I think Obama is pro Muslim.

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Old 02-14-2015, 12:34 PM
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Default I think Obama is pro Muslim.

I had not ever considered that, but what with his recent failing to join the European forces in their unified March.

Makes me suspicious in his siding with a Muslim country against Russia.

And I have already been discouraged about his non support of Israel against their Islamic enemies.
Old 02-14-2015, 01:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I had not ever considered that, but what with his recent failing to join the European forces in their unified March.

Makes me suspicious in his siding with a Muslim country against Russia.

And I have already been discouraged about his non support of Israel against their Islamic enemies.
My opinion, he wants so bad to influence the Israeli election and have someone take over for Netanyahu that will cooperate with HAMAS and weaken Israel, which is, again in my opinion, why the IRAN negotiations have dragged on until after the Israel election is over.

Believe me the game plan is to make Israel much weaker and open the door for Iran who TO THIS VERY DAY STILL MARCHES AND SHOUTS DEATH TO ISRAEL.......and we negotiate with them
Old 02-14-2015, 03:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
My opinion, he wants so bad to influence the Israeli election and have someone take over for Netanyahu that will cooperate with HAMAS and weaken Israel, which is, again in my opinion, why the IRAN negotiations have dragged on until after the Israel election is over.

Believe me the game plan is to make Israel much weaker and open the door for Iran who TO THIS VERY DAY STILL MARCHES AND SHOUTS DEATH TO ISRAEL.......and we negotiate with them
And what is the alternative to negotiating with Iran? Full blown nuclear war?
Old 02-14-2015, 04:07 PM
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The dealings between Obama and Iran are not over whether Iran will give up trying to make the bomb but rather how Obama will set the stage so that America readily accepts a nuclear Iran.

Obama is by word manner and action pro Iran and an anti-Israel.
Old 02-14-2015, 04:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The dealings between Obama and Iran are not over whether Iran will give up trying to make the bomb but rather how Obama will set the stage so that America readily accepts a nuclear Iran.

Obama is by word manner and action pro Iran and an anti-Israel.
If one looks at both Obama's words and, more importantly his deeds, your conclusion is objectively correct.
Old 02-14-2015, 04:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
And what is the alternative to negotiating with Iran? Full blown nuclear war?
No, of course not...what a hyper response.

Negotiate with strength.....make them stick to the dates which they have not done at all or even close. They consistently and constantly still threaten Israel....how about ask them to stop that ? Would that be ok.

Why do you think this country of Iran, who has lied to the world and never kept its word, will honor whatever words that come out of this negotiations.

Nuclear war cannot happen if we insure they do not have the capabilities of ever ever getting a weapon. Nuclear war is possible if we turn a blind eye and actually trust them. They continue...

better said than I...

"Iran is the gravest threat to world peace. It is tricky enough dealing with Vladimir Putin’s land grabs, and the monsters in Iraq-Syria, but at least the West is more or less agreed on the need to resist. What is most alarming about Iran is that the United States, in the person of President Barack Obama, seems to have lost its nerve to stop Iran’s final dash to be a nuclear military power, with appalling consequences for the Middle East sooner – and later with missiles that could reach the United States. Iran has got where it is, close to a window of a few months for a bomb, by a pattern of defiance and deceit. It signed the non-proliferation treaty but cheated on it. It resumed the enrichment of uranium it had been ordered never to start. Six times it has ignored resolutions of the United Nations Security Council. It has regularly evaded and lied to the International Atomic Energy Agency. Everyone knows one thing about Iranian leaders: smiling or frowning you can’t trust them.

It took some time for the Western countries to realize they’d been taken for suckers. When they did, they were more or less obliged to act with force – or acquiesce in Iran’s “right” to enrich uranium. Acquiesce they did until finally provoked to impose sanctions. They worked. Iran came to the negotiating table but failed to meet a deadline and last November got a reward for its intransigence – a seven month extension. And what more could we do to show goodwill? We relax the sanctions that underlay negotiations, having unwisely rejected a congressional vote to tighten them in the face of obduracy. We also give the Iranian theocracy access to $7 billion hard currency they will be able to use for their criminal purposes. Why do that when sanctions were demoralizing the country? Relaxation was a godsend for Iran’s staggering economy. It was the one pressure we had to force Iran to give up its pursuit of nuclear weapons and we have given it away."

Obama Has Lost His Nerve in the Battle Against a Nuclear Iran - US News

If you know anything at all about Iran, or have followed their path, you know that this country is really the least one you want to turn your back on...in anyway..

"Obama, who has more than once pledged we would do “what we must” to stop them, is now repositioned to doing what we must to keep them talking while they continue with their nuclear effort.

Since Obama led the 5+1 negotiating countries to the recent agreement in Geneva, nobody is very sure even what the U.S. wants. The president ignored the region’s alarm, leading to the strange new relationship between Israel and the Saudi and Gulf governments who are all threatened by Iran’s growing military force. Why does Obama want a detente with Tehran that risks upending America’s entire stance in the Middle East? His apparent belief in Iranian bona fides is astonishing, for he must recognize that once the matrix of sanctions starts to unravel, it will be hard, maybe impossible, to get it reinstated.

The only thing the Geneva agreement accomplished is to provide Iran with another six months to perfect its nuclear weapons program. In effect the U.S. military option has been taken off the table, leaving the sole burden for eliminating Iran’s nuclear capability to Israel. A great power should not behave this way, especially after a three-decade-long war that has injured countless and cost thousands of American lives.

Obama seems blind to the consequences of his eagerness to leave a legacy of making peace.

Not only were Iran’s uranium enrichment capabilities left intact but they have pledged only to freeze production of 3.5 percent enriched uranium for just six months. They are not required to dismantle their centrifuges, now roughly 20,000 including perhaps 5,000 that spin six times faster than the conventional machines. We were told that Iran had pledged to “destroy” its stock of 90 percent military enriched uranium. In fact, the deal requires Iran only to convert half of this stock to oxide and dilute the other half to only a quarter of its present level of enrichment and both processes are reversible, wrote Conrad Black in the National Review after the deal. Nor will there be the level of inspections that the IAEA insists is necessary."

Allow me to emphsize this part....

"The president ignored the region’s alarm, leading to the strange new relationship between Israel and the Saudi and Gulf governments who are all threatened by Iran’s growing military force. Why does Obama want a detente with Tehran that risks upending America’s entire stance in the Middle East? His apparent belief in Iranian bona fides is astonishing, for he must recognize that once the matrix of sanctions starts to unravel, it will be hard, maybe impossible, to get it reinstated.

I would do a bit of re reading of this countries history and out and out threats, and the entire thing in congress is because Obama wishes not to hur their feelings by having, at the ready, more sanctions. The legislation that he is so opposed to and the legislation he is creating a battle over, specifically says that it is ONLY TO BE USED IF NEGOTIATION FAIL.
Old 02-14-2015, 04:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
No, of course not...what a hyper response.

Negotiate with strength.....make them stick to the dates which they have not done at all or even close. They consistently and constantly still threaten Israel....how about ask them to stop that ? Would that be ok.

Why do you think this country of Iran, who has lied to the world and never kept its word, will honor whatever words that come out of this negotiations.

Nuclear war cannot happen if we insure they do not have the capabilities of ever ever getting a weapon. Nuclear war is possible if we turn a blind eye and actually trust them. They continue...

better said than I...

"Iran is the gravest threat to world peace. It is tricky enough dealing with Vladimir Putin’s land grabs, and the monsters in Iraq-Syria, but at least the West is more or less agreed on the need to resist. What is most alarming about Iran is that the United States, in the person of President Barack Obama, seems to have lost its nerve to stop Iran’s final dash to be a nuclear military power, with appalling consequences for the Middle East sooner – and later with missiles that could reach the United States. Iran has got where it is, close to a window of a few months for a bomb, by a pattern of defiance and deceit. It signed the non-proliferation treaty but cheated on it. It resumed the enrichment of uranium it had been ordered never to start. Six times it has ignored resolutions of the United Nations Security Council. It has regularly evaded and lied to the International Atomic Energy Agency. Everyone knows one thing about Iranian leaders: smiling or frowning you can’t trust them.

It took some time for the Western countries to realize they’d been taken for suckers. When they did, they were more or less obliged to act with force – or acquiesce in Iran’s “right” to enrich uranium. Acquiesce they did until finally provoked to impose sanctions. They worked. Iran came to the negotiating table but failed to meet a deadline and last November got a reward for its intransigence – a seven month extension. And what more could we do to show goodwill? We relax the sanctions that underlay negotiations, having unwisely rejected a congressional vote to tighten them in the face of obduracy. We also give the Iranian theocracy access to $7 billion hard currency they will be able to use for their criminal purposes. Why do that when sanctions were demoralizing the country? Relaxation was a godsend for Iran’s staggering economy. It was the one pressure we had to force Iran to give up its pursuit of nuclear weapons and we have given it away."

Obama Has Lost His Nerve in the Battle Against a Nuclear Iran - US News

If you know anything at all about Iran, or have followed their path, you know that this country is really the least one you want to turn your back on...in anyway..

"Obama, who has more than once pledged we would do “what we must” to stop them, is now repositioned to doing what we must to keep them talking while they continue with their nuclear effort.

Since Obama led the 5+1 negotiating countries to the recent agreement in Geneva, nobody is very sure even what the U.S. wants. The president ignored the region’s alarm, leading to the strange new relationship between Israel and the Saudi and Gulf governments who are all threatened by Iran’s growing military force. Why does Obama want a detente with Tehran that risks upending America’s entire stance in the Middle East? His apparent belief in Iranian bona fides is astonishing, for he must recognize that once the matrix of sanctions starts to unravel, it will be hard, maybe impossible, to get it reinstated.

The only thing the Geneva agreement accomplished is to provide Iran with another six months to perfect its nuclear weapons program. In effect the U.S. military option has been taken off the table, leaving the sole burden for eliminating Iran’s nuclear capability to Israel. A great power should not behave this way, especially after a three-decade-long war that has injured countless and cost thousands of American lives.

Obama seems blind to the consequences of his eagerness to leave a legacy of making peace.

Not only were Iran’s uranium enrichment capabilities left intact but they have pledged only to freeze production of 3.5 percent enriched uranium for just six months. They are not required to dismantle their centrifuges, now roughly 20,000 including perhaps 5,000 that spin six times faster than the conventional machines. We were told that Iran had pledged to “destroy” its stock of 90 percent military enriched uranium. In fact, the deal requires Iran only to convert half of this stock to oxide and dilute the other half to only a quarter of its present level of enrichment and both processes are reversible, wrote Conrad Black in the National Review after the deal. Nor will there be the level of inspections that the IAEA insists is necessary."

Allow me to emphsize this part....

"The president ignored the region’s alarm, leading to the strange new relationship between Israel and the Saudi and Gulf governments who are all threatened by Iran’s growing military force. Why does Obama want a detente with Tehran that risks upending America’s entire stance in the Middle East? His apparent belief in Iranian bona fides is astonishing, for he must recognize that once the matrix of sanctions starts to unravel, it will be hard, maybe impossible, to get it reinstated.

I would do a bit of re reading of this countries history and out and out threats, and the entire thing in congress is because Obama wishes not to hur their feelings by having, at the ready, more sanctions. The legislation that he is so opposed to and the legislation he is creating a battle over, specifically says that it is ONLY TO BE USED IF NEGOTIATION FAIL.
Wow, outstanding reply and spot on.

Weakness in foreign policy is provocative and the time tested way to eventually force us into a shooting war. For some reason, many otherwise smart people (ie liberals) never seem to get that.

Obama is asleep at the switch (or worse) and Israel is toast if Iran gets the bomb. We're screwed too if Iran goes nuclear ... big time screwed.
Old 02-14-2015, 07:14 PM
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Well, this is one liberal who is truly afraid of what will happen if Iran is allowed to continue on this path. Sanctions are the very least of what needs to be done. Obama needs to stand tall and stop Iran from going any further. Iran also must be forced to tear down what they have built to date. Unlike Iraq's weapons of mass destruction (which I never believed existed), Iran's nuclear threat is very real IMO.

There are times when I've agreed with Obama's wait and see stance. Not this time.
Old 02-14-2015, 07:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Well, this is one liberal who is truly afraid of what will happen if Iran is allowed to continue on this path. Sanctions are the very least of what needs to be done. Obama needs to stand tall and stop Iran from going any further. Iran also must be forced to tear down what they have built to date. Unlike Iraq's weapons of mass destruction (which I never believed existed), Iran's nuclear threat is very real IMO.

There are times when I've agreed with Obama's wait and see stance. Not this time.
After sanctions fail, then what?
Old 02-14-2015, 08:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Well, this is one liberal who is truly afraid of what will happen if Iran is allowed to continue on this path. Sanctions are the very least of what needs to be done. Obama needs to stand tall and stop Iran from going any further. Iran also must be forced to tear down what they have built to date. Unlike Iraq's weapons of mass destruction (which I never believed existed), Iran's nuclear threat is very real IMO.

There are times when I've agreed with Obama's wait and see stance. Not this time.
I applaud you on a couple levels. Of course, agreeing with me is first BUT, thanks for identifying as a liberal and making an intelligent post.

Most from the left simply troll on here with smart cracks.

Welcome, please stay and post.

And on the serious side, this is the first time in I just cannot remember that suddenly we are supposed to trust Iran. It may sound silly, but I sure wish Obama would make me look bad, because this is a serious situation, and when he made or is making such a stink about having in place more sanctions not to be used until negotiations fail, I simply do not understand it. I hear what he says....does not want to upset them....cannot believe I really typed that.

And by the way, we agree on Obama....I also agreed with him in a number of cases, but he is moving so fast away from solutions, no matter what they are. I think I turned away with Libya and the ignoring of the situation in Syria.
Old 02-15-2015, 08:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I had not ever considered that, but what with his recent failing to join the European forces in their unified March.

Makes me suspicious in his siding with a Muslim country against Russia.

And I have already been discouraged about his non support of Israel against their Islamic enemies.
If you didn't understand that this idiot was totally in favor of his fellow Muslims back about 6 years ago then it's encouraging that you finally see the light. The downfall of this country is his prime objective. Count on it!!!
Old 02-15-2015, 12:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
If you didn't understand that this idiot was totally in favor of his fellow Muslims back about 6 years ago then it's encouraging that you finally see the light. The downfall of this country is his prime objective. Count on it!!!
Very narrow thinking I must say. Why in the world, we don't get it.....

We refer the mess in Iraq/Syria. But was it there earlier when Sadam was ruling Iraq. No. We bloody messed Iraq and ruined the country to rubbles. We spent billions of dollars and lost precious lives of our soldiers by meddling with some body else's business. Don't we have a responsiblity to handle Iraq now that we have messed it up?
Old 02-15-2015, 01:11 PM
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OK for the sake of balance let's say he is no a muslim or pro muslim.

What we can also say for sure based on performance or not.....he is very reluctant to do anything remotely related to WINNING the war on terrorism.

His tepid at best enthusiasm for going after the killers of innocets and those who are swron to kill us is politely suspect.

God example of how to deal with those who attack innocents...King of Jordan....24 hours later making good on his promise to strike back. And continuing to take the war to those who would kill his people.

The only thing Obama does in 24 hours is hit the golf course or accept an invite to campaign.
Old 02-15-2015, 04:24 PM
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This might be a new all time low for this administration.

EVERYONE in the world knows that the country that has the most at stake with IRAN is ISRAEL. Iran, to this day, says they are dedicated to the elimination of Israel.

"A Israeli report claims the US administration has stopped updating Israel about developments in nuclear negotiations between world power and Iran, allegedly in response to Prime Minister Netanyahu's decision to accept an invitation by Republicans to address Congress on the issue.

According to the report by Israel's Channel 2, US Undersecretary of State, Wendy Sherman, who is involved in the talks has announced she will no longer be updating Israelis about the talks. Susan Rice, US President Obama's National Security Advisor, has also reportedly announced she is cutting ties with her Israeli counterpart, Yossi Cohen, who serves as Netanyahu's National Security Advisor.

Report: US cuts Israel out of Iran talks - Israel News, Ynetnews

This, to me simply defies all common sense

Well, our President has insured that he is involved in the Israel elections and UNLIKE ANY OTHER PRESIDENT EVER IN HISTORY is putting politics in front of statesmanship. This could be a disaster.
Old 02-15-2015, 04:33 PM
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Cannot edit or delete thus want to make sure this late breaker gets out there..

"Washingon's policy of breifing Israel on progress in negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program has not changed, senior US officials told The Jerusalem Post on Sunday, despite reports to the contrary in Israeli media.

Channel 2 reported earlier in the day the US would halt its briefings to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in light of his planned speech to Congress. Netanyahu is expected to criticize the state of the global diplomatic effort, which is geared towards crafting a comprehensive nuclear agreement.

"Conversations continue with Israel on the Iran nuclear negotiations," one senior State Department official said. "Under Secretary [of State for Political Affairs Wendy] Sherman met with Israeli NSA Cohen and Minister for Intelligence and Strategic Planning Steinitz in Munich and will see NSA Cohen again this week."

US officials deny report of freezing Israel out of Iran nuclear talks - Israel News - Jerusalem Post

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