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Old 02-15-2015, 12:56 PM
Posts: n/a

Amazing enough, a poster continually speaks of and references the KOCH Brothers...actually,mostly two posters. Even post about them in a thread regarding Bill Clinton, thus for them I thought it would be the right thing to do to start a thread so that they can go on and on.

Folks, there is a TON OF MONEY in politics, but let me begin, because Harry Reid as really taken this on as a project simply present a few things...

"Judging from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s nearly daily diatribes on the floor of the U.S. Senate, George W. Bush has been retired as the most despised villain and the cause of all the evils that plague the world. Bush has been replaced by the Koch (a Dutch name, pronounced “Coke”) brothers, who are often maligned by the left for their pecuniary influence in politics. Since those on the left are not equally malevolent toward George Soros, who does the same thing, it’s clearly not the money in politics that bothers them — it’s the ideology.

The Washington Post’s Pulitzer Prize winning Fact Check granted a “Four Pinocchio” rating to Reid’s latest round of attacks. The Post says Reid is “setting a high standard for deceptive speech,” and concludes that Reid’s party is “reaching blindly” for someone to cast the blame of their own failures on. The paper, critical of the falsity of Reid’s claim, chides him with, “If you want to join a gun fight, don’t fire blanks.”

Read more at This Is Why We Should Fear George Soros, Not The Koch Brothers

Let us introduce the players....

"David and Charles Koch are brothers who run Koch Industries, an oil refinery business that is the second largest private firm in the country. The brothers are tied at number 6 on Forbes top billionaires list with personal net worth of about $41 billion each. They’ve expanded and maintained their fortunes by successfully providing the refined product that keeps America moving – oil."

"George Soros is chairman of Soros Fund Management, a hedge fund company. Soros is number 27 on Forbes list with a net worth of $23 billion. He’s made his fortune in large part by selling short against international currencies and collapsing financial institutions. In 1997, he was dubbed “the man who broke the Bank of England”; and he was blamed by the Malaysian Prime Minister for collapsing their currency during the Asian financial crisis. He was also convicted of illegal financial dealings in France. His big bet now is collapsing the U.S. dollar and the free enterprise system."

Ok....now the bottom line, so to speak.....

"The Koch brothers and Soros spend lavishly in politics. They support individual candidates, contribute to political party campaign funds, lobby politicians, bankroll political action committees, and have established foundations and think tanks to influence politics."

A little bit of analysis....

"The Kochs spend by far the most, but the bulk of it goes to lobbying. The Open Society Institute is one of George Soros’ organizations, and they provide part of the funding of OpenSecrets.org; so even realizing that their data may be skewed toward a more pejorative coverage of the Kochs, I’m going to rely on their data. According to Open Secrets, the Koch brothers have spent (or as liberals typically describe it, “invested”) over $50 million in lobbying from 1998-2010. During that same time, Soros and his primary Lobbying organization, the Open Society Policy Center, spent about $13 million.

Donations to federal candidates, parties, and political action committees give a smaller advantage to the Kochs. They invested $2.58 million vs. Soros’ $1.74 million from 1989 to 2010. When extended to include the past four years, the Koch brothers have contributed $18 million in political donations. This sounds like a great number, until we look at the 58 organizations ahead of them, including 18 different unions, according to Open Secrets. Those unions’ political contributions total over $638 million, almost all of whose funds go to liberal candidates, and is more than 35 times what the Kochs donate. Among those are the American Federation of State, County, & Municipal Employees ($60,667,379), the National Education Association ($53,594,488), the United Auto Workers ($41,667,858), and the Service Employees International Union ($38,395,690.)

But from here, the money for political influence gets a little more shady. From 2001 to 2010, the Koch brothers invested $1.5 million in other political groups, called 527 organizations, compared to Soros’ whopping $32.5 million."

A few misc comments from others....

"Anyway, it cracks me up every time I hear or listen to some leftist babbling on and on about those evil Koch brothers and their Americans for Prosperity (APF) organization.

According to the leftists peddling this nonsense the Koch brothers are the only billionaires in the political manipulation game and they'd like you to believe the democrats don't have anybody with the kind of money or influence the Koch brothers have.

Those who spin this obvious lie are either completely ignorant of the facts and really, truly don't know any better or they're willfully ignorant of the facts and are lying to you.

Personally, I believe it's the latter. But what do I know, I'm just an old guy.

But just for the fun of it let's play along and pretend they've never made the connection between the Democrats and the Hollywood elite. They've never heard of the guy named Warren Buffet. They've never heard that the Democrats enjoy the enormous fincancial backing of every public and private sector union in the country and they've never heard of The New York Times or MSNBC.

And every single one of them act like the guy named George Soros doesn't even exist.

Well he does. And he exists in a very big, spooky way.

The following is a list of organizations directly funded by none other than George Soros.

Read the list and then you decide.

Who's doing the most political manipulation? The Koch Brothers with their Americans for Prosperity (APF) of George Soros with his world wide network of radical activists.

Advancement Project: This organization works to organize "communities of color" into politically cohesive units promoting leftist policies.

Air America Radio: Now defunct leftist radio station.

All of Us or None: This organization seeks to change voting laws.

Alliance for Justice: This organization is best known for their work in the appointment of federal judges.

America Coming Together: This organization's mission is to organizes and promote pro-Democrat voter-mobilization programs.

America Votes: Another pro-Democrat get out the vote organization.

America's voice: Open borders group pushing amnesty for illegal aliens.

American Bar Accociation on Immigration policy: Another open borders group pushing for amnesty for illegal aliens.

American Bridge 21st Century: This group privides Democrat candidates information (dirt) on their Republican opponents.

American Civil Liberties Union: This group opposes almost every security measure taken since the attacks of 9-11. They're also big time open borders people and have been quick to defend suspected terrorists.

American Constitution Society for Law and Policy: A Washington DC based think-tank designed to recrute, indoctrinate and mobilize young law students.

American Family Voices: This group creates and coordinates media campaigns against Republican candidates.

American Federation of Teachers: This powerful teachers union works to make sure everyone adheres to left wing policies.

American Friends Service Committee: This group views The United State as the principal cause of human suffering. They're big open borders supporters, pro amnesty and abololition of the death penalty.

American Immigration Council: Another open border group pushing for amnesty.

American Immigration Law Foundation: Another open border group.

American Institute of Social Justice: Obviously one of Obama's favorite groups.

American Library Accociation: This group is working to repeal every aspect of the Patriot Act.

American Prospect Inc: This corporation recruits and trains left wing journalists.

Amnesty International: Yet another open borders and pro amnesty group.

Applied Research Center: This group sees The United States as deeply racist.

Arab American Institute: An Anti-Israel Pro- Palestinian group.

Aspen Institution: Environmental extremists who view The United States As a deeply racist nation.

MoveOn.org. This group help promote Democrat candidates.

The Tides Foundation: Funnels Soros money to dozens of other left wing groups.

And the list goes on and on and on.

Click on the link below for the entire list of George Soros funded left-wing groups to see for yourself.

Organizations Funded by George Soros and His Open Society Institute - Discover the Networks

Do the Koch brothers spend millions of dollars promoting convervative candidates?

Of course the do.

No one's saying they don't.

You see, that's the difference between right wing bloggers and talking heads and our counterparts on the left.

My side (conservative side) sticks to facts and places a premium on the truth and honesty.

The left?

Well, not so much..."

Let me take this to another post because this is so much....

But read and keep in mind.....this is an issue created by Harry Reid and types.....nobody denies the spending goes on but folks do ask if you might look into HOW AND WHERE...
Old 02-15-2015, 01:08 PM
Posts: n/a

Sheeeeeesh ........ what a windbag.

Couldn't care less if the Koch bros., or anyone else, raises 1 or 2 billion dollars for the a POTUS candidate in '16 - I believe in the '12 campaign they raised 3/4 of a billion dollars to oppose Obama ................ that worked out well.
Old 02-15-2015, 01:09 PM
Posts: n/a

To those few posters who feel that the poor democrats have no millionaires, or Billionaires supporting their causes, I hope this thread will enable you to vent on a non issue.

You could use it to thank Mr. Soros for financing the Ferguson riots !
Old 02-15-2015, 01:11 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Sheeeeeesh ........ what a windbag.

Couldn't care less if the Koch bros., or anyone else, raises 1 or 2 billion dollars for the a POTUS candidate in '16 - I believe in the '12 campaign they raised 3/4 of a billion dollars to oppose Obama ................ that worked out well.
I started the thread...I am the windbag...please be gentle...there are a few Reid acolytes who mention this at every chance.

I agree.....a non issue, but this was for them....I think two or three regulars
Old 02-15-2015, 02:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Sheeeeeesh ........ what a windbag.

Couldn't care less if the Koch bros., or anyone else, raises 1 or 2 billion dollars for the a POTUS candidate in '16 - I believe in the '12 campaign they raised 3/4 of a billion dollars to oppose Obama ................ that worked out well.
These are the same posters that promised us that Mitt Romney would win in a landslide. Just read the old posts from 2012. Let the Kochs spend their money. It never hurts to have one billion dollars pumped into the economy. It may even create some jobs.
Old 02-15-2015, 02:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
These are the same posters that promised us that Mitt Romney would win in a landslide. Just read the old posts from 2012. Let the Kochs spend their money. It never hurts to have one billion dollars pumped into the economy. It may even create some jobs.
Well, right on one thing...dead wrong on another.

I started this thread, NOT A SAME POSTER YADDA YADDA.

I do hope it creates jobs, and do not think it is an issue, HOWEVER, there are folks who do, and I did this thread hoping this might, in some way, force them to actually discuss issues that matter.

You must admit....former speaker Reid spoke of this almost on a daily schedule.
Old 02-15-2015, 03:23 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Sheeeeeesh ........ what a windbag.

Couldn't care less if the Koch bros., or anyone else, raises 1 or 2 billion dollars for the a POTUS candidate in '16 - I believe in the '12 campaign they raised 3/4 of a billion dollars to oppose Obama ................ that worked out well.
Dear couldn't care less: Your comments are an "emotional name calling rant"and not a logical counter point. I suspect in all due respect it was because you were overwhelmed with the cogent and multi-packed documented facts presented by the OP

The short version for you is Soros is determined to bring down our democracy and unfortunately greedy Bush hating democrats like Reid are easy prey and make a Faustian bargain

Personal Best Regards:
Old 02-15-2015, 03:32 PM
Posts: n/a

To the OP - great post. I found the information very interesting and informative. Thank you. As to the naysayers, I think it's just too much truth to handle in one post.
Old 02-15-2015, 04:11 PM
Posts: n/a

I like the fact this op throws all his negative opinions out there about anything even remotely progressive, then has no comparison or negative opinions about his republicans held hostage by the tea party which koch supports a lot. Also he enclosed a lot of text in quotes but never divulged his source, a lot like Fox News, oh wait that might be his source!
Old 02-15-2015, 04:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I like the fact this op throws all his negative opinions out there about anything even remotely progressive, then has no comparison or negative opinions about his republicans held hostage by the tea party which koch supports a lot. Also he enclosed a lot of text in quotes but never divulged his source, a lot like Fox News, oh wait that might be his source!

I gave the source...TWO DISTINCT LINKS in the first post. I am sorry that you cannot recognize them....but for your purpose...

This Is Why We Should Fear George Soros, Not The Koch Brothers

Compared To George Soros The Koch Brothers Are Amateurs... | Cjonline.com Mobile

Now as far as ME doing research for others. I enjoy research but one of the major problems on here is that most do not want to do ANY, such as you.

There are so many things to read....BOOKS....WEBSITES.....DEBATES...so much out there. Open your mind.

So many of the political bend do not want you to reasearch anything...that way you will follow them and do what they want. I choose NOT to do that !
Old 02-15-2015, 04:47 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post

I gave the source...TWO DISTINCT LINKS in the first post. I am sorry that you cannot recognize them....but for your purpose...

This Is Why We Should Fear George Soros, Not The Koch Brothers

Compared To George Soros The Koch Brothers Are Amateurs... | Cjonline.com Mobile

Now as far as ME doing research for others. I enjoy research but one of the major problems on here is that most do not want to do ANY, such as you.

There are so many things to read....BOOKS....WEBSITES.....DEBATES...so much out there. Open your mind.

So many of the political bend do not want you to reasearch anything...that way you will follow them and do what they want. I choose NOT to do that !
And I thank you for that. I appreciate your informative posts and the links that you provide for the sources of your information. For those of us who like to evaluate both sides of the situation, we appreciate your effort.
Old 02-15-2015, 06:29 PM
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When I hear the rants about the Koch Brothers, it genuinely cracks me up.

Why is it the Left always seems to need some type of bogeyman to scare and upset their credulous voters? I mean, it's "Big Oil" or "Big Insurance" or some other scare tactic like the GOP will take Grandma's social security away. Boo!!

It doesn't speak much to the intelligence of their voting base, but on the other hand, the tactic has worked like a charm for many years. The Koch Bros is just the latest manifestation.
Old 02-16-2015, 03:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
When I hear the rants about the Koch Brothers, it genuinely cracks me up.

Why is it the Left always seems to need some type of bogeyman to scare and upset their credulous voters? I mean, it's "Big Oil" or "Big Insurance" or some other scare tactic like the GOP will take Grandma's social security away. Boo!!

It doesn't speak much to the intelligence of their voting base, but on the other hand, the tactic has worked like a charm for many years. The Koch Bros is just the latest manifestation.
Very amusing! Speaking of tactics, the Kochs and others have spent a lot of money to successfully brainwash the right wingers, libertarians, and tea partiers to support low taxes on the top brackets, getting rid of estate taxes on large estates, and deregulation of industry protections for consumers - NONE of which benefits the large majority of their constituency, and in fact, does harm to most. They have injected the term "job creators" into the lexicon, where they used to be considered "robber barons". Any job creation they produce is only if it contributes to their wealth creation, they don't do it for the good of society. They have also somehow, convinced the sheep to support unlimited money for campaigns, which is taken advantage of by both parties, but which produces the effect of buying influence, which is thought to be unethical in most developed countries.
Old 02-16-2015, 03:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Very amusing! Speaking of tactics, the Kochs and others have spent a lot of money to successfully brainwash the right wingers, libertarians, and tea partiers to support low taxes on the top brackets, getting rid of estate taxes on large estates, and deregulation of industry protections for consumers - NONE of which benefits the large majority of their constituency, and in fact, does harm to most. They have injected the term "job creators" into the lexicon, where they used to be considered "robber barons". Any job creation they produce is only if it contributes to their wealth creation, they don't do it for the good of society. They have also somehow, convinced the sheep to support unlimited money for campaigns, which is taken advantage of by both parties, but which produces the effect of buying influence, which is thought to be unethical in most developed countries.
Meanwhile, George Soros is spending his money to counter those devils.
Old 02-18-2015, 10:32 AM
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GREAT (and informative) post. Unfortunately, it can only benefit those who are not blinded by their own personal political ideology ... no matter the side.

I did not know the following:
American Library Acc(sic)ociation: This group is working to repeal every aspect of the Patriot Act.

I didn't think the American Library Association had anything going for it until now. I'll have to consider a donation. Any group (left or right) working to dismantle these euphemistically-labeled, UNCONSTITUTIONAL laws, gets a star in my book!


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