I've really had it

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Old 03-16-2017, 01:15 PM
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Old 03-16-2017, 01:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Dear Guest:

I agree and started more than one thread on this same subject matter as did others on this forum. You received the same sort of treatment as did they and I. Why? Pick your poison..but content explains character

Political Talk started out well but along came a few who seem to take more pleasure in mockery and personal attacks than discussing political issues and it can be twofold 1) for being a conservative and 2) conservative =Trump and the progressives have only one response

This situation reach a disturbing level where a moderator threatened to close down Political Talk because some posters were carrying their personal attacks to the main menu. Posters suggested that the offending posters be stricken from membership but here we are.

One way to continue on Political Talk is simply share your comments and respond only to those who can and will respond in kind; otherwise avoidance is the safest remedy. To practice such avoidance I use the 10 second rule of golf. Hit a bad shot count 10 move on. come across an atavistic poster count 10 move on . Its a waste of your time to try and reason with them bectause they do not want a conversation.

What I find curious is that these same offending posters take on an entirely different persona when posting on the main menu. Is it because the main menu is policed more? Is it a Jekyll and Hyde thing?

Personal Best Regards:
I agree, but it's not only liberals insulting conservatives. It goes the other way as well.

I know it's never going to stop. Some people evidently have nothing else in their lives, so they spend their time on here trying to people all riled up.

I'm just glad I'm not one of them because they have to be miserable in order to want to make everyone else miserable.

I actually feel sorry for them. But mostly I think that it's sad that we can't have reasonable discussions about solutions and our differences.

And again, I think this applies to both sides.
Old 03-16-2017, 01:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Yeah, he's a Liberal too. At best a Libertarian...
That's why I enjoy him so much!
It's great fun to watch Liberal's heads explode over Trump's liberal policies.
You gotten so used to automatically hating the opposition, you don't even listen to what he says.
The Democrats at Trump's Speech to Congress looked like people watching a band they absolutely hate sing a cover of their favorite song.
I listened to what he said, did you?

"The latest flap came when Fox News host Bill O'Reilly said "Putin's a killer" -- a reference to Putin's past as a KGB agent and instances in which his political opponents and critics have died suddenly -- and Trump shot back, "There are a lot of killers. We get a lot of killers. What, you think our country's so innocent?"

Praise for Putin, but Trump's Russia policy a work in progress - CNNPolitics.com
Old 03-16-2017, 01:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Reading your post, I think I should tell you that President Trump wants to cut spending IN this country, and spend heavy on military
I thought that was the purpose of the Federal Government.

Article One of the United States Constitution - Wikipedia

Nothing in there about health care... Mostly just military stuff.
Old 03-16-2017, 03:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Sorry to burst your ignorant bubble, but the only scum espousing murdering people coming across the border...are your right-wingnut extremist ilk.

MLBQT is particularly fond of this idea, as he has stated numerous times here, and has probably busted more than one nut...just thinking about it.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
MDLNB also, dumb @ss.
Old 03-16-2017, 03:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Reading your post, I think I should tell you that President Trump wants to cut spending IN this country, and spend heavy on military
The only Constitutional mandate is our Defense. The gov is not responsible for babysitting it's citizens, only protecting them from enemies foreign and domestic. Domestic, meaning libtard terrorists that should be put down.
Old 03-22-2017, 04:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
with all of the animosity in this forum. It's not that I think that we're all going to agree with each other on everything and it's not that I don't think that we're going to to be passionate about our beliefs.

I'm just sick and tired of all the name calling and other nonsense. The Orange One, Trumpanzee, libtards, nutjobs, knuckle draggers etc., etc., etc.

It's all ridiculous and I've been staying out of this forum because of it. And that's really too bad, because we should be able to come to a place like this to discuss our differences in a civilized manner.

Nothing will ever get accomplished in this country if this kind of attitude continues.
Dear Guest:

Your thread bears repeating. Political Talk has become nothing but a game of blame and accusations. Its becoming depressing because a pedestrian can't tell the difference between reading Political Talk Threads and watching the Washington wonders debate on C-span.

what are any of us accomplishing? Its madness plain madness. i am tired of the bicker and tired of the filthy language , remarks and slanderous accusation placed against people

Personal Best Regards:
Old 03-22-2017, 05:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Dear Guest:

Your thread bears repeating. Political Talk has become nothing but a game of blame and accusations. Its becoming depressing because a pedestrian can't tell the difference between reading Political Talk Threads and watching the Washington wonders debate on C-span.

what are any of us accomplishing? Its madness plain madness. i am tired of the bicker and tired of the filthy language , remarks and slanderous accusation placed against people

Personal Best Regards:
Next thing we know we will have a poster each and every day attacking ALL progressives, instead of a topic.
Old 03-22-2017, 06:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The only Constitutional mandate is our Defense. The gov is not responsible for babysitting it's citizens, only protecting them from enemies foreign and domestic. Domestic, meaning libtard terrorists that should be put down.
"Provide for the general welfare" is the catch-all they use to do...well...just about ANYTHING.

Originally Posted by Guest
Next thing we know we will have a poster each and every day attacking ALL progressives, instead of a topic.
What if progressives ARE the topic? Many times they are because of their insane actions and beliefs...their wanton destruction of America by REPLACING whites with minorities...as an example.
Old 03-22-2017, 06:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Dear Guest:

Your thread bears repeating. Political Talk has become nothing but a game of blame and accusations. Its becoming depressing because a pedestrian can't tell the difference between reading Political Talk Threads and watching the Washington wonders debate on C-span.

what are any of us accomplishing? Its madness plain madness. i am tired of the bicker and tired of the filthy language , remarks and slanderous accusation placed against people

Personal Best Regards:
"Its madness plain madness. i am tired of the bicker and tired of the filthy language , remarks and slanderous accusation placed against people"

Hypocrite, I would put you at the top of the class. Your a joke.
Old 03-22-2017, 06:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The only Constitutional mandate is our Defense. The gov is not responsible for babysitting it's citizens, only protecting them from enemies foreign and domestic. Domestic, meaning libtard terrorists that should be put down.
Glad you admit you do not have a right to arms, so you have no rights, however the Supreme Court can "mandate healthcare" and other things.

"The right to a jury trial, the writ of habeas corpus, protection for contracts,and protection against ex post facto laws were among the few individual rights explicitly set forth in the original constitution."

Old 03-22-2017, 07:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
"Provide for the general welfare" is the catch-all they use to do...well...just about ANYTHING.

What if progressives ARE the topic? Many times they are because of their insane actions and beliefs...their wanton destruction of America by REPLACING whites with minorities...as an example.
Most constitutional scholars have concluded that provide for the general welfare refers to the general welfare of the states, not individuals.

Even if it did refer to individuals, the word provide can be interpreted in several different ways. It can simply mean to create and atmosphere in which people can thrive. It certainly doesn't mean that the government should take money from some people and give it to others.

I don't think that attacking progressives or conservatives is a reasonable course of discussion. Most of us want the same things. We just disagree on the method of attaining them.
Old 03-22-2017, 07:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Most constitutional scholars have concluded that provide for the general welfare refers to the general welfare of the states, not individuals.

Even if it did refer to individuals, the word provide can be interpreted in several different ways. It can simply mean to create and atmosphere in which people can thrive. It certainly doesn't mean that the government should take money from some people and give it to others.

I don't think that attacking progressives or conservatives is a reasonable course of discussion. Most of us want the same things. We just disagree on the method of attaining them.
No...not really...it's used to give people things government say's they "need".

"A general welfare clause is a section that appeared in many constitutions, as well as in some charters and statutes, which provides that the governing body empowered by the document may enact laws to promote the general welfare of the people, sometimes worded as the public welfare"

"The concern of the government for the health, peace, morality, and safety of its citizens. Providing for the welfare of the general public is a basic goal of government."
Old 03-22-2017, 08:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Dear Guest:

Your thread bears repeating. Political Talk has become nothing but a game of blame and accusations. Its becoming depressing because a pedestrian can't tell the difference between reading Political Talk Threads and watching the Washington wonders debate on C-span.

what are any of us accomplishing? Its madness plain madness. i am tired of the bicker and tired of the filthy language , remarks and slanderous accusation placed against people

Personal Best Regards:
The first ammendment allows free speech, however, I just wish that your criticism of me or any other person who might be different than you politically would SOMEDAY be extended to your friends who equate Russian way of life with ours, who express true hate for anyone not white or Christian or even male.

I don't expect that, but your stated dissatisfaction seems to be narrow and reserved.
Old 03-22-2017, 09:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The first ammendment allows free speech, however, I just wish that your criticism of me or any other person who might be different than you politically would SOMEDAY be extended to your friends who equate Russian way of life with ours, who express true hate for anyone not white or Christian or even male.

I don't expect that, but your stated dissatisfaction seems to be narrow and reserved.
We "hate" their actions, what they do, we don't want them around us. Surely, there are people you don't want to be around and you don't want to be FORCED to associate with them. (Murderers, rapists, thieves, pedophiles, conservatives, independents, etc) Give us the same courtesy by allowing us to add blacks/Hispanics. That's ALL we ask...to add them to the already LONG list that you agree with yourself.

The difference between "your" politics and "my" politics is...your WILL destroy the country in 30 years...the timer is ticking...the minority populations ARE growing...RAPIDLY. Whites ARE 49% and falling. America is GONE when the Hispanic majority arrives. They are ALREADY the majority of young children.

bad, forum, place

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