It's Time to Fold the Flag

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Old 08-16-2017, 12:46 PM
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Sons of Confederate Veterans

Not a racist organization

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Old 08-16-2017, 01:00 PM
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Smile Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.

Originally Posted by Guest
"So what"? America is failing. She's gone from #1 in the world to the current...somewhere around #25. We continue to fall. Quotas mean the best is NOT hired/given a position so we ALL suffer.

Changing demographics ALWAYS results in change. And in this case...NOT for the better. NOTHING improves by bringing in a bunch of black people...NOTHING.

I tell you that it IS happening which MOST here deny. "I" can't change anything, I need your help to bring America back to TRUE greatness.

I AM here because the villages is pretty near the perfect place to live. 99% white is ALWAYS a better place than 95% or 90%...and MUCH better than 75% or 50%. White people make nice places to live...the minorities don't.

It's SO EASY to push for insist we're all equal...when you live in an affluent 99% white paradise.

Go live for a while in W or S Chicago for a few weeks...then come back and yell me how equal they are...what wonderful neighbors they are.

Those with NO real experience with blacks are always their biggest proponents of diversity...those who lived with them...can't wait to get away from them.

Name me the black villages, 150,000 black people living together in peace and it to me. Show me a school that is 99% black and isn't a "prison" with metal detectors and armed security in the halls.

They are NOT us!
Perhaps I wasn't specific enough with my "So What?" question.

The entire sentence would better be expressed as, "So......what do you propose should be done about the situation?"

Are you proposing to lead an uprising of elderly White residents of The Villages in a movement to reverse the demographic changes that are a foregone conclusion at this point in time? We in The Villages certainly are not going to out-reproduce the young, non-White population of the country.

Maybe you are young enough, well connected enough, and prosperous enough to consider running for public office. You might be a force for change in a position as "mundane" as becoming a member of the local school board. Certainly, our school system suffers from an absence of a sense of American History and World History.

Or, maybe you could become a member of the State Legislature or the Federal Legislature. Another route could be attaching yourself to one of the candidates for Governor in our next election, and becoming a trusted adviser.

Or..........what's more likely........... you will just content yourself with posting disparaging racial observations on an anonymous social media board.


Carl in Tampa
Old 08-16-2017, 01:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Sons of Confederate Veterans

Not a racist organization

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What's the percentage? Like here? 99% white?
Old 08-16-2017, 01:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Don Baldwin View Post
What's the percentage? Like here? 99% white?

What is your point ?

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Old 08-16-2017, 01:44 PM
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Post Southern Pride

Originally Posted by Guest
Sons of Confederate Veterans

Not a racist organization

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Although I would agree that the Sons of Confederate Veterans is not dedicated to racism, and is really about Southern Pride and recognition of heroism in a military conflict of days long past, there is, nonetheless, a problem with the organization.

The opening statement on the home page of the SCV web site says, “To you, Sons of Confederate Veterans, we will commit the vindication of the cause for which we fought.

To your strength will be given the defense of the Confederate soldier’s good name, the guardianship of his history, the emulation of his virtues, the perpetuation of those principles which he loved and which you love also, and those ideals which made him glorious and which you also cherish.”

Lt. General Stephen Dill Lee, Commander General,
United Confederate Veterans,
New Orleans, Louisiana, April 25, 1906.


This would be a cause of concern for many. They could read it to say the SCV members are called upon to vindicate the fight that would have resulted in continued slavery if the Confederacy had won.

The same could be said for the sentence containing, "the perpetuation of those principles which he loved and which you love also."

In less contentious times I might have read over these statements and not given them a second thought. As I now consider these things in view of how they might be viewed by my friends and associates who are of minority races, I have become more sensitive.

Being in possession of an extensive family history, and having relatives who fought on both sides in the Civil War, I could qualify to be a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, and Sons of Union Civil War Veterans. I chose to join neither.

I am a member of the Sons of the American Revolution.


Carl in Tampa
Old 08-16-2017, 01:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Perhaps I wasn't specific enough with my "So What?" question.

The entire sentence would better be expressed as, "So......what do you propose should be done about the situation?"

Are you proposing to lead an uprising of elderly White residents of The Villages in a movement to reverse the demographic changes that are a foregone conclusion at this point in time? We in The Villages certainly are not going to out-reproduce the young, non-White population of the country.

Maybe you are young enough, well connected enough, and prosperous enough to consider running for public office. You might be a force for change in a position as "mundane" as becoming a member of the local school board. Certainly, our school system suffers from an absence of a sense of American History and World History.

Or, maybe you could become a member of the State Legislature or the Federal Legislature. Another route could be attaching yourself to one of the candidates for Governor in our next election, and becoming a trusted adviser.

Or..........what's more likely........... you will just content yourself with posting disparaging racial observations on an anonymous social media board.


Carl in Tampa
Tried to run...the D and R party have a lock on the's almost impossible for a "common man" to get on the ballot. The hurdles are inappropriate but perfect for the D and R party to keep a stranglehold on exactly WHO will get elected. 10s of thousands of signatures for one.

Yup...I'll just sit here and interject the truth when needed. Because ARE right...there is nothing that can be done at this late stage of the game. White passed below 50% and we're heading down fast. Hispanics became the majorities of babies 7 years ago and they continue to grow in numbers. America IS "Mexico II" within 30 years.

We LET our country go. We gave it away. Our compassion, our niceness towards the inferior will ultimately destroy us.

To use the bird feeder analogy...a few birds visiting your feeder is nice and relaxing, watching the birds flitter here and there...but once the word gets out...and a million birds show's a disgusting longer nice and relaxing. America is being overrun in the same manner.

flag, war, groups, white, demonstrations

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