to oppose the objectives of Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Incidentally, I also oppose Black Lives Matter because of their demonstrated antipathy towards law enforcement officers as a group.

Carl in Tampa
Just reading this now and it echoes exactly what I just wrote in another thread regarding freedom of speech, hate speech, and where and how the line would be drawn if our country sadly goes down this path. Couldn't agree with you more on this issue.
Old 08-19-2017, 06:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Alas, what is happening is a direct assault on the Free Speech provision of the First Amendment.

The "Holier Than Thou" Left Wing Liberals are agitating to make "Hate Speech" illegal here, as it is in Canada, Germany, and other countries. Of course, it is up to the Liberals to decide which speech is Hate Speech.

The framers of our Constitution wrote provisions to protect free speech, no matter how objectionable it might seem to others. This provision has been affirmed by our Supreme Court.

It is because I am such a dedicated supporter of our Constitution that I am obliged to oppose the objectives of Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Incidentally, I also oppose Black Lives Matter because of their demonstrated antipathy towards law enforcement officers as a group.

Carl in Tampa
The TRUTH is "hate speech" to the liberals. They rely on everyone believing the equality lies.

But it's NOT practiced...there are things you can say...and things you can't. You can repeat the equality lies but you can't question equality.

Originally Posted by Guest
Carl: most living in this nation bleed red white and blue. You wouldn't know that because the liberals in government, news media, education and corporations intentionally relegate that information to the waste basket.

The liberal political agenda is not rooted in the holy purpose of accomplishing for the "common good" but rather governing in a quasi-totalitarian manner and working against the timeless truths to which America is based.

the liberal agenda is replete with social and cultural claptraps.

Its why I said earlier that a response from the left to "all lives matter is that you must be a racist.

Indeed they applied this same response when Trump condemned "all racist "groups. the immediate response from the liberals accused Trump of being racist because he didn't place blame only on white supremacist..convenient huh. Yet Obama supported Black Lives Matters and thus the liberal hypocrisy grows.

Blue lives don't matter because cops are racist pigs. Hollywood (big and small screen) feed this stereotype of cops ad nauseam.

the caliber of the antifa is apparent in that they filled balloons with urine and threw them at police. disgusting human beings

another claptrap abortion. If a fetus has a future then it has moral value. However if a fetus has no future then it does not have any moral value

The liberals disclaim the Laffer curve as an effective measurement but yet there never has been a new tax that hasn't demonstrated it.....and the beat goes on

I use to believe that the left was applying Alinsky tactics until I took a closer look and made a comparison. the left is applying the tactics of the church of Scientology that they use to totally destroy anyone they deem an enemy of their church.

Personal Best Regards:
Not any more...we're 1/3 direct immigrants, born outside the US or the children of direct immigrants. over 100 million "Americans" either were born abroad or are the child of an immigrant born abroad. There are 50 million anchor babies! They have NO allegiance to the US. Blacks have no allegiance to this country. That is why the minority majority is so dangerous.

Self sufficiency is dead. Liberals...the D party should be called the "needy" party. It's full of the needy, those who NEED help and can't make it on their own.

They HATE white people because we dominate over them in so much...that's why they want us gone...with us here, they don't stand a chance.

A minority fetus...based on the percentages...has no value except as a vehicle for the mother to receive welfare.

They certainly do...look how they treat Trump...look how they treat me...trying to destroy the PERSON and NOT the facts.

discussion, left, politics

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