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Old 12-27-2016, 01:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Sorry Rocky, but you are about as conservative as your friends Jan or MCN. I don't know why you are ashamed to admit it....wait, yes I do.

All of this is purely fear mongering, just like what the libtards accused us of doing when Obama was treading all over the Constitution. You can't take a letter to the editor or a commentary from a liberal and turn it into a factual news source. Next thing you all will be doing is pushing the Pravda as a valid source of information.
I am ashamed of nothing in my life including my real conservatism.

I think a number of posters, if they wished, who were around from 2007 on on this forum could attest to the fact that I am a conservaative.

Name calling aside, wanting to discuss and issue that just came to light is of concern.

Trump says....will not touch medicaire at all.

Ryan says.....want to privatize it

Trump appoints a man who want to privatize it.

Sort of worthy of a conversation

Oh...and were ALL of my FIVE lnks to letters to the editor ? And guess what....talking about that not what political discussion is all about.?
Old 12-27-2016, 01:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I am ashamed of nothing in my life including my real conservatism.

I think a number of posters, if they wished, who were around from 2007 on on this forum could attest to the fact that I am a conservaative.

Name calling aside, wanting to discuss and issue that just came to light is of concern.

Trump says....will not touch medicaire at all.

Ryan says.....want to privatize it

Trump appoints a man who want to privatize it.

Sort of worthy of a conversation

Oh...and were ALL of my FIVE lnks to letters to the editor ? And guess what....talking about that not what political discussion is all about.?
Whatever. Personally, I don't care what they plan to do with Medicare. It is useless to me, but I am sure that others may be attached to it, need it. I just don't believe that speculation on what might happen or what someone is thinking might happen is anything to worry about. It takes a congress to pass legislation. Remember, we don't have someone like Obie that can get away with circumventing the constitution with his E.O.s.

Fear mongering is doing no one any good. But, if it is a bad news day and this is the only discussion, go for it.
Old 12-27-2016, 02:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest

I think a number of posters, if they wished, who were around from 2007 on on this forum could attest to the fact that I am a conservaative.
Past tense were converted to a liberal this past election. You have been whining negatively (like a liberal) about Trump for over a year now. Trump won, you lost, and your still whining...AND you have nothing negative to say about Obamma??
Old 12-27-2016, 03:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Past tense were converted to a liberal this past election. You have been whining negatively (like a liberal) about Trump for over a year now. Trump won, you lost, and your still whining...AND you have nothing negative to say about Obamma??
Angry White Women and emasculated males voted for Her Highness .

Now those two segments of the electorate can not accept the outcome . And they remain Angry White Women .
Old 12-27-2016, 03:19 PM
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Does Medicare need some revisions? Of course it does. As a group we are living much longer. Both Medicare and Social Security need slowly raise the age requirements. Social security did it a few years ago and there was no big outcry. Medicare has already been privatized to some extent. Medicare Advantage programs are the best example. A "hybrid" Social Security plan is not out of the question for some who want some choices for their retirement.

Both Social Security and Medicare have been great programs in the past but they both need updated and need to reflect current economic reality. We must find the political will to face reality.
Old 12-27-2016, 03:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Past tense were converted to a liberal this past election. You have been whining negatively (like a liberal) about Trump for over a year now. Trump won, you lost, and your still whining...AND you have nothing negative to say about Obamma??
Slowly now...

1. Yes, I opposed the nomination of Trump VERY MUCH

2. I think, based in other responses, I am required to say I am certainly not pro Clinton.

3. I have posted a lot on Trump...because

A...I do not like lying and he lies.
B...I certainly would prefer to discuss appointees or issues, but that does not seem to be a big item in here.
C. I see no point in verbally abusing Clinton or Obama, and especially restricting my comments to that subject. Lots facing us, and that is what we should discuss. If either of them are "involved" in an issue, then let the chips fall where they may.
D. I would prefer not..NOT to discuss Trump at this point, and certainly not in a negative manner, but he is turning on his supporters. Continues to lie and thus I say what I think.
E. I still value conservative views, and once he takes office, I will talk loudly for that. I will not shut up and simply accept untruths and mis direction.
Old 12-27-2016, 03:27 PM
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Default Re; privatizing medicare

Originally Posted by Guest
Not so stupid...lots of material to actually read, should you choose.

"Yet the evidence is mounting that the GOP plans to green light Medicare privatization, sought by Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House. When he nominated Rep. Tom Price to be head of the Department of Health and Services, Trump signaled a willingness to carve up the medical progr

Forbes Welcome
It has been passed where you can create a healthcare account where you can SAVE money for healthcare EXPENSES. The GIMMMEEEEESSSSS object because SHOCKING AS IT IS, half the people in the US pay no income tax so SAVING MONEY TAX FREE is of no benefit to someone who pays no tax. Have we moved soooo far left under OBAMA that not charging tax on healthcare savings is unfair because half the people in the US do not pay any tax?

It has also been suggested that we privatize social security. After all they tell us, just as they told us about real estate, that the stock market always goes up. I have added-EXCEPT WHEN IT DOES NOT. Were we allowed ot invest our social security funds in the stock market, first of all it would be impossible for us as the government has already spent the money you have put in BUYING VOTES from the people before us. If, we were 20 again, and invested WISELY, we would likely have more to draw upon from social security. What about those that did not invest wisely. Just as is happening now. Those that invested smart with a bit of luck thrown in would be expected to SUBSIDIZE those who did not do well. People would expect, people would demand a guaranteed return as our LIBERAL GOVERNMENT did with real estate SHORT-SALES.
Old 12-27-2016, 03:40 PM
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Default Sadly your thoughts

Originally Posted by Guest
It is simply embarassing to watch you folks go right past so much news and simply to continue on with ramblings.

Do you never get embarassed ? Is reading too much to ask before you pollute this forum with your condescending attitude and remarks ? You make the comparison of Trump followers made in the campaign seem real and much too close.

Why is it so difficult to discuss differences of opinion based on what is ACTUALLY HAPPENING instead of your dream world. ?

I would love to support the conservative movement on this forum, but you folks make it difficult by not even being conversant on the governing of the nation.

If all you want to do is simply trash Obama and Clinton, that is not political discussion....that is petty, childish, and being totally unaware. Those are attributes that you said during the campaign belonged to the left, but which you seem to embrace and eschew on this forum.

The left is making you look foolish. Yes, Trump won but on this forum, you guys look like losers.

I really want to defend the conservative agenda but with allies like you, I just want to......well, lets say my stomach is a bit upset.

You actually drive real conservatives away.
You are some kind of zealot and more important you do not see it.

Like the person who goes to church or temple more times than their friend so thinks they are more holy.

Condi Rice often begins her classes with the line, IF, ALL YOUR FRIENDS AGREE WITH YOU YOU NEED SOME NEW FRIENDS.

From ME-if you think you are sooooooo Superior to others
Old 12-27-2016, 03:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You are some kind of zealot and more important you do not see it.

Like the person who goes to church or temple more times than their friend so thinks they are more holy.

Condi Rice often begins her classes with the line, IF, ALL YOUR FRIENDS AGREE WITH YOU YOU NEED SOME NEW FRIENDS.

From ME-if you think you are sooooooo Superior to others
You see, for me it is easy.

If all we do is bow to Trump, chastise Clinton and Obama then I am ok...I know that is a waste if time. So, my "superiority" complex as you see it comes from just simply wanting the wasted time on verbally abusing people who will not be involved in making decisions, and trying to make sense of why Trump continues to flat out lie in a daily basis. I assume he knows he won.

Where I can really "eat crow" is on discussion of issues because in that venue I am here to learn.

And, as a "compliment" I do understand your posts and your issue....spending beyond our means and for actuallly going at an issue I applaud you.

I do not respond because until we really know where spending might go, it is tough. Word is Trump wants over a trillion in infrastructure, this morning Bib Woodward reported he had a conversation with Gen Flynn, we can anticipate more military spending, etc etc. With tax cuts, even in wealthy in the horizon...well, there is a reason why I have been pushing discussion and understanding of Medicaire, Medicaid and maybe Social may be the only way to go.

So, I agree with Condi Rice, and if you or anyone wants me to "ear crow, talk issues and I will be asking questions.

And I stand by my comments about the so called "conservatives" on this forum. The one way street if bashing irrelevant people and ignoring the verbal head fakes we will actually play into the left leaning posters. So long we heard on here from Conservatives to long will you be blaming Bush.....they are going to get the same chance as we ignore what is happening and play this name calling game.
Old 12-27-2016, 04:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Well, at least you are consistent.

THERE IS, no matter what you proclaim a movement to privatize Medicaire and Medicaid. It is in the news if you bother to look beyond whatever koolaide Trump/Jim Jones is offering.

Your confidence in Trump and his total silence on this issue is becoming the not discuss the issues.

Will it affect those already in the program ? I think not, but trust will be discussed and you are simply foolish with the appointment of Price to not see the handwriting on the wall.

You always feel is smarter than everyone, yet thus far and he has not taken office yet, the only folks that have been hoodwinked by him are his followers.

You are acting EXACTLY AS THE DEMOCRATS did in 2008. We wil handle this without any input from the other side and that got us OBAMA CARE and 8 years of resentment. Is that what you are looking for.

Did not Trump also say he wanted to bring all of us together ? This is the way, to dismiss everything and simply say, even though not even close to true, how Trump is so smart ?

Listen, he is filling the swamp, empowering the money, eschewing the voters (no press conference), continues to lie on twitter (although thought that might change). I am willing to support some of his programs but you people on here better wake up...the election is it is governing and you are sounding, oh so much like the Democrats in 2008, while you SAID you wanted the high road, you continue to act as children.

HOW SMART was it of Trump to take credit for the nations holiday sales....when they are down from last year Only the Jim Jones followers buy into this stuff...why does someone as smart as you seem to be buy into this Your hate for the left is blinding you.

Show me where I said there were plans to privatize medicare or medicaid?

We are al subjected to the koolaide but I have a habit of diluting mine to my taste.

My confidence is not in Trump but in those Americans who are serious to ask why and keep politicians on their toes.

I said any changes to such program evolve. Geeezzz

Believe me when I say there is no question in my mind that the Democrats will do everything in their power to interfere with Trump's presidency..However there are 10 democrats vying for reelection in 2018 that may well work with Trump to secure their positions.

Trump has extended an olive branch to many of his opponents and critics. If you were honest it isn't Trump continuing this divide its
progressives who can't reconcile their loss like Maxina Watters nancy Pelosi, Barrack Obama, etc.

Overall you have already graded Trump's performance and he hasn't even been sworn in yet. Well that's convenient.

You might want to study up on the failings of confirmation bias thinking. You might want to alleviate the hate and anger behind your thinking as its unhealthy and unwise.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 12-27-2016, 04:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Gotta supposed "conservatives" are so frustrating.

I am a staunch conservative and you people put me in the position of defending the liberal posters on here with your stupid and inane comments.
Actually, I am a bit relieved that you are the only conservative here, that actually takes the time to research, provide links and explain how you came to your conclusions.

As a Centrist, I find it is much more work (but infinitely more rewarding) to actually debate a moderate conservative like yourself, instead of constantly reading emotional one/two-liners... with right-wing zealots.

While I don't expect to win over everyone on the 'other' side on an issue, I at least know that there is an appreciation of establishing the reasoning of taking a position...instead of the emotional petulance that we see from almost all of the Trump supporters here.

When I first started posting in this forum, I made the mistake of thinking...that I was dealing mostly with rational adults.

I spent the time and effort to use legitimate and respected sources (acknowledging when something was an 'opinion' and when is was an actual 'fact') thinking that surely in The Villages most were real adults.

I quickly learned however...that isn't the case.

Just for the heck of it, I did a little research on a couple of the most prolific posters in this forum.

Unbelievably, MDLNB shows 13,356 posts since he joined in 2012 (4 years @8.45 posts per day)...and yet NOT A SINGLE POST (just two started threads, with an original post only)..... outside of the Political Forum.

Add to that the fact that his posts down here do not even make an attempt at actual debate and the very rare links he provides, are primarily from fake news sites...and you have one very lonely and angry individual.

Which, once again, brings out more empathy from me...than anything else.

So now, I realize what I'm dealing with and just chortle as he and others...stays true to type.
Old 12-27-2016, 04:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
POSTS 14 AND 19 carry FOUR links to why this is news worthy and certainly worthy of serious discussion from those who actually read.

JANMCN and I have had many differences over the years, but on this I could not agree more with her.
I'm not saying it is not news worthy, however the "sky is falling" mentality is getting old. It seems to come up in EVERY thread and the person who posts it as I said, ad nauseum, never has anything else to say about it. I thank you for providing some links, however I don't see anything about anyone ENDING any program. Of course, many things will be looked at and considered for change, but why all the hysteria? I mean we haven't even gotten started here - let's give the process a chance, and an open mind.
Old 12-27-2016, 05:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I'm not saying it is not news worthy, however the "sky is falling" mentality is getting old. It seems to come up in EVERY thread and the person who posts it as I said, ad nauseum, never has anything else to say about it. I thank you for providing some links, however I don't see anything about anyone ENDING any program. Of course, many things will be looked at and considered for change, but why all the hysteria? I mean we haven't even gotten started here - let's give the process a chance, and an open mind.

Did you not hear DHHS nominee Tom Price, MD promise that Medicare would be ended in six to eight months. Trump just picked another nominee, McEvey from SC, who is more opposed to Medicare than Price.
Old 12-27-2016, 05:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Did you not hear DHHS nominee Tom Price, MD promise that Medicare would be ended in six to eight months. Trump just picked another nominee, McEvey from SC, who is more opposed to Medicare than Price.
Link, please? I did see one (politifact) that says that is NOT true, however. Maybe you should expand your research efforts before posting. You wrote, "did I hear" - I try not to just believe hearsay.
Old 12-27-2016, 06:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Actually, I am a bit relieved that you are the only conservative here, that actually takes the time to research, provide links and explain how you came to your conclusions.

As a Centrist, I find it is much more work (but infinitely more rewarding) to actually debate a moderate conservative like yourself, instead of constantly reading emotional one/two-liners... with right-wing zealots.

While I don't expect to win over everyone on the 'other' side on an issue, I at least know that there is an appreciation of establishing the reasoning of taking a position...instead of the emotional petulance that we see from almost all of the Trump supporters here.

When I first started posting in this forum, I made the mistake of thinking...that I was dealing mostly with rational adults.

I spent the time and effort to use legitimate and respected sources (acknowledging when something was an 'opinion' and when is was an actual 'fact') thinking that surely in The Villages most were real adults.

I quickly learned however...that isn't the case.

Just for the heck of it, I did a little research on a couple of the most prolific posters in this forum.

Unbelievably, MDLNB shows 13,356 posts since he joined in 2012 (4 years @8.45 posts per day)...and yet NOT A SINGLE POST (just two started threads, with an original post only)..... outside of the Political Forum.

Add to that the fact that his posts down here do not even make an attempt at actual debate and the very rare links he provides, are primarily from fake news sites...and you have one very lonely and angry individual.

Which, once again, brings out more empathy from me...than anything else.

So now, I realize what I'm dealing with and just chortle as he and others...stays true to type.
Please re-read your last 2 statements and explain how having empathy for someone, at the same time chortlng at them, goes hand in hand. I must have missed something here (?)

long, party

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