Most believe news media fabricates stories about President

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Old 10-20-2017, 04:48 AM
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Default Most believe news media fabricates stories about President

Poll: 46 percent think media make up stories about Trump - POLITICO

"Nearly half of voters, 46 percent, believe the news media fabricate news stories about President Donald Trump and his administration, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll. Just 37 percent of voters think the media do not fabricate stories, the poll shows, while the remaining 17 percent are undecided."
Old 10-20-2017, 05:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Poll: 46 percent think media make up stories about Trump - POLITICO

"Nearly half of voters, 46 percent, believe the news media fabricate news stories about President Donald Trump and his administration, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll. Just 37 percent of voters think the media do not fabricate stories, the poll shows, while the remaining 17 percent are undecided."
The Fake News Media are organs of Femo-Fascism.

A long time ago, it was coffee-clotch women who read the New York Times with their giant full-page fashion ads.

Women make 80% of the purchasing decisions, hence the Fake/Femo-Fascist news media.

One solution:

How to rid the Senate of Femo-Fascist idiots
Old 10-20-2017, 05:11 AM
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Back in the day sage advice was "believe half of what you read and nothing of what you hear".

In today's hyper-political partisan and technologically advanced environment the Fourth Estate coupled with Silicon Valley can and does manipulate the news to a degree that our previous mortal enemies would have envied.

So we should not believe anything we read or hear without a continuing verification of the facts and an understanding of the integrity of the journalist and/or news agency

In addition this same technology has dumbed us all down.

For instance if one is honest with himself/herself the fact that we google or wikipedia something and present it causes us to actually believe since we found it we produced it. And the irony is that the search information maybe flawed or perhaps an actual lie.

So I am not surprised that the % of people who believe isn't higher;albeit it it should be. What it means is that too many of us are being duped

Personal Best Regards:
Old 10-20-2017, 06:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Back in the day sage advice was "believe half of what you read and nothing of what you hear".

In today's hyper-political partisan and technologically advanced environment the Fourth Estate coupled with Silicon Valley can and does manipulate the news to a degree that our previous mortal enemies would have envied.

So we should not believe anything we read or hear without a continuing verification of the facts and an understanding of the integrity of the journalist and/or news agency

In addition this same technology has dumbed us all down.

For instance if one is honest with himself/herself the fact that we google or wikipedia something and present it causes us to actually believe since we found it we produced it. And the irony is that the search information maybe flawed or perhaps an actual lie.

So I am not surprised that the % of people who believe isn't higher;albeit it it should be. What it means is that too many of us are being duped

Personal Best Regards:
Many times it IS a lie. That is WHY I'm always telling people who don't believe me...go down and see for yourself! Go to MLK Blvd and SEE what these "people" are like...see how the 99% act and live. Visit a black school...SEE how futile "educating" them is. People in the past KNEW blacks were different...weren't "us".
Old 10-20-2017, 07:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Back in the day sage advice was "believe half of what you read and nothing of what you hear".

In today's hyper-political partisan and technologically advanced environment the Fourth Estate coupled with Silicon Valley can and does manipulate the news to a degree that our previous mortal enemies would have envied.

So we should not believe anything we read or hear without a continuing verification of the facts and an understanding of the integrity of the journalist and/or news agency

In addition this same technology has dumbed us all down.

For instance if one is honest with himself/herself the fact that we google or wikipedia something and present it causes us to actually believe since we found it we produced it. And the irony is that the search information maybe flawed or perhaps an actual lie.

So I am not surprised that the % of people who believe isn't higher;albeit it it should be. What it means is that too many of us are being duped

Personal Best Regards:
Old 10-20-2017, 07:19 AM
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Speaking of never are able to supple even ONE example. Would you like the litany of your President and his lies ?

"Trump is no Hitler, but the way he has manipulated the American people with outrageous lies, stacked one on top of the other, has an eerie historical resonance. Demagogy has a fixed design."

Trump Isn’t Hitler. But the Lying … - The New York Times

I quoted that line of this opinion piece because Fox News is saying the New York Times called Trump Hitler and of course that was a lie
Old 10-20-2017, 07:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Speaking of never are able to supple even ONE example. Would you like the litany of your President and his lies ?

"Trump is no Hitler, but the way he has manipulated the American people with outrageous lies, stacked one on top of the other, has an eerie historical resonance. Demagogy has a fixed design."

Trump Isn’t Hitler. But the Lying … - The New York Times

I quoted that line of this opinion piece because Fox News is saying the New York Times called Trump Hitler and of course that was a lie
Trump is quite good with propaganda and manipulating the masses.
Old 10-20-2017, 07:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Trump is quite good with propaganda and manipulating the masses.
He began the incident on calls to grieving families with a total lie, and he just keeps feeding the issue. This man is incredibly anti American.

With the help of Hannity and Fox, the move now is to simply forget what started all never happened.
Old 10-20-2017, 07:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
He began the incident on calls to grieving families with a total lie, and he just keeps feeding the issue. This man is incredibly anti American.

With the help of Hannity and Fox, the move now is to simply forget what started all never happened.
Fox viewers are routinely the least informed of all. I doubt Fox covered much of Bush's speech if they mentioned it at all. Yet all the other media covered it extensively.

"FAKER! Man admits he lied to Fox News about Navy SEAL service." That's the headline from the Navy Times. Earlier this month Fox's newscasts repeatedly aired a segment about a "decorated war hero" who "hopes to honor Trump with glass presidential seal." Fox reporters and anchors said they hoped Trump would see the segment. "But when Navy Times contacted" John Garofalo on Thursday, "Garofalo admitted he had lied and never served in Vietnam, never received a Purple Heart and was never a SEAL."

-- "Fox News not withdrawing that story has drove me nutty," a retired SEAL told the Navy Times...
Old 10-20-2017, 08:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Fox viewers are routinely the least informed of all. I doubt Fox covered much of Bush's speech if they mentioned it at all. Yet all the other media covered it extensively.

"FAKER! Man admits he lied to Fox News about Navy SEAL service." That's the headline from the Navy Times. Earlier this month Fox's newscasts repeatedly aired a segment about a "decorated war hero" who "hopes to honor Trump with glass presidential seal." Fox reporters and anchors said they hoped Trump would see the segment. "But when Navy Times contacted" John Garofalo on Thursday, "Garofalo admitted he had lied and never served in Vietnam, never received a Purple Heart and was never a SEAL."

-- "Fox News not withdrawing that story has drove me nutty," a retired SEAL told the Navy Times...
Link, not copy. Link, not copy. Your sourcing has already been proven unreliable. You need to watch Fox News from time to time and CNN and MSNBC. They aren't all pure as the driven snow, but they are all we have. Read Guardian, Reuters, APwire, Vox, Not perfect, and still many opinions but regarded higher than your smarmy sources.
Old 10-20-2017, 09:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Link, not copy. Link, not copy. Your sourcing has already been proven unreliable. You need to watch Fox News from time to time and CNN and MSNBC. They aren't all pure as the driven snow, but they are all we have. Read Guardian, Reuters, APwire, Vox, Not perfect, and still many opinions but regarded higher than your smarmy sources.
What source are you speaking of that is unreliable.

You are exactly like Rubicon.....simply throw stones with generalities but feel no obligation to supply anything but your accusations.

I supply links for 99% of what I post as do others, but you two insist on calling everyone liars, while never able to sustain that claim or accusation.

Why do you feel you and Rubicon can get away with simply accusing people of things ?

CALLING THE NY TIMES "SWARMY" somehow does not sound right. And the NAVY Times unreliable ??
Old 10-20-2017, 09:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
What source are you speaking of that is unreliable.

You are exactly like Rubicon.....simply throw stones with generalities but feel no obligation to supply anything but your accusations.

I supply links for 99% of what I post as do others, but you two insist on calling everyone liars, while never able to sustain that claim or accusation.

Why do you feel you and Rubicon can get away with simply accusing people of things ?

CALLING THE NY TIMES "SWARMY" somehow does not sound right
There are many control freaks on the Political Forum who do not seem to want people to actually think. All they do is make personal attacks and gang up on people.
Old 10-20-2017, 09:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
There are many control freaks on the Political Forum who do not seem to want people to actually think.
Gracie and Rubicon seem able to attack anyone who threatens to talk about their hero.....not the country so much, but only this one single man
Old 10-20-2017, 09:22 AM
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"“Bigotry seems emboldened. Our politics seems more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and outright fabrication,” Bush warned in remarks at the Bush Institute’s Spirit of Liberty event in New York, Politico reported."

“And our young people need positive role models. Bullying and prejudice in our public life sets a national tone, provides permission for cruelty and bigotry, and compromises the moral education of children,” he added.

“The only way to pass along civic values is to first live up to them.”

Bush takes veiled swipe at Trump: ‘Bigotry seems emboldened’ | New York Post

Those words from George Bush ring so true, and these people who falsely claim they love this land simply ignore and blame everyone else. They claim the media lies but cannot prove it....they lie and wont admit it.

Love of man over country
Old 10-20-2017, 09:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
There are many control freaks on the Political Forum who do not seem to want people to actually think. All they do is make personal attacks and gang up on people.
The person you quoted. (I have him on ignore) has the tendency only to register part of any post. His main obsession these days is lies told by Donald Trump. He would be more effective in debate, if he were less emotional, and less wordy. He is a very fragile person, and I wish that he would find something outside this forum to divert him and make him happy. He isn't very happy these days at all.

I used to admire him, and know that he still has many good qualities. Most of us have allowed ourselves to not trust the good instincts we have and to remember that this too will pass. We aren't alone in guarding the universe.

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