Immigration reform...keep it straight

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Old 01-14-2018, 08:32 AM
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Default Immigration reform...keep it straight

Despite the comments from the White House, Both in 2006 and 2013, the Senate mobilized more than 60 votes, on a bipartisan basis, for comprehensive #immigration reform & each time House Republicans refused to even bring the bill to a vote-altho there was likely 218 votes for it both times.
Old 01-14-2018, 09:13 AM
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It's too late...the horse already left the barn.

Hispanics have MOST of the babies born in America and have been for the last 8 years. How can that be you ask? The illegals...11 million at any given time...left behind around 50 million anchor babies...THEY have been having babies and their children's children are now having babies too. We have 3 generations of "illegal" Hispanics in this country now.

In 30 years, Hispanics are the absolute majority (51% of the population) and WILL create a "Mexico II". Blacks and Asians will be another 30%. America is doomed. There has NEVER been a country that has survived after becoming 80% "minorities". This time won't be different.
Old 01-14-2018, 09:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
It's too late...the horse already left the barn.

Hispanics have MOST of the babies born in America and have been for the last 8 years. How can that be you ask? The illegals...11 million at any given time...left behind around 50 million anchor babies...THEY have been having babies and their children's children are now having babies too. We have 3 generations of "illegal" Hispanics in this country now.

In 30 years, Hispanics are the absolute majority (51% of the population) and WILL create a "Mexico II". Blacks and Asians will be another 30%. America is doomed. There has NEVER been a country that has survived after becoming 80% "minorities". This time won't be different.
And what country are you in ?
Old 01-14-2018, 09:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Despite the comments from the White House, Both in 2006 and 2013, the Senate mobilized more than 60 votes, on a bipartisan basis, for comprehensive #immigration reform & each time House Republicans refused to even bring the bill to a vote-altho there was likely 218 votes for it both times.
Old 01-14-2018, 09:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
And what country are you in ?
Stupid c**t #2 eh rocky?

Speak to the issue...not the messenger.

Originally Posted by Guest
It's too late...the horse already left the barn.

Hispanics have MOST of the babies born in America and have been for the last 8 years. How can that be you ask? The illegals...11 million at any given time...left behind around 50 million anchor babies...THEY have been having babies and their children's children are now having babies too. We have 3 generations of "illegal" Hispanics in this country now.

In 30 years, Hispanics are the absolute majority (51% of the population) and WILL create a "Mexico II". Blacks and Asians will be another 30%. America is doomed. There has NEVER been a country that has survived after becoming 80% "minorities". This time won't be different.
Lets hear your retort...
Old 01-14-2018, 09:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Stupid c**t #2 eh rocky?

Speak to the issue...not the messenger.

Lets hear your retort...
Retort ?>?>>>

Do you read the news here in the USA ????

"Despite the comments from the White House"

Simply pointing out more untruths from the WH, and thanks for allowing me to repeat it and ask you once again from what country you post
Old 01-14-2018, 10:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Retort ?>?>>>

Do you read the news here in the USA ????

"Despite the comments from the White House"

Simply pointing out more untruths from the WH, and thanks for allowing me to repeat it and ask you once again from what country you post
Yes...retort to what "I" said about immigration.

I don't give a f@ck WHAT the propaganda "news" has to say. MOST of what comes out of there are "untruths". I CARE about what is REALLY happening to this country. What I SEE happening to this country. Haven't you noticed that the cities are already 80% minorities? Have you been to Orlando lately...AWAY from the tourist/business centers? It's dirty, dangerous...and "dark"...full of minorities. THIS IS America's future!
Old 01-14-2018, 10:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Yes...retort to what "I" said about immigration.

I don't give a f@ck WHAT the propaganda "news" has to say. MOST of what comes out of there are "untruths". I CARE about what is REALLY happening to this country. What I SEE happening to this country. Haven't you noticed that the cities are already 80% minorities? Have you been to Orlando lately...AWAY from the tourist/business centers? It's dirty, dangerous...and "dark"...full of minorities. THIS IS America's future!
I agree -- it's a creepy place (I'm talking about gas stations on the way to the airport). People scowl at you, the gas station clerks seem overwhelmed by the usual store tasks...

I rented a car at MCO at a low-end car rental place: at every encounter with the half-dozen staff I was mocked, scowled at, was treated shortly. (That place is out of business)

And you don't have to go too far outside The Villages to experience the same.

Old 01-14-2018, 11:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I agree -- it's a creepy place (I'm talking about gas stations on the way to the airport). People scowl at you, the gas station clerks seem overwhelmed by the usual store tasks...

I rented a car at MCO at a low-end car rental place: at every encounter with the half-dozen staff I was mocked, scowled at, was treated shortly. (That place is out of business)

And you don't have to go too far outside The Villages to experience the same.

Get used to it...because they HATE us. They hate "brains" preferring what THEY were gifted with...brawn. Our cities are going from "intellectual centers" to murder centers. Outside the central business and tourist areas...EVERY city has become the demographics continue to change.

America...maybe the world...WILL become an "Idiocracy"...we're half way there...America is already 51% minorities...with no end in sight.

GO to the inner cities...SEE what they have become. GO to a minority high school...see what they think of education. SEE America's future.

It's going to get a LOT creepier. I bet MOST...80% of the people at those gas stations...employees and customers were "minorities". That is a microcosm of America's cities now and the entire country in 30 years.

house, votes, reform, republicans, refused

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