Is liberalism a mental illness?

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Old 02-21-2015, 04:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
One of the consequences of anonymity on this board is the potential for people to make posts posing as someone having incredible, radical and volatile opinions that stir passions but are totally fabricated. They can then sit back and enjoy the carnage.
Truer words were never spoken on this entire forum.

I love to debate political topics but I have not come into this political forum much at all because of this "guest" screen name on everyone.

It's like giving people with no argument a case of spray paint and a 100-foot wall, letting them spray venomous graffiti and then run away like cowards, so they don't have to hear some facts and truth spoken to their closed-minded fantasy world of leftism.
Old 02-21-2015, 05:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Truer words were never spoken on this entire forum.

I love to debate political topics but I have not come into this political forum much at all because of this "guest" screen name on everyone.

It's like giving people with no argument a case of spray paint and a 100-foot wall, letting them spray venomous graffiti and then run away like cowards, so they don't have to hear some facts and truth spoken to their closed-minded fantasy world of leftism.
Since there is no ability to Edit my post quoted above, I'm adding here to my post the words "and rightism".
Old 02-21-2015, 05:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Since there is no ability to Edit my post quoted above, I'm adding here to my post the words "and rightism".
I was ready to rant. - until you added this.
Old 02-22-2015, 08:47 AM
Posts: n/a
Default This is NOT working for me.

It just isn't the same. This isn't debate. It is preaching and ranting and defending and being annoyed.

I do NOT like the way this political forum is set up. It makes it easier for the moderators but it isn't a forum.

For some it is punch and run.

For others it is a fine lecture.
Old 02-22-2015, 01:30 PM
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I think Guest is wrong....and right.
Old 02-22-2015, 02:13 PM
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What I find troubling is that when the word "liberal" is used the response reaches the level of the "McCarthy Era"..everyone who disagrees with me is a Communist. You have to be from the "silent generation" to remember that golden era of American politics.
Let us revisit "John 8:7"
Old 02-22-2015, 03:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Climate change is real. Catastrophic man made climate change is a fraud. CO2 is not a pollutant just because it has the word "carbon" in it.
Well IMO until China, Mexico, India, get in to the 20th Cenntury no matter what the rest of the world does it will make no difference. ESPECIALLY CHINA.
Old 02-22-2015, 03:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
What I find troubling is that when the word "liberal" is used the response reaches the level of the "McCarthy Era"..everyone who disagrees with me is a Communist. You have to be from the "silent generation" to remember that golden era of American politics.
Let us revisit "John 8:7"
I disagree socialist liberalism started with Woodral Wilson.
Old 02-22-2015, 04:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Climate change is real. Catastrophic man made climate change is a fraud. CO2 is not a pollutant just because it has the word "carbon" in it.
Politics and your political beliefs permeate all aspects of our lives. Don't believe me? Even "man-made climate change" is a left/right issue. We all agree pollution is bad and we should try to reduce it. Here's where the left takes a sharp turn down their familiar path of tax and spend. This time, they want to tax the CO2 producers and spend it on….god knows what?

This is simply another thinly disguised job-killing, economy-slowing TAX. Why does the left want to further slow the slowest recovery in history? These foolish policies choke the economic engine just as closing a damper on an old wood-burning stove.
Old 02-22-2015, 04:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Politics and your political beliefs permeate all aspects of our lives. Don't believe me? Even "man-made climate change" is a left/right issue. We all agree pollution is bad and we should try to reduce it. Here's where the left takes a sharp turn down their familiar path of tax and spend. This time, they want to tax the CO2 producers and spend it on….god knows what?

This is simply another thinly disguised job-killing, economy-slowing TAX. Why does the left want to further slow the slowest recovery in history? These foolish policies choke the economic engine just as closing a damper on an old wood-burning stove.
Yeah, that darned science!
Old 02-22-2015, 05:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I don't hate, but I truly do believe liberalism is a mental illness.

Liberals fear providing for themselves, putting their own personal capital at risk, and are overcome with intense envy of the successful. Whether this is a disorder or an illness, I am not sure. Perhaps liberalism is a spectrum disease like autism?

Liberals desire the comfort of being taken care of, plain and simple. They want cradle to grave support and protection. They fear being forced to be self-reliant. Perhaps the most annoying part of their illness is the manifestation that if only everyone would get on board with their collectivist thoughts, the world would be wonderful. They believe they are truly smarter than the previous generations of socialists, and if only everyone would trust them the world would be safe and everyone provided for.

Anyone else see things similarly, or how do you reconcile their misguided beliefs?
no one has ever taken care of me, yet I consider myself more liberal than ultra conservative. Also, I have always worked, at least from 17 - 65, and have never relied on anyone other than myself. Have risked my own money, not yours and now am able to live in The Villages as your neighbor. But I also have never begrudged a helping hand, via my tax dollars, to children who are born to those who may or may not be the entitled type you described. Many children were not aborted by those who couldn't care for them but bought into the ultra conservative idea of sin....are those children part of your idea of the entitled? I also don't have a problem with providing a helping hand to those who were hit with downsizing when they reached an age that is not seen as an employable asset on the same level they had been, and having spent their lifesavings, going for interview after interview while working at walmart, perhaps having lost their home in forclosure, or perhaps having emptied out their lifesavings due to some catastrophic life-threatening event of themself or spouse or child or grandchild. My husband and I, having come from professional fields, have paid our fair, honest share of taxes over the years and while I resent anyone milking the system re disabilities, neither of us begrudge helping anyone truely in need. We personally know four on disability and everyone of them refers to our president as Obummer, and talks about liberals they way you just did. Only one is truely in need while the other three have learned how to play the system...they are no liberals. Your portrait of "liberals" seems ignorant (meaning uneducated not stupid), perhaps you might want to withdraw your stereotyping brush while you educated yourself.
Old 02-22-2015, 08:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
no one has ever taken care of me, yet I consider myself more liberal than ultra conservative. Also, I have always worked, at least from 17 - 65, and have never relied on anyone other than myself. Have risked my own money, not yours and now am able to live in The Villages as your neighbor. But I also have never begrudged a helping hand, via my tax dollars, to children who are born to those who may or may not be the entitled type you described. Many children were not aborted by those who couldn't care for them but bought into the ultra conservative idea of sin....are those children part of your idea of the entitled? I also don't have a problem with providing a helping hand to those who were hit with downsizing when they reached an age that is not seen as an employable asset on the same level they had been, and having spent their lifesavings, going for interview after interview while working at walmart, perhaps having lost their home in forclosure, or perhaps having emptied out their lifesavings due to some catastrophic life-threatening event of themself or spouse or child or grandchild. My husband and I, having come from professional fields, have paid our fair, honest share of taxes over the years and while I resent anyone milking the system re disabilities, neither of us begrudge helping anyone truely in need. We personally know four on disability and everyone of them refers to our president as Obummer, and talks about liberals they way you just did. Only one is truely in need while the other three have learned how to play the system...they are no liberals. Your portrait of "liberals" seems ignorant (meaning uneducated not stupid), perhaps you might want to withdraw your stereotyping brush while you educated yourself.
You speak eloquently for many! . :big bow:
Old 02-22-2015, 08:56 PM
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If right wingers are a 1, and left wingers are 10, I am a 6, which naturally makes a libtard according to the ones. I too was a professional and an executive in my working days. Thank God I never had to accept any charity or direct government assistance, and paid, and still pay, a lot of income tax, which I have always considered a privilege for enjoying life in this great country. I wore the uniform of the U.S. Army and lost my best friend in Vietnam. I love my country, and would not want to live anywhere else, but also believe my country and its leaders are far from perfect and many other countries do certain things better than we do in education and medical care for example. I hate the devisiveness in our politics, and the way it divides our people. I too am happy that my tax dollars can be used in ways that help people who haven't had the advantages, opportunity, and good fortune that I have enjoyed. I believe in capitalism and have no envy of people making their fortune so long as they do it honestly and ethically. I think that the level of inequality has gotten out of hand however, and that those who have been smart and lucky enough to make fortunes should be more willing to recognize the employees who do the work to help make their fortunes with higher wages and better benefits. I believe in unions, though I never belonged to one, but realize that some of them have abused their power and cheated the rank and file. I believe in them because they were instrumental in raising the American middle class, including some in my family, to the greatest standard of living in the world during the post ww2 era. I fear the middle class is becoming increasingly smaller and not because they are rising out of it, but because many are falling out the other end. It is heartening to me to see the minimum wage being raised in many states and WalMarts announcement of across the board increases is good though long overdue. I believe that race relations have come a long way since the embarrassing conditions of my youth, and I think that most of the advances were because of the efforts of brave liberals many in the face of violent retribution. However, the black community still is discriminated against in many places and in more subtle ways. The Black community deserves some of the blame for the failure to raise their status, but we the majority need to be willing to help those willing to work to raise themselves and their families above systematic poverty. A hopeful and secure person seldom turns to crime, white, black, or other. I suppose some will pick this post apart and attack it, and that's okay by me, it won't affect me or my ideals, it is, after all, a free country(for the most part).
Old 02-22-2015, 09:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
If right wingers are a 1, and left wingers are 10, I am a 6, which naturally makes a libtard according to the ones. I too was a professional and an executive in my working days. Thank God I never had to accept any charity or direct government assistance, and paid, and still pay, a lot of income tax, which I have always considered a privilege for enjoying life in this great country. I wore the uniform of the U.S. Army and lost my best friend in Vietnam. I love my country, and would not want to live anywhere else, but also believe my country and its leaders are far from perfect and many other countries do certain things better than we do in education and medical care for example. I hate the devisiveness in our politics, and the way it divides our people. I too am happy that my tax dollars can be used in ways that help people who haven't had the advantages, opportunity, and good fortune that I have enjoyed. I believe in capitalism and have no envy of people making their fortune so long as they do it honestly and ethically. I think that the level of inequality has gotten out of hand however, and that those who have been smart and lucky enough to make fortunes should be more willing to recognize the employees who do the work to help make their fortunes with higher wages and better benefits. I believe in unions, though I never belonged to one, but realize that some of them have abused their power and cheated the rank and file. I believe in them because they were instrumental in raising the American middle class, including some in my family, to the greatest standard of living in the world during the post ww2 era. I fear the middle class is becoming increasingly smaller and not because they are rising out of it, but because many are falling out the other end. It is heartening to me to see the minimum wage being raised in many states and WalMarts announcement of across the board increases is good though long overdue. I believe that race relations have come a long way since the embarrassing conditions of my youth, and I think that most of the advances were because of the efforts of brave liberals many in the face of violent retribution. However, the black community still is discriminated against in many places and in more subtle ways. The Black community deserves some of the blame for the failure to raise their status, but we the majority need to be willing to help those willing to work to raise themselves and their families above systematic poverty. A hopeful and secure person seldom turns to crime, white, black, or other. I suppose some will pick this post apart and attack it, and that's okay by me, it won't affect me or my ideals, it is, after all, a free country(for the most part).
It is post like yours like make me believe there is hope for the people in The Villages! A big THANK YOU!!
Old 02-23-2015, 09:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Well IMO until China, Mexico, India, get in to the 20th Cenntury no matter what the rest of the world does it will make no difference. ESPECIALLY CHINA.
Half of the oil from Iraq goes to China. The advantage to China is they deal with any country regardless of race, religion, or national creed. I think China is in the 21st century.

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