Is Hillary ill?

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Old 08-05-2016, 06:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
It just might have a lot to do with how the Dems have bought votes with record borrowing to fund their social programs you know like say " Obama-phones " .
Another perfect example of why Trump has the uneducated, downright dumb white guy vote...all tied up.

The truth is that a program to supply telephones to those who couldn't afford a phone and thereby being able to call life-saving help (re: 911), was actually started under REAGAN.

It was simply modified in 2008 to include cell phones.

Origin of ‘Obama phone’ was 1984 with goal of service to low-income Americans - Conservative News

Quote: turns out the Obama Phone Lady is entirely correct about the existence of a program to provide welfare recipients with free or heavily subsidized cell phones, but Barack Obama had nothing to do with it.

A program called Lifeline Assistance, originally intended to help low-income people install landline telephone service, has existed for decades. It was implemented by the Federal Communications Commission in 1984, and has changed several times over the years.
But hey, you right-wingnuts just keep showing your ignorance.....because it is very entertaining.

Old 08-05-2016, 07:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Another perfect example of why Trump has the uneducated, downright dumb white guy vote...all tied up.

The truth is that a program to supply telephones to those who couldn't afford a phone and thereby being able to call life-saving help (re: 911), was actually started under REAGAN.

It was simply modified in 2008 to include cell phones.

Origin of ‘Obama phone’ was 1984 with goal of service to low-income Americans - Conservative News

But hey, you right-wingnuts just keep showing your ignorance.....because it is very entertaining.

Oh hail the great Cvnt has decided to share some emojis and the greatest mind of all time! Us dumb white guys should now vote for Clinton, why fight it, Cvnt has never been wrong - EVER!
Old 08-05-2016, 08:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The hatred of Hillary runs so deep in the Republican party that everything that she tries to do or does is criticized. A lot of the charges against her are just plain nonsense.

7 to 9 Benghazi hearings against her that proved she wasn't directly responsible for the deaths of the ambassador, and three other. The Republican house leader admitted that the hearing were to bring her down, and they did that. So, the people that failed were the low life Republicans that politics are more important that peoples lives.

I don't like Hillary, and I hate defending her. No woman stays with her husband, after being embarrassed world wide as she was with Monica. Her political ambitions were stronger than common sense.

However, if she is elected, she will try to get things done. There is no doubt that Republicans will oppose everything that she puts forward. Washington is not change.

Anyone that thinks Trump will change Washington has lost their mind. He doesn't have a clue what he is getting into, or what he is going to do. Both parties
are against. The smallest reason will be used to start impeachment proceeding against him. Then, just say good bye Donald. He is an embarrassment to this country.
RE: so many charges against Hillary
Really, you should ask how she keeps getting away with all her mis-deeds. DO A BIT OF READING-white water-bribes to the clintons when billy was govenor. Travel-gate-shafted a loyal qualified employee to install people she owed favors to, Monicagate-Monica was an employee Billy famously thinks with his ding a ling-Monica was just one on a very long list-actually the crime that he should have been impeached on is lying to congress, BEGAZI-they screamed for help AND HILLARY DID NOT SEND ANY-not her fault come on now. email gate-comely of FBI said clearly HILLARY WAS GUILTY. Interesting is that in his speech at the democratic convention Billy said among her accomplishments Hilly served on the CYBER SECURITY ASSEMBLY-can she then claim she is not aware of security protocols? THE CLINTON FOUNDATION-I just read 85% of the money goes to EXPENSES and 15% goes to charity.
Billy has said many times that he an Hilly are a TEAM.
After FDR a two term LEGAL LIMIT was put on a presidential term. Billy and Hilly have already had two terms. OR YOU NOW WILLING TO VOTE FOR HILLY AND BILLY AND NOT REALIZE IT THE SAME TWO.......
Old 08-05-2016, 09:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Run along Cvnt, this tread is way below your intellect level. You know way too much about way too many things to waste it here. This thread is not even worth your flurry of emojis
But she likes her little cartoons. She would rather they provided little flowers and butterflies though.
Old 08-05-2016, 09:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Oh hail the great Cvnt has decided to share some emojis and the greatest mind of all time! Us dumb white guys should now vote for Clinton, why fight it, Cvnt has never been wrong - EVER!
CNM is so deep into your head that there's no escape. Kind of like the Caterpillar episode from Night Gallery.

NightGallery - The Caterpillar - Video Dailymotion

Old 08-05-2016, 09:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
CNM is so deep into your head that there's no escape. Kind of like the Caterpillar episode from Night Gallery.

NightGallery - The Caterpillar - Video Dailymotion

Ah, another two liner from the all wise Chi. Thank you for your informative quips.
Old 08-05-2016, 10:11 AM
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Is Hillary ill?

She may not be ill but she is damaged goods. Not suitable for a civil service job.
Old 08-05-2016, 02:30 PM
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She only cares about her place in history and little else . Once she is elected and sworn in her goals have been reached .
Nothing after that really matters to her because she knows that when she is inevitably criticized and attacked for her inevitable ineptness at the " controls " she can again and again retreat behind the " woman card ".

You know the " you meanies are just picking on a girl " .
Old 08-05-2016, 09:31 PM
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I just don't understand her being a first time grandmother why she would want to be president. I'd rather spend my time enjoying my grand-babies.
Old 08-06-2016, 04:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I just don't understand her being a first time grandmother why she would want to be president. I'd rather spend my time enjoying my grand-babies.
Maybe she doesn't like children Can you blame her? Look at how Chelsea turned out. She has to be subsidized by the Clinton Foundation by paying her $65K for a speech. What does she know anything about that warrants getting paid that much to speak? We've heard her speak and she just isn't worth it.
Old 08-06-2016, 07:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I just don't understand her being a first time grandmother why she would want to be president. I'd rather spend my time enjoying my grand-babies.
That's probably the most ignorant thing I've seen posted here...and that says a LOT!

Since you obviously don't have the intelligence, I'm most likely wasting my time explaining how many 'Grandparents' are politicians.

Yeah, even Republican ignorant twit.

Regardless of which side of the aisle they are on, a lot of them do it out of a sense of public service and think that they can make a they choose politics.

Most of them also find the time to still be involved with their families, while they are doing what they think is a higher good.

And yeah, sure, there are also those from both sides that do it simply to satisfy the narcissistic side of their personality...or in hopes they will make contacts to make themselves more wealthy.

That you can't even comprehend something as simple as that and would risk the chance that everyone would know how stupid you are....makes me question whether you have early onset of dementia.

If so, I wish you good luck in fighting it.

Old 08-06-2016, 07:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I just don't understand her being a first time grandmother why she would want to be president. I'd rather spend my time enjoying my grand-babies.
Oh yeah, one more thing.

It's too bad you don't at least identify yourself with your stage name, so I could make sure I know which one of the Queen 'B's' ignorant little minions that you are and would then know that your posts upstairs are by someone who is slowly slipping into inanity...if not insanity.

Old 08-06-2016, 07:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I just don't understand her being a first time grandmother why she would want to be president. I'd rather spend my time enjoying my grand-babies.
As a man I couldn't figure out how and why Bernie did it. He doesn't get much respect around here but I think the world of him. I think he does what he does so his grandchildren and ours lives in a better world.

Looking out for you grandchildren is self-serving, isn't it?
Old 08-06-2016, 02:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
As a man I couldn't figure out how and why Bernie did it. He doesn't get much respect around here but I think the world of him. I think he does what he does so his grandchildren and ours lives in a better world.

Looking out for you grandchildren is self-serving, isn't it?
Then we need more of it! For once, look out for your own.
Old 08-06-2016, 02:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I just don't understand her being a first time grandmother why she would want to be president. I'd rather spend my time enjoying my grand-babies.
She's too bust wanting to make history as the 1st woman president.

shrug, hillary

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