Obama breaks unwriten rule on diss'ing president

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Old 01-31-2017, 09:09 PM
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Originally Posted by lying(unt
From just moments after he was sworn in, Trump has FAILED to act Presidential, exhibit a level/intelligent head, tell the truth and more importantly...simply act like an adult.

And y'all are whining about Obama?

It's gonna be a long year until Chump is either impeached and prosecuted...or voluntarily steps down.
Truth...Like your $100 donation to charity, LOL!
Old 02-01-2017, 07:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Barack Obama breaks silence on Trump presidency to condemn migration ban | US news | The Guardian

It appears that Obama could not resist running his mouth again. Being the guy WITHOUT any class that he is, he has found it necessary to disparage the Trump administration before it is even two weeks old. Unlike other presidents that have NOT stuck their noses into their successor's business, he could not resist the temptation. An example of his lack of class.
Unwritten rule, ha ha ha.
Old 02-01-2017, 07:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Still waiting for you to explain how Trump is going to get impeached. Where are you going to get enough Republicans to vote for it?

You mean if there is a good case, like Nixon, the repub's would ignore it? Nixon would have been impeached with repub votes, he resigned before it could happen.
Old 02-01-2017, 07:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Democrats are continuing to dig their own grave
deeper and deeper.
On one hand they preach tolerance and love, but in reality
folks are finding out that they are truly intolerant and hateful hypocrits.
Takes one to know one.
Old 02-01-2017, 09:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You mean if there is a good case, like Nixon, the repub's would ignore it? Nixon would have been impeached with repub votes, he resigned before it could happen.

Not that anyone on here could even consider such blasphemy, but not all Republican Congressmen/Senators...are Un-American Trump Cultists.

Some actually love this country and are not so party blind...as to ignore what this country actually stands for.
Old 02-01-2017, 09:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Democrats are continuing to dig their own grave
deeper and deeper.
On one hand they preach tolerance and love, but in reality
folks are finding out that they are truly intolerant and hateful hypocrits.
All one has to do is watch and listen to the hypocritical democrats and the hard core establishment republicans in congress.
Obama/Clinton = democrat = good, no matter what good or bad or true or not or they supported before but not now.

Trunp = democrats lost the election = threat to the establishment = media target even what the dems and losers and establishment previously supported.

The democrats and the establishment republicans are in no way doing their job....representing the people of America.....they are selfishly representing the political party/themselves....NOTHING MORE.
Old 02-01-2017, 08:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
From just moments after he was sworn in, Trump has FAILED to act Presidential, exhibit a level/intelligent head, tell the truth and more importantly...simply act like an adult.

And y'all are whining about Obama?

It's gonna be a long year until Chump is either impeached and prosecuted...or voluntarily steps down.
Tell me just what's un-Presidential about Trump taking time to go and meet the casket of the American hero just killed in the line of duty for OUR country? Obama could only attend or recognize black thugs, illegals, rioters, and radicals. What is un-Presidential about actually being on the job working instead of vacation or the golf course or hosting a fancy dinner for his Hollywood and Soros cronies? Hillary could only tell a big fat lie to the parents of those killed in Benghazi and then have the audacity to call them the liars. Thank God she didn't win.

Thus far, everything Trump has done has been presidential. Nice try, though.
Old 02-02-2017, 05:49 AM
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This thread was about Obama but again progressives hijacked it and tried to make it about Trump. More at the end of my comments.

Before I make this pronouncement we already know who and what will be the allegation but here it goes.

If you have been paying attention black progressives in particular but also white academic elitists have been pushing the white privilege canard. all one has to do is look at a university or college curriculum. Its all about discrediting whites and you can see the hate seething from many sectors of the black community. Its intentional so as to divide the nation. Its the reason Trump who by every measure represents "the white man" that these haters hate.

Yet, it is obvious that Obama was made president because progressives so desperately wanted a "first black president" and that is the way Obama campaigned and that is the way he tried to rule (never govern) . Obama was also given the Noble Peace Prize for that same reason he was black. Look at the foreign policy mess were in and tell me he deserved this award. But then the Noble Peace prize has become so politicized its lost its meaning and value.

Thomas Sowell once wrote , "yes pick a black president, but not this one". Obama and his staff clearly demonstrated where their hearts and minds stood and it wasn't a "God Bless America"

progressive weapon of choice is aggressive and unsubstantiated accusations it why they love CNN.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 02-02-2017, 07:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Dillyhoo
Tell me just what's un-Presidential about Trump taking time to go and meet the casket of the American hero just killed in the line of duty for OUR country? Obama could only attend or recognize black thugs, illegals, rioters, and radicals.
Not even a nice try liar...Obama also made visits to fallen American heroes.

Barack Obama meets coffins of soldiers killed in Afghanistan at air force base | US news | The Guardian

Commander-in-chief makes late-night trip to Dover air force base to receive and honour remains of 18 killed in the conflict...

The unscheduled, late-night visit to Dover air force base...

Barack Obama last night came face to face with the true cost of the war in Afghanistan, as the remains of 18 US soldiers and drug enforcement agents were unloaded from a military aircraft and returned to US soil.

Originally Posted by Dillyhoo
What is un-Presidential about actually being on the job working instead of vacation or the golf course or hosting a fancy dinner for his Hollywood and Soros cronies? Hillary could only tell a big fat lie to the parents of those killed in Benghazi and then have the audacity to call them the liars. Thank God she didn't win.

Thus far, everything Trump has done has been presidential. Nice try, though.
Oh really?

So you think disrespecting one of our staunchest allies, Australia...is being presidential?


'''Dumb deal''' drags Australia-U.S. ties to new low after tense Trump call

It said the call had been scheduled to last an hour but Trump cut it short after 25 minutes when Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull tried to turn to subjects such as Syria.
I can see that you're one of those Trump cultists, that will excuse all of the thin-skinned narcissists petulant outbursts...so it is useless to point out facts.

PS. Obama is no longer POTUS and Hillary lost, so trying to deflect to them for Chump's childish & peevish behavior...is a poor attempt at deflection.
Old 02-02-2017, 08:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Turns out that Obama has completed the building ahead of time of his library. It turned out to be larger than he needed, and can't seem to find enough accomplishments to stock it with.
People like you constantly show their stupidity, you proved by voting for the minority canidate.
Old 02-02-2017, 09:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
People like you constantly show their stupidity, you proved by voting for the minority canidate.
Nope, I did not vote for Obama or Hillary...minorities.

Nope, I voted for the winner. There is ONLY ONE WINNER in the election. And there is no participation award for losers in this election. Obama's election, yes. He gave Hillary the participation award.

You voted for the minority candidate........AND LOST. And the joke is on Obama as well as Hillary. Obama's tiny little legacy is being erased.
Old 02-02-2017, 10:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
This thread was about Obama but again progressives hijacked it and tried to make it about Trump. More at the end of my comments.

Before I make this pronouncement we already know who and what will be the allegation but here it goes.

If you have been paying attention black progressives in particular but also white academic elitists have been pushing the white privilege canard. all one has to do is look at a university or college curriculum. Its all about discrediting whites and you can see the hate seething from many sectors of the black community. Its intentional so as to divide the nation. Its the reason Trump who by every measure represents "the white man" that these haters hate.

Yet, it is obvious that Obama was made president because progressives so desperately wanted a "first black president" and that is the way Obama campaigned and that is the way he tried to rule (never govern) . Obama was also given the Noble Peace Prize for that same reason he was black. Look at the foreign policy mess were in and tell me he deserved this award. But then the Noble Peace prize has become so politicized its lost its meaning and value.

Thomas Sowell once wrote , "yes pick a black president, but not this one". Obama and his staff clearly demonstrated where their hearts and minds stood and it wasn't a "God Bless America"

progressive weapon of choice is aggressive and unsubstantiated accusations it why they love CNN.

Personal Best Regards:
Well stated.

Too many in the form and pretense of discussion are doing nothing more than regurgitating what they hear and see on the main stream media.....no value added commentary just the usual "aggressive and unsubstatiated accusations" from the media.
Old 02-02-2017, 11:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Not even a nice try liar...Obama also made visits to fallen American heroes.

Barack Obama meets coffins of soldiers killed in Afghanistan at air force base | US news | The Guardian

Oh really?

So you think disrespecting one of our staunchest allies, Australia...is being presidential?


'''Dumb deal''' drags Australia-U.S. ties to new low after tense Trump call

I can see that you're one of those Trump cultists, that will excuse all of the thin-skinned narcissists petulant outbursts...so it is useless to point out facts.

PS. Obama is no longer POTUS and Hillary lost, so trying to deflect to them for Chump's childish & peevish behavior...is a poor attempt at deflection.
So going to Dover is childish?
Old 02-02-2017, 12:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
So going to Dover is childish?
Naw, just asking idiotic questions.
Old 02-03-2017, 04:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Nope, I did not vote for Obama or Hillary...minorities.

Nope, I voted for the winner. There is ONLY ONE WINNER in the election. And there is no participation award for losers in this election. Obama's election, yes. He gave Hillary the participation award.

You voted for the minority candidate........AND LOST. And the joke is on Obama as well as Hillary. Obama's tiny little legacy is being erased.

By "tiny little legacy" do you mean being elected twice by over 50% of the voters, something only done by six presidents in US history? Or do you mean leaving office with a 60% job approval rating, the fourth best in US history, only FDR, Eisenhower, and Clinton had higher ratings.

Please explain why Obama left office with a job approval rating of 60% and your guy now is in the 30's.

lack, weeks, dissing, president, rule

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