Julian Assange and Russians, Trump says "political witch hunt"

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Old 01-07-2017, 07:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Politicians have not changed nor has the game of politics with one exception the ability to communicate to so many globally in a matter of microseconds.

Voters have not changed either we have a need to validate our vote so we won't have to tell ourselves that we got snookered.

So what's a voter to do when a politician looks you straight in the eye telling an untruth? What some do is take a step back and look at the bigger picture to see what is motivating the moving party.

People say Trump has been disrespectful toward our intelligence community. Yet, if one is objective we see that the intelligence community has repeatedly lost the respect of the people from failed intelligence, domestic snooping, and alleged torture tactics.

People say Russia hacked the DNC and spread information about Hillary Clinton to discredit her and to push the election to Trump.

Well all countries hack, spy, steal from one another so that is not newsworthy.

And from the advent of the primary, actually before, the American people knew of Hillary's many scandals breaches etc.

In a news article DNI Clapper states "Russia meddled in the election" Those opposing Trump ran with that headline and as usual left our the rest of the story . Clapper also said " the intelligence community couldn't gauge the influence the leaks of information had during the campaign or whether they impacted voters choices, describing the matter as outside his purview

Personally I am not a Trump fan. I did vote for Trump, not because of Trump, but because I rejected the social justice warriors (SJW) who were turning this nation into a hedonistic socialist nation and who were/are so intent on their agenda that they would create anarchy.

People claim that Trump's response to the Russia hacking is all about him. Perhaps? but the bigger issue is that the SJW continue to attempt to delegitimatize and discredit the Republican win in order to marginalize and minimize the policy changes the Trump Administration has announced. "Make America Sick Again"is one of those fear mongering canards.

Personal Best Regards:
I think I give up honestly.

Bow to Trump is the answer.

You have NEVER mentioned once his lack of criticism for a punk killer in Russia, nor he criticism PUBLICLY for his own country.

Speaking to just this forum..

I have seen no posts even attempting to delegitimize his victory.. posts who mention that are from those that support Trump. It is like an echo chamber of Trumps comments.

With each post, you seem to just take Trumps thoughts and deftly change the words a bit.

You have no concerns for his established Russian ties..none. Amazing how your entire thought process changed about association and character in 8 years.

You will agree with him under all circumstances...as he said he could shoot someone in the street and his followers would make an excuse.
Old 01-07-2017, 08:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I think I give up honestly.

Bow to Trump is the answer.

You have NEVER mentioned once his lack of criticism for a punk killer in Russia, nor he criticism PUBLICLY for his own country.

Speaking to just this forum..

I have seen no posts even attempting to delegitimize his victory.. posts who mention that are from those that support Trump. It is like an echo chamber of Trumps comments.

With each post, you seem to just take Trumps thoughts and deftly change the words a bit.

You have no concerns for his established Russian ties..none. Amazing how your entire thought process changed about association and character in 8 years.

You will agree with him under all circumstances...as he said he could shoot someone in the street and his followers would make an excuse.
What a crybaby! Go play with your bunny in your safe room.
Old 01-07-2017, 08:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
As always, you simply make things up.
When I first got here, I thought maybe RubiTheCon was being facetious or just playing with people when he constantly made things up and acted like everyone should believe him...just because he said it.

Many months later, it is painfully obvious by his cut/paste plagiarism, lack of citations/links and willingness to believe wholly any fake news site...that he's really just kinda dumb.

He tries to hide it by long-winded posts, but it's easily deduced that he's either unwilling, or unable...to discern the truth and facts.

Regardless of the reason, I do get a big chuckle when he goes off and spouts things that he hasn't a clue about.

So there is, at least...the entertainment factor to consider.

Originally Posted by Guest
No tax was hacked. The Times received 3 pages of a STATE return in the mail from unknown.

Can you cite a link, a story or anything where Russia hacked to affect an election in this country ? They hacked in Europe, among other crimes, and were sanctioned for that...Trump suggested we might just drop those sanctions that were placed to support our allies. He also said, again publicly, that the USA should simply move on from this.

Most importantly, you don't even understand the issue.

Have you heard anyone decidedly say the results were altered or even affected ?

Nope...you simply heard and still hear Trump speaking of himself, never said vein criticizing Russia, but criticizing all over the world outcry intelligence agencies.

Stop posting if you don't understand or refuse to read.
Nailed him again!

I predict a quick pivot or another ignorant statement from him...totally devoid of citations/links, facts or the truth.
Old 01-07-2017, 09:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
When I first got here, I thought maybe RubiTheCon was being facetious or just playing with people when he constantly made things up and acted like everyone should believe him...just because he said it.

Many months later, it is painfully obvious by his cut/paste plagiarism, lack of citations/links and willingness to believe wholly any fake news site...that he's really just kinda dumb.

He tries to hide it by long-winded posts, but it's easily deduced that he's either unwilling, or unable...to discern the truth and facts.

Regardless of the reason, I do get a big chuckle when he goes off and spouts things that he hasn't a clue about.

So there is, at least...the entertainment factor to consider.

Nailed him again!

I predict a quick pivot or another ignorant statement from him...totally devoid of citations/links, facts or the truth.
Thank you for the example, as always. When have you ever initiated a new subject or even commented on THE SUBJECT? Never. Always your prissy little girly slaps and finger nail scratching of other posters.

Try discussing something instead of instigating a fagot slap fight, sister.
Old 01-07-2017, 09:12 AM
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Originally Posted by MLGBT

Thank you for the example, as always. When have you ever initiated a new subject or even commented on THE SUBJECT? Never. Always your prissy little girly slaps and finger nail scratching of other posters.

Try discussing something instead of instigating a fagot slap fight, sister.
Are you trying to compete with RubiTheCon...for being the top entertainment factor?

I provide more actual citations/links/facts, from legitimate sources, in a week...than you have since I got here 9 months ago.

Having the courage to make yourself look so stupid...certainly brightens the day however.
Old 01-07-2017, 09:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Are you trying to compete with RubiTheCon...for being the top entertainment factor?

I provide more actual citations/links/facts, from legitimate sources, in a week...than you have since I got here 9 months ago.

Having the courage to make yourself look so stupid...certainly brightens the day however.
Prove it, Can't No Mo. Quit squealing like a sissy and do it. You are a troll, and trolls don't discuss, they irritate like the little worms they are.
Old 01-07-2017, 10:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Prove it, Can't No Mo. Quit squealing like a sissy and do it. You are a troll, and trolls don't discuss, they irritate like the little worms they are.
You are consistent in your manifestation of your girly immaturity.

Lets look at what a troll is by defninition...

"In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal, on-topic discussion,[3] often for the troll's amusement."

Internet troll - Wikipedia

THAT fits you to a tee, except for the embarassing total lack of knowledge.

Rubicon at least has the ability to sound as if he really is interested in dialogue, thus in looking at this objectively, YOU are indeed the shining example of a troll.....congratulations ?
Old 01-07-2017, 10:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
What a crybaby! Go play with your bunny in your safe room.
Thanks for your well thought out, fact filled response.

Hey, by the way, can you lead me to that link on the hacked Trump taxes you were talking about earlier ? I just want some indication of where you search for anything.
Old 01-07-2017, 10:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Thanks for your well thought out, fact filled response.

Hey, by the way, can you lead me to that link on the hacked Trump taxes you were talking about earlier ? I just want some indication of where you search for anything.
Try to follow along on the thread. If it is too difficult, go back to the High School forums where they can teach you how.

I'm sorry if you do not know how to Google Trumps tax return leak to the paper. How do you suppose anyone found out that Trump took a loss on his taxes that can stretch out for several years? It's really not that difficult, if you set your mind to it.

So, did you get your identity mixed up or are you replying for Can't No Mo, today?
Old 01-07-2017, 10:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Politicians have not changed nor has the game of politics with one exception the ability to communicate to so many globally in a matter of microseconds.

Voters have not changed either we have a need to validate our vote so we won't have to tell ourselves that we got snookered.

So what's a voter to do when a politician looks you straight in the eye telling an untruth? What some do is take a step back and look at the bigger picture to see what is motivating the moving party.

People say Trump has been disrespectful toward our intelligence community. Yet, if one is objective we see that the intelligence community has repeatedly lost the respect of the people from failed intelligence, domestic snooping, and alleged torture tactics.

People say Russia hacked the DNC and spread information about Hillary Clinton to discredit her and to push the election to Trump.

Well all countries hack, spy, steal from one another so that is not newsworthy.

And from the advent of the primary, actually before, the American people knew of Hillary's many scandals breaches etc.

In a news article DNI Clapper states "Russia meddled in the election" Those opposing Trump ran with that headline and as usual left our the rest of the story . Clapper also said " the intelligence community couldn't gauge the influence the leaks of information had during the campaign or whether they impacted voters choices, describing the matter as outside his purview

Personally I am not a Trump fan. I did vote for Trump, not because of Trump, but because I rejected the social justice warriors (SJW) who were turning this nation into a hedonistic socialist nation and who were/are so intent on their agenda that they would create anarchy.

People claim that Trump's response to the Russia hacking is all about him. Perhaps? but the bigger issue is that the SJW continue to attempt to delegitimatize and discredit the Republican win in order to marginalize and minimize the policy changes the Trump Administration has announced. "Make America Sick Again"is one of those fear mongering canards.

Personal Best Regards:
Lets discuss this part of your post. You seldom respond to any direct questions, preferring your expertise in double talk to respond....this from your post...

"I did vote for Trump, not because of Trump, but because I rejected the social justice warriors (SJW) who were turning this nation into a hedonistic socialist nation and who were/are so intent on their agenda that they would create anarchy."

Ok....having said that, and knowing what you have said in the past about "conservative values"...."budget controls", etc...is this the kind of stuff you support ?

"Experts at the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center estimate that Trump's tax proposals alone could add as much as $7.2 trillion to the deficit in the coming decade. Even-more-conservative estimates, such as those produced by the right-leaning Tax Foundation, concluded that Trump's tax proposals would create at least a $4.4 trillion budget hole in the same time frame."

Republicans embrace building of Mexico border wall, despite cost - Baltimore Sun

This is from an article on the "wall" at the border........and this of course

"There is no reliable price tag on building a border wall, but Trump has estimated the cost at $8 billion. Recent congressional legislation pegged the number at $10 billion, and construction experts say it could be more than double that.

The wall is one part of a massive spending strategy at the core of Trump's populist agenda. Trump has not provided extensive details on how he plans to follow through on vows such as overhauling the tax code, repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, and executing a sprawling infrastructure program. But each of those proposals carries an exorbitant price tag, and experts say that combined, they could add trillions of dollars to the deficit."

Is this the conservative route you endorse him for ?

It does not even come close to my Republican party.

NOW even though I was a devout opponent of Obama care and very stridently so, the Republican party is tripping under Trumps leadership (basically he agrees with the last person he spoke to) he and the party are about to screw that up....

"The announcement comes as a growing number of Republican senators are expressing unease with the plan to move forward with repeal without a replacement plan immediately available. Sens. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) have also expressed reservations. If Trump comes out against repeal without a replacement, it could kill the plan's chances in Congress."

BUT the last person that Trump spoke to was Rand Paul...

"Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said Friday that President-elect Donald Trump agrees with his proposal to repeal and replace ObamaCare at the same time, rather than roll back the law with no plan to move forward.

“I just spoke to @realDonaldTrump and he fully supports my plan to replace Obamacare the same day we repeal it. The time to act is now.” Paul tweeted."

Rand Paul: Trump backs plan to repeal and replace ObamaCare simultaneously | TheHill

Which policies and issues brought you to the feet of Trump ? What made you embrace a dishonest man who has backed off almost everything he said during the campaign.

You asked this question in your post with these words...

"So what's a voter to do when a politician looks you straight in the eye telling an untruth? What some do is take a step back and look at the bigger picture to see what is motivating the moving party."

WELL, for me individually I looked at the character of the man to determine if I could trust him. I read about what his proposals actually were when finally he made some public, and dismissed all the stupid rhetoric and stand up routines he was presenting. I weighed all the things said about him and the charges and investigated them.

As a party, as you allude to, most of them ran away from him and stayed away until he won and their future had to be tied to them..that is politics and all your diatribes will not change that and neither will Trump.

So, those who did not investigate as I and others did, got all caught up in hate so they ignored ALL the signs about this person....just ignored them.

So as you see this developing, as you see him do exactly what his opponents said he would do, you still believe in him and you do not crack in your support, which is 180 degrees from the principles that you espoused on here before.

The one thing we agree on is how politics is. Not pretty and never much has been. This is one reason, Trump being the real mover, that I left the Republican party and am now a registered Independent. I am issue driven anyway, and will vote how I should have been doing in the past.
Old 01-07-2017, 12:20 PM
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Rockface - you are a dinosaur my friend (hence the nickname)...the guy that represents your views was defeated in 2008 and 2012. The old Republicans are almost just as much out of touch with the voters as the dems. The Republicans would have lost without Trump. Give to change, or quietly step aside.

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Old 01-07-2017, 01:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Rockface - you are a dinosaur my friend (hence the nickname)...the guy that represents your views was defeated in 2008 and 2012. The old Republicans are almost just as much out of touch with the voters as the dems. The Republicans would have lost without Trump. Give to change, or quietly step aside.

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If swayed by TRUTH, I gladly step aside.

If confronted with LIES, I do not step aside.

If shown he actually cared about my country, since he has done nothing in his life for this country, I step aside.

You do not know my views as posters on this forum choose not to discuss views in issues. You have reduced the conversation to attacking and avoiding issues.

I do know that the Republican Party used to stand for responsible fiscal policies.....they seem to have lost that

They used to stand for striping morals and character. The leader of the party has a history of factual non moral, illicit, lying, illegal behavior, and he brags about how YOU believe whatever he says.

So...I can take him being obnoxious, but have seen nothing at all to show me he cares about anything but himself.
Old 01-07-2017, 03:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
"Washington (CNN)President-elect Donald Trump downplayed Russia's role in the election after a briefing with top US intelligence officials, even as a declassified report of their conclusions pointed definitively at Vladimir Putin."

Trump downplays Russian meddling in election despite intel report - CNNPolitics.com

"(CNN)Donald Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway on Friday rejected the intelligence community's assessment that Russia meddled in the 2016 election, saying "conclusive evidence" has not yet been provided to the President-elect."

Conway: Stop trying to 'delegitimize' Trump victory - CNNPolitics.com

Link to his statement....


KellyAnn Conway saying "stop trying to 'delegitimize' Trump victory" is too comical. Where was she when Trump spent five years trying to delegitimize Pres Obama by questioning his birthplace? Trump and his team can sure dish it out but can't take it.

Trump will have his chance soon enough when some Muslim organization, which he has been mocking for two years, plans their first terrorist attack. They are chomping at the bit for him to be sworn in.

Then Trump can decide who he wants to listen to, the intel community or Jullian Assange.
Old 01-07-2017, 05:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
KellyAnn Conway saying "stop trying to 'delegitimize' Trump victory" is too comical. Where was she when Trump spent five years trying to delegitimize Pres Obama by questioning his birthplace? Trump and his team can sure dish it out but can't take it.

Trump will have his chance soon enough when some Muslim organization, which he has been mocking for two years, plans their first terrorist attack. They are chomping at the bit for him to be sworn in.

Then Trump can decide who he wants to listen to, the intel community or Jullian Assange.
I can't wait for him to be sworn in either.

Watching his 140 character public meltdowns go into overdrive...will be quite the show.
Old 01-07-2017, 06:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I can't wait for him to be sworn in either.

Watching his 140 character public meltdowns go into overdrive...will be quite the show.
And it is going to be a treat to see you entertain us with your repetitious rants and assaults, TROLL. You have never contributed anywhere on this whole website. All your other posts are just rants, never a fact to base your opinion upon. But, the more you squirm and sweat, the more entertaining it is to watch your prissy, hissy fits. I bet it difficult to type with your bent wrists.

Isn't losing a bit*h? But, stay on Twitter and keep an eye on your man crush, Trump. I'll be laughing at the thought of you weeping.

Have a great evening, Can't do NO MO.

change, political, witch, hunt, trump

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