M.Obama's racist speech at DNC

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Old 07-26-2016, 03:24 PM
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Default As someone else

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You won't see the facts ANYWHERE...They protect them like they protect retarded children. They do no wrong and it's always our fault when things don't go well.

I wish they were 0% of the population...we can dream.

That's how it SHOULD have ended...but we're full of brainwashed sheep who can't seem to see that blacks NEVER succeed as a people anywhere. Everywhere they gather in numbers becomes a dangerous sh!thole.

Facts ARE embarrassing when you're lying all the time.

Sticking up for a thug is pathetic.

Got some FACTS to counter anything we've said? You SAY we're all wrong, tell us how. What ISN'T true in anything we've said?

I wish we could, send a message...look elsewhere for a place to ruin with your "diversity".

There...now let's hear your counter. What did he say that was incorrect?

Yes, the ignorant liberal lemming who follow each other into destruction. Thanks to you, this country will be Mexico II in 30 years. "Let them ALL in!" Eh? Well now they're 1/3 the population, over 100 million of them. And growing FAST.

Get your head out of your a$$.

The greatest lie ever told is that of racial equality.

You'll wait forever for them to counter...they have nothing. There is NOTHING that "diversity" improves. There is NOTHING that gets better with the addition of more blacks. Besides sports there is nothing that blacks excel in...are the BEST in.

Equality...it's the greatest lie ever told.
indicated, this discussion makes everyone here look really bad. Most people know that The Villages is a conservative community, however, I'm sure decent people would be shocked at the level of hate and ignorance displayed on this site. Just unbelievable that more of you haven't spoken out against these neanderthals. Shame on all of you.
Old 07-26-2016, 03:49 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
indicated, this discussion makes everyone here look really bad. Most people know that The Villages is a conservative community, however, I'm sure decent people would be shocked at the level of hate and ignorance displayed on this site. Just unbelievable that more of you haven't spoken out against these neanderthals. Shame on all of you.
It's only one poster on here. And generally we ignore him. If you are that sensitive, go read the classified. Ever heard of the 1st amendment? And this is NOT affiliated with The Villages.
Old 07-26-2016, 04:01 PM
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If you want to have an opinion on a politician, that is fine. If you want to know more about our WH occupants, let me suggest to you, that to evaluate some of these folks, see if you can get the hard to find information (truthful) about AA. AA in this case is Affirmative Action.
As a former college tenured Professor and Department Chairman, let me tell you two short stories about education.
1. AA brings in a new person, evaluated on the 'merits' and GIVES them a Diploma the day they enter. Done.
2. You want to see grade sheets? Any administrator at about any college can pull a grade sheet, either on paper or on a computer storage device in the Registrars office, and modify any set us grades. Typically they will be all B and B+ grades, a few A grades, all bogus, yes, False. Yep. So I suggest you stop trying to get his or her grades sheets. Might as well go to a tabloid paper for the results.
Old 07-26-2016, 04:22 PM
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Default What the heck

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
If you want to have an opinion on a politician, that is fine. If you want to know more about our WH occupants, let me suggest to you, that to evaluate some of these folks, see if you can get the hard to find information (truthful) about AA. AA in this case is Affirmative Action.
As a former college tenured Professor and Department Chairman, let me tell you two short stories about education.
1. AA brings in a new person, evaluated on the 'merits' and GIVES them a Diploma the day they enter. Done.
2. You want to see grade sheets? Any administrator at about any college can pull a grade sheet, either on paper or on a computer storage device in the Registrars office, and modify any set us grades. Typically they will be all B and B+ grades, a few A grades, all bogus, yes, False. Yep. So I suggest you stop trying to get his or her grades sheets. Might as well go to a tabloid paper for the results.
does this have to do with the topic being discussed here?
Old 07-26-2016, 06:01 PM
Posts: n/a

at the end of the day
the bottom line
for what it's worth

The villagers that stay in the house all day just to "TOTV" are usually conservative. Open minded people are out and about. It's their nature. Draw your own conclusions and tell us what you think.
Old 07-26-2016, 06:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
If the Dems are NOT racist, and they are the party of the majority, and they had total gov power for two full years, why have they done nothing for the minorities? And remember the promise to help the middle class? What happened there? YOu an increase taxes all you wish on the top 1%, but how does any of that help the middle class?

I will not get one response from a liberal on that, because taxes do not do the middle class any good whatsoever. It helps the lower class reach middle class, but it doesn't help the middle class at all.
Are there any middle class people that don't pay taxes?

Are there any low people that pay taxes?
Old 07-26-2016, 06:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Are there any low people that pay taxes?
Who are the "low people"?
Old 07-26-2016, 06:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
If you really were reasonable, you would see Trump is white,
but is not racist! Now if you want to see racism first hand just take a hard look at the Democrat party! They trade in it!
I am totally reasonable. Trump is not a racist. He just plays one in the movie that is the 2016 election. Trump can write off minorities. However, if he is telling the white undereducated voters that minorities are the root their problems, he is acting like a racist.

The question is why isn't Trump making even the slightest attempt to get minority vote? The answer is if he does, his base might turn on him.

The next thing you are going to pass as the truth is racism doesn't exist in the South, which is the Republican stronghold.
Old 07-26-2016, 07:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Who are the "low people"?
Very good, you caught my typing mistake. The mind is a lot faster that the fingers.

Are there any lower class people that pay taxes?

You picked up the mistake quick enough. Now lets see, is you will answer the questions with the same speed.
Old 07-26-2016, 07:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Very good, you caught my typing mistake. The mind is a lot faster that the fingers.

Are there any lower class people that pay taxes?

You picked up the mistake quick enough. Now lets see, is you will answer the questions with the same speed.
Now we know your mind is faster than your fingers.

Low people are lower class people. Do lower class people pay taxes is the correct question.

Tell us your research and give us the links if your fingers can keep up.
Old 07-26-2016, 07:20 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Now we know your mind is faster than your fingers.

Low people are lower class people. Do lower class people pay taxes is the correct question.

Tell us your research and give us the links if your fingers can keep up.
What the hell are you talking about? What possible research do I have to do to ask the question, "do lower class people pay taxes?" It is the right question, so answer it.
Old 07-26-2016, 08:44 PM
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Then there are the American blacks. Actually another unfair label. There is a percentage of American blacks that do not believe in WORKING FOR WHAT YOU GET AND FOR WHAT YOU NEED. They are what I call the U O MEEEEESSSS-THE GIMMMMMEEEEEEESSS. Then there are people like Condi Rice, Herman Cain, Ben Carson all of whom started in poverty and grew up GREAT.

It is funny the only three blacks that you mentioned are Republicans. Martin Luther King would never cross your mind as a black that started in poverty, and grew up GREAT. Why isn't Colin Powell on your list as a black Republican out of poverty and grew up GREAT? Would it be that his GREATEST ended, when he endorsed Obama? No, that can't be case.
Old 07-27-2016, 02:57 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
It's only one poster on here. And generally we ignore him. If you are that sensitive, go read the classified. Ever heard of the 1st amendment? And this is NOT affiliated with The Villages.
This person could be anywhere in the US or abroad.
Old 07-27-2016, 04:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Michelle IS a racist. She believes that blacks are inferior to whites. If she didn't, she would not see a difference in levels and there would be no discussion. She thinks they need help. Therefore, she feels they are less than whites. Just my opinion on how she speaks. I never thought less of a black until they insisted on reminding me that they were black.
EVERYONE with open eyes sees that blacks are inferior to EVERYONE.

Have your eyes been closed your entire life? When have blacks EVER been actually equal?

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
If you want to have an opinion on a politician, that is fine. If you want to know more about our WH occupants, let me suggest to you, that to evaluate some of these folks, see if you can get the hard to find information (truthful) about AA. AA in this case is Affirmative Action.
As a former college tenured Professor and Department Chairman, let me tell you two short stories about education.
1. AA brings in a new person, evaluated on the 'merits' and GIVES them a Diploma the day they enter. Done.
2. You want to see grade sheets? Any administrator at about any college can pull a grade sheet, either on paper or on a computer storage device in the Registrars office, and modify any set us grades. Typically they will be all B and B+ grades, a few A grades, all bogus, yes, False. Yep. So I suggest you stop trying to get his or her grades sheets. Might as well go to a tabloid paper for the results.
And these people go on to MORE affirmative action and quotas...there's 20% dead weight in this country...dead weight being dragged along...dragging us down.

And people wonder WHY is the US dropping in rankings?

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Then there are the American blacks. Actually another unfair label. There is a percentage of American blacks that do not believe in WORKING FOR WHAT YOU GET AND FOR WHAT YOU NEED. They are what I call the U O MEEEEESSSS-THE GIMMMMMEEEEEEESSS. Then there are people like Condi Rice, Herman Cain, Ben Carson all of whom started in poverty and grew up GREAT.

It is funny the only three blacks that you mentioned are Republicans. Martin Luther King would never cross your mind as a black that started in poverty, and grew up GREAT. Why isn't Colin Powell on your list as a black Republican out of poverty and grew up GREAT? Would it be that his GREATEST ended, when he endorsed Obama? No, that can't be case.
The majority feel they're "owed" because "we" enslaved them. They should be billing the blacks in AFRICA who sold them...literally...down the river.

Powell? A GREAT man? You mean a liar. He stood in front of the UN with all his pictures convincing us all to support the war over a LIE. So, he's either a liar or stupid...I'll go with BOTH. He's HARDLY great.
Old 07-27-2016, 06:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
THE FACTS-you will not see this put together in the press.

Obama got 56% of the vote in his first election. He was young, he was unknown HE HID MOST OF HIS PAST. Had the VOTERS done their reading they would have found people like ARES, WRIGHT,FARACAN. What every you think,

Blacks are 13% of the population and Obama got 98% of the black vote. No matter how you choose to bend FACTS how could that not be considered RACIST. Reminder Obama got 56% of the vote. To do that Obama got, fuzzy math, about 42% of the non black vote.


Sorry to make you look so ignorant, but blacks have almost ALWAYS voted Dem...so Obama's TWO TERMS were no different.

You can whine all you want, but you have to be a special kind of ignorant to think that blacks don't know who has the least amount of prejudice against them.

Racism, in and of itself, doesn't really matter if the racist doesn't have some type of control over the demographic they are racist towards.

This country is still overwhelmingly controlled by white males, which is why racism from them.... is so much worse than from a demographic comprised of 12%.

It's fun (in a disgusting way) watching all of the white males here, some who probably had hiring/firing authority in their working life...scream about black racism.

The flaming hypocrisy couldn't be any hotter.


house, white, dnc, speech, racist

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