Julian Assange and Russians, Trump says "political witch hunt"

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Old 01-06-2017, 05:48 PM
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Default Julian Assange and Russians, Trump says "political witch hunt"

It would REALLY be nice, if Trump would show us that he is truly an American for a change. I'm concerned that I've made a big mistake in my vote.
Old 01-06-2017, 06:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
It would REALLY be nice, if Trump would show us that he is truly an American for a change. I'm concerned that I've made a big mistake in my vote.
And yet to criticize Russia at all.

Bulk of his statement, and the statement from Conway was to insure everyone knows HE won the election.

He cares most about him. He has never done one thing for this country, and he has chosen to take this opportunity and make it about HIM.
Old 01-06-2017, 06:42 PM
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"Washington (CNN)President-elect Donald Trump downplayed Russia's role in the election after a briefing with top US intelligence officials, even as a declassified report of their conclusions pointed definitively at Vladimir Putin."

Trump downplays Russian meddling in election despite intel report - CNNPolitics.com

"(CNN)Donald Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway on Friday rejected the intelligence community's assessment that Russia meddled in the 2016 election, saying "conclusive evidence" has not yet been provided to the President-elect."

Conway: Stop trying to 'delegitimize' Trump victory - CNNPolitics.com

Link to his statement....

Old 01-06-2017, 06:48 PM
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Seems to me the only folks making big political statements about this is the Trump folks.

Congress has validated the election.....this is now all about HIM.

"WASHINGTON — American intelligence officials have concluded that the president of Russia, Vladimir V. Putin, personally “ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the U.S. presidential election,” and turned from seeking to “denigrate” Hillary Clinton to developing “a clear preference for President-elect Trump.”

The conclusions were part of a declassified intelligence report, ordered by President Obama, that was released on Friday. Its main determinations were described to President-elect Donald J. Trump by the nation’s top intelligence officials earlier in the day, and he responded by acknowledging, for the first time, that Russia had sought to hack into the Democratic National Committee’s computer systems. But he insisted that the effort had no effect on the election, and he said nothing about the conclusion that Mr. Putin, at some point last year, decided to aid his candidacy.

The report, a damning and surprisingly detailed account of Russia’s efforts to undermine the American electoral system and Mrs. Clinton in particular, went on to assess that Mr. Putin had “aspired to help President-elect Trump’s election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him.”

Old 01-06-2017, 07:20 PM
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I've been saying it all along, people basically hated Hillary more than they love this nation...and have no right to ever call themselves Patriotic Americans again.

The briefing Chump received today has definitely hit him between the eyes though.

It was very detailed and documented to the point...that not even Trump could ignore or refute.

I applaud our hard working intelligence agencies for telling the truth, even while they know that Chump will exact his revenge (because that's just the kind of gutter scum that he is)...and they will soon be out of a job.

He's not trying to blame the 400 lb kid on the bed anymore though and he's now trying to misdirect with the fact since voting machines weren't affected...neither was the election.

As if massive negative publicity toward the Dem's, and NEVER toward the Repub's...didn't sway millions of undecided voters?


How many even halfway intelligent people (besides the usual ignorant suspects on here of course)...really believe that?
Old 01-06-2017, 07:30 PM
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As if massive negative publicity toward the Dem's, and NEVER toward the Repub's...didn't sway millions of undecided voters?


How many even halfway intelligent people (besides the usual ignorant suspects on here of course)...really believe that?

Are you ****ting Me? You memories about as long as chis dick...
Old 01-06-2017, 08:15 PM
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Russia hacked us, big news....not! It happens everyday. What's new?

Did anyone change their vote due to Russian hacking?

The newspaper revealed hacked tax documents from Trump. Did anyone complain about that hacking?
Someone leaked the private illegally recorded conversation of Trump from a decade ago. Did anyone complain about that "hacking?"

I will bet there there were more Republicans that did not vote for Trump due to hacking than Hillary. Any bets????
Old 01-06-2017, 08:24 PM
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This from Time Magazine this past August.

I know you folks will find a way to defend and support...be aware, this person runs our foreign affairs.

The yelling and screaming about Obama at Jeremiah Wrights church, the conversation about Sal Alinsky..in 2008....AND I WAS ONE OF THISE, was loud and condemning compared to this person...links to gangsters, pics with gangsters he swore he never met, and in and in.

These same people who were shocked at Obama, accept this person without a peep...actually, they support and defend.

Listen, I was one of those people who posted anti Obama posts onere, and was concerned, but this man...this anti American man simply petrified me.

"So, yes, it’s true that Trump has failed to land a business venture inside Russia. But the real truth is that, as major banks in America stopped lending him money following his many bankruptcies, the Trump organization was forced to seek financing from non-traditional institutions. Several had direct ties to Russian financial interests in ways that have raised eyebrows. What’s more, several of Trump’s senior advisors have business ties to Russia or its satellite politicians.

“The Trump-Russia links beneath the surface are even more extensive,” Max Boot wrote in the Los Angeles Times. “Trump has sought and received funding from Russian investors for his business ventures, especially after most American banks stopped lending to him following his multiple bankruptcies.”

Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia
Old 01-06-2017, 08:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Russia hacked us, big news....not! It happens everyday. What's new?

Did anyone change their vote due to Russian hacking?

The newspaper revealed hacked tax documents from Trump. Did anyone complain about that hacking?
Someone leaked the private illegally recorded conversation of Trump from a decade ago. Did anyone complain about that "hacking?"

I will bet there there were more Republicans that did not vote for Trump due to hacking than Hillary. Any bets????
As always, you simply make things up.

No tax was hacked. The Times received 3 pages of a STATE return in the mail from unknown.

Can you cite a link, a story or anything where Russia hacked to affect an election in this country ? They hacked in Europe, among other crimes, and were sanctioned for that...Trump suggested we might just drop those sanctions that were placed to support our allies. He also said, again publicly, that the USA should simply move on from this.

Most importantly, you don't even understand the issue.

Have you heard anyone decidedly say the results were altered or even affected ?

Nope...you simply heard and still hear Trump speaking of himself, never said vein criticizing Russia, but criticizing all over the world outcry intelligence agencies.

Stop posting if you don't understand or refuse to read.
Old 01-06-2017, 08:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Russia hacked us, big news....not! It happens everyday. What's new?

Did anyone change their vote due to Russian hacking?

The newspaper revealed hacked tax documents from Trump. Did anyone complain about that hacking?
Someone leaked the private illegally recorded conversation of Trump from a decade ago. Did anyone complain about that "hacking?"

I will bet there there were more Republicans that did not vote for Trump due to hacking than Hillary. Any bets????
Russians wanted Trump to win for a reason. Trump wanted to win in the worst way. I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder if there was some type of collusion involved between the two buddies. Didn't you ever wonder why Trump was always so complimentary towards Putin? Didn't you ever wonder why his prior campaign manager quit the campaign suddenly after his connections to Russia were uncovered? Now we have a possible secretary of state who is real close to the fascist dictator. We'll never know for sure if we don't have a bi-partisan committee looking into this.

I find it funny how the same loonie tunes who believed Trump when he said Obama was a Muslim Kenyan find it hard to believe their are people stupid enough to believe the fake news the Russians (and some of Trump's staff) have put out there.
Old 01-06-2017, 09:29 PM
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Originally Posted by LardButt

Are you ****ting Me? You memories about as long as chis dick...
Like I said....

Originally Posted by ColdNoMore

How many even halfway intelligent people (besides the usual ignorant suspects on here of course)...really believe that?

Old 01-06-2017, 09:55 PM
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Originally Posted by hypocunter View Post
Trump wanted to win in the worst way.
Good point...Crooked Hillary was definitely not as interested in winning as Trump was!

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Old 01-07-2017, 06:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
It would REALLY be nice, if Trump would show us that he is truly an American for a change. I'm concerned that I've made a big mistake in my vote.
If you voted for Hillary, you did make a mistake......
Old 01-07-2017, 06:57 AM
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Politicians have not changed nor has the game of politics with one exception the ability to communicate to so many globally in a matter of microseconds.

Voters have not changed either we have a need to validate our vote so we won't have to tell ourselves that we got snookered.

So what's a voter to do when a politician looks you straight in the eye telling an untruth? What some do is take a step back and look at the bigger picture to see what is motivating the moving party.

People say Trump has been disrespectful toward our intelligence community. Yet, if one is objective we see that the intelligence community has repeatedly lost the respect of the people from failed intelligence, domestic snooping, and alleged torture tactics.

People say Russia hacked the DNC and spread information about Hillary Clinton to discredit her and to push the election to Trump.

Well all countries hack, spy, steal from one another so that is not newsworthy.

And from the advent of the primary, actually before, the American people knew of Hillary's many scandals breaches etc.

In a news article DNI Clapper states "Russia meddled in the election" Those opposing Trump ran with that headline and as usual left our the rest of the story . Clapper also said " the intelligence community couldn't gauge the influence the leaks of information had during the campaign or whether they impacted voters choices, describing the matter as outside his purview

Personally I am not a Trump fan. I did vote for Trump, not because of Trump, but because I rejected the social justice warriors (SJW) who were turning this nation into a hedonistic socialist nation and who were/are so intent on their agenda that they would create anarchy.

People claim that Trump's response to the Russia hacking is all about him. Perhaps? but the bigger issue is that the SJW continue to attempt to delegitimatize and discredit the Republican win in order to marginalize and minimize the policy changes the Trump Administration has announced. "Make America Sick Again"is one of those fear mongering canards.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 01-07-2017, 07:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
As always, you simply make things up.

No tax was hacked. The Times received 3 pages of a STATE return in the mail from unknown.

Can you cite a link, a story or anything where Russia hacked to affect an election in this country ? They hacked in Europe, among other crimes, and were sanctioned for that...Trump suggested we might just drop those sanctions that were placed to support our allies. He also said, again publicly, that the USA should simply move on from this.

Most importantly, you don't even understand the issue.

Have you heard anyone decidedly say the results were altered or even affected ?

Nope...you simply heard and still hear Trump speaking of himself, never said vein criticizing Russia, but criticizing all over the world outcry intelligence agencies.

Stop posting if you don't understand or refuse to read.

If you are too ignorant to understand the comment, why respond to it?
Trumps tax return was leaked to the paper. Did anyone complain? NOPE.
Trumps illegally recorded conversation was leaked. Did anyone complain? NOPE.
It's the same as Hacking, you idiot.

Was anyone's vote changed by any hacking. Name me one. If anything, having the truth come out about the DNC and Hillary SHOULD have convinced the stupid left that they were backing a corrupt and evil, self serving, morally and ethically deviant criminal. But no, librerals are so intent on winning, that they totally disregard her criminal nature.

No one says Trump is the perfect candidate. There is no such thing as perfect. Republicans thought Reagan was the best president, but the left will still deny that. Reagan was not perfect, but he was the better choice. Trump is not perfect (far from it) but he was by far the best choice of the two.

So, do your best to disparage him, cut him down, demean him, but he is there and NOTHING you can do will give you Hillary. Thank goodness that disease is in remission. If they put her in jail, then she will be permanently out of the picture. One can only hope that there really is some justice left in America.

Trump has not said anything that I take issue with regarding Russia or Putin. I happen to agree with him on Putin being a better leader than Obama. Putin is a thug and I am sure that Trump feels the same way. Trump never said he was friends with Putin, regardless of your side's perverting what someone says.

If you don't like Trump, then you should have gotten out and found a viable candidate for your side, instead of scumbag Hillary. And your candidate should not have run on Obie's record, intending to continue it. Obama lost as much as Hillary. And if you don't realize that Soros is more dangerous than Putin then you are just as retarded as you sound. Now, it is too late for you to correct what you on the left failed at, attempting to elect a corrupt scumbag. So, pull up your man pants and quit crying like a spoiled baby.

change, political, witch, hunt, trump

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