James T. Hodgkinson, Poster Child

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Old 06-15-2017, 08:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I am done here, I think. This forum is for men only and probably those fueled by booze and/or testosterone pills. There are a few reasonable posts but most are just bullying, taunting, irrational HATE.

Bucco keeps telling everyone to read to the end but he doesn't...he just gets ready to say the same thing again.

There are no answers. The main stream media is goading us on, young and untried people are writing the articles and polls think they are keeping the pulse of opinion.

Many of us don't talk, don't march, don't shoot, don't behave badly or irrationally, but by God we can still vote and we will.

I still would rather have Trump than Obama.

Except...selling weapons to Qatar? Can anyone tell me how that is going to help??? I think I spelled it wrong. Is the government steady enough? Isn't that the hotbed of radicalized Islamic militants???

Please let's use this forum once in awhile for a place to discuss rather than to posture and to taunt.
Ok.....I DO actually stay on the same thing which you ignore.

We had an election process....a person used that to hate and hate and hate. To chant at rallies, to actually verbally condone violence
.....he is elected by electoral college but DOES not get the popular vote.

....he then blames THAT loss of electoral votes on illegals

....he then gives a dark and brooding inaugraul address.

....he then in his first 5 months
Fires 3 justice dept employees investigating him
Attacks the media, which is proven every day to be a totally made up attack.
Attacks our judicial system because they will not do his bidding
Charges our ex president with wiretapping
Charges illegal voting unsubstantiated or even attempt
Attacks the fact that Russia intruded and tried to sway our election process.
Attacks a well thought of FBI director and calls him a liar.
Continues to lie to the American people all validated with various links
Blames everyone but himself for what is happening...

And so much more if I had time....and you do not think this might create a bit of tension in this country where aLmost 70 PERCENT ARE NOT HAPPY WITH HIM. You dont think this might affect the mood of our country ??

oh, and you can shove your accusations about me. You ask for discussion however you and your little buddies tend to mock me when I share articles or news items. How can you discuss if you simply shut out facts ?

Your information on the media is not only unfounded in fact and substance, you do not even try to make your point....you simply accuse and run away.

You do not think your attitude which is our President's is not going to stir emotions in this country ?
Old 06-15-2017, 08:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I wouldn't expect anything less from you.

Paul Ryan is a liberal Democrat! He is the one that said an assault on one of us is an assault on all of us. Ryan's policies surely are liberal. Too funny.

What did the Republicans do for eight years under Obama? They opposed everything that he did. They even questioned whether he was born in the US or not. Trump led this charge, and he still won't admit that he was wrong. Who is deranged?

What are the Republicans now saying? We should work together. What are they doing? Going into a closed door meeting to put forward a repeal of Obamacare. Not only aren't Democrats welcomed in this meeting, They are not letting Republicans in this meeting.

What did they say about Obamacare? That is was rushed through. There were over 100 open meetings to discuss the plan. There were over 170 Republican amendments to the plan. They didn't dance around the filibuster rule.

This is the Republican's idea of working together. It certainly is. Like the republican said, "give us everything we want and we will call that a compromise."

The Republicans have people like you looking the other way for every hypocritical action they take. They should be so proud.

100% spot on.

Definitely it is sad that a deranged person shot a member of Congress. However, it is sad that FOX Noise and others are blaming this on Democrats instead of on one nut job.

Don't forget Sarah Palin's webpage in 2008 where she had a rifle scope's crosshairs over certain Congressional races. Sounds like she was guilty of inciting terrorism.

Yes, I watched Ryan say an attack on a member of Congress is an attack on all of them. RubiTheCon should get his facts straight before posting.
Old 06-15-2017, 08:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
100% spot on.

Definitely it is sad that a deranged person shot a member of Congress. However, it is sad that FOX Noise and others are blaming this on Democrats instead of on one nut job.

Don't forget Sarah Palin's webpage in 2008 where she had a rifle scope's crosshairs over certain Congressional races. Sounds like she was guilty of inciting terrorism.

Yes, I watched Ryan say an attack on a member of Congress is an attack on all of them.

RubiTheCon should get his facts straight before posting.
What a novel concept.

The likelihood of RubiTHECon using facts though, is about the same as him not plagiarizing everything he comes across...or supplying links to his bloviating.

Which is...NONE.
Old 06-15-2017, 08:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Rockface
Ok.....I DO actually stay on the same thing which you ignore.

We had an election process....
You chose to not be a part of that election process by voting for someone that was not even running!

You were determined to be a sore loser and have acted so ever since. You don't have a problem with Trump, you have a problem with EVERYONE that has been, or will be, president.
Old 06-15-2017, 08:50 AM
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Originally Posted by (unt
What a novel concept.

The likelihood of RubiTHECon using facts though, is about the same as him not plagiarizing everything he comes across...or supplying links to his bloviating.

Which is...NONE
Of course you never had a problem with Dimwitdave or The Boy failing to provide links...Just Rubi, who obviously you have a stiff tongue for.
Old 06-15-2017, 08:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Ok.....I DO actually stay on the same thing which you ignore.

We had an election process....a person used that to hate and hate and hate. To chant at rallies, to actually verbally condone violence
.....he is elected by electoral college but DOES not get the popular vote.

....he then blames THAT loss of electoral votes on illegals

....he then gives a dark and brooding inaugraul address.

....he then in his first 5 months
Fires 3 justice dept employees investigating him
Attacks the media, which is proven every day to be a totally made up attack.
Attacks our judicial system because they will not do his bidding
Charges our ex president with wiretapping
Charges illegal voting unsubstantiated or even attempt
Attacks the fact that Russia intruded and tried to sway our election process.
Attacks a well thought of FBI director and calls him a liar.
Continues to lie to the American people all validated with various links
Blames everyone but himself for what is happening...

And so much more if I had time....and you do not think this might create a bit of tension in this country where aLmost 70 PERCENT ARE NOT HAPPY WITH HIM. You dont think this might affect the mood of our country ??

oh, and you can shove your accusations about me. You ask for discussion however you and your little buddies tend to mock me when I share articles or news items. How can you discuss if you simply shut out facts ?

Your information on the media is not only unfounded in fact and substance, you do not even try to make your point....you simply accuse and run away.

You do not think your attitude which is our President's is not going to stir emotions in this country ?
Thanks for that.
Old 06-15-2017, 10:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Alert - emotional basket case post above!

It was reported that he used a semi automatic hunting rifle...What ASSAULT rifle?

Sensible gun control?? Please define what you believe would be sensible.

Currently a firearm purchaser has to fill out a form that is reviewed by the state and federal government agencies, there is a waiting period before the purchaser can pick up the firearm, and the firearm has to be delivered thru a Federal Firearms License (FFL) Dealer.

There is little more that can be done to prevent violence. Even if you took this nutjobs guns away, he would figure out another way to cause harm (rent an RV and drive over the republicans while they ate lunch in the dugout, strap a bomb to himself and blow up a movie theater on opening night of Star Wars, take up flying lessons and fly a private plane into a nuclear power plant, etc.).

The media has more power in reducing these events, they should stop drumming up the villain card, don't even give the perpetrator's name, instead of talking about the perpetrators childhood - spend that time talking about the lives of the victims. Give the victims the fame, not the nut job. They should take cue from Trump when he denounced those behind Ariana Grande concert bombing as ‘evil losers’. If a nut job had a choice to go out as a villain or a loser, he will pick villain. If a nut job had a choice to go out as a villain or a coward, he will choose villain. These nut jobs want to go down in history, they want to be remembered in a powerful way. We need to stop giving the nut jobs the fame they want.

Moron MBXYZ.... The shooter used a SKA 7.62 ASSAULT STYLE RIFLE PURCHASED LEGALLY. Also had a Smith & Wesson 9mm pistol.
Old 06-15-2017, 10:52 AM
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Please stay with the issue addressed in the original post. what is it we have do or what has to happen for this political madness to end?

Trump Derangement syndrome abounds but this madness begin before the 2016 election process. People who get their news for the social media do not understand that it is not real news. Its a reality show disguise as investigative news cooking people's brains. political derangement is seen having excesses everywhere.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 06-15-2017, 11:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
And just who allowed him to have a Assault weapon. Just like Gabby Gifford, 6 killed 13 injured. Many more, the worst, Sandy Hook 20 children. Nothing done!

Yet you still don't want sensible gun control. Yah, blame the democrats. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN

In all due respect this is not a thread to discuss gun control. But since you raised the issue consider that you will find a number of traumatized people who would agree that knives and trucks should be the subject of control . Knives and trucks kill people and it was done with intent and with hate

snoop dog wanted Trump shot (hate)

madonna wanted the White House burned down ( hate)

New York's Public Theater thought knifing Trump ala Julius Caesar was the way to go (hate)

Kathy Griffin's reason for beheading Trump was because of misandrist leanings claiming older white guys had kept her down her entire life (hate)

Are you beginning to get the picture as the substantive cause?

Personal Best Regards:
Old 06-15-2017, 11:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Please stay with the issue addressed in the original post. what is it we have do or what has to happen for this political madness to end?

Trump Derangement syndrome abounds but this madness begin before the 2016 election process. People who get their news for the social media do not understand that it is not real news. Its a reality show disguise as investigative news cooking people's brains. political derangement is seen having excesses everywhere.

Personal Best Regards:
For one thing, your posting of Trump Derangement Syndrome does inflame others. Use civility.

Remember your girl, Sarah Palin, inciting violence by posting congressional races and the crosshairs over the Democratic candidate back in 2008.

Remember the Republican posting of saying Hillary Clintin had Chinese sex slaves in a Washington pizza restaurant? That actually had a Republican nut case go to the restaurant armed wilh a rifle to free them.

Don't put all blame on Democrats. Plenty to spread on Republicans.

Best advice is to use civility but you know that will not work either on this forum or in reality.
Old 06-15-2017, 11:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I am done here, I think. This forum is for men only and probably those fueled by booze and/or testosterone pills. There are a few reasonable posts but most are just bullying, taunting, irrational HATE.

Bucco keeps telling everyone to read to the end but he doesn't...he just gets ready to say the same thing again.

There are no answers. The main stream media is goading us on, young and untried people are writing the articles and polls think they are keeping the pulse of opinion.

Many of us don't talk, don't march, don't shoot, don't behave badly or irrationally, but by God we can still vote and we will.

I still would rather have Trump than Obama.

Except...selling weapons to Qatar? Can anyone tell me how that is going to help??? I think I spelled it wrong. Is the government steady enough? Isn't that the hotbed of radicalized Islamic militants???

Please let's use this forum once in awhile for a place to discuss rather than to posture and to taunt.
Poster: I can't tell you the number of times I have said "I'm done here".......................

But I am not......... I have so much to offer and so much more to learn and understand . The Villages is populated with some very intelligent and caring human beings that have provided insight into many political and non-political issues on this Board.

After much soul searching I decided that the best manner in which to strive and survive here is to give consideration to removing those offenders by employing the ignore list. I really did not want to do it because I was eager to open debate. But debate is suppose to widen the circle of thought and understanding and those on my list proved to offer nothing of substance . I never looked back and I have not peeked once

Personal Best Regards:
Old 06-15-2017, 11:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
James Hodgkinson’s long descent into rage - POLITICO

He looks like someone the government should have kept a close eye on.
Bernie Sanders expressed his remorse on what Hodgkinson one of his volunteers did. I believe Sanders has a contrite heart.

But look back at the 2016 campaign. You can't stir up that much emotional hate without consequence.

Look at the aftermath of the election it is pure unadulterated hate and it is widening from Trump to GOP to all whites

We are standing on the precipice and the rest of the world and especially Russia is laughing at us.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 06-15-2017, 12:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Bernie Sanders expressed his remorse on what Hodgkinson one of his volunteers did. I believe Sanders has a contrite heart.

But look back at the 2016 campaign. You can't stir up that much emotional hate without consequence.

Look at the aftermath of the election it is pure unadulterated hate and it is widening from Trump to GOP to all whites

We are standing on the precipice and the rest of the world and especially Russia is laughing at us.

Personal Best Regards:
Yep this is from an article BEFORE he visited Europe and totally embarassed us all.....

"“Now they see the clownish nature.” Or, as another German said on the sidelines of a meeting here devoted to taking stock of 70 years of U.S.-German relations, “People here think Trump is a laughingstock.”

“The dominant reaction to Trump right now is mockery,” Jacob Heilbrunn, the editor of the conservative journal the National Interest, "

‘People Here Think Trump Is a Laughingstock’ - POLITICO Magazine

From Australia....

Australian PM Mimics Trump, Jokes He Has ‘This Russian Guy’ On His Side – Talking Points Memo

From Germany

"Nearly a week ago, an editorial in Der Spiegel, Germany’s top news magazine, called for the impeachment of Donald Trump, calling him a laughing stock and a danger to the world. It’s not often for an editor of a foreign magazine to lambaste the leader of another country but these are not normal times."

Der Spiegel Calls For Trump Impeachment, Labels Him A Laughing Stock & Danger To The World | CleanTechnica

"If Donald Trump doesn’t want “other leaders and other countries laughing at us anymore,” then he should stop acting like a clown.

Nobody believes England or France or Germany or India or China is laughing at us. They want to work with us, to trade with us. North Korea might be afraid of us. The Syrian government might hate us. But nobody is laughing at the United States of America.

Our president is another matter.

When he brags to Russians about his “great intel,” he betrays his ignorance; most leaders for hundreds of years have had great intel —and some of them have even had the intelligence to use it.

He is a buffoon. Foreign leaders can see it as clearly as the American people. So of course they laugh. So do we, through our tears.

Trump says the world is laughing at the U.S. He's right — but not for the reason he thinks. - Chicago Tribune
Old 06-15-2017, 12:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Moron MBXYZ.... The shooter used a SKA 7.62 ASSAULT STYLE RIFLE PURCHASED LEGALLY. Also had a Smith & Wesson 9mm pistol.

You really shouldn't call someone a moron when you are ignorant of guns. Where did you get "SKA 7.62 Assault style rifle?" I don't know what you are referring to when you say SKA 7.62, but it was reported that someone observed an AR15 and a 9mm pistol. Both of them are semi-automatic, not Assault rifles. If you are suggesting that he might have had an AK-47 rifle, that is 7.62mm and also semi-automatic, and perfectly legally owned.

There are millions of guns in America. Which one do you feel is better suited for assaulting innocent people and acceptable to you? Which ones do you find less deadly? A hunting rifle, bolt action is commonly used by police SWAT teams (at least was used in the past) as a sniper weapon. Pretty deadly too. A revolver is deadly and can be reloaded as fast as an automatic if you use speed loaders and know what you are doing. My son-in-law is pretty good with a compound bow.

Never mind. Discussing guns with the hysterically ignorant is not productive.

By the way, the Constitution did not specify a limit on kind of armament referenced in the 2nd Amendment. Local and federal laws made the limitations. I have deadly guns that have not once left my home with the intent to harm anyone. I believe the guns this guy used were innocent. But, I can't be sure.
Old 06-15-2017, 01:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
In all due respect this is not a thread to discuss gun control. But since you raised the issue consider that you will find a number of traumatized people who would agree that knives and trucks should be the subject of control . Knives and trucks kill people and it was done with intent and with hate

snoop dog wanted Trump shot (hate)

madonna wanted the White House burned down ( hate)

New York's Public Theater thought knifing Trump ala Julius Caesar was the way to go (hate)

Kathy Griffin's reason for beheading Trump was because of misandrist leanings claiming older white guys had kept her down her entire life (hate)

Are you beginning to get the picture as the substantive cause?

Personal Best Regards:
How about a adding a few other things to your list?

Hate is obviously something new. It all started with the election of Trump by liberals. Dylan Root was before Trump so that doesn't qualify as a hate crime. There are no haters in the alt right or the KKK. They are great Americans. Trump is going to give them what they want. He is going to "make America great again". How is he going to do that by "making America white again". That has been thrown out there, and there are a lot of takers.

Anyone that calls you out to task is put on your ignore list. The person that is immediately put on your ignore list is someone that blows your post out of the water with facts.

event, political, poster, child, hodgkinson

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