More Respect for FBI than for the Donald.

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Old 12-04-2017, 08:29 AM
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Exclamation More Respect for FBI than for the Donald.

Russia-Trump: President criticised for attacking FBI - BBC News

I would have a lot more respect for the FBI than for Donald John Trump even if any response I got with all the e-mails and letters I sent to the FBI in the 2000s (e-mail) and in the 1990s (snail mail) was many "this is not an FBI matter" in things connected to the 224 613 Project.

Interpol wrote at least that they did not have any jurisdiction but I got a lot of valuable stuff from European contacts about their providing information to victims/survivors in their jurisdictions.

Still would be interested in what victims/survivors in areas of FBI jurisdiction have in the way of access to practical information in crimes that involve the FBI. I suppose most of those victims have a great deal of materials available. Except maybe for missing Native American women on reservations???? I did write victim/assistance providers on US Indian reservations about what they needed in their libraries for survivors/victims of crimes.

Off subject though.

Back to respect for the FBI over feelings about Donald John Trump.

I just cannot see how he can condemn a whole agency for their following the dictates of good investigation procedures just because they put the sitting US President in a very bad light. That seems to be their jobs as far as the US Constitution and the Rule of Law is concerned.

And FBI Director James Comey did that. Followed the Rule of Law even if it cost Hillary Clinton the Presidency and then put a con man into the Oval Office.

john, respect

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