More Maxine Waters-esque Moves

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Old 08-23-2017, 04:05 PM
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Default More Maxine Waters-esque Moves

Fox Sports radio host Clay Travis broke the story earlier tonight. From Outkick The Coverage:

In a story that seems made for The Onion, but is actually true, according to multiple Outkick fans inside ESPN MSESPN decided to pull an Asian college football announcer named Robert Lee off the William and Mary at University of Virginia college football game because they were concerned that having an ASIAN FOOTBALL ANNOUNCER NAMED ROBERT LEE would be offensive to some viewers.

Did I mention that Robert Lee is Asian?

Personal Best Regards:
Old 08-23-2017, 04:24 PM
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ESPN is finished. They are garbage.
Old 08-23-2017, 04:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Fox Sports radio host Clay Travis broke the story earlier tonight. From Outkick The Coverage:

In a story that seems made for The Onion, but is actually true, according to multiple Outkick fans inside ESPN MSESPN decided to pull an Asian college football announcer named Robert Lee off the William and Mary at University of Virginia college football game because they were concerned that having an ASIAN FOOTBALL ANNOUNCER NAMED ROBERT LEE would be offensive to some viewers.

Did I mention that Robert Lee is Asian?

Personal Best Regards:
With the problems of the world and the country, THIS is the story you thought important to share ?

I guess this tops your list of issues......

You will certainly be proud of these....beaming in fact...This is your goal as a white nationalist......

"(CNN)United Nations human rights experts have called upon the US government and political leaders to "unequivocally and unconditionally" reject and condemn racist hate speech and crimes.

The panel said it was "alarmed" by recent displays of racist violence and, without mentioning US President Donald Trump by name, condemned the "failure at the highest political level" to "unequivocally reject and condemn" such activity."

United Nations rights panel warns US over racist rhetoric - CNN

"President Donald Trump’s eighth campaign-style rally this year got a thumbs up from an alt-right white nationalist who lead a violent white supremacist march in Charlottesville, Virginia.

“Trump has never denounced the alt-right. Nor will he,” self-professed racist Richard Spencer wrote on Twitter after Trump’s speech in Phoenix, Arizona, early Wednesday.

Spencer praised Trump for calling out anti-fascist protesters who have fought back against groups like the alt-right. Spencer coined the alt-right label for the loose-knit group of white supremacists, white nationalists, conspiracy theorists, and misogynists who he counts among his followers.

Trump Rally in Phoenix Gets Thumbs Up from Alt-Right White Nationalist

"President Donald Trump walks towards the Oval Office through the West Wing Colonnade of the White House. Investor Roger McNamee: Trump isn't pro-anything except 'essentially white nationalism'

3:51 PM ET Mon, 21 Aug 2017 | 02:28

Donald Trump's behavior indicates a president more in favor of "white nationalism" than business growth, the co-founder of a venture capital firm said Monday.

Asked if Trump and the Republican Party can call themselves "pro-business" while criticizing large companies such as Amazon, Elevation Partners Co-Founder Roger McNamee said Trump's record on business in office shows no such evidence.

"He has been really disruptive to our trading relationships in Mexico, our trading relationships in Canada," McNamee said on CNBC's "Squawk Box." "He's also made lots of bad noise about trading relationships in China."

"He has pretended like he's contributed a lot to job growth when, in fact, he has not," McNamee said. "I think he threatens a lot of people. I don't see how any of that is pro-business at all."

While many experts have criticized Trump's protectionist goals, McNamee went so far as to question "how this guy paints himself as pro- anything other than, you know, essentially white nationalism."

"It is hardly novel for Republicans to get mixed up in racism. Whatever the abstract merits of small-government conservatism, its political prospects have long required the exploitation of white racial resentment. What is new and even shocking is the intermingling of Republican politics with open white supremacy."

Trump’s White Nationalist House

Your loathing of identity politics is tested here because this is your very core.
Old 08-23-2017, 04:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
ESPN is finished. They are garbage.
Criticism of ESPN is valid in my opinion, BUT....

The OP did not criticize ESPN.....not at all.....his heading was about a black democratic representative...that was the motivation.
Old 08-23-2017, 04:52 PM
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Allow me this....

I have no comfort zone for most protests, and none for the violent ones. I believe in my heart that orgs like BLM and ANTIFA have many infestations of simple thugs.

BUT, I have equal or more distaste for straight out hate by posters like the OP.

This is supposed to be a political discussion board and yet never is there a serious discussion of what might cause some of these problems. I sure do not have answers, but I am sure of this....using the black/white issue in politics like this will doom any solution.

While I look upon ANTIFA with disgust, they are nothing compared to the NAZI movement being touted recently.

If you want to criticize those in Washington, then do it for this reason.....have an open dialogue on race, as has been tried before.

I know this much......this constant searching for warts on anyone that is not white has a very unhappy ending for everyone.

It will NOT make the white folks feel better about themselves as is so much times the problem, and what they critique the blacks for.

It is leaking into and becoming more vile and much more widespread.....meaning it is now supposed to include anyone that is not white.....not just the blacks, but if you cannot pass the skin color test and show you are white you are being lumped into a group to hate.

Funny, a random act by God to give you white skin is making YOU feel so much better than others. Funny how threatened these white people are because others do not have the same color skin.

The black race had many issues and in some cases still do, but they continue to allow their ranks to be filled with thugs.

Ashley Blvd in Tampa runs along Curtis Hixon Park. I spent the year of the Republican convention in Tampa living in a new high rise across the street. Then, the most popular group was Occupy Wall Street. I went out there on many instances just to find out what the hell they wanted and why. I found a mixed bag...thugs for sure, but also sincere folks worried about their future an thinking getting older with no possible chance at living anywhere near their dream was depressing. They lacked hope.

The thugs can be weeded out....but the others, who I believe are the majority need hope, because whether you believe it or not, if you are black....your dreams are different totally.

Just my rambling because on here I oppose all this racial is not based on reality but based strictly on hate, and our leaders in Washington are now using this as political levers, and our President, who actually controls the "bully pulpit" has not made one single attempt to even bridge the gap.

People do not do bad things because their skin is not white, and on the flip side all white people are not good people. We are a product of our culture and upbringing, and that does not change as quick as we might want. For people to havevrespect for others, they need to respect themselves first. That requires work to be available. I said on this forum that Trump would rise or fall on what he did in that are. Thus far, nothing but lying about it, and his mean spirited approach seems to be killing any chance of legislation.

Now, at this time......I can only say....GOD bless us, ALL OF US
Old 08-23-2017, 06:00 PM
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When all gets said and done is there not a serious issue contained within the actions taken by ESPN management?

Yielding to fear?
Of what?
Doing what is wrong to appease who?

In my opinion a very serious precedent that will only fuel the perpetrators currently attacking American history/heritage.

I wonder if the executives at Colonel Sanders are contemplating a CYA action!
Old 08-23-2017, 08:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Rockyrd View Post
With the problems of the world and the country, THIS is the story you thought important to share ?

I guess this tops your list of issues......

You will certainly be proud of these....beaming in fact...This is your goal as a white nationalist......

"(CNN)United Nations human rights experts have called upon the US government and political leaders to "unequivocally and unconditionally" reject and condemn racist hate speech and crimes.

The panel said it was "alarmed" by recent displays of racist violence and, without mentioning US President Donald Trump by name, condemned the "failure at the highest political level" to "unequivocally reject and condemn" such activity."

United Nations rights panel warns US over racist rhetoric - CNN

"President Donald Trump’s eighth campaign-style rally this year got a thumbs up from an alt-right white nationalist who lead a violent white supremacist march in Charlottesville, Virginia.

“Trump has never denounced the alt-right. Nor will he,” self-professed racist Richard Spencer wrote on Twitter after Trump’s speech in Phoenix, Arizona, early Wednesday.

Spencer praised Trump for calling out anti-fascist protesters who have fought back against groups like the alt-right. Spencer coined the alt-right label for the loose-knit group of white supremacists, white nationalists, conspiracy theorists, and misogynists who he counts among his followers.

Trump Rally in Phoenix Gets Thumbs Up from Alt-Right White Nationalist

"President Donald Trump walks towards the Oval Office through the West Wing Colonnade of the White House.Investor Roger McNamee: Trump isn't pro-anything except 'essentially white nationalism'

3:51 PM ET Mon, 21 Aug 2017 | 02:28

Donald Trump's behavior indicates a president more in favor of "white nationalism" than business growth, the co-founder of a venture capital firm said Monday.

Asked if Trump and the Republican Party can call themselves "pro-business" while criticizing large companies such as Amazon, Elevation Partners Co-Founder Roger McNamee said Trump's record on business in office shows no such evidence.

"He has been really disruptive to our trading relationships in Mexico, our trading relationships in Canada," McNamee said on CNBC's "Squawk Box." "He's also made lots of bad noise about trading relationships in China."

"He has pretended like he's contributed a lot to job growth when, in fact, he has not," McNamee said. "I think he threatens a lot of people. I don't see how any of that is pro-business at all."

While many experts have criticized Trump's protectionist goals, McNamee went so far as to question "how this guy paints himself as pro- anything other than, you know, essentially white nationalism."

"It is hardly novel for Republicans to get mixed up in racism. Whatever the abstract merits of small-government conservatism, its political prospects have long required the exploitation of white racial resentment. What is new and even shocking is the intermingling of Republican politics with open white supremacy."

Trump’s White Nationalist House

Your loathing of identity politics is tested here because this is your very core.
Originally Posted by Rockyrd View Post
Criticism of ESPN is valid in my opinion, BUT....

The OP did not criticize ESPN.....not at all.....his heading was about a black democratic representative...that was the motivation.
Originally Posted by Rockyrd View Post
Allow me this....

I have no comfort zone for most protests, and none for the violent ones. I believe in my heart that orgs like BLM and ANTIFA have many infestations of simple thugs.

BUT, I have equal or more distaste for straight out hate by posters like the OP.

This is supposed to be a political discussion board and yet never is there a serious discussion of what might cause some of these problems. I sure do not have answers, but I am sure of this....using the black/white issue in politics like this will doom any solution.

While I look upon ANTIFA with disgust, they are nothing compared to the NAZI movement being touted recently.

If you want to criticize those in Washington, then do it for this reason.....have an open dialogue on race, as has been tried before.

I know this much......this constant searching for warts on anyone that is not white has a very unhappy ending for everyone.

It will NOT make the white folks feel better about themselves as is so much times the problem, and what they critique the blacks for.

It is leaking into and becoming more vile and much more widespread.....meaning it is now supposed to include anyone that is not white.....not just the blacks, but if you cannot pass the skin color test and show you are white you are being lumped into a group to hate.

Funny, a random act by God to give you white skin is making YOU feel so much better than others. Funny how threatened these white people are because others do not have the same color skin.

The black race had many issues and in some cases still do, but they continue to allow their ranks to be filled with thugs.

Ashley Blvd in Tampa runs along Curtis Hixon Park. I spent the year of the Republican convention in Tampa living in a new high rise across the street. Then, the most popular group was Occupy Wall Street. I went out there on many instances just to find out what the hell they wanted and why. I found a mixed bag...thugs for sure, but also sincere folks worried about their future an thinking getting older with no possible chance at living anywhere near their dream was depressing. They lacked hope.

The thugs can be weeded out....but the others, who I believe are the majority need hope, because whether you believe it or not, if you are black....your dreams are different totally.

Just my rambling because on here I oppose all this racial is not based on reality but based strictly on hate, and our leaders in Washington are now using this as political levers, and our President, who actually controls the "bully pulpit" has not made one single attempt to even bridge the gap.

People do not do bad things because their skin is not white, and on the flip side all white people are not good people. We are a product of our culture and upbringing, and that does not change as quick as we might want. For people to havevrespect for others, they need to respect themselves first. That requires work to be available. I said on this forum that Trump would rise or fall on what he did in that are. Thus far, nothing but lying about it, and his mean spirited approach seems to be killing any chance of legislation.

Now, at this time......I can only say....GOD bless us, ALL OF US
Do you realize you are beyond a f ucking idiot!!!

With the problems of the world and the country, THIS is the story you thought important to share ?"

This op is so important to you that you devoted so many words?

A sshole , worse than Tal if that is possible.


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