"No"News Is Good News"

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Old 03-28-2017, 09:57 AM
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Default "No"News Is Good News"

No News Is Good News Depends on whose ox is being gored. Hmmm

"Elite Press Offers Readers On How To Avoid News of President Trump"by Ira Stroll, New York Sun, March 27th

"A New York times travel article about Hawaii carries a sub headline describing the journey "as a desperate attempt to escape the news." The Times Sunday etiquette column lead with a question from a reader, who wrote in a letter that began, "Lately I've been feeling depressed about the news, so I decided to avoid it."

The Times technology columnist , Farhad Manjoo, wrote a column on how he spent an entire week in which he didn't read, watch, listen to a single story about anything having to do with our 45th president".

A times shopping column about a store that sells men's pajamas at prices starting at $266 a pair includes this complaint from the work-home journalist who wrote it: "the house no longer feels like such a safe space." There are CNN an all the other stations on my TV, alerts from the New York Times and the Washington Post on my phone screen. "Anxiety is persistent. "

The president of the American Enterprise Institute, Arthur Brooks, wrote a New York times op-ed piece under the headline, " Depressed by politics? Just Let Go."....

It all amounts to a statement about journalism today. The press has gotten away from its traditional job of just telling readers what the news is. Its new ,self-appointed role involves advising people how they should feel about the news and how to get away from it.

In doing so, the Times discloses a certain set of assumption about the ideological uniformity of its own readership. After all , there may have been some Americans who could have used all this advise about dealing with news-related anxiety and depression during the Obama Administration.

WSJ 3/28 Notable & Quotable"

Personal Best Regards:
Old 03-28-2017, 11:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
No News Is Good News Depends on whose ox is being gored. Hmmm

"Elite Press Offers Readers On How To Avoid News of President Trump"by Ira Stroll, New York Sun, March 27th

"A New York times travel article about Hawaii carries a sub headline describing the journey "as a desperate attempt to escape the news." The Times Sunday etiquette column lead with a question from a reader, who wrote in a letter that began, "Lately I've been feeling depressed about the news, so I decided to avoid it."

The Times technology columnist , Farhad Manjoo, wrote a column on how he spent an entire week in which he didn't read, watch, listen to a single story about anything having to do with our 45th president".

A times shopping column about a store that sells men's pajamas at prices starting at $266 a pair includes this complaint from the work-home journalist who wrote it: "the house no longer feels like such a safe space." There are CNN an all the other stations on my TV, alerts from the New York Times and the Washington Post on my phone screen. "Anxiety is persistent. "

The president of the American Enterprise Institute, Arthur Brooks, wrote a New York times op-ed piece under the headline, " Depressed by politics? Just Let Go."....

It all amounts to a statement about journalism today. The press has gotten away from its traditional job of just telling readers what the news is. Its new ,self-appointed role involves advising people how they should feel about the news and how to get away from it.

In doing so, the Times discloses a certain set of assumption about the ideological uniformity of its own readership. After all , there may have been some Americans who could have used all this advise about dealing with news-related anxiety and depression during the Obama Administration.

WSJ 3/28 Notable & Quotable"

Personal Best Regards:
I am more interested in the posters REASON for this post, but will begin by giving a link to the article. Better to read it yourself than take the word of someone who picks and chooses what might serve his interest.

Elite Press Offers Readers Advice on How To Avoid News of President Trump - The New York Sun

I always check the writers and just for clarification, this is the man who runs ALGEMEINER..."The Algemeiner Journal is a New York-based newspaper, covering American and international Jewish and Israel-related news. CNBC called it "the fastest growing Jewish newspaper in the United States"[2] and former Senator Joseph Lieberman described the paper as an "independent truth telling advocate for the Jewish people and Israel".[3] The Algemeiner's Advisory Board was chaired by Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel."

Algemeiner Journal - Wikipedia

I am more interested in the motivation to post this thread and what possible dialogue is being searched for.

I am also very very very tired of the news. Thus I ask these questions of the poster..

1. Are you suggesting that a President charging his predecessor with a felony charge, a President then using a Judge from Fox news as his source to charge our British allies as assisting in wiretapping him and doing such to the international press, while standing beside a foreign leader. a President now preoccupied with trying to stymie an investigation with the initial thrust of investigating the attack on our election process by Russia, which has been grown BECAUSE OF THE PRESIDENT, into also investigating his charge of 500 million illegals voting in Nov election and also has progressed to looking into all the ties his team and family have with Russia and his quotes on the subject, should not be in the headlines ??

Are you then by extension suggesting the media not cover the obvious attempts to grind that investigation down by the White House who professes AMERICA FIRST ?

2. Or are you suggesting that President Obama, aside from your policy objections, was given a break with all his investigations etc ?

I am tired of the news also I would prefer discussing trade, tax, health care, and foreign policy, but our media would be TERRIBLY REMISS IN THEIR JOB to simply say it is not important what is happening with our Presidency.

All the items being covered by the media were not invented

They were 100% manufactured by our President, nobody else.

What exact point are you trying to make here ? We have an attack on our presidency, and its total credibility, not on the "swamp" or the "old guard" of Washington.

I also since you implied your little thread was from the New York Times or was affliated in some way, offer this bit ...

"It immediately blasted the president for "his seemingly endless stream of exaggerations, evidence-free accusations, implausible denials and other falsehood," and then zeroed in on his insistence in a tweet that he was wiretapped by the Obama administration, despite a lack of evidence and intelligence agencies and members of both parties saying there was no support for the claim.

"Yet the President clings to his assertion like a drunk to an empty gin bottle, rolling out his press spokesman to make more dubious claims," the editorial reads.

The wiretapping controversy has gone on to overshadow other news, the editorial argues. Trump should question why the United States was surveilling Michael Flynn, his national security adviser who was forced to resign, and he should also wonder who leaked the news of Flynn's meeting with the Russian ambassador.

Wall Street Journal editorial attacks Trump's credibility

So, please....this is historic this attack on our White House (the peoples house)....it is TRUELY HISTORIC when you cannot believe anything that the President says...NOTHING.

Save me with quotes from other presidencies please. If you cannot tell the difference between what this person is doing to us and the office and any other "lies" you can tout, then you are a lost soul.

In addition, you say "The press has gotten away from its traditional job of just telling readers what the news is. ". Its new ,self-appointed role involves advising people how they should feel about the news and how to get away from it."

Does this mean you blame the media for what they report, and not those who are actually MAKING THE NEWS ?
Old 03-28-2017, 04:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I am more interested in the posters REASON for this post, but will begin by giving a link to the article. Better to read it yourself than take the word of someone who picks and chooses what might serve his interest.

Elite Press Offers Readers Advice on How To Avoid News of President Trump - The New York Sun

I always check the writers and just for clarification, this is the man who runs ALGEMEINER..."The Algemeiner Journal is a New York-based newspaper, covering American and international Jewish and Israel-related news. CNBC called it "the fastest growing Jewish newspaper in the United States"[2] and former Senator Joseph Lieberman described the paper as an "independent truth telling advocate for the Jewish people and Israel".[3] The Algemeiner's Advisory Board was chaired by Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel."

Algemeiner Journal - Wikipedia

I am more interested in the motivation to post this thread and what possible dialogue is being searched for.

I am also very very very tired of the news. Thus I ask these questions of the poster..

1. Are you suggesting that a President charging his predecessor with a felony charge, a President then using a Judge from Fox news as his source to charge our British allies as assisting in wiretapping him and doing such to the international press, while standing beside a foreign leader. a President now preoccupied with trying to stymie an investigation with the initial thrust of investigating the attack on our election process by Russia, which has been grown BECAUSE OF THE PRESIDENT, into also investigating his charge of 500 million illegals voting in Nov election and also has progressed to looking into all the ties his team and family have with Russia and his quotes on the subject, should not be in the headlines ??

Are you then by extension suggesting the media not cover the obvious attempts to grind that investigation down by the White House who professes AMERICA FIRST ?

2. Or are you suggesting that President Obama, aside from your policy objections, was given a break with all his investigations etc ?

I am tired of the news also I would prefer discussing trade, tax, health care, and foreign policy, but our media would be TERRIBLY REMISS IN THEIR JOB to simply say it is not important what is happening with our Presidency.

All the items being covered by the media were not invented

They were 100% manufactured by our President, nobody else.

What exact point are you trying to make here ? We have an attack on our presidency, and its total credibility, not on the "swamp" or the "old guard" of Washington.

I also since you implied your little thread was from the New York Times or was affliated in some way, offer this bit ...

"It immediately blasted the president for "his seemingly endless stream of exaggerations, evidence-free accusations, implausible denials and other falsehood," and then zeroed in on his insistence in a tweet that he was wiretapped by the Obama administration, despite a lack of evidence and intelligence agencies and members of both parties saying there was no support for the claim.

"Yet the President clings to his assertion like a drunk to an empty gin bottle, rolling out his press spokesman to make more dubious claims," the editorial reads.

The wiretapping controversy has gone on to overshadow other news, the editorial argues. Trump should question why the United States was surveilling Michael Flynn, his national security adviser who was forced to resign, and he should also wonder who leaked the news of Flynn's meeting with the Russian ambassador.

Wall Street Journal editorial attacks Trump's credibility

So, please....this is historic this attack on our White House (the peoples house)....it is TRUELY HISTORIC when you cannot believe anything that the President says...NOTHING.

Save me with quotes from other presidencies please. If you cannot tell the difference between what this person is doing to us and the office and any other "lies" you can tout, then you are a lost soul.

In addition, you say "The press has gotten away from its traditional job of just telling readers what the news is. ". Its new ,self-appointed role involves advising people how they should feel about the news and how to get away from it."

Does this mean you blame the media for what they report, and not those who are actually MAKING THE NEWS ?
Dear Guest:

don't hold back

you could have stopped with your first sentence "I'm more interested in this poster's REASON for this post"

Well simply stated, i read my paper this AM ran across this Notable & Quotable and thought I would share it because it points out how different people can spin the same stuff differently. No real deep or esoteric meaning here just a simple sharing.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 03-28-2017, 05:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Dear Guest:

don't hold back

you could have stopped with your first sentence "I'm more interested in this poster's REASON for this post"

Well simply stated, i read my paper this AM ran across this Notable & Quotable and thought I would share it because it points out how different people can spin the same stuff differently. No real deep or esoteric meaning here just a simple sharing.

Personal Best Regards:
Thanks and will accept it as that.

So used to your pointing out to others about Opinion pieces and sources and this one does not even make sense thus I was searching for some meaning, but alas........

Oh, and I very seldom hold back....I LOVE to read and especially politics and current events. The attack on the media recently for doing their job has bothered me, thus I guess I might be a bit suspicious.

I know you are very critical of the media, but then again, you seem to read "offbeat" media, including websites I shy away from.

I happen to think that the media does a great job. Are they bias....ABSOLUTELY AND FOR SURE but the mainstream media, because of the editors, will surely give you the A,B, C's of each story. That is why I always say you cannot stop with one source and you cannot read simply left or right wing sites or sources of news. BECAUSE you can package a story, give all the facts, but still end up being bias.

What is bothering me on the media now is the very very very hard criticism being lofted not only at them but the entire first amendment. I could go through so many instances of the media saving this country by digging and not giving up. Most, the GREAT majority of the media take great pride in their integrity and reporting.

Back in the 60's when I was really active in politics in Pennsylvania, I learned a lot about that job. Then it was slow and cumbersome and had no competition with extreme web sites, etc.

Since in Florida, my activity has lessened but I still have met many members of the media and what has not changed is their mission to get it right.

The internet is the worst enemy in the world of TRUTH. So many websites on both sides are open about their agenda. The paper you sourced which is now available only online has their own agenda and is far from what I would consider mainstream. I am conservative thus more accepting of some of their views but those who are moderate or liberal would not be happy at all

As you know, I will defend what I call the mainstream media because I differentiate between NEWS and their opinion or presentation of a platform, and if you do not do that....trouble.

I think that Ted Koeppel was right on when he commented to Sean Hannity that, and this is important.....THEY were bad for America. Hannity is touting only that he said that about Hannity but that is just not true. Fact is, here is the actual transcript of that period of the interview

"During a sit-down interview, Hannity called on Koppel to “give some credit” to people’s ability to differentiate between a news show and an opinion show. I highlighted in red the sentence that I agree with. These kind of shows are going to ruin America..there is not rush to actually learn or know facts.

“You’re cynical,” Hannity said.

“I am cynical,” Koppel responded.

“Do you think we’re bad for America? You think I’m bad for America?” Hannity asked.

Koppel didn’t miss a beat. “Yeah,” he said, and continued over multiple interruptions from Hannity:

Koppel: “In the long haul I think you and all these opinion shows —”

Hannity: “Really? That’s sad, Ted. That’s sad.”

Koppel: “No, you know why? Because you’re very good at what you do, and because you have attracted a significantly more influential —”

Hannity: “You are selling the American people short.”

Koppel: “No, let me finish the sentence before you do that.”

Hannity: “I’m listening. With all due respect. Take the floor.”

Koppel: “You have attracted people who are determined that ideology is more important than facts.”

I think it important to note that the comments were aimed at both LEFT AND RIGHT

Veteran newsman Ted Koppel tells Sean Hannity he’s bad for America - The Washington Post
Old 03-29-2017, 04:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Thanks and will accept it as that.

So used to your pointing out to others about Opinion pieces and sources and this one does not even make sense thus I was searching for some meaning, but alas........

Oh, and I very seldom hold back....I LOVE to read and especially politics and current events. The attack on the media recently for doing their job has bothered me, thus I guess I might be a bit suspicious.

I know you are very critical of the media, but then again, you seem to read "offbeat" media, including websites I shy away from.

I happen to think that the media does a great job. Are they bias....ABSOLUTELY AND FOR SURE but the mainstream media, because of the editors, will surely give you the A,B, C's of each story. That is why I always say you cannot stop with one source and you cannot read simply left or right wing sites or sources of news. BECAUSE you can package a story, give all the facts, but still end up being bias.

What is bothering me on the media now is the very very very hard criticism being lofted not only at them but the entire first amendment. I could go through so many instances of the media saving this country by digging and not giving up. Most, the GREAT majority of the media take great pride in their integrity and reporting.

Back in the 60's when I was really active in politics in Pennsylvania, I learned a lot about that job. Then it was slow and cumbersome and had no competition with extreme web sites, etc.

Since in Florida, my activity has lessened but I still have met many members of the media and what has not changed is their mission to get it right.

The internet is the worst enemy in the world of TRUTH. So many websites on both sides are open about their agenda. The paper you sourced which is now available only online has their own agenda and is far from what I would consider mainstream. I am conservative thus more accepting of some of their views but those who are moderate or liberal would not be happy at all

As you know, I will defend what I call the mainstream media because I differentiate between NEWS and their opinion or presentation of a platform, and if you do not do that....trouble.

I think that Ted Koeppel was right on when he commented to Sean Hannity that, and this is important.....THEY were bad for America. Hannity is touting only that he said that about Hannity but that is just not true. Fact is, here is the actual transcript of that period of the interview

"During a sit-down interview, Hannity called on Koppel to “give some credit” to people’s ability to differentiate between a news show and an opinion show. I highlighted in red the sentence that I agree with. These kind of shows are going to ruin America..there is not rush to actually learn or know facts.

“You’re cynical,” Hannity said.

“I am cynical,” Koppel responded.

“Do you think we’re bad for America? You think I’m bad for America?” Hannity asked.

Koppel didn’t miss a beat. “Yeah,” he said, and continued over multiple interruptions from Hannity:

Koppel: “In the long haul I think you and all these opinion shows —”

Hannity: “Really? That’s sad, Ted. That’s sad.”

Koppel: “No, you know why? Because you’re very good at what you do, and because you have attracted a significantly more influential —”

Hannity: “You are selling the American people short.”

Koppel: “No, let me finish the sentence before you do that.”

Hannity: “I’m listening. With all due respect. Take the floor.”

Koppel: “You have attracted people who are determined that ideology is more important than facts.”

I think it important to note that the comments were aimed at both LEFT AND RIGHT

Veteran newsman Ted Koppel tells Sean Hannity he’s bad for America - The Washington Post
Dear Guest:

In my humble point of view you are working too hard and unnecessarily getting yourself exercised over matters that neither you nor I can control or influence.

I view this board simply as a cathartic outlet. Some posters just have to be right. I learned long ago that being right was not the issue. It was doing right and to achieve that a person must let go of their ego. I speak to what my life experiences taught me. If 50% of what I say is true then as a human being I'm doing better than most. I also listen with my ears and eyes with no fear of admitting being wrong.

An unemotional exchange of of varying ideas, etc is healthy. Personal attacks lead to nowhere. I try to avoid most but being human periodically once and awhile you just have to strike back.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 03-29-2017, 05:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Dear Guest:

In my humble point of view you are working too hard and unnecessarily getting yourself exercised over matters that neither you nor I can control or influence.

I view this board simply as a cathartic outlet. Some posters just have to be right. I learned long ago that being right was not the issue. It was doing right and to achieve that a person must let go of their ego. I speak to what my life experiences taught me. If 50% of what I say is true then as a human being I'm doing better than most. I also listen with my ears and eyes with no fear of admitting being wrong.

An unemotional exchange of of varying ideas, etc is healthy. Personal attacks lead to nowhere. I try to avoid most but being human periodically once and awhile you just have to strike back.

Personal Best Regards:
I do not think, and never have thought, that interest in my country and policies is working too hard.

I realize that I now have very little sway, but I have great respect and admiration for those who desire to be accurate.

I do not have to be right (and I assume your use oif "right" is directional) but I do have to be accurate.

Tell me the purpose of any conversation on here or anywhere, when that conversation has a participant who allows his contribution, or his idea is based on lies ? Then, in my opinion, I have a responsibility to show and expose those lies.

Lying is one thing that is contagious, and extremely dangerous not only to the liar, but those who hear those lies.

I also believe that acceptance of lies makes you part of the lie.

I ALWAYS want what I say to be as accurate and true as humanly possible, and when shown not accurate, stand up and admit it.

Ideas, philosophies will vary.....the truth is the truth. There are no variations of truth, and to you original thought on here, search for truth is not work...all of us should be doing that.
Old 03-29-2017, 06:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I do not think, and never have thought, that interest in my country and policies is working too hard.

I realize that I now have very little sway, but I have great respect and admiration for those who desire to be accurate.

I do not have to be right (and I assume your use oif "right" is directional) but I do have to be accurate.

Tell me the purpose of any conversation on here or anywhere, when that conversation has a participant who allows his contribution, or his idea is based on lies ? Then, in my opinion, I have a responsibility to show and expose those lies.

Lying is one thing that is contagious, and extremely dangerous not only to the liar, but those who hear those lies.

I also believe that acceptance of lies makes you part of the lie.

I ALWAYS want what I say to be as accurate and true as humanly possible, and when shown not accurate, stand up and admit it.

Ideas, philosophies will vary.....the truth is the truth. There are no variations of truth, and to you original thought on here, search for truth is not work...all of us should be doing that
Well stated.

Interesting that RubiTHECon just admitted, in his own way, that lying is "but a catharsis for him" and that he thinks if he "does right" (by his warped standards)...all is well.

I guess the fact that lying is the antithesis of 'doing right'...has never even occurred to him.
Old 03-29-2017, 07:11 AM
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Thumbs up

Originally Posted by Guest
I am more interested in the posters REASON for this post, but will begin by giving a link to the article. Better to read it yourself than take the word of someone who picks and chooses what might serve his interest.

Elite Press Offers Readers Advice on How To Avoid News of President Trump - The New York Sun

I always check the writers and just for clarification, this is the man who runs ALGEMEINER..."The Algemeiner Journal is a New York-based newspaper, covering American and international Jewish and Israel-related news. CNBC called it "the fastest growing Jewish newspaper in the United States"[2] and former Senator Joseph Lieberman described the paper as an "independent truth telling advocate for the Jewish people and Israel".[3] The Algemeiner's Advisory Board was chaired by Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel."

Algemeiner Journal - Wikipedia

I am more interested in the motivation to post this thread and what possible dialogue is being searched for.

I am also very very very tired of the news. Thus I ask these questions of the poster..

1. Are you suggesting that a President charging his predecessor with a felony charge, a President then using a Judge from Fox news as his source to charge our British allies as assisting in wiretapping him and doing such to the international press, while standing beside a foreign leader. a President now preoccupied with trying to stymie an investigation with the initial thrust of investigating the attack on our election process by Russia, which has been grown BECAUSE OF THE PRESIDENT, into also investigating his charge of 500 million illegals voting in Nov election and also has progressed to looking into all the ties his team and family have with Russia and his quotes on the subject, should not be in the headlines ??

Are you then by extension suggesting the media not cover the obvious attempts to grind that investigation down by the White House who professes AMERICA FIRST ?

2. Or are you suggesting that President Obama, aside from your policy objections, was given a break with all his investigations etc ?

I am tired of the news also I would prefer discussing trade, tax, health care, and foreign policy, but our media would be TERRIBLY REMISS IN THEIR JOB to simply say it is not important what is happening with our Presidency.

All the items being covered by the media were not invented

They were 100% manufactured by our President, nobody else.

What exact point are you trying to make here ? We have an attack on our presidency, and its total credibility, not on the "swamp" or the "old guard" of Washington.

I also since you implied your little thread was from the New York Times or was affliated in some way, offer this bit ...

"It immediately blasted the president for "his seemingly endless stream of exaggerations, evidence-free accusations, implausible denials and other falsehood," and then zeroed in on his insistence in a tweet that he was wiretapped by the Obama administration, despite a lack of evidence and intelligence agencies and members of both parties saying there was no support for the claim.

"Yet the President clings to his assertion like a drunk to an empty gin bottle, rolling out his press spokesman to make more dubious claims," the editorial reads.

The wiretapping controversy has gone on to overshadow other news, the editorial argues. Trump should question why the United States was surveilling Michael Flynn, his national security adviser who was forced to resign, and he should also wonder who leaked the news of Flynn's meeting with the Russian ambassador.

Wall Street Journal editorial attacks Trump's credibility

So, please....this is historic this attack on our White House (the peoples house)....it is TRUELY HISTORIC when you cannot believe anything that the President says...NOTHING.

Save me with quotes from other presidencies please. If you cannot tell the difference between what this person is doing to us and the office and any other "lies" you can tout, then you are a lost soul.

In addition, you say "The press has gotten away from its traditional job of just telling readers what the news is. ". Its new ,self-appointed role involves advising people how they should feel about the news and how to get away from it."

Does this mean you blame the media for what they report, and not those who are actually MAKING THE NEWS ?
Thanks for posting that!!!
Old 03-29-2017, 11:54 AM
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"News" has been non-existent since Newsweek announced that as of May 24, 2009 they would no longer "report" the news, they would be "interpreting" the news, thus setting the precedent for most modern media corporations.
Old 03-29-2017, 12:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
"News" has been non-existent since Newsweek announced that as of May 24, 2009 they would no longer "report" the news, they would be "interpreting" the news, thus setting the precedent for most modern media corporations.
So since May 24, 2009, when the earth wiped all "News" off the face of the earth, and became non existent to the earths population, where have you or do you get your news ?

We, who stupidly still think there is "news" would love to know.

Just curious how you handle this revolting development.

news, president, times, good, nonews

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