I hate Trump, but, I'll vote for him anyway.

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Old 07-13-2016, 01:21 PM
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Default I hate Trump, but, I'll vote for him anyway.

I hate Trump, but, I'll vote for him anyway.

I hate Donald Trump. But he might get my vote. - The Washington Post
Old 07-13-2016, 01:37 PM
Posts: n/a

We have had our fill of nice guy Presidents and unqualified community organizers that get elected on looks, personality, race, and in this campaign gender is giving it a shot. You may not like Trump but he certainly has a certified Wharton School of Business College degree, unlike our current President that chooses to seal his college records. Even if I was a Democrat I would have enough curiosity to wonder why he will not let me know his educational accomplishment. Trump is also not a POLITICIAN. On that fact alone on a scale of 1-10 he gets a 10 in my book. Mo one has a crystal ball to tell exactly how Trump would run his Presidency, but it does not take a Rocket Scientist to predict what direction the Country will take if Hillary is President and Bill is First Lady.
Old 07-13-2016, 02:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
We have had our fill of nice guy Presidents and unqualified community organizers that get elected on looks, personality, race, and in this campaign gender is giving it a shot. You may not like Trump but he certainly has a certified Wharton School of Business College degree, unlike our current President that chooses to seal his college records. Even if I was a Democrat I would have enough curiosity to wonder why he will not let me know his educational accomplishment. Trump is also not a POLITICIAN. On that fact alone on a scale of 1-10 he gets a 10 in my book. Mo one has a crystal ball to tell exactly how Trump would run his Presidency, but it does not take a Rocket Scientist to predict what direction the Country will take if Hillary is President and Bill is First Lady.
You saw Trump's college records? I don't like lawyers, but if I get arrested I want one that has practiced before. I am voting for Hillary because she is the Democrat nominee. That is my explanation. You wingers can make a case for anybody on your side. Just because you picked the worst of the bunch doesn't matter to me. I like listening how you defend him.
Old 07-13-2016, 02:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
read it and I disagree with it. If you are a baby boomer you cannot return our country to the way it was.

I've said it before but after WW2 we were alone in the world. All of our allies and enemies were bombed out. All their factories were gone. We were in full swing and it was easy to continue to sell all over the world and to set prices.

How can we go back to that?

We had cheap college. My in state tuition was $350 and now the in-state tuition $12,600.

Inflation Calculator Calculate the value of $100 in 1970 - Inflation on 100 dollars - DollarTimes.com

$350 in 1970 is equal to : $2,195.85 in 2016
Annual Inflation: 4.07%
Total Inflation: 527.39%

Mom's stayed home when we were little even when the dad delivered milk or worked in a warehouse.

We can't go back. The rest of the world is willing to work for peanuts and outsourcing is all over. Companies outsource engineering jobs to India. Guess why?
Old 07-13-2016, 04:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
read it and I disagree with it. If you are a baby boomer you cannot return our country to the way it was.

I've said it before but after WW2 we were alone in the world. All of our allies and enemies were bombed out. All their factories were gone. We were in full swing and it was easy to continue to sell all over the world and to set prices.

How can we go back to that?

We had cheap college. My in state tuition was $350 and now the in-state tuition $12,600.

Inflation Calculator Calculate the value of $100 in 1970 - Inflation on 100 dollars - DollarTimes.com

$350 in 1970 is equal to : $2,195.85 in 2016
Annual Inflation: 4.07%
Total Inflation: 527.39%

Mom's stayed home when we were little even when the dad delivered milk or worked in a warehouse.

We can't go back. The rest of the world is willing to work for peanuts and outsourcing is all over. Companies outsource engineering jobs to India. Guess why?
Many of those by Trump companies.
Old 07-13-2016, 05:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Many of those by Trump companies.
And Trump's friends and cronies who own the big corporations that are making fortunes out of outsourcing the jobs that Trump says he will bring back. What are his friends, the ones making the obscene profits, saying about this? Do they agree to move jobs back to the US or pay a large tariff?

And who has seen Donald Trump's diploma from Wharton or his transcripts, and why isn't this an issue?
Old 07-13-2016, 05:12 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
read it and I disagree with it. If you are a baby boomer you cannot return our country to the way it was.

I've said it before but after WW2 we were alone in the world. All of our allies and enemies were bombed out. All their factories were gone. We were in full swing and it was easy to continue to sell all over the world and to set prices.

How can we go back to that?

We had cheap college. My in state tuition was $350 and now the in-state tuition $12,600.

Inflation Calculator Calculate the value of $100 in 1970 - Inflation on 100 dollars - DollarTimes.com

$350 in 1970 is equal to : $2,195.85 in 2016
Annual Inflation: 4.07%
Total Inflation: 527.39%

Mom's stayed home when we were little even when the dad delivered milk or worked in a warehouse.

We can't go back. The rest of the world is willing to work for peanuts and outsourcing is all over. Companies outsource engineering jobs to India. Guess why?
Why? Corruption in federal government greased by Lobbists and ceo's and it really started in the mid 60s.
Old 07-13-2016, 05:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
And Trump's friends and cronies who own the big corporations that are making fortunes out of outsourcing the jobs that Trump says he will bring back. What are his friends, the ones making the obscene profits, saying about this? Do they agree to move jobs back to the US or pay a large tariff?

And who has seen Donald Trump's diploma from Wharton or his transcripts, and why isn't this an issue?
like the democrats don't have no skin in the game. Amazing how POLICTician goes to Washington with Dodge Dart and 30 years later be multi-millionaire. please think a little and try to comprehend your government is corrupt
Old 07-13-2016, 05:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Why? Corruption in federal government greased by Lobbists and ceo's and it really started in the mid 60s.
Can you back that up with something someone can read? You are lacking meaningful content.
Old 07-13-2016, 05:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
like the democrats don't have no skin in the game. Amazing how POLICTician goes to Washington with Dodge Dart and 30 years later be multi-millionaire. please think a little and try to comprehend your government is corrupt
What politicians do you know who started out poor and 30 years later are multi-millionaires earning a government salary? Think a little, so we can look at a long list.
Old 07-13-2016, 06:09 PM
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I refuse do over's in my golf game and that practice applies to my voting. Trump will get my vote. there is no way I am going to vote for a socialist felon, its just not in my DNA Clinton promises to follow Obama's divisive policies we have never recovered from our great recession, productivity is at an all time low, our military force has become a social and cultural lab experiment foreign nations laugh at us. etc etc etc

Personal Best Regards
Old 07-13-2016, 06:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You saw Trump's college records? I don't like lawyers, but if I get arrested I want one that has practiced before. I am voting for Hillary because she is the Democrat nominee. That is my explanation. You wingers can make a case for anybody on your side. Just because you picked the worst of the bunch doesn't matter to me. I like listening how you defend him.
That's it??
You are OK with the corruption, the lying, the killing of Americans, the fact that the FBI said she is;
Unsophisticated on security
She lies

She has committed felons and lied to congress and the American people.
She is being held above the law.

And on and on about why she is such a shrew and haggard nasty person.

BUT....it is OK with you because she is the democratic candidate.

What a cop out!
Party first BS!
Old 07-13-2016, 06:15 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
That's it??
You are OK with the corruption, the lying, the killing of Americans, the fact that the FBI said she is;
Unsophisticated on security
She lies

She has committed felons and lied to congress and the American people.
She is being held above the law.

And on and on about why she is such a shrew and haggard nasty person.

BUT....it is OK with you because she is the democratic candidate.

What a cop out!
Party first BS!
He pushed your button. He said he likes to hear all the things people repeat ad infinitum.
Old 07-13-2016, 06:53 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
And Trump's friends and cronies who own the big corporations that are making fortunes out of outsourcing the jobs that Trump says he will bring back. What are his friends, the ones making the obscene profits, saying about this? Do they agree to move jobs back to the US or pay a large tariff?

And who has seen Donald Trump's diploma from Wharton or his transcripts, and why isn't this an issue?
Obama first.

Trump has my vote. I don't have to like him if I agree with him. My only other choice would be me, but I really don't have the time to run a country that is full of needy losers.

If it was me, I would conscript anyone that has been unemployed for a year or more and put them into the military. Anyone that gets below a "C" in college would also be drafted.

Trump may not make America great again, but a lot of people have lost when betting against him. At least he would try. Obama has done more damage to race relations than any president since before Lincoln. No radical should ever be allowed a position in our government. He was definitely not vetted properly.
Old 07-13-2016, 07:18 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
read it and I disagree with it. If you are a baby boomer you cannot return our country to the way it was.

I've said it before but after WW2 we were alone in the world. All of our allies and enemies were bombed out. All their factories were gone. We were in full swing and it was easy to continue to sell all over the world and to set prices.

How can we go back to that?

We had cheap college. My in state tuition was $350 and now the in-state tuition $12,600.

Inflation Calculator Calculate the value of $100 in 1970 - Inflation on 100 dollars - DollarTimes.com

$350 in 1970 is equal to : $2,195.85 in 2016
Annual Inflation: 4.07%
Total Inflation: 527.39%

Mom's stayed home when we were little even when the dad delivered milk or worked in a warehouse.

We can't go back. The rest of the world is willing to work for peanuts and outsourcing is all over. Companies outsource engineering jobs to India. Guess why?
I think you have done a fair job capturing the mess we are in. How do we have some honest and intelligent discussion about it?

vote, hate, trump

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