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Old 10-19-2017, 05:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
How many times have we heard about NO BLACK VILLAGES?

Like one poster said,

"The ignore feature is better than canned beer"

COPUFF.... Donnie is on my ignore list!
How many black villages have been found? None.

You keep TELLING me they're equal...prove it...prove their character. WHY are there no black villages is the question we NEED to be asking...WHY do they live so much differently?
Old 10-20-2017, 04:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I beg to differ. The man IS the actions and policies he has taken. Today, Trump is struggling to get past the bad look of—once again—feuding with a Gold star family, this time having told the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson that “he knew what he signed up for.”

So today's tweet: Uranium deal to Russia, with Clinton help and Obama Administration knowledge, is the biggest story that Fake Media doesn't want to follow!

Fox News was, of course, all over that today. What we’ve known all along is that the big scandalous uranium deal that Trump is desperate to keep talking about was signed off on by nine U.S. agencies and the Canadian government, and that while the State Department was one of the nine U.S. agencies, Clinton wasn’t personally involved in the decision.

Trump is trying to change the subject from his callous disrespect to the family of Sgt. La David Johnson. He’s only too happy to try to change the subject to one of his pet conspiracy theories, one that he’s repeatedly used to try to minimize evidence of his campaign’s collusion with Russian election meddling by linking Clinton and Russia. It’s been a desperate move all along, but his base will eat it up. Again. Remember: this story has been debunked repeatedly.

So in this case, am I attacking the man or his actions?
My friend you missed the point of my post. too many people are making a judgment on what is being reported based on the person, be Trump or Hillary, or whomever. what i suggested was look to the subject matter as the devil is in the details. but people will not and cannot because journalist can't get past tabloid reporting along with their bias bent.

if your position is already made up because you dislike a person then you will never judge news objectively and you will buy whatever the journalist is selling.

and the MSM and collectives both have intentionally painted Trump in poor light and they use it as a weapon.

I do not intend to be their useful idiot.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 10-20-2017, 04:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
My goal or aim in posting the Happy Birthday posts is to educate people about politics in the last 200 years or so.

As history seems to keep repeated itself.

And my 224 613 Project threads are getting many views from the people who never post on here but just look at these threads.

I do consider my audience but it is not the usual bunch of posters who do just repeat themselves a great deal.

The Trump Derangement Syndrome will be a response to just about any valid criticism aimed at Donald John Trump from certain posters.

Constant bullying and personal attacks come from a number of others as well as criminal harassment. It is on the juvenile high school level though most of the time.

There is the woman hating bog99 and the minority despising Don Baldwin whose posts seem pretty much repeating the same thing over-and-over again.
Old 10-20-2017, 04:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I'm ALWAYS BEGGING for someone to prove me wrong...that the African Negro is the same as...is equal to...a white European Caucasian.

Don't tell me about some long gone tribe somewhere that "did well" but is now gone. Show me a place right now in the present day that is 99% black...of substantial size...150,000 people...that ISN'T dangerous, dirty, and violent.

Show us ALL what you've found... Show us the greatness of the 99%.
My friend do you really mean that? You will admit if I produce a thread proving what you postulate as wrong?

Will you agree to this arrangement.? If I provide a thread which disproves your theory and the majority of posters agree that I have accomplished that task you will acquiesce? In return before you acquiesce you will be provided an opportunity in which you can counter my argument? Please let me know if you agree to these terms?

Personal Best Regards:
Old 10-20-2017, 07:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
My friend do you really mean that? You will admit if I produce a thread proving what you postulate as wrong?

Will you agree to this arrangement.? If I provide a thread which disproves your theory and the majority of posters agree that I have accomplished that task you will acquiesce? In return before you acquiesce you will be provided an opportunity in which you can counter my argument? Please let me know if you agree to these terms?

Personal Best Regards:
You will provide a "thread"...a "post" that proves I'm wring?

What about the 99% who live in the inner cities near MLK Blvd? Will it explain that? Will it explain WHY they act and live the way they do EVERYWHERE? In EVERY country, city, town, and neighborhood? Will it explain why EVERY black school sucks? WHY they're as violent and dangerous as their inner city neighborhoods? Will it explain WHY they commit 10X more crime and violence than white people? Will it explain their stupidity? Their inability to thrive in ANY country? Their NEED for welfare...everywhere? Will it explain WHY negros never created an advanced civilization? Will it explain the genetic evidence that shows that negros have different ancestors than ALL the other races? How negros are up to 1/20th genetically different than ALL the other races?

IF your post can explain those things...then yes.

But I'm afraid in my "counter" everything you SAY if true will be proven false.

I'm game...bring it on.

But it better NOT be just some OPINION piece from some liberal SAYING I'm wrong. I want PROOF...I want to know WHERE the black villages or ANY equivalent is located. I want to know WHERE the black Oxford is located. I want to know WHERE their great civilization is. I want PROOF...not just TALK. Someone can say ANYTHING...I want to see it. And one here...one there...that did something "great" doesn't count either. AS A PEOPLE WHAT HAVE THEY DONE?
Old 10-20-2017, 07:38 AM
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Baldwin's hypothesis is all wrong.

At the top of our list is Atlanta, long hailed as the unofficial capital of black America. The city, which in the 1960s advertised itself as “the city too busy to hate,” has long lured ambitious African-Americans. With its well-established religious and educational institutions, notably Spelman and Morehouse, which are ranked first and third, respectively, by US News among the nation’s historically black colleges, the area has arguably the strongest infrastructure for African-American advancement in the country. The region’s strong music and art scene has also made it an “epicenter for black glitterati” and culture.

The superlatives extend well beyond glamour to the basics of everyday life. Some 46.9% the metro area’s black population owned their own homes as of 2013, well above the 38% major metro average for African-Americans. Atlanta’s African-Americans have a median household income of $41,800, also considerably above the major metro average, while their rate of self-employment, 17.1%, is second only to New Orleans.
Old 10-20-2017, 09:03 AM
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Point Game Set Match.


Carl in Tampa and Rubicon for President.

No...I wouldn't wish that on nice people.

What has this country come to? Dear Lord help us all.
Old 10-20-2017, 09:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest

At the top of our list is Atlanta, long hailed as the unofficial capital of black America. The city, which in the 1960s advertised itself as “the city too busy to hate,” has long lured ambitious African-Americans. With its well-established religious and educational institutions, notably Spelman and Morehouse, which are ranked first and third, respectively, by US News among the nation’s historically black colleges, the area has arguably the strongest infrastructure for African-American advancement in the country. The region’s strong music and art scene has also made it an “epicenter for black glitterati” and culture.

The superlatives extend well beyond glamour to the basics of everyday life. Some 46.9% the metro area’s black population owned their own homes as of 2013, well above the 38% major metro average for African-Americans. Atlanta’s African-Americans have a median household income of $41,800, also considerably above the major metro average, while their rate of self-employment, 17.1%, is second only to New Orleans. "

Baldwin's hypothesis is all wrong.
Atlanta is only HALF black...it's one of the better cities:

The Villages Florida

"Crime Index = 2 (100 is safest)

Safer than 2% of U.S. Cities"

Atlanta, GA Crime Rates and Statistics - NeighborhoodScout

Spelman College Located in Atlanta, Georgia
rank, based on academic excellence, selectivity, career readiness, and affordability: 432 It's #432 out of ALL the colleges...It's NOT an Oxford, Harvard, Yale...is it? 1st in "black schools" 432 when compared to white schools. You PROVED my point...there ARE NO TOP BLACK SCHOOLS.

The Villages Florida

You can tell where the tracks are that divide the town...NE is nice...SW sucks...NE is white...SW is black.

That's ALL you got? Atlanta? That is supposed to prove that blacks are equal?
Old 10-20-2017, 10:34 AM
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I see you posted Don, but I can't see what you said. Back already from Gainesville?
Old 10-20-2017, 11:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I see you posted Don, but I can't see what you said. Back already from Gainesville?
Your loss...you would have learned something.


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