More bad news for Clinton....

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Old 07-11-2016, 10:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I misquoted him, but I didn't miss his meaning. Donald Trump: 'I Am The Law And Order Candidate'
Actually, I think you did.
Old 07-12-2016, 03:58 AM
Posts: n/a

I do not know how many posters there actually are participating concerning this thread. However 90% of the comments made spew emotional opinion only no facts no reasoning no logical conclusions . I agree that neither presidential nominee is qualified and that makes choice in the November election difficult.

Nonetheless and despite Comey's conclusion concerning Hillary Clinton's use of personal servers she is in violation of the federal statute Tile 18 Us code Section 1924. This statute writers knowing intent would be used to skirt responsibility does not require intent. essentially what Clinton did, especially a very experienced attorney with a long history in government violated the law and should have been brought up on charges.

Anyone not protesting this injustice is contributing to the continuation of corruption in our government. Because if the top cop will not do his job and the laws such as he aforementioned can be ignored than we are heading down the same road as communist China.

More important than this election is that fact that lawlessness and corruption prevail. It pains me to see how citizens simply ignore their God given rights and let their freedoms slip through their fingers
Where is the outrage? Where is the call for justice? Where is the call for rule of law?

Personal Best Regards
Old 07-12-2016, 05:14 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I do not know how many posters there actually are participating concerning this thread. However 90% of the comments made spew emotional opinion only no facts no reasoning no logical conclusions . I agree that neither presidential nominee is qualified and that makes choice in the November election difficult.

Nonetheless and despite Comey's conclusion concerning Hillary Clinton's use of personal servers she is in violation of the federal statute Tile 18 Us code Section 1924. This statute writers knowing intent would be used to skirt responsibility does not require intent. essentially what Clinton did, especially a very experienced attorney with a long history in government violated the law and should have been brought up on charges.

Anyone not protesting this injustice is contributing to the continuation of corruption in our government. Because if the top cop will not do his job and the laws such as he aforementioned can be ignored than we are heading down the same road as communist China.

More important than this election is that fact that lawlessness and corruption prevail. It pains me to see how citizens simply ignore their God given rights and let their freedoms slip through their fingers
Where is the outrage? Where is the call for justice? Where is the call for rule of law?

Personal Best Regards
Depends on which side of the bread the butter is spread on.
Old 07-12-2016, 08:58 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Actually, I think you did.
What other conclusion could you come up with given trump's comment.

“We must maintain law and order at the highest level, or we will cease to have a country, 100 percent,” the presumptive Republican presidential nominee told the invite-only crowd. “Or we will cease to have a country.”

He said that he is the "law and order" candidate. Therefore, Clinton is not. Clinton is not for law and order. If she wins the election, we will cease to have a country.

Maybe he should stop going overboard on all his comments. He talks a lot about everything but says nothing. Michael Steele called him the Jerry Seinfeld candidate. Trump is all things to all people. He never gets into detail on anything. He is the con man's con man.
Old 07-12-2016, 09:23 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I do not know how many posters there actually are participating concerning this thread. However 90% of the comments made spew emotional opinion only no facts no reasoning no logical conclusions . I agree that neither presidential nominee is qualified and that makes choice in the November election difficult.

Nonetheless and despite Comey's conclusion concerning Hillary Clinton's use of personal servers she is in violation of the federal statute Tile 18 Us code Section 1924. This statute writers knowing intent would be used to skirt responsibility does not require intent. essentially what Clinton did, especially a very experienced attorney with a long history in government violated the law and should have been brought up on charges.

Anyone not protesting this injustice is contributing to the continuation of corruption in our government. Because if the top cop will not do his job and the laws such as he aforementioned can be ignored than we are heading down the same road as communist China.

More important than this election is that fact that lawlessness and corruption prevail. It pains me to see how citizens simply ignore their God given rights and let their freedoms slip through their fingers
Where is the outrage? Where is the call for justice? Where is the call for rule of law?

Personal Best Regards
Comey did his job. Since his conclusion doesn't agree with the Republicans, he is corrupt, or incompetent. The FBI went over all the emails, but people that didn't know better than they do. Right!

Comey now will be reviewing Clinton's answer under oath to the House to see, if she lied under oath. Comey is going to conclude that she didn't. We will go through the same nonsense at another House meeting. When Hillary is elected president, impeachment proceedings will start right out of the gate. They got nowhere with Benghazi. So, this will be their line of attacks.

When are the Republicans going to do their jobs, and govern? The answer is never. Governing is hard. Bitching about everything is easy. I guess the Republicans have concluded that the way for us to stop the road Chinese communism is bring the government to a total stop. Therefore, the Democrats will not be able to kill them all as traitors, because you can't betray something that doesn't work.
Old 07-12-2016, 09:38 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I do not know how many posters there actually are participating concerning this thread. However 90% of the comments made spew emotional opinion only no facts no reasoning no logical conclusions . I agree that neither presidential nominee is qualified and that makes choice in the November election difficult.

Nonetheless and despite Comey's conclusion concerning Hillary Clinton's use of personal servers she is in violation of the federal statute Tile 18 Us code Section 1924. This statute writers knowing intent would be used to skirt responsibility does not require intent. essentially what Clinton did, especially a very experienced attorney with a long history in government violated the law and should have been brought up on charges.

Anyone not protesting this injustice is contributing to the continuation of corruption in our government. Because if the top cop will not do his job and the laws such as he aforementioned can be ignored than we are heading down the same road as communist China.

More important than this election is that fact that lawlessness and corruption prevail. It pains me to see how citizens simply ignore their God given rights and let their freedoms slip through their fingers
Where is the outrage? Where is the call for justice? Where is the call for rule of law?

Personal Best Regards
"Makes the choice difficult"...??? The choice is obvious...anybody BUT a D or R.

EVERYBODY knows you don't set up your own "at home" server and have classified sent to it. SHE knew it.

YOU are contributing to the corruption and downfall by continually voting D or R. You KNOW they're corrupt, yet you still vote for them.

The top cop did his job...he did what he was told...let her go. His life depended on it. It's hard for a man to find guilt when his job requires he doesn't.

It pains me to watch them give the country over to hispanic and black minorities. We're giving it to them and we're paying them to do it.

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Comey did his job. Since his conclusion doesn't agree with the Republicans, he is corrupt, or incompetent. The FBI went over all the emails, but people that didn't know better than they do. Right!

Comey now will be reviewing Clinton's answer under oath to the House to see, if she lied under oath. Comey is going to conclude that she didn't. We will go through the same nonsense at another House meeting. When Hillary is elected president, impeachment proceedings will start right out of the gate. They got nowhere with Benghazi. So, this will be their line of attacks.

When are the Republicans going to do their jobs, and govern? The answer is never. Governing is hard. Bitching about everything is easy. I guess the Republicans have concluded that the way for us to stop the road Chinese communism is bring the government to a total stop. Therefore, the Democrats will not be able to kill them all as traitors, because you can't betray something that doesn't work.
He sure did...he listened to TPTB and let her go.

Huh? We don't have ENOUGH laws and regulations? You want more? I want them to STOP governing and leave us alone. Do you want EVERYTHING done and ruled by the government?

You women, you're all insane. You encourage that which will be your downfall. Do you ALL hate yourselves?
Old 07-12-2016, 10:10 AM
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As a modern, free-thinking woman, I would gladly sign petitions to have the Tea Party declared a terrorist group - and would have Donald Trump declared a terrorist with his inflammatory remarks about religions and ethnic groups.

No woman should vote for Trump. He is a danger to our gender.
Old 07-12-2016, 10:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
As a modern, free-thinking woman, I would gladly sign petitions to have the Tea Party declared a terrorist group - and would have Donald Trump declared a terrorist with his inflammatory remarks about religions and ethnic groups.

No woman should vote for Trump. He is a danger to our gender.
No, actually women and their actions are a danger to their gender. What do you think the world is going to be like when Hispanics and African run it? What do you think this country will be like when Hispanics and Africans are running it? They won't be fair and accommodating, they'll be looking for revenge. You're going to be treated like property. That's what Hispanic and black men do.

You may be free thinking...but you're not deep thinking, long range thinking, or big picture thinking. You see "poor puppies and kittens" (minorities) who need saving. But they WILL turn on you and bite you when they get the chance.
Old 07-12-2016, 10:43 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
No, actually women and their actions are a danger to their gender. What do you think the world is going to be like when Hispanics and African run it? What do you think this country will be like when Hispanics and Africans are running it? They won't be fair and accommodating, they'll be looking for revenge. You're going to be treated like property. That's what Hispanic and black men do.

You may be free thinking...but you're not deep thinking, long range thinking, or big picture thinking. You see "poor puppies and kittens" (minorities) who need saving. But they WILL turn on you and bite you when they get the chance.
You, obviously, are not married as no woman would associate with a pig like you.

It must be very lonely to be such a male chauvinist pig, single with no chance of a meaningful relationship, racist and bigoted, and sitting home watching porn movies and self-gratifying yourself day after day.

Sorry, but there is no hope of redemption for a pig like you.
Old 07-12-2016, 11:08 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You, obviously, are not married as no woman would associate with a pig like you.

It must be very lonely to be such a male chauvinist pig, single with no chance of a meaningful relationship, racist and bigoted, and sitting home watching porn movies and self-gratifying yourself day after day.

Sorry, but there is no hope of redemption for a pig like you.
The truth sucks huh?

Again, NOTHING to counter anything said, just VILE comments. YOU are the vile and distasteful one here. Always complaining about what others say and think. With NOTHING of any meaning to add. A typical woman.

Attack the messenger!

Attack the person!

If you don't like it, you don't want to hear it!

You/your ilk, violate the terms of agreement daily yet call for others to be banned.

You're a hypocrite!
Old 07-12-2016, 11:13 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
As a modern, free-thinking woman, I would gladly sign petitions to have the Tea Party declared a terrorist group - and would have Donald Trump declared a terrorist with his inflammatory remarks about religions and ethnic groups.

No woman should vote for Trump. He is a danger to our gender.
In your case, you may have problems proving your gender. Why don't you just sit back and allow the world to continue without you, as you have done for the past 80 years?
Old 07-12-2016, 11:23 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Comey did his job. Since his conclusion doesn't agree with the Republicans, he is corrupt, or incompetent. The FBI went over all the emails, but people that didn't know better than they do. Right!

Comey now will be reviewing Clinton's answer under oath to the House to see, if she lied under oath. Comey is going to conclude that she didn't. We will go through the same nonsense at another House meeting. When Hillary is elected president, impeachment proceedings will start right out of the gate. They got nowhere with Benghazi. So, this will be their line of attacks.

When are the Republicans going to do their jobs, and govern? The answer is never. Governing is hard. Bitching about everything is easy. I guess the Republicans have concluded that the way for us to stop the road Chinese communism is bring the government to a total stop. Therefore, the Democrats will not be able to kill them all as traitors, because you can't betray something that doesn't work.
NO, actually he did not do his job. As a former member of law enforcement, I could list a multitude of mistakes he made or deliberate miscarriage of justice he perpetrated by his lazy lack of investigation. There was enough information, just in his testimony to justify/mandate her indictment. I find it incredible that he proved that they had gotten to him, because he was not this corrupt in his past.

I also find you to be impossibly naive to accept a blatantly corrupt Hillary Clinton as your champion. It shows your total lack of integrity.

Democrats use the black issue for political gain only. Everyone knows that they could care less about any injustice, when they have a perfect example of corruption running for president from their party. If you wish to prove to the blacks that there is equal justice, then Hillary should be made to pay for her criminal activity. Of course, coming from the party of slavery, what could one expect.
Old 07-12-2016, 11:33 AM
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Default Our Government no longer works

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Comey did his job. Since his conclusion doesn't agree with the Republicans, he is corrupt, or incompetent. The FBI went over all the emails, but people that didn't know better than they do. Right!

Comey now will be reviewing Clinton's answer under oath to the House to see, if she lied under oath. Comey is going to conclude that she didn't. We will go through the same nonsense at another House meeting. When Hillary is elected president, impeachment proceedings will start right out of the gate. They got nowhere with Benghazi. So, this will be their line of attacks.

When are the Republicans going to do their jobs, and govern? The answer is never. Governing is hard. Bitching about everything is easy. I guess the Republicans have concluded that the way for us to stop the road Chinese communism is bring the government to a total stop. Therefore, the Democrats will not be able to kill them all as traitors, because you can't betray something that doesn't work.
Anybody with an iota of common sense knows that our government does not work without compromise. Really, we had better "wake up" and start working together and stop all the nonsense before it's too late and our way of life "falls" like the Roman's did.
Old 07-12-2016, 11:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Anybody with an iota of common sense knows that our government does not work without compromise. Really, we had better "wake up" and start working together and stop all the nonsense before it's too late and our way of life "falls" like the Roman's did.
It's falling BECAUSE of compromise! Yes, you better wake up! Your country is being overrun. A minority wave is moving through the population. We're falling for the same reasons, they diluted their population too much. There was no longer any unity of nation. EVERYONE from the common citizen on up was corrupt.
Old 07-12-2016, 12:09 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
It's falling BECAUSE of compromise! Yes, you better wake up! Your country is being overrun. A minority wave is moving through the population. We're falling for the same reasons, they diluted their population too much. There was no longer any unity of nation. EVERYONE from the common citizen on up was corrupt.
"Diluted their population"-- Heil Hitler!!!

bad, make, clinton, news

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