Looks like time for Joe to get off the bench as Clinton tanks (again)

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Old 02-06-2016, 01:28 PM
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Default Looks like time for Joe to get off the bench as Clinton tanks (again)

and there goes the electio:


Finally the recognition of trying to force a severly damaged candidate on their party has gone far enough.

Too bad it took so long. Time to get Clinton on her broom and out of the way!
(not being nasty...the marines used to secrely call the helicopter that took her as first lady around..."broomstick one"!)
Old 02-06-2016, 02:12 PM
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Dear Guests:

Perhaps I am in a great minority but for the life of me there is not one candidate or would be candidate worthy to be sworn in as President of these United States. Over the years we keeping lowering the bar .

We deserve better than this
Old 02-06-2016, 04:25 PM
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Can't they get it through their thick sculls that Biden does NOT want to be president? He's done! Give the guy a break. He is getting old and he is depressed and tired. Maybe he want's to retire to The Villages and play golf.
Old 02-07-2016, 12:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Can't they get it through their thick sculls that Biden does NOT want to be president? He's done! Give the guy a break. He is getting old and he is depressed and tired. Maybe he want's to retire to The Villages and play golf.
You are a page or two behind in CURRENT events.
Old 02-07-2016, 05:19 AM
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Under Obama we have moved from 6th to 11th place on the Index of Economic Freedoms. Our foreign policy is lead from behind and indeed far behind we have become. The FED is still feeding the market to keep the economy afloat. People either do not have a job or are working for pennies. college students refuse to pay their loans( trillion dollars) because they didn't get the job they wanted. Race relations are as bad now as they were in the 1960's Obama's Administration continue with scandal after scandal, scandals that by the way not only reach deep into government but have compromised the security of our nation. Obamacare has been a failure and a lie etc etc etc The lack of trust and confidence in government is at an all time low

And voters believe the same people who work along side Obama (Biden Clinton) and have ownership in this Administration's failures are actually being touted as our savior in chiefs.

Let me offer progressives this one thought: Disagreement is not disloyalty. so its OK to disagree with what your party has become. Let them know you are disappointed and that unless they begin a redirection you will leave.

I was once a Democrat but in the 1960's the Democratic Party left me and so I re-registered Republican

Personal Best Regards:
Old 02-07-2016, 07:13 AM
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This has been the slowest recovery from recession or depression in the history of the U.S.
Old 02-07-2016, 09:33 AM
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It is SO hilarious how the Republicans and Tea Bags are terrified that Mrs. Clinton WILL win the Presidency in November that they try tossing names "that need to be ready to step in".

Not many months ago, the name to watch was O'Malley. Everyone knew that was an impossibility. Next was Biden. He thought about it and said no. Sanders does have that same quality as Eugene McCarthy had with young voters but the DNC will not make that huge mistake again.

So, my Tea Bag friends, the nominee WILL be Mrs. Clinton vs your bumbling nominee of Marco Rubio. Wow, that guy got whomped in the debate last night by Christie and Trump, didn't he? When he stepped outside the canned comments and had to answer by himself, he was like Mel Tillis!
Old 02-07-2016, 10:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post

Too bad it took so long. Time to get Clinton on her broom and out of the way!
(not being nasty...the marines used to secrely call the helicopter that took her as first lady around..."broomstick one"!)
Are you really so blind and so hateful that you can write that you are not trying to be nasty because you once heard a rumor that someone else maybe used a similar anti-female insult? I once heard America called the "Great Satan" so if I use the same term that wasn't an anti-American comment? And you wonder why Democrats continually call out Reps for their war on women? It's people like you that gives them all the proof needed. Oh no, it wasn't an anti- female comment just humor. You want to hate Clinton, go ahead and hate her. But when you hate her and need to insult her gender as proof of her unfitness you reveal more than you should about your misogynistic personality. Bet you'd say Obama's color has nothing to due with how much you hate him also, and how many times have you said "nig.." in your brain when you think about him? or out loud when you are comfortable with your friends?
Old 02-07-2016, 10:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
It is SO hilarious how the Republicans and Tea Bags are terrified that Mrs. Clinton WILL win the Presidency in November that they try tossing names "that need to be ready to step in".

Not many months ago, the name to watch was O'Malley. Everyone knew that was an impossibility. Next was Biden. He thought about it and said no. Sanders does have that same quality as Eugene McCarthy had with young voters but the DNC will not make that huge mistake again.

So, my Tea Bag friends, the nominee WILL be Mrs. Clinton vs your bumbling nominee of Marco Rubio. Wow, that guy got whomped in the debate last night by Christie and Trump, didn't he? When he stepped outside the canned comments and had to answer by himself, he was like Mel Tillis!
Your childish slurs are noted so you can go now.

No one is afraid of Hillary. They only fear her socialist ideology and deceit. No one can trust her, for all her lying. She is a criminal and we have seen enough Chicago politics to last us a lifetime. It is obvious that idiots approve of her because they are NOT thinking of the country, but only of themselves. Liberals embrace socialism because they are lazy and hate patriotism or even the idea of it. They are cowards that hide in their hate for anyone with courage enough to put country first.

Regarding Rubio's response to the fat school yard bully, I thought he handled it pretty well, considering. Christie attacked him, and it took him a couple minutes to pick himself back up. He had the best answers regarding foreign policy and national defense of all of them. And that is way more important than Christie's failed governorship of NJ. Christie thinks that being a lawyer in itself is qualifying for president. Rubio, even though appearing younger than the rest, is only one year younger than Cruz and has about 14 more years experience. Christie realizes that he has no chance at all, but is too stupid to accept it. When Rubio brought up some valid points, Christie just retorted with personal jabs and absolutely no defense for Rubio's points.

It is not a matter of "beating" Hillary. She is her own worst enemy. She thinks that her followers are stupid enough to believe her lies and deception. She may be right, come to think of it.

The DNC is soooo desperate right now, that they are still trying to FORCE Biden to run for president. They know that the DNC candidates are way too light weight to and radical to represent their party. No one but Debbie Whatshername can even stand Hillary and Sanders is a socialist and not in lockstep with the DNC. He is also mentally unstable and they are afraid they won't be able to control him. This is too much for him anyway and he will probably croak before the final nominations. The Clinton's are pretty lucky about having people croak around them when they pose a threat. So many coincidences.

No, the DNC is very desperate right now. They are way outnumbered, with superior forces. Everyone can see how their taxes will have to go up to fund any of the great Democrat/socialist give a ways.
Old 02-07-2016, 10:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Your childish slurs are noted so you can go now.

No one is afraid of Hillary. They only fear her socialist ideology and deceit. No one can trust her, for all her lying. She is a criminal and we have seen enough Chicago politics to last us a lifetime. It is obvious that idiots approve of her because they are NOT thinking of the country, but only of themselves. Liberals embrace socialism because they are lazy and hate patriotism or even the idea of it. They are cowards that hide in their hate for anyone with courage enough to put country first.

Regarding Rubio's response to the fat school yard bully, I thought he handled it pretty well, considering. Christie attacked him, and it took him a couple minutes to pick himself back up. He had the best answers regarding foreign policy and national defense of all of them. And that is way more important than Christie's failed governorship of NJ. Christie thinks that being a lawyer in itself is qualifying for president. Rubio, even though appearing younger than the rest, is only one year younger than Cruz and has about 14 more years experience. Christie realizes that he has no chance at all, but is too stupid to accept it. When Rubio brought up some valid points, Christie just retorted with personal jabs and absolutely no defense for Rubio's points.

It is not a matter of "beating" Hillary. She is her own worst enemy. She thinks that her followers are stupid enough to believe her lies and deception. She may be right, come to think of it.

The DNC is soooo desperate right now, that they are still trying to FORCE Biden to run for president. They know that the DNC candidates are way too light weight to and radical to represent their party. No one but Debbie Whatshername can even stand Hillary and Sanders is a socialist and not in lockstep with the DNC. He is also mentally unstable and they are afraid they won't be able to control him. This is too much for him anyway and he will probably croak before the final nominations. The Clinton's are pretty lucky about having people croak around them when they pose a threat. So many coincidences.

No, the DNC is very desperate right now. They are way outnumbered, with superior forces. Everyone can see how their taxes will have to go up to fund any of the great Democrat/socialist give a ways.
You are the very type of fool that has sunk the Republican party.
Old 02-07-2016, 10:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Are you really so blind and so hateful that you can write that you are not trying to be nasty because you once heard a rumor that someone else maybe used a similar anti-female insult? I once heard America called the "Great Satan" so if I use the same term that wasn't an anti-American comment? And you wonder why Democrats continually call out Reps for their war on women? It's people like you that gives them all the proof needed. Oh no, it wasn't an anti- female comment just humor. You want to hate Clinton, go ahead and hate her. But when you hate her and need to insult her gender as proof of her unfitness you reveal more than you should about your misogynistic personality. Bet you'd say Obama's color has nothing to due with how much you hate him also, and how many times have you said "nig.." in your brain when you think about him? or out loud when you are comfortable with your friends?
I love when an opponent opens themselves up for a 100% deserved shot in the chops due to speculating and making accusations with little or no FIRST hand knowledge of the subject or the opponent.
I won't give you any credit for efforet. A WAG is just that (Wild A$$ Guess).

My offering is FIRST hand from a member of the roster of those who served.
Amongst those who served in or attendant to the WH during Clinton's years it is common, COMMON KNOWLEDGE of her disrect and discouteous treatment of anybody in uniform and especially the secret service.

Do your homework before you stick your neck out.
Old 02-07-2016, 10:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Are you really so blind and so hateful that you can write that you are not trying to be nasty because you once heard a rumor that someone else maybe used a similar anti-female insult? I once heard America called the "Great Satan" so if I use the same term that wasn't an anti-American comment? And you wonder why Democrats continually call out Reps for their war on women? It's people like you that gives them all the proof needed. Oh no, it wasn't an anti- female comment just humor. You want to hate Clinton, go ahead and hate her. But when you hate her and need to insult her gender as proof of her unfitness you reveal more than you should about your misogynistic personality. Bet you'd say Obama's color has nothing to due with how much you hate him also, and how many times have you said "nig.." in your brain when you think about him? or out loud when you are comfortable with your friends?
Cry us a river......Hillary is sooo misunderstood.
Question for you, since you enjoy asking questions: Are you really so blind and so hateful of babies? You say we are at war on women. We don't kill women. But, you do kill babies. Just making a point. Your indignation is disingenuous.
Do I hate Hillary? Hate is a strong word. I dislike her immensely. Does that make it hate? Who knows. I hate the fact that politics is more important and money is more important than her patriotic duty to America. She hates the military and yet wants to be the Commander-in-Chief. She hates Republicans, but wants to be the president. The president of HALF the people of America? She cheats on her taxes, takes large sums of money for favors in guise of speaking, and puts national security in jeopardy by using an open internet to do her job. Is that enough justification or do you feel that I am a sexist?

The Republicans have had females run for president, blacks, Hispanics, Mormon, etc. so your charge that we are biased is invalid.
Old 02-07-2016, 11:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I love when an opponent opens themselves up for a 100% deserved shot in the chops due to speculating and making accusations with little or no FIRST hand knowledge of the subject or the opponent.
I won't give you any credit for efforet. A WAG is just that (Wild A$$ Guess).

My offering is FIRST hand from a member of the roster of those who served.
Amongst those who served in or attendant to the WH during Clinton's years it is common, COMMON KNOWLEDGE of her disrect and discouteous treatment of anybody in uniform and especially the secret service.

Do your homework before you stick your neck out.
I could make up any story just like you can. You offer no facts except that you say so.

Why should anyone on this forum believe a blowhard like you? Oooo, you claim to know somebody whose grocer's third cousin's former hairdresser was there!

Bust yoursel in the chops.
Old 02-07-2016, 11:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I could make up any story just like you can. You offer no facts except that you say so.

Why should anyone on this forum believe a blowhard like you? Oooo, you claim to know somebody whose grocer's third cousin's former hairdresser was there!

Bust yoursel in the chops.
It is very tiring when you liberals are so uninformed as to not know enough about a subject to converse intelligently. Why do you challenge a commonly known fact that the Clintons do NOT like the military.

I do not know if this is the same incident as was referred to by the other poster, but I was at the DIAC when a young military officer returned from delivering an intelligent briefing to the White House. He told me that one of Bill's aids instructed him not to wear his uniform in future visits because the Clintons did not like seeing the military about the White House.

Chelsea Clinton told one Marine that her father didn't like the military and neither did she. It was quoted in the Washingtonian magazine during the Clinton administration time period.
Old 02-07-2016, 11:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
It is very tiring when you liberals are so uninformed as to not know enough about a subject to converse intelligently. Why do you challenge a commonly known fact that the Clintons do NOT like the military.

I do not know if this is the same incident as was referred to by the other poster, but I was at the DIAC when a young military officer returned from delivering an intelligent briefing to the White House. He told me that one of Bill's aids instructed him not to wear his uniform in future visits because the Clintons did not like seeing the military about the White House.

Chelsea Clinton told one Marine that her father didn't like the military and neither did she. It was quoted in the Washingtonian magazine during the Clinton administration time period.
Once again, you offer just your story. Why should you be believed? Obviously, you have a hatred for the Clintons and therefore your stories could be all fabrications.

As for the Chelsea story, give us a link to that article so we can see if that was true or another fabrication.

call, joe, bench, clinton, tanks, time

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