It's a start

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Old 04-05-2017, 10:45 AM
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Default It's a start

Not sure exactly what this will mean, but McMaster is an upgrade.

"President Donald Trump reorganized his National Security Council on Wednesday, removing his chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, and downgrading the role of his Homeland Security Adviser, Tom Bossert, according to a person familiar with the decision and a regulatory filing."

Bannon Removed From National Security Council Role in Shakeup - Bloomberg
Old 04-05-2017, 10:46 AM
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"National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster was given responsibility for setting the agenda for meetings of the NSC or the Homeland Security Council, and was authorized to delegate that authority to Bossert, at his discretion, according to the filing."

Please Mr President, listen to adults who are over the election and will help steer you. Let them advise you that the election is over, and it is time to govern and lead. Those with different views are not bad peoples.

Bannon will still be around but allowing mature, non political leadership on Security Council is a HUGE POSITIVE
Old 04-07-2017, 05:37 AM
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In my opinion, this move by distancing Bannon may be the biggest positive the President will make. Separating from the radicals is a smart move and makes me relax.

It seems to be personal, and I.....two posts in a row....applaud the President for this move.

"WASHINGTON — Thick with tension, the conversation this week between Stephen K. Bannon, the chief White House strategist, and Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser, had deteriorated to the point of breakdown.

Finally, Mr. Bannon identified why they could not compromise, according to someone with knowledge of the conversation. “Here’s the reason there’s no middle ground,” Mr. Bannon growled. “You’re a Democrat.”"

From what I have been hearing, Bannon was hard hard alt right, but Kushner and Ivanka finally got the Presidents ear on several issues...which prompts Bannon "you are a democrat"

All Presidents are better served to hear and listen to both sides. Nobody is ALWAYS RIGHT NOR ALWAYS WRONG. Bannon has no middle ground.
Old 04-07-2017, 06:10 AM
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I was going to start a related thread...but I'll just use yours.

YES, removing Bannon from the NSC (which should have NEVER happened in the first place) a great move.

The excuse given that Bannon was only there to keep an eye on Flynn anyway, is so disturbing to strain credulity.

The REAL story now, is the apparent backstage power struggle...between Bannon and Kushner.

Power Dynamics At Play In White House - Yahoo

After the news broke that President Donald Trump’s chief strategist Steven Bannon had been strong-armed out of the National Security Council (NSC) by his adversaries Wednesday, the announcement had many wondering: If Bannon really was Trump’s most trusted advisor, where did that leave the power in the White House?

Bannon, for his part, claimed he wasn’t worried about losing his influence. “I love a gunfight,” he said, according to Axios. And he won’t be kicked out of the president’s inner circle, nor will he be losing his title.

Still, this bit of news didn’t convince everyone, and many news outlets wrote about the shifting power dynamics in the White House. The two people who reportedly pushed Bannon off the NSC were National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster and Senior Advisor Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law.

Over the past few months, a narrative of clashing forces in the White House has developed by different sources over the past few months.

And that power struggle has, more-or-less, been delineated into two groups: the far-right, anti-establishment renegades (Bannon, counselor Kellyanne Conway, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, advisor Stephen Miller) and the figures who represent more traditionally conservative and moderate-leaning figures (McMaster, Kushner, Trump’s daughter and senior advisor Ivanka Trump).

What will be fun to watch, is how Brietbart is sure to go after Kushner and protect their own (Bannon) in the coming weeks/months and how much Trump continues to believe what Brietbart writes, which up until now...Trump has taken as gospel every cockamamie conspiracy theory Brietbart spews.
Old 04-07-2017, 06:40 AM
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Ivanka Trump and her husband do seem to have a some positive influence on Donald John Trump. If he cleans house of the far right representatives maybe there is some hope for him and how history will look at his Presidency.
Old 04-07-2017, 11:13 AM
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Just saw Bannon, on the news, at conference table in Florida with Chinese. He is a mess, big red nose, typical alcoholic. Trump needs to get rid of him.

role, security, start

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