For those of us who count the days until America starts to improve

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Old 01-20-2016, 09:10 AM
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Default For those of us who count the days until America starts to improve

Countdown to Jan 20, 2017 in Washington DC, District of Columbia
Old 01-20-2016, 10:09 AM
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Need to start speculating on whom President HR Clonton will be naming to her administration.

Barack Obama would make an excellent Secretary of State.
Old 01-20-2016, 11:00 AM
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America began improving on January 20, 2009!

(The day Crapweasel Bush left office)
Old 01-20-2016, 11:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
America began improving on January 20, 2009!

(The day Crapweasel Bush left office)
Improving for the lazy and shiftless, yes. For you, yes.
Old 01-20-2016, 11:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
America began improving on January 20, 2009!

(The day Crapweasel Bush left office)
Most at poverty level in history. Improved??
Most quit the work force in since before WWII. Improved??
Highest health care cost in history...improved??
Highest number on food stamps ever....improved??
Longest running recession in history....inept administration???

Highest gun sales, boosting the economy....yep.

But, none of that relates to you. You're still on momma's health insurance and living in her basement is not so bad, right?
Old 01-20-2016, 11:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Need to start speculating on whom President HR Clonton will be naming to her administration.

Barack Obama would make an excellent Secretary of State.
Who's HR Clonton and which party is she a candidate?
Old 01-20-2016, 11:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Most at poverty level in history. Improved??
Most quit the work force in since before WWII. Improved??
Highest health care cost in history...improved??
Highest number on food stamps ever....improved??
Longest running recession in history....inept administration???

Highest gun sales, boosting the economy....yep.

But, none of that relates to you. You're still on momma's health insurance and living in her basement is not so bad, right?
When did the recession start, and how deep was it? All of the items that you are questioning were a direct result of things that happened during "W's" presidency. Did "W" cause them? Probably not, but they happened in his term. If you want to play the blame game, then start with him.

Name a year that health insurance premiums didn't go up. For the last 30+ years, they have exceeded the rate of inflation every year. You want to stop insurance rates from going up go to single payer, Medicare for all.

I know that you were responding to a wiseass, but other people do read your posts, and can answer your questions.
Old 01-20-2016, 11:54 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
When did the recession start, and how deep was it? All of the items that you are questioning were a direct result of things that happened during "W's" presidency. Did "W" cause them? Probably not, but they happened in his term. If you want to play the blame game, then start with him.

Name a year that health insurance premiums didn't go up. For the last 30+ years, they have exceeded the rate of inflation every year. You want to stop insurance rates from going up go to single payer, Medicare for all.

I know that you were responding to a wiseass, but other people do read your posts, and can answer your questions.
I do respect your answer, so don't take this the wrong way.

I did not say WHO started the recession. I said it was the longest recession in history. A lot of presidents have had to cope with recessions, INCLUDING Bush in 2001. All of the recessions and depressions were much shorter in duration. That is an indicator of poor decision making and poor choice of listening to inept advisers. That is only Obama's blame.

Yes, health insurance did go up throughout history. BUT, I believe Obama promised and insisted and still lies about health care costs going down. There is NO indication that health care costs have gone down at all. They went up, with less coverage for some of us, and coverage for stuff we will never need for some of us. Even the Democrats say that Obamacare is not any good and want to trash it. Even Hillary wants to change it.

Single payer, Medicare for all would be a disaster and not work. Medicare is the most over rated mess that costs this country way too much. Most folks are ignorant of the cost and how bad it is. Example: You pay into Medicare all your working life and when you reach 65 years old, they try to con you into upgrading to Medicare B. Medicare B requires you to pay a minimum of $105 per month for each of you. Medicare A only covers hospitalization. If you also want prescription coverage, you must pay even more. Even if we had medicare for all, the majority of doctors would not take it. You would still have to pay for private insurance. Even the countries that have socialized medicine (which is what you are advocating) the only way to get decent treatment is for those folks to have additional private insurance. You will never get rid of private insurance. People do not want to wait in line for months or years for cancer treatment or operations.

Don't believe me. Move to another country for a couple of years and see what socialized medicine is all about. I have lived in many countries and seen the best and the worst. IMO, we have the best, even if it is expensive. Before advocating for the gov to run your health care, you should know something of how bad it will become. Our government has put us so far in debt that if we went to a gov run system, we would be speaking Chinese within a decade.

But, thank you for your civil exchange.
Old 01-20-2016, 08:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I do respect your answer, so don't take this the wrong way.

I did not say WHO started the recession. I said it was the longest recession in history. A lot of presidents have had to cope with recessions, INCLUDING Bush in 2001. All of the recessions and depressions were much shorter in duration. That is an indicator of poor decision making and poor choice of listening to inept advisers. That is only Obama's blame.

Yes, health insurance did go up throughout history. BUT, I believe Obama promised and insisted and still lies about health care costs going down. There is NO indication that health care costs have gone down at all. They went up, with less coverage for some of us, and coverage for stuff we will never need for some of us. Even the Democrats say that Obamacare is not any good and want to trash it. Even Hillary wants to change it.

Single payer, Medicare for all would be a disaster and not work. Medicare is the most over rated mess that costs this country way too much. Most folks are ignorant of the cost and how bad it is. Example: You pay into Medicare all your working life and when you reach 65 years old, they try to con you into upgrading to Medicare B. Medicare B requires you to pay a minimum of $105 per month for each of you. Medicare A only covers hospitalization. If you also want prescription coverage, you must pay even more. Even if we had medicare for all, the majority of doctors would not take it. You would still have to pay for private insurance. Even the countries that have socialized medicine (which is what you are advocating) the only way to get decent treatment is for those folks to have additional private insurance. You will never get rid of private insurance. People do not want to wait in line for months or years for cancer treatment or operations.

Don't believe me. Move to another country for a couple of years and see what socialized medicine is all about. I have lived in many countries and seen the best and the worst. IMO, we have the best, even if it is expensive. Before advocating for the gov to run your health care, you should know something of how bad it will become. Our government has put us so far in debt that if we went to a gov run system, we would be speaking Chinese within a decade.

But, thank you for your civil exchange.
I would hope you never get sick and have the insurance you paid into for years get canceled, then try to get another and they say, oh you have a pre-existing condition.
Old 01-20-2016, 09:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I do respect your answer, so don't take this the wrong way.

I did not say WHO started the recession. I said it was the longest recession in history. A lot of presidents have had to cope with recessions, INCLUDING Bush in 2001. All of the recessions and depressions were much shorter in duration. That is an indicator of poor decision making and poor choice of listening to inept advisers. That is only Obama's blame.

Yes, health insurance did go up throughout history. BUT, I believe Obama promised and insisted and still lies about health care costs going down. There is NO indication that health care costs have gone down at all. They went up, with less coverage for some of us, and coverage for stuff we will never need for some of us. Even the Democrats say that Obamacare is not any good and want to trash it. Even Hillary wants to change it.

Single payer, Medicare for all would be a disaster and not work. Medicare is the most over rated mess that costs this country way too much. Most folks are ignorant of the cost and how bad it is. Example: You pay into Medicare all your working life and when you reach 65 years old, they try to con you into upgrading to Medicare B. Medicare B requires you to pay a minimum of $105 per month for each of you. Medicare A only covers hospitalization. If you also want prescription coverage, you must pay even more. Even if we had medicare for all, the majority of doctors would not take it. You would still have to pay for private insurance. Even the countries that have socialized medicine (which is what you are advocating) the only way to get decent treatment is for those folks to have additional private insurance. You will never get rid of private insurance. People do not want to wait in line for months or years for cancer treatment or operations.

Don't believe me. Move to another country for a couple of years and see what socialized medicine is all about. I have lived in many countries and seen the best and the worst. IMO, we have the best, even if it is expensive. Before advocating for the gov to run your health care, you should know something of how bad it will become. Our government has put us so far in debt that if we went to a gov run system, we would be speaking Chinese within a decade.

But, thank you for your civil exchange.
We have gone over the duration of the 2008 recession before. Presidents have little affect in getting a country out of a recession. They can't make businesses do what they want. The depth of the recession was far greater than the ones previous. Given the amount of production jobs that have left the country, this will hurt all presidents in dealing with recessions in the future. Cutting Obama some slack on this isn't a stretch.

The problem with our current health insurance market is the more inefficient they are the more money they make. The market is based upon cost plus their margin. The more the treatment cost; the more you make.

When I said Medicare for all, that was misleading. 80/20 isn't going to fly. I was thinking more in the line of 100% insurance with co-pays, and a fixed premiums. If a business wants to pay for its employees, it will be at the same rate as everyone else is charged. People on the individual market, and companies with less than 50 employees are paying the highest rates out there. You are going to have to make allowances for lower income people. Let an insurance company administer the plan, but at a rate set by the government. This is never going to happen. The health insurance companies are screwing over people with their rates always have, and always will. It's the American way. Bitching about them is also the American way. So, we should be happy in our misery.

Concerning Obamacare, health care premiums didn't increase as much as they were increasing. Given the fact that the Republicans have done everything possible to make Obamacare fail, it is surprising that premiums haven't gone through the roof. Anyone, who thinks that opening the health insurance markets across state lines to create more competition and this will reduce health insurance premiums, is living in a dream world. They know what each other is charging. The difference in premiums and coverage is so small, it is hard to tell the difference from one carriers to the next.

Throwing 11 million people out of their coverage is inhumane. If you want to make small changes in Obamacare, go right ahead. I am so cynical, if they just changed the name from Obamacare to Trumpcare, if Trump makes minor changes in the plan, if he gets elected, Republicans would be thrilled. All the Republican states would run to join the plan. The worse thing that the Affordable Care Act has going for it is the person that proposed, and made it the law of the land.
Old 01-21-2016, 07:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
We have gone over the duration of the 2008 recession before. Presidents have little affect in getting a country out of a recession. They can't make businesses do what they want. The depth of the recession was far greater than the ones previous. Given the amount of production jobs that have left the country, this will hurt all presidents in dealing with recessions in the future. Cutting Obama some slack on this isn't a stretch.

The problem with our current health insurance market is the more inefficient they are the more money they make. The market is based upon cost plus their margin. The more the treatment cost; the more you make.

When I said Medicare for all, that was misleading. 80/20 isn't going to fly. I was thinking more in the line of 100% insurance with co-pays, and a fixed premiums. If a business wants to pay for its employees, it will be at the same rate as everyone else is charged. People on the individual market, and companies with less than 50 employees are paying the highest rates out there. You are going to have to make allowances for lower income people. Let an insurance company administer the plan, but at a rate set by the government. This is never going to happen. The health insurance companies are screwing over people with their rates always have, and always will. It's the American way. Bitching about them is also the American way. So, we should be happy in our misery.

Concerning Obamacare, health care premiums didn't increase as much as they were increasing. Given the fact that the Republicans have done everything possible to make Obamacare fail, it is surprising that premiums haven't gone through the roof. Anyone, who thinks that opening the health insurance markets across state lines to create more competition and this will reduce health insurance premiums, is living in a dream world. They know what each other is charging. The difference in premiums and coverage is so small, it is hard to tell the difference from one carriers to the next.

Throwing 11 million people out of their coverage is inhumane. If you want to make small changes in Obamacare, go right ahead. I am so cynical, if they just changed the name from Obamacare to Trumpcare, if Trump makes minor changes in the plan, if he gets elected, Republicans would be thrilled. All the Republican states would run to join the plan. The worse thing that the Affordable Care Act has going for it is the person that proposed, and made it the law of the land.
Apparently, you know little about Obamacare and/or health insurance. I suppose you only listen to what your party tells you and have closed your mind to any other sources of information. I let no politician tell me what they claim is fact. I research it myself. I don't trust any politician. That's why I think you are terribly naive.

Obamacare has nothing or little to do with party ego. It's cr@p and that is fact. You talk about adding insurance to more people. Big deal, you cost us trillions more on our deficit to add a few more to medicaid. None the lies panned out to help us, other than the supposed "per-existing" thing. We certainly paid a lot for that. My co-pays went up 50% for hospital treatment. Premiums went way up. Out of pocket went up over 36%. Mine went from $5000 a year to $11,000 a year. They also cover less procedures. But, you can calibrate a few more on Medicaid. Now, people that do not need insurance MUST have it or pay a fine. That is part of your few that now have insurance. Now, you have adults 26 years old that are under their parents policy, hardly a big deal. If they are working, then they don't need that supposed benefit. Obamacare did nothing to lessen the cost of Malpractice Insurance. It did NOT cover millions that still don't have insurance, as was advertised. It did NOT lower the cost of insurance, as advertised. But, it did steal almost a trillion bucks from Medicare to subsidize it. It also prevented many jobs from being created and some businesses to close because of the added burden on the business owner. So, when you brag about how great it is and how the Dems did it, remember that the Republicans warned you. It's pathetic how you can't admit the disaster that it is.
Your wish for gov run health care is ignorant. You obviously have never lived overseas so that you could witness socialized medicine first hand. I have and there is NOTHING there that I want for us. It really is as bad as your heard, and not as good as you want it to be.
Old 01-21-2016, 09:39 AM
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Ain't it great?
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Old 01-21-2016, 10:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Ain't it great?
The illusionist at his best!
Old 01-21-2016, 10:37 AM
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Obama's smoke and mirrors act should be taken to Vegas when he finally leaves D.C. The further away, the better.
Old 01-21-2016, 02:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Apparently, you know little about Obamacare and/or health insurance. I suppose you only listen to what your party tells you and have closed your mind to any other sources of information. I let no politician tell me what they claim is fact. I research it myself. I don't trust any politician. That's why I think you are terribly naive.

Obamacare has nothing or little to do with party ego. It's cr@p and that is fact. You talk about adding insurance to more people. Big deal, you cost us trillions more on our deficit to add a few more to medicaid. None the lies panned out to help us, other than the supposed "per-existing" thing. We certainly paid a lot for that. My co-pays went up 50% for hospital treatment. Premiums went way up. Out of pocket went up over 36%. Mine went from $5000 a year to $11,000 a year. They also cover less procedures. But, you can calibrate a few more on Medicaid. Now, people that do not need insurance MUST have it or pay a fine. That is part of your few that now have insurance. Now, you have adults 26 years old that are under their parents policy, hardly a big deal. If they are working, then they don't need that supposed benefit. Obamacare did nothing to lessen the cost of Malpractice Insurance. It did NOT cover millions that still don't have insurance, as was advertised. It did NOT lower the cost of insurance, as advertised. But, it did steal almost a trillion bucks from Medicare to subsidize it. It also prevented many jobs from being created and some businesses to close because of the added burden on the business owner. So, when you brag about how great it is and how the Dems did it, remember that the Republicans warned you. It's pathetic how you can't admit the disaster that it is.
Your wish for gov run health care is ignorant. You obviously have never lived overseas so that you could witness socialized medicine first hand. I have and there is NOTHING there that I want for us. It really is as bad as your heard, and not as good as you want it to be.
Sounds as though you just have a crappy health insurer. My monthly payment went UP from $106 to $110. Everything else stayed the same ($350 annual deductible, $10 doctor copay, no cost preventive care, etc).

ACA is what was needed in USA. More people are insured. It is good.

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