Possible third party and failure

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Old 01-22-2012, 07:17 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Possible third party and failure

There is talk and always has been of a candidate forming a third party. This I have to say about that. If a third party was to be formed for what ever reason in this case I am sure obama would be reelected. The only problem with that is we have seen the road he wants us to travel. A debt that can not be handled and the soon to be hyper inflation with a stock market and bank failures it will put us right back where the depression of the 1930's. Oh but wait in the depression the major problem was a president that kept saying it's going to get better. Well then we had an election got us a new president and the rest is history. We had money in the Federal reserve but it wasn't used to stop the depression. People don't realize just how close that came to happening just last year. We are setting up for a major depression. My two big concerns is obama for four more years. We know the road he wants us to travel and I don't think we would ever be able to find our way back. And other ,and this could happen if he knows he wll not be reelected what damage can he do before he leaves office. Now comes the hard part to think of. We know the rep. and the dems. are not perfect, I'll give you that but the house has been trying to slow him down like it or not. obama has been trying to undermine the house or congress for that matter for some time what will he do if reelected. And I don't care what name you put in place of obama. A huge crisis will play out and he will take over the country by executive order and marshall law will be imposed. So long story short for the people that wants obama out you have only one choice no matter who the candidate is and that is to vote rep. if a third party or write in happens you vote for obama. Boy that sure was long winded
Old 01-22-2012, 07:57 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by DDoug View Post
There is talk and always has been of a candidate forming a third party. This I have to say about that. If a third party was to be formed for what ever reason in this case I am sure obama would be reelected. The only problem with that is we have seen the road he wants us to travel. A debt that can not be handled and the soon to be hyper inflation with a stock market and bank failures it will put us right back where the depression of the 1930's. Oh but wait in the depression the major problem was a president that kept saying it's going to get better. Well then we had an election got us a new president and the rest is history. We had money in the Federal reserve but it wasn't used to stop the depression. People don't realize just how close that came to happening just last year. We are setting up for a major depression. My two big concerns is obama for four more years. We know the road he wants us to travel and I don't think we would ever be able to find our way back. And other ,and this could happen if he knows he wll not be reelected what damage can he do before he leaves office. Now comes the hard part to think of. We know the rep. and the dems. are not perfect, I'll give you that but the house has been trying to slow him down like it or not. obama has been trying to undermine the house or congress for that matter for some time what will he do if reelected. And I don't care what name you put in place of obama. A huge crisis will play out and he will take over the country by executive order and marshall law will be imposed. So long story short for the people that wants obama out you have only one choice no matter who the candidate is and that is to vote rep. if a third party or write in happens you vote for obama. Boy that sure was long winded
"A huge crisis will play out and he will take over the country by executive order and marshall law will be imposed" Holy cow, I didn't think it was this dire, will he send the black helicoptors then? Every right thinking American had better read this post and take heed
Old 01-22-2012, 08:57 PM
Posts: n/a

Hey, those FEMA concentration camps are going to be overflowing soon. Let's stockpile jelly beans and evaporated milk before those black helicopters start landing at Spanish Springs, dash into Gators Dockside, and start dragging Yeungling soaked Villagers off to the concentration camps in the Mojave Desert.
Old 01-22-2012, 11:17 PM
Posts: n/a

Guess I better start stocking up on food and water and maybe build a bunker. My, oh my, what shall we all do.
Old 01-23-2012, 07:20 AM
Posts: n/a

Let's not forget the Amtrak "death camp trains" that were going to Indianapolis while Clinton was President.

Of course, the fact that these were empty trains headed to Beech Grove (outside Indy) for storage meant nothing to the conspiracy theorists.

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