Obama 'concerned' about DOS handling of classified Info

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Old 07-11-2016, 04:59 AM
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Default Obama 'concerned' about DOS handling of classified Info

Obama 'concerned' about U.S. State Department handling of classified information
| Reuters

Comey said the FBI had found evidence that "the security culture of the State Department in general, and with respect to use of unclassified systems in particular, was generally lacking in the kind of care for classified information that's found elsewhere in the U.S. government."
Total BS! How can anyone respect someone like this that has NO clue as to how the State Dept operates? Classified information is ALWAYS kept in a securely guarded and segregated area, on a separate, encrypted system where the encryption key is changed daily. The only person that has been allowed to abuse/violate this without being punished is Hillary Clinton. To put others in the same category as that low life is showing how ignorant Comey really is.
U.S. President Barack Obama said on Saturday he was concerned about how the State Department handles classified information but cast this as part of a government-wide challenge in the age of email, texts and smartphones.

More ignorance from the idiot-in-chief that once again proves that he knows nothing of how one of his departments is run. I wish these political figures would be held accountable for their statements, and called out by the media when they are totally wrong. DOS employees undergo extreme training regarding the handling of classified material as well as periodic background investigations on a regular basis and have to sign a Non-Disclosure agreement. Only political figures have been allowed to violate these laws/rules. To suggest that the totality of the employment members are guilty of the same flagrant violations of these political hacks, is ridiculous.
Old 07-11-2016, 05:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Obama 'concerned' about U.S. State Department handling of classified information
| Reuters

Comey said the FBI had found evidence that "the security culture of the State Department in general, and with respect to use of unclassified systems in particular, was generally lacking in the kind of care for classified information that's found elsewhere in the U.S. government."
Total BS! How can anyone respect someone like this that has NO clue as to how the State Dept operates? Classified information is ALWAYS kept in a securely guarded and segregated area, on a separate, encrypted system where the encryption key is changed daily. The only person that has been allowed to abuse/violate this without being punished is Hillary Clinton. To put others in the same category as that low life is showing how ignorant Comey really is.
U.S. President Barack Obama said on Saturday he was concerned about how the State Department handles classified information but cast this as part of a government-wide challenge in the age of email, texts and smartphones.

More ignorance from the idiot-in-chief that once again proves that he knows nothing of how one of his departments is run. I wish these political figures would be held accountable for their statements, and called out by the media when they are totally wrong. DOS employees undergo extreme training regarding the handling of classified material as well as periodic background investigations on a regular basis and have to sign a Non-Disclosure agreement. Only political figures have been allowed to violate these laws/rules. To suggest that the totality of the employment members are guilty of the same flagrant violations of these political hacks, is ridiculous.
I wish they'd be "held accountable" period.
Old 07-11-2016, 05:57 AM
Posts: n/a

To make this even MORE serious, is the fact that this issue has nothing to do with partisanship. NO ONE should be exempt for the laws governing the handling of classified information. It almost seems that the higher up these people are, the more careless and UN-concerned they are with national security.

Hillary was lying about previous SecState's use of email service. Using a personal account for business is not a law breaker. Using an open/unclassified and unencrypted email system to transmit classified is a felony. Giving classified to uncleared personnel such as your lawyer and/or having an uncleared personnel work on your server that has unlawful classified on it, is a felony. No previous Secstate is guilty of that kind of abuse. She tried to paint a broad stroke picture of her use of her email server. She could have gotten away with just violating State Dept rules if she was just conducting business on her personal email server. Her business emails become the property of the government and she needs to have permission to delete them. But, to imply that other SecStates used an unsecured system to transmit classified is just an outright lie.
Old 07-11-2016, 07:06 AM
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Remarks by President Obama at Press Conference After NATO Summit | whitehouse.gov
Worth reading how the President thinks and hearing what the president says. This includes the full statement on handling classified information.

I wonder how the candidates would handle the questions.
Old 07-11-2016, 07:18 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Remarks by President Obama at Press Conference After NATO Summit | whitehouse.gov
Worth reading how the President thinks and hearing what the president says. This includes the full statement on handling classified information.

I wonder how the candidates would handle the questions.
I'm sure it would not be hard to guess how Hillary would answer any question regarding the handling of classified information, " what difference does it make?" And that is exactly how she handled the situation.
Old 07-11-2016, 07:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I'm sure it would not be hard to guess how Hillary would answer any question regarding the handling of classified information, " what difference does it make?" And that is exactly how she handled the situation.
If this forum was about Sports I would agree with you.
Old 07-11-2016, 08:24 AM
Posts: n/a

When ever Obama is either interested or concerned it is nothing more than a sign it is an option for his sgenda....all he has to do is decide which wy the wind is blowing, does he spin it left or right or black or white or muslim.

When he decides he then pulls up a prepared speech to read to the sheeple dumb enough to give him the time of day.

Yes if there is an interest on his part it definitely contains something in it for him or his destry America agenda.

100% bonafide phony!!
Old 07-11-2016, 09:58 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
When ever Obama is either interested or concerned it is nothing more than a sign it is an option for his sgenda....all he has to do is decide which wy the wind is blowing, does he spin it left or right or black or white or muslim.

When he decides he then pulls up a prepared speech to read to the sheeple dumb enough to give him the time of day.

Yes if there is an interest on his part it definitely contains something in it for him or his destry America agenda.

100% bonafide phony!!
Do you think Lincoln made the Gettysburg address up at the podium? He wrote it elsewhere and recited it. 100% bonafide phony!! [too]
Old 07-11-2016, 10:46 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Do you think Lincoln made the Gettysburg address up at the podium? He wrote it elsewhere and recited it. 100% bonafide phony!! [too]
I believe that Lincoln wrote his own speech given at Gettysburg, and in Obama's case, someone else writes his speeches.
Old 07-11-2016, 11:10 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I believe that Lincoln wrote his own speech given at Gettysburg, and in Obama's case, someone else writes his speeches.
I think he thinks for himself and writes his own speeches and answers the questions of the reporters. Why else would the people here say all the time he has nothing to say or says something stupid?

classified, information, info, handling, dos

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