John Pavlovitz sends Trump a letter

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Old 09-17-2016, 09:13 AM
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Default John Pavlovitz sends Trump a letter

Dear Mr. Trump
It’s taken me a while to realize this and to admit it, but I’m grateful to you. For the past few months I’ve spent a good deal of time lamenting your campaign and the poison it has so effortlessly generated. I’ve watched our country imploding, our public discourse become polluted, our political climate grows ever more corrosive, and wrongly assumed you were to blame.
It’s only lately I’ve come to understand that you haven’t manufactured our current national ugliness—you’ve simply revealed it. By saying the irresponsible, mean-spirited, ignorant things you say so freely and so frequently, you’ve given other like-minded people license to do the same. You’ve opened up the floodgates for our corporate sewage to flow fully. People no longer conceal their vile mess, they now revel in it, they broadcast it and retweet it. You’ve made bigotry and racism socially acceptable again and that has been a kind of twisted gift because it’s allowed me to really see people; not as they pretend to be on the surface—but in the very depths of their wounded, weaponized hearts.

Over and over as your campaign has persisted, your supporters would tell me that they like you because you “speak your mind”. It wasn’t until recently that I’ve realized that you speak their minds.

You’ve given credence to their prejudices and made those prejudices go mainstream. Thanks to the terrible ground you’ve broken, politicians, pastors, friends, and strangers, both in person and on social media now regularly out themselves as hateful, intolerant, and malicious—and they remind me just how close they are to me, just how deep the sickness in us runs, and just how far we have to go together.

You’ve emboldened people to be open about things they used to conceal for the sake of decorum, and though it turns my stomach, I know that this is the only way we can move forward; to have that cancerous stuff exposed fully so that it can be dealt with. Our progress as a nation is predicated on authentic dialogue, no matter how brutal and disheartening that dialogue is. In other words, you’ve let us know what we’re really dealing with here and while it’s been rightly disturbing, it’s also been revelatory. That’s the thing about that kind of harsh light: you’re forced to see everything. Beauty and monstrosity equally illuminated.

Now don’t get me wrong, I think you’re the least qualified, least knowledgeable Presidential candidate we may ever have had participate this far into the process, and if you somehow were elected I’d fear gravely for the world my children would inherit—should it survive your Presidency at all. I believe you’re reckless, bitter, and completely reprehensible; the very worst kind of bully. But whether you win or lose, you’ve already allowed me the blessing of Truth; about me, about you, about other candidates, about our nation.

And in the process you’ve also shown me that I am not alone in resisting you and this ugly thing you’ve revealed about us. You’ve generated an equally loud, equally passionate response to it and this is where I find my hope these days. I find it in those for whom equality isn’t just a cheap buzzword, it’s the most precious of hills to die on. I find it in those people who refuse to be silent in the face of our impending shared regression. I find it in those willing to be bolder in defending the inherent value of all people. I find it in the growing army of those who will not tolerate hatred as a core American value. I find it in those who reject violence as our default response to dissension. I find it in the ever rising voice of people who will not let malice and bitterness represent them in the world.

Today I find my hope in those who, like me, will not be complicit in allowing bigotry and intolerance to become a source of national pride, because we’ve seen where that leads. Yes, Mr Trump, you’ve unearthed our hidden sickness and you’ve allowed it to go viral. You brought every awful thing about us out into the open. And for this—I thank you.
Signed, John Pavlovitz

A Facebook treasure that keeps on giving.
Old 09-17-2016, 09:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Signed, John Pavlovitz

A Facebook treasure that keeps on giving.
Old 09-17-2016, 09:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Signed, John Pavlovitz

A Facebook treasure that keeps on giving.
If you say so. What ever tickles your fancy. Personally, I have my own opinions, and do not have to have someone else write them. I am not a follower like Obama. Yes, leading from behind is another word for Following. So, if you like someone else to write down your thoughts for you or dictate how you should feel, I am happy for you. I prefer to do it myself.
Old 09-17-2016, 09:50 AM
Posts: n/a

After reading Mr Pavlovitz, I realize that I can no longer participate on these threads, trying to increase peoples sense of tolerance, peoples sense of human decency has become a long lost cause. People have attached every written word that is not agreeable to their view. Attacked and maligned with such name calling that I have never seen the likes of. I was raised in an integrated community, served on our Town Council, for years and we treated everyone with dignity and respect. It really makes me chuckle, if someone is broken down in their golf cart 10 people will stop and ask if they need help, are they okay. What happens when you hide behind GUEST and no one know who you are. Remember, someone who has passed is still watching, and knows who you are,and what you are becoming. Would you expect your grandchildren to treat their peers with such disrespect on their PCs? I think it's called bullying. This my friends is my final post.
Old 09-17-2016, 12:29 PM
Posts: n/a

The people in the Village I have met seldom have a mean thing to say about anyone. You are right that the anonymity of "Guest" does help some people get away with saying something they never would if they were accountable for what they wrote.
Old 09-17-2016, 12:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The people in the Village I have met seldom have a mean thing to say about anyone. You are right that the anonymity of "Guest" does help some people get away with saying something they never would if they were accountable for what they wrote.
And not a one of them hase the courage or the balls to do it face to face.
Old 09-17-2016, 01:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Signed, John Pavlovitz

A Facebook treasure that keeps on giving.
Mr. Pavlovitz...NAILED IT!
Old 09-17-2016, 01:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Signed, John Pavlovitz

A Facebook treasure that keeps on giving.
Mr. Pavlovitz...NAILED IT!!

And all too many Villagers...are proving him correct.

Old 09-17-2016, 01:51 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
After reading Mr Pavlovitz, I realize that I can no longer participate on these threads, trying to increase peoples sense of tolerance, peoples sense of human decency has become a long lost cause. People have attached every written word that is not agreeable to their view. Attacked and maligned with such name calling that I have never seen the likes of. I was raised in an integrated community, served on our Town Council, for years and we treated everyone with dignity and respect. It really makes me chuckle, if someone is broken down in their golf cart 10 people will stop and ask if they need help, are they okay. What happens when you hide behind GUEST and no one know who you are. Remember, someone who has passed is still watching, and knows who you are,and what you are becoming. Would you expect your grandchildren to treat their peers with such disrespect on their PCs? I think it's called bullying. This my friends is my final post.
I don't know who you are or what you wrote but I'm sorry to see you go.
This is the only game in town for now.
Old 09-17-2016, 02:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Signed, John Pavlovitz

A Facebook treasure that keeps on giving.
Propaganda bullsh!t is all this is. We're NOT all equal and we never will be. PROVE this equality you speak of. WHERE are they equal besides sports?

This is just garbage to make white people feel guilty.

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
After reading Mr Pavlovitz, I realize that I can no longer participate on these threads, trying to increase peoples sense of tolerance, peoples sense of human decency has become a long lost cause. People have attached every written word that is not agreeable to their view. Attacked and maligned with such name calling that I have never seen the likes of. I was raised in an integrated community, served on our Town Council, for years and we treated everyone with dignity and respect. It really makes me chuckle, if someone is broken down in their golf cart 10 people will stop and ask if they need help, are they okay. What happens when you hide behind GUEST and no one know who you are. Remember, someone who has passed is still watching, and knows who you are,and what you are becoming. Would you expect your grandchildren to treat their peers with such disrespect on their PCs? I think it's called bullying. This my friends is my final post.
So, you were on the town council, then you KNOW what diversity does first hand. It destroys. THEY destroyed "their part of town", didn't they?

If a cart were to break down in a 99% black/Hispanic place...what would be the outcome? I'd say the EXACT OPPOSITE of what happens here in TV. Am I correct? They more likely be robbed than helped.

You KNOW it's true...why do you fight it?

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
And not a one of them hase the courage or the balls to do it face to face.
I do it all the time. Most agree with me, a few get a look of despair, and slink away. It's mostly women who are the liberals...who have these twisted ideas of what is real and what is really happening. They're easier to fool, latch onto their heart and they're yours. That's why they're marketed to so intensely, why they're "the target" of many campaigns.

I'm just the messenger, I didn't make the world the way it is.
Old 09-17-2016, 03:04 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Propaganda bullsh!t is all this is. We're NOT all equal and we never will be. PROVE this equality you speak of. WHERE are they equal besides sports?

This is just garbage to make white people feel guilty.

So, you were on the town council, then you KNOW what diversity does first hand. It destroys. THEY destroyed "their part of town", didn't they?

If a cart were to break down in a 99% black/Hispanic place...what would be the outcome? I'd say the EXACT OPPOSITE of what happens here in TV. Am I correct? They more likely be robbed than helped.

You KNOW it's true...why do you fight it?

I do it all the time. Most agree with me, a few get a look of despair, and slink away. It's mostly women who are the liberals...who have these twisted ideas of what is real and what is really happening. They're easier to fool, latch onto their heart and they're yours. That's why they're marketed to so intensely, why they're "the target" of many campaigns.

I'm just the messenger, I didn't make the world the way it is.
Just making a note of this.
Old 09-17-2016, 04:37 PM
Posts: n/a

I'm fine with myself. I feel NO guilt for anyone being a different race, gender or religion than myself. It's not my problem. What happened in this country before my family arrived is not my problem and I do not feel guilty for it. What folks do with their lives today, is on them. It is no one else's fault in this FREE country. If a gay feels bad about being perceived differntly, maybe they should question what is different and why people perceive them different. If blacks feel they are oppressed, maybe they should question WHY they feel oppressed. Maybe it is their problem. Personally I find it pretty amusing when a millionaire says he feels oppressed, or the leader of the world talks about being oppressed. The only oppression today is Christians having their religious views censured and oppressed. But, are we protesting and complaining with violence?

find, people, letter, trump, sends

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