Newest book.....

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Old 01-12-2018, 08:22 PM
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Default Newest book.....

A new book by Pulitzer winner, David Cay Johnston, in which he addresses "“It’s Even Worse Than You Think What the Trump Administration Is Doing to America”

Due out next week, it is not as salicious...this journalist is a specialist in tax and economics.

"Trump’s war on “job-killing regulations” includes the quiet August 2017 removal of data on workplace deaths, and the Labor Department also moved to revoke a rule requiring most employers with more than 10 workers to keep a record of serious wok-related injuries and illnesses.

Johnston points out several ways in which Trump is pushing the envelope of decency and ethics by barely distancing himself from his business empire and constantly staying at his namesake properties.

Since Trump took office, the net balance of trade between Mexico and the United States increased in Mexico’s favor by more than a third, despite promises of renegotiating better trade deals.

And agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency are no longer out to aid Americans and curb pollution, but instead are set on helping corporations earn higher profits."

"“The Trump presidency is about Trump. Period. Full stop,” he writes."

The con continues by the master of the con
Old 01-12-2018, 09:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
A new book by Pulitzer winner, David Cay Johnston, in which he addresses "“It’s Even Worse Than You Think What the Trump Administration Is Doing to America”

Due out next week, it is not as salicious...this journalist is a specialist in tax and economics.

"Trump’s war on “job-killing regulations” includes the quiet August 2017 removal of data on workplace deaths, and the Labor Department also moved to revoke a rule requiring most employers with more than 10 workers to keep a record of serious wok-related injuries and illnesses.

Johnston points out several ways in which Trump is pushing the envelope of decency and ethics by barely distancing himself from his business empire and constantly staying at his namesake properties.

Since Trump took office, the net balance of trade between Mexico and the United States increased in Mexico’s favor by more than a third, despite promises of renegotiating better trade deals.

And agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency are no longer out to aid Americans and curb pollution, but instead are set on helping corporations earn higher profits."

Pulitzer-winning journalist's book assured to infuriate Trump - NY Daily News

"“The Trump presidency is about Trump. Period. Full stop,” he writes."

The con continues by the master of the con
The "con" has ALWAYS gone on...and it WILL continue to go long as there are rulers/governments.
Old 01-12-2018, 10:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
A new book by Pulitzer winner, David Cay Johnston, in which he addresses "“It’s Even Worse Than You Think What the Trump Administration Is Doing to America”

Due out next week, it is not as salicious...this journalist is a specialist in tax and economics.

"Trump’s war on “job-killing regulations” includes the quiet August 2017 removal of data on workplace deaths, and the Labor Department also moved to revoke a rule requiring most employers with more than 10 workers to keep a record of serious wok-related injuries and illnesses.

Johnston points out several ways in which Trump is pushing the envelope of decency and ethics by barely distancing himself from his business empire and constantly staying at his namesake properties.

Since Trump took office, the net balance of trade between Mexico and the United States increased in Mexico’s favor by more than a third, despite promises of renegotiating better trade deals.

And agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency are no longer out to aid Americans and curb pollution, but instead are set on helping corporations earn higher profits."

"“The Trump presidency is about Trump. Period. Full stop,” he writes."

The con continues by the master of the con
I will have some reading to do.

trump, trade, johnston, book, con

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