James T. Hodgkinson, Poster Child

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Old 06-15-2017, 01:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Yep this is from an article BEFORE he visited Europe and totally embarassed us all.....

"“Now they see the clownish nature.” Or, as another German said on the sidelines of a meeting here devoted to taking stock of 70 years of U.S.-German relations, “People here think Trump is a laughingstock.”

“The dominant reaction to Trump right now is mockery,” Jacob Heilbrunn, the editor of the conservative journal the National Interest, "

‘People Here Think Trump Is a Laughingstock’ - POLITICO Magazine

From Australia....

Australian PM Mimics Trump, Jokes He Has ‘This Russian Guy’ On His Side – Talking Points Memo

From Germany

"Nearly a week ago, an editorial in Der Spiegel, Germany’s top news magazine, called for the impeachment of Donald Trump, calling him a laughing stock and a danger to the world. It’s not often for an editor of a foreign magazine to lambaste the leader of another country but these are not normal times."

Der Spiegel Calls For Trump Impeachment, Labels Him A Laughing Stock & Danger To The World | CleanTechnica

"If Donald Trump doesn’t want “other leaders and other countries laughing at us anymore,” then he should stop acting like a clown.

Nobody believes England or France or Germany or India or China is laughing at us. They want to work with us, to trade with us. North Korea might be afraid of us. The Syrian government might hate us. But nobody is laughing at the United States of America.

Our president is another matter.

When he brags to Russians about his “great intel,” he betrays his ignorance; most leaders for hundreds of years have had great intel —and some of them have even had the intelligence to use it.

He is a buffoon. Foreign leaders can see it as clearly as the American people. So of course they laugh. So do we, through our tears.

Trump says the world is laughing at the U.S. He's right — but not for the reason he thinks. - Chicago Tribune
What a BS diatribe! The real "buffoon" is in the author of the post.

The world is finally starting to respect America again. The joke was Obama and his "leading from behind." The folks that I spoke to overseas thought that was puzzling, confusing and sometime hilariously funny.
Old 06-15-2017, 05:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Moron Maureen
Moron MBXYZ.... The shooter used a SKA 7.62 ASSAULT STYLE RIFLE PURCHASED LEGALLY. Also had a Smith & Wesson 9mm pistol.
I believe you meant SKS Carbine Rifle chambered in 7.62??
link to description = SKS Rifle
Not an assault rifle...neither is a 9mm pistol...DUH!

Please provide a link that states he used an assault rifle to shoot at the congressional baseball practice.
Old 06-15-2017, 05:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I believe you meant SKS Carbine Rifle chambered in 7.62??
link to description = SKS Rifle
Not an assault rifle...neither is a 9mm pistol...DUH!

Please provide a link that states he used an assault rifle to shoot at the congressional baseball practice.
Likely got it from some Democrat that ran to the first news media mic to start shouting gun control, before the victims even arrived at the hospital. Once an ambulance chaser, always an ambulance chaser.
Old 06-15-2017, 07:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I believe you meant SKS Carbine Rifle chambered in 7.62??
link to description = SKS Rifle
Not an assault rifle...neither is a 9mm pistol...DUH!:blahblah blah:

Please provide a link that states he used an assault rifle to shoot at the congressional baseball practice.
Well, that is a different story!

Since it was not an assault rifle, it was perfectly okay for a deranged person to walk around with it loaded and be able to fire 50 bullets quickly.
Old 06-15-2017, 07:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Well, that is a different story!

Since it was not an assault rifle, it was perfectly okay for a deranged person to walk around with it loaded and be able to fire 50 bullets quickly.
No common sense with these gun laws. Get battle field ready weapons off the streets as much as humanly possible. And screen mentally ill people for gun ownership in the future and have locks on guns put on by sane family members.
Old 06-15-2017, 07:24 PM
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[QUOTE=Guest]No common sense with these gun laws. Get battle field ready weapons off the streets as much as humanly possible. And screen mentally ill people for gun ownership in the future and have locks on guns put on by sane family members

From February 28


E"President Trump signed a measure into law Tuesday that rescinds an Obama-era rule aimed at blocking gun sales to certain mentally ill people.

The GOP-majority Senate passed the bill by a 57-43 margin earlier this month, following a House vote to overturn the rule.

The Obama administration policy "would have required the Social Security Administration to report the records of some mentally ill beneficiaries to the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System," as The Two-Way has reported. "Those who have been deemed mentally incapable of managing their financial affairs — roughly 75,000 people — would have been affected by the rule."

It was strongly opposed by the National Rifle Association, and as NPR's Jessica Taylor reported, "Republicans argued it infringed upon Second Amendment rights by denying due process."

Trump Repeals Rule Designed To Block Gun Sales To Certain Mentally Ill People : The Two-Way : NPR
Old 06-16-2017, 08:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Sandy
Well, that is a different story!

Since it was not an assault rifle, it was perfectly okay for a deranged person to walk around with it loaded and be able to fire 50 bullets quickly.
I don't agree with that. I despise these cowardly acts (shooting, stabbing, bombing, driving over unarmed people that have no knowledge they are going to be attacked).

The SKS carbine has a 10 round magazine (it would be legal even in California!), it is not considered an "assault rifle". Not to say Hodgkinson, or anyone else, could not have numerous magazines for any rifle in their possession (shows how stupid the California law on magazine capacity is).

I feel Moron Maureen made a emotional basket case post that was not factual. I believe those type of comments negatively influence other people that know nothing about guns. I don't think gun control should be implemented by people that know nothing about guns.

We don't need more stupid gun laws, we need a change in culture. We need to stop giving these nut jobs the news coverage they desire (they want it enough, that they are willing to give their own lives to get it) and replace it with the media and the population of this country deeming the nut jobs as the cowards and losers they truly are.
Old 06-16-2017, 08:47 AM
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Ask yourself, if it had been a right wing , Sean Hannity watching, person shooting Democrats, what would the media be doing?

Be honest.
Old 06-16-2017, 09:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Ask yourself, if it had been a right wing , Sean Hannity watching, person shooting Democrats, what would the media be doing?

Be honest.
The media wouldn't be doing anything. They know all Hannity watching people are legally insane. So, the shooter would have a prefect defense. The devil, Hannity, made me do it.
Old 06-16-2017, 09:19 AM
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Originally Posted by wackadoodle
No common sense with these gun laws. Get battle field ready weapons off the streets as much as humanly possible. And screen mentally ill people for gun ownership in the future and have locks on guns put on by sane family members.
The SKS would not be considered a current day battlefield weapon...It is a semiautomatic carbine rifle (requires the trigger to be pulled for each round to be fired) that was used in the 1940's. There are many carbine rifles used today by hunters, ranchers, and hikers. Obviously they are not planning on battlefield operations.

Most STATES (if not all) screen for mental illness on gun purchase documents...I don't believe Hodgkinson was deemed mentally ill by any doctor. Obviously the guys actions demonstrate he is a nut job.

Most STATES have laws that firearms must be stored in a lockable cabinet or trigger lock must be employed when not in use...but some overlook the law (I guess they could compare it to driving over the speed limit).

Again, we don't need more stupid gun laws - we need to change the culture to; it is a cowardly and loser act to attack unarmed people. Don't give the perpetrator the news coverage that he desired so much he was willing to give his life for it.

event, political, poster, child, hodgkinson

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