Megan Boone and Global Warming.

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Old 08-31-2017, 07:27 AM
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Talking Megan Boone and Global Warming.

Megan Boone Stands up for Climate Action and Kids' Health (Full Speech) - YouTube

I see she is speaking to kids about Global Warming which is probably where the real change will come about.

Good for her. And I have been watching the show which she stars in Blacklist and like many of the details I see in it. Especially the certain numbers here and there.

She is the great grand daughter of the Founder of the Villages or something like that.
Old 08-31-2017, 08:16 AM
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Global warming has been happening since the ending of the last ice age. Slowly, but rising none the less.

The Villages Florida

In 1870, the oceans were rising...there wasn't nearly the carbon released as there is now. Lots of coal was burned, it choked the cities, but compared to was nothing.

The Villages Florida

It's BEEN getting warmer...we can't stop it...we're probably not helping...but this is just a profit making scheme.
Old 09-01-2017, 01:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Global warming has been happening since the ending of the last ice age. Slowly, but rising none the less.

The Villages Florida

In 1870, the oceans were rising...there wasn't nearly the carbon released as there is now. Lots of coal was burned, it choked the cities, but compared to was nothing.

The Villages Florida

It's BEEN getting warmer...we can't stop it...we're probably not helping...but this is just a profit making scheme.
Twenty storms causing a billion dollars or more in damage have taken place since 2010, not including Hurricane Harvey, compared with nine billion-dollar floods in the full decade of the 1980s. Folks, nature is telling us something. How many "100-year" storms or "1,000-year" floods will it take for us to listen? Humans have boosted the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by a shocking 40 percent since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, when we started burning fossil fuels on a large scale.
Old 09-01-2017, 01:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Twenty storms causing a billion dollars or more in damage have taken place since 2010, not including Hurricane Harvey, compared with nine billion-dollar floods in the full decade of the 1980s. Folks, nature is telling us something. How many "100-year" storms or "1,000-year" floods will it take for us to listen? Humans have boosted the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by a shocking 40 percent since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, when we started burning fossil fuels on a large scale.
Megan Boone is taking a course on this stuff. We, like Megan, know there is global warming, but despite all of our combined efforts here in the U.S. and the money we have shown we are willing to spend, it appears that most of the rest of the world doesn't seem to be as committed. I doubt that Megan will be able to get them to shut off their engines or keep wasting their stuff.

Megan is like the little old woman that said;

Every little bit helps, as she peed in the sea.

The difference in my views and Megan's views is fifty years.
Old 09-01-2017, 06:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Twenty storms causing a billion dollars or more in damage have taken place since 2010, not including Hurricane Harvey, compared with nine billion-dollar floods in the full decade of the 1980s. Folks, nature is telling us something. How many "100-year" storms or "1,000-year" floods will it take for us to listen? Humans have boosted the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by a shocking 40 percent since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, when we started burning fossil fuels on a large scale.
You are confusing correlation and causation.

Yes...the storms ARE more "expensive" because there are MORE people living along the coasts AND the price of that real estate has skyrocketed.

The storms are really about the same. The strongest hurricane ever (recorded) was Wilma in 2005....over 12 years ago. The next strongest, Gilbert in 1988 and then the next strongest the "Labor Day" storm of 1935. The numbers aren't really increasing either. Nothing much is happening storm wise.

Nature is telling us...inflation is a b!tch...!

The earth has been continuously warming over the last 10,000 years. Our "civilization" has existed for only a brief moment when all of geologic time is taken into account.

You're being suckered AGAIN. warming is man made...what's next? Nuclear war "for our safety"?

CO2 as a greenhouse gas...contributes less than 1%. It's NOTHING in the grand scheme of things...other than the scheme to get more of our money.
Old 09-03-2017, 04:47 AM
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She's an idiot. There is NO man made climate change, no matter how your phrase it. We have cleaner air than when I was a kid. But, give a liberal a cause and they will become tomorrow's fanatics. Idiots.
Old 09-03-2017, 06:36 AM
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Originally Posted by mellincf View Post
Humans have boosted the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by a shocking 40 percent since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution
You can reduce the carbon dioxide Mell...stop breathing!

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Old 09-03-2017, 07:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
She's an idiot. There is NO man made climate change, no matter how your phrase it. We have cleaner air than when I was a kid. But, give a liberal a cause and they will become tomorrow's fanatics. Idiots.
Lloyd N Barchers....I guess YOU and TRUMP know more about climate change than all the scientists.

Trumps golf course in Ireland is falling into the sea. He wants to build a 2 mile wall .... the reason given "climate change" . Guess he believes it when it comes to HIS property only. Maybe Maralago is next.!
Old 09-03-2017, 07:47 AM
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Default Trump and the Scientists.

World's largest general science organisation slams Trump's lack of 'scientific thinking' | The Independent

I recall the scientists march on Washington. I wonder what Ivanka Trump and her husband think about global warming?

The air in places like Los Angeles is better than 50 years ago but that is probably because of regulations put on cars and industry. Trump seems to want to lift some of these regulations especially with respect to coal mining and processing.
Old 09-03-2017, 08:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
World's largest general science organisation slams Trump's lack of 'scientific thinking' | The Independent

I recall the scientists march on Washington. I wonder what Ivanka Trump and her husband think about global warming?

The air in places like Los Angeles is better than 50 years ago but that is probably because of regulations put on cars and industry. Trump seems to want to lift some of these regulations especially with respect to coal mining and processing.
The ONLY way to reduce CO2 is to STOP burning things. As long as we burn oil/coal/wood...whatever...we keep producing CO2.

"A combustion reaction always includes a hydrocarbon and oxygen as the reactants and always produces carbon dioxide and water as products."

Are we going to stop burning? Stop cooking? Stop driving? Stop making things? I don't think so.

Besides CO2 is a VERY MINOR global warming contributor. MUCH less than 1%...less than 0.1%.

"Water vapor is the most abundant heat-trapping gas, but rarely discussed when considering human-induced climate change"

"Greenhouse gas concentrations are measured in parts per million, parts per billion, and even parts per trillion. One part per million is equivalent to one drop of water diluted into about 13 gallons of liquid (roughly the fuel tank of a compact car)."

CO2 is now about 400 PPM...400 is 0.04% of 1,000,000.

CO3 is 0.04% of the atmosphere. It used to be 0.03%. CO2 isn't a big deal for the earth...only for businessmen who want to make a profit off of fear.
Old 09-03-2017, 08:20 AM
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As Coral Bleaching Goes Global, Scientists Fear Worst Is Yet to Come | InsideClimate News

I found this interesting and seems to back up Megan Boone's position on Global Warming as do most of the respected scientists in the world.
Old 09-03-2017, 08:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
As Coral Bleaching Goes Global, Scientists Fear Worst Is Yet to Come | InsideClimate News

I found this interesting and seems to back up Megan Boone's position on Global Warming as do most of the respected scientists in the world.
The cause/solution is obvious...El Nino...stop El Nino and you stop the coral bleaching. /s

The worlds climate's what it does. Species come and go because of it. CO2 consists on 0.04% of the's literally a drop in a big bucket.

The CO2 scare is just that...a scare to get us to approve new spending and more profits.

I'm NOT disagreeing that the temperature is's been rising since the last ice age problem is blaming it all on CO2.
Old 09-03-2017, 08:40 AM
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Human fingerprints on climate change rule out natural cycles

Very interesting link about the argument hear a lot in the Villages that this is just cyclical.

Arguments from Global Warming Skeptics and what the science really says
Old 09-03-2017, 10:22 AM
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America has greatly reduced it's "man made" pollution in the past century. Our air is cleaner than it has been since I was a kid. We cannot force others to live by our standards. Man does not cause the bad weather, it runs in cycles. Yes, we are instrumental in acid rain, but America has cut down on that also.
Old 09-03-2017, 11:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Human fingerprints on climate change rule out natural cycles

Very interesting link about the argument hear a lot in the Villages that this is just cyclical.

Arguments from Global Warming Skeptics and what the science really says
From your link:

"Of course, it's always possible that some natural cycle exists, unknown to scientists and their instruments, that is currently causing the planet to warm. There's always a chance that we could be totally wrong. This omnipresent fact of science is called irreducible uncertainty, because it can never be entirely eliminated."

Carbon dating ASSUMES the suns cosmic ray output is constant...but we know that the suns output does change.

"Milankovitch cycles that drive glaciation show that we should be, in fact, very slowly going into a new ice age (but anthropogenic warming is virtually certain to offset that influence)."

Isn't it better to be warm than cold? I KNOW crops don't grow under snow/glaciers. They grow well when it's warm. There are no "tropical deserts" because it's too hot for plants to grow.

"The Little Ice Age following the Medieval Warm Period ended due to a slight increase in solar output (changes in both thermohaline circulation and volcanic activity also contributed), but that increase has since reversed, and global temperature and solar activity are now going in opposite directions. This also explains why the 11-year solar cycle could not be causing global warming."

And that INCLUDES cosmic rays that make the carbon 14 that they use to PROVE that it's man made warming.

It doesn't explain/prove anything.

CO2 is 0.04% of the has LITTLE to do with heat retention. It's a scam to take more of our money...our labor.

They don't even list an author of the article.

On to your other link:

Same place... And the "facts" came from this place...not biased at all:


We have a moral, ethical, and survival imperative to learn about climate change / global warming, and to act appropriately and decisively. This imperative derives from people living today and all those who will follow us. We must not have future generations say, of us: "They refused to learn" or "they knew but did not act."
Climate Portal

I'll just address the first few...I don't have time for ALL of them...

1 "Climate's changed before"

Climate reacts to whatever forces it to change at the time; humans are now the dominant forcing."

Who says? That's OPINION. Prove it.

2 "It's the sun"

In the last 35 years of global warming, sun and climate have been going in opposite directions"

And EVERY year...EVERY season the climate does the same thing here on earth. "Meteorological summer" when the daily temperatures are the highest happens AFTER the sun starts to get lower in the sky and the days get shorter. The HOTTEST time of the year in July/Aug not June when the days are the longest and the sun highest in the sky. The sun and the "climate" are going in opposite directions!

3 "It's not bad" Negative impacts of global warming on agriculture, health & environment far outweigh any positives."

Really? How? Is there a desert in central Africa because it's too hot for plants to grow? Plants LOVE heat and CO2.

I'm done...

Stop believing the lies.


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