Student Loans and all the current hype

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Old 02-19-2016, 07:42 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Student Loans and all the current hype

We know politicians pander to ANY potential voters, hence the apathy they show for those burdened with a student loan. Which is categorically nothing but BS!

If a person applies for, gets approved, and commences to take funds and committed to repay the loan......just what is it do some think they are entitled to not pay the loan back because it is a burden?
What makes them think they should be allowed to apply a lower priority to paying this loan back and or not paying it at all?
How can they in good conscience stand up and yelp they cannot get a new car or a house or an aprtment because they are "burdened" with a student loan and should be forgiven or subsidized.

I am anxious to learn why it is these people and politicians like Clinton think these people should not have to bear such a burden.

Why not?

Too many of us did. We got our loans. We got our education which allowed for us to get a job to be able to pay or of which is the student loan. It took me 10 years to pay mine back. There were times when we could not afford the payments. The lenders worked with us a long as we were consistent in honoring our commitment.

I do not think there is any reason what so ever for any of those who are now complaining they can't meet their obligation. I do not think any politician is entitled to rant about helping these loan slackers by agreeing they are entitled to relief.

If they do not pay or honor their obligation then they should be prosecuted to the maximum penalties allowed.

If there is any movement towards providing susidies or even forgiving of such loans....I would be among the first to create a special interest group that would pursue recompense for honoring our commitment when we could ill afford to do so....BUT DID.

Another building block in the scheme to ruin the credibility of our country.
Another example of selective enforcement.
Another example of the government offering benfits to those who are being illegal in their actions.
Another example of the democratic party encouraging and sucking in the dummies to become free loaders depending on the government.

I guess I have answered my own questions.
Yes hunt them down and prosecute them.
Old 02-20-2016, 03:33 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
We know politicians pander to ANY potential voters, hence the apathy they show for those burdened with a student loan. Which is categorically nothing but BS!

If a person applies for, gets approved, and commences to take funds and committed to repay the loan......just what is it do some think they are entitled to not pay the loan back because it is a burden?
What makes them think they should be allowed to apply a lower priority to paying this loan back and or not paying it at all?
How can they in good conscience stand up and yelp they cannot get a new car or a house or an aprtment because they are "burdened" with a student loan and should be forgiven or subsidized.

I am anxious to learn why it is these people and politicians like Clinton think these people should not have to bear such a burden.

Why not?

Too many of us did. We got our loans. We got our education which allowed for us to get a job to be able to pay or of which is the student loan. It took me 10 years to pay mine back. There were times when we could not afford the payments. The lenders worked with us a long as we were consistent in honoring our commitment.

I do not think there is any reason what so ever for any of those who are now complaining they can't meet their obligation. I do not think any politician is entitled to rant about helping these loan slackers by agreeing they are entitled to relief.

If they do not pay or honor their obligation then they should be prosecuted to the maximum penalties allowed.

If there is any movement towards providing susidies or even forgiving of such loans....I would be among the first to create a special interest group that would pursue recompense for honoring our commitment when we could ill afford to do so....BUT DID.

Another building block in the scheme to ruin the credibility of our country.
Another example of selective enforcement.
Another example of the government offering benfits to those who are being illegal in their actions.
Another example of the democratic party encouraging and sucking in the dummies to become free loaders depending on the government.

I guess I have answered my own questions.
Yes hunt them down and prosecute them.
Old 02-20-2016, 03:15 PM
Posts: n/a

I agree in principle with your post but also need to add that education costs, just as medical treatment and housing, have spiraled out of control because of government subsidies of one kind or another.
Old 02-20-2016, 04:08 PM
Posts: n/a

The key point, ironic point is that all these kids really think that they will be getting something FREE. Little do they realize that they will be paying it back in taxes for the rest of their lives, and their children's. I bet once they wake up, IF they wake up they will suddenly realize that a few years of paying back their own school loan sure beats paying for everyone's higher education for the rest of their lives.

But, as long as they continue to pay for my Social Security in the gov's best Ponzi scheme, I will be happy. Of course, they may not have SS when they retire, but.....they can vote for Sanders and everything will be a socialist Utopia. Sanders the man that didn't have a full time job until he was 40 years old, and made a bit of living bumming around and writing disgusting porno. He would make such great representative of how America has degenerated.
Old 02-20-2016, 04:54 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I agree in principle with your post but also need to add that education costs, just as medical treatment and housing, have spiraled out of control because of government subsidies of one kind or another.
I hope you are not insinuating that because costs have gone up that these obligations should be forgiven!
Words that are not in the "lefts" dictionary:
Old 02-20-2016, 05:21 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I hope you are not insinuating that because costs have gone up that these obligations should be forgiven!
Words that are not in the "lefts" dictionary:
Old 02-20-2016, 06:49 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I hope you are not insinuating that because costs have gone up that these obligations should be forgiven!
Words that are not in the "lefts" dictionary:
I'm not sure what the answer is but would guess is you might be the recipient of some of that "leftist" government largess in one form or another. Depends who is getting the horn, does it not?
Old 02-21-2016, 04:33 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I'm not sure what the answer is but would guess is you might be the recipient of some of that "leftist" government largess in one form or another. Depends who is getting the horn, does it not?
Typical liberal attack in an effort to deflect. Try to understand something that might be hard for you to accept. Socialism is not accepted voluntarily, but forced on the population. Social Security is funded by OUR forced payroll deductions, not voluntarily. It is our money and we deserve it. That is not socialism until our money is given to those that did not contribute. Medicare is also something we pay for all of our employed lives and it is basically useless to some of us that have private insurance that we pay for monthly. Socialism is a failed concept. Yes, we do have socialism in our country, in the form of some services. But, the liberals of today want not just socialism but communism. And the ironic part is that they don't even comprehend it. They are so blind and brain washed by those that want power over them that they will accept being led around by smooth talkers.

loan, student, pay, loans, allowed, back, entitled, paying, commitment, obligation, government, honoring, afford, people, burden, burdened, politicians, meet, forgiving, susidies, providing, create, pursue, recompense, group

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