Mayor Bloomberg To Endorse

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Old 07-25-2016, 09:04 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
As all the establishment should be as they have much to lose.
WHy do you think he is so popular with we the people.

You folks that have to wait for the talking points to be issued to know what to say wind up being so out of date it must be embarassing.
Why is he popular with we the people? Easy answer, it is his ability to lie with a straight face. To tell everybody what they want to hear. It will be impossible for him to deliver on his campaign nonsense, but who cares? He is one of us. We all fly around in our private jets, and sit on a golden throne at home.
Old 07-25-2016, 09:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Yes, and all those millions of bucks he spent campaigning is just another way of donating to Hillary's campaign, right? Think much?
You know what I think, you have a stick shoved so far up your butt that you can't tell when someone is pulling your leg.

Trump is going to get back his money ten fold, whether he wins or loses. Are you sure that he has spent millions? He has loaned the money to his campaign. They will probably have enough more left over to pay him back. No joke. He a con man. He is a rich con man, but he is still a con man.
Old 07-25-2016, 09:29 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Why is he popular with we the people? Easy answer, it is his ability to lie with a straight face. To tell everybody what they want to hear. It will be impossible for him to deliver on his campaign nonsense, but who cares? He is one of us. We all fly around in our private jets, and sit on a golden throne at home.
Are you actually accusing Trump of being Clinton/Obama-like??

Trump or anybody else for that matter is in the same league as the liar in chief and certainly no match for Clinton who was confirmed a liar by the FBI director.

You folks that has the balls to call Trump a liar and tell people what they want to hear must really be party deaf, party dumb, party blind, smoked beyond comprehension by the X-X-X partisan kool aide.

Classic examples of party first no matter what. As I have said before if Charles Manson was you candidate he would get the same lemming support.

Very sad.
Old 07-25-2016, 11:03 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Why is he popular with we the people? Easy answer, it is his ability to lie with a straight face. To tell everybody what they want to hear. It will be impossible for him to deliver on his campaign nonsense, but who cares? He is one of us. We all fly around in our private jets, and sit on a golden throne at home.
Change the he to she and you have described HELLary. Big difference though. He hasn't killed anyone that we know of and he has not given away national secrets to people that are not cleared. But, I do not feel like going into all the other things that HELLary has done illegally that Trump has not, so I will leave it at that. You are backing a criminal that should have been executed by now.
Old 07-25-2016, 11:05 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Are you actually accusing Trump of being Clinton/Obama-like??

Trump or anybody else for that matter is in the same league as the liar in chief and certainly no match for Clinton who was confirmed a liar by the FBI director.

You folks that has the balls to call Trump a liar and tell people what they want to hear must really be party deaf, party dumb, party blind, smoked beyond comprehension by the X-X-X partisan kool aide.

Classic examples of party first no matter what. As I have said before if Charles Manson was you candidate he would get the same lemming support.

Very sad.
Sorry dude, but I am the one that used Charles Manson as the candidate that they would vote for if he put a D after his name. But, that's isn't worn out yet. GO for it.

opinion, haters, graders, behave, ahead

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