Kerry sets back U.S. and Israel relations

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Old 12-29-2016, 05:29 AM
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Default Kerry sets back U.S. and Israel relations

Kerry's Israel Speech Leaves More Foreign Policy Mess for Donald Trump

"With just one speech, delivered Wednesday at the United States Department of State, you have set back U.S. relations with Israel almost irrevocably." -- US News and World Report.
Old 12-29-2016, 08:37 AM
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Thank you barry and Kerry. The democratic party has now lost many of its Jewish supporters and monies.

Can't wait for 2018 midterms. Maybe I will score high on the midterm and be a menzamenz too

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Old 12-29-2016, 10:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Kerry's Israel Speech Leaves More Foreign Policy Mess for Donald Trump

"With just one speech, delivered Wednesday at the United States Department of State, you have set back U.S. relations with Israel almost irrevocably." -- US News and World Report.

The president wants to make sure Trump's in box is full as he enters the oval office. Besides dealing with Israel, Obama is announcing sanctions against Russia today or tomorrow.

And then of course he will have the routine stuff to deal with like Aleppo and Mosul.

It's a good thing Trump is a workaholic.
Old 12-29-2016, 10:14 AM
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It just feels so good to know that adults will be taking over in a few weeks.
What we've for the past eight years is the hippie children of the sixties who haven't yet realized that they were wrong about so many things in control. Free love, free food, no pacifism are nice thoughts, but they can never work.
Many of us who bought that stuff when we were 20 years old have come to understand that. Unfortunately, those in charge today still believe in it.
Old 12-29-2016, 10:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The president wants to make sure Trump's in box is full as he enters the oval office. Besides dealing with Israel, Obama is announcing sanctions against Russia today or tomorrow.

And then of course he will have the routine stuff to deal with like Aleppo and Mosul.

It's a good thing Trump is a workaholic.
Obama is just displaying in full view the character (or lack thereof) many of us have come to believe about him. Reminds me of a child who didn't get his way so he throws a full blown temper tantrum before leaving the room. For those who think that Trump is lacking in maturity in some of his actions, apparently Obama is quite capable of "one upping" him in that category. Petulant, and unfortunately for all of us, irresponsible, come to mind. Can't say I expected anything different from him though - just sad for the country as a whole that he feels a need to disrupt so many things before he leaves. Some legacy, but that's what you get when you elect someone who knows nothing about leadership.
Old 12-29-2016, 10:39 AM
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Another point of view and opinion from a very well respected, AND KNOWLEDGABLE writer who knows the subject.

Not a political viewpoint but a long range peace view. Mature, well documented.

Do not disagree simply because it is Obama.

"For those of you confused over the latest fight between President Obama and Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu of Israel, let me make it simple: Barack Obama and John Kerry admire and want to preserve Israel as a Jewish and democratic state in the Land of Israel. I have covered this issue my entire adult life and have never met two U.S. leaders more committed to Israel as a Jewish democracy.

But they are convinced — rightly — that Netanyahu is a leader who is forever dog paddling in the middle of the Rubicon, never ready to cross it. He is unwilling to make any big, hard decision to advance or preserve a two-state solution if that decision in any way risks his leadership of Israel’s right-wing coalition or forces him to confront the Jewish settlers, who relentlessly push Israel deeper and deeper into the West Bank."

He does know of what he speaks. Let us not assume because he uses Trump, that Netanyahu is correct, and not playing the "game"

"Obama ordered the U.S. to abstain on the U.N. resolution condemning the settlements (three months after Obama forged a 10-year, $38 billion military aid package for Israel — the largest for any U.S. ally ever) in hopes of sparking a debate inside Israel and to prevent it from closing off any chance of a two-state solution."
Old 12-29-2016, 10:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Kerry's Israel Speech Leaves More Foreign Policy Mess for Donald Trump

"With just one speech, delivered Wednesday at the United States Department of State, you have set back U.S. relations with Israel almost irrevocably." -- US News and World Report.
Just keep in mind that the author of this opinion is also a lead writer for Breitbart. Just keep in mind
Old 12-29-2016, 10:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Another point of view and opinion from a very well respected, AND KNOWLEDGABLE writer who knows the subject.

Not a political viewpoint but a long range peace view. Mature, well documented.

Do not disagree simply because it is Obama.

"For those of you confused over the latest fight between President Obama and Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu of Israel, let me make it simple: Barack Obama and John Kerry admire and want to preserve Israel as a Jewish and democratic state in the Land of Israel. I have covered this issue my entire adult life and have never met two U.S. leaders more committed to Israel as a Jewish democracy.

But they are convinced — rightly — that Netanyahu is a leader who is forever dog paddling in the middle of the Rubicon, never ready to cross it. He is unwilling to make any big, hard decision to advance or preserve a two-state solution if that decision in any way risks his leadership of Israel’s right-wing coalition or forces him to confront the Jewish settlers, who relentlessly push Israel deeper and deeper into the West Bank."

He does know of what he speaks. Let us not assume because he uses Trump, that Netanyahu is correct, and not playing the "game"

"Obama ordered the U.S. to abstain on the U.N. resolution condemning the settlements (three months after Obama forged a 10-year, $38 billion military aid package for Israel — the largest for any U.S. ally ever) in hopes of sparking a debate inside Israel and to prevent it from closing off any chance of a two-state solution."

If the two state solution fails again and Israel and Palestine become one state, Jewish people will be the minority. There will be far more Arabs than Jews.
Old 12-29-2016, 10:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Another point of view and opinion from a very well respected, AND KNOWLEDGABLE writer who knows the subject.

Not a political viewpoint but a long range peace view. Mature, well documented.

Do not disagree simply because it is Obama.

"For those of you confused over the latest fight between President Obama and Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu of Israel, let me make it simple: Barack Obama and John Kerry admire and want to preserve Israel as a Jewish and democratic state in the Land of Israel. I have covered this issue my entire adult life and have never met two U.S. leaders more committed to Israel as a Jewish democracy.

But they are convinced — rightly — that Netanyahu is a leader who is forever dog paddling in the middle of the Rubicon, never ready to cross it. He is unwilling to make any big, hard decision to advance or preserve a two-state solution if that decision in any way risks his leadership of Israel’s right-wing coalition or forces him to confront the Jewish settlers, who relentlessly push Israel deeper and deeper into the West Bank."

He does know of what he speaks. Let us not assume because he uses Trump, that Netanyahu is correct, and not playing the "game"

"Obama ordered the U.S. to abstain on the U.N. resolution condemning the settlements (three months after Obama forged a 10-year, $38 billion military aid package for Israel — the largest for any U.S. ally ever) in hopes of sparking a debate inside Israel and to prevent it from closing off any chance of a two-state solution."
Thank you for that. I know that there are always 2 sides to every story and it's good to examine both. I guess my problem with Obama is a trust issue regarding his motivations in his decision making and the people he sometimes relies on during that process. Not sure yet how I will feel about Trump in regards to this, but time will tell I guess.
Old 12-29-2016, 10:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Thank you for that. I know that there are always 2 sides to every story and it's good to examine both. I guess my problem with Obama is a trust issue regarding his motivations in his decision making and the people he sometimes relies on during that process. Not sure yet how I will feel about Trump in regards to this, but time will tell I guess.
Well, you know how I feel about Trump, his advisors, and his motivation.

Obama, I disagree with on most issues frankly, but never doubted his character, nor his commitment to peace. He does not have that macho, gotta be the winner thought process. That might work in some cases, but thinking about the on going Israel situation, he may have this one correct.

It is always EASY and SIMPLE to talk like a big is not always easy and simple to BE a big man.

The President is not charged with, among other things, keeping peace in the world. While he is Pres of the USA, the world looks here for leadership not bravado.

I was the first guy to start a thread on here disagreeing years ago with his INACTION on Syria...but on this, the guy in Israel has his own agenda.
Old 12-29-2016, 11:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Well, you know how I feel about Trump, his advisors, and his motivation.

Obama, I disagree with on most issues frankly, but never doubted his character, nor his commitment to peace. He does not have that macho, gotta be the winner thought process. That might work in some cases, but thinking about the on going Israel situation, he may have this one correct.

It is always EASY and SIMPLE to talk like a big is not always easy and simple to BE a big man.

The President is not charged with, among other things, keeping peace in the world. While he is Pres of the USA, the world looks here for leadership not bravado.

I was the first guy to start a thread on here disagreeing years ago with his INACTION on Syria...but on this, the guy in Israel has his own agenda.
I do remember your passion about Syria and rightly so. And you are correct about considering the source of information as it can tell a tale within itself. I am intrigued by your trust in Obama's character, but perhaps that is a discussion for another time and maybe will be a moot point anyway once the transition of power occurs.

In the meantime, keep giving us food for further thought with your posts.
Old 12-29-2016, 12:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
If the two state solution fails again and Israel and Palestine become one state, Jewish people will be the minority. There will be far more Arabs than Jews.
Like what's happening here in America and the Hispanic invasion...soon there will be more of them than us.

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