Obama Finally Give Support to fight ISIS

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Old 02-11-2015, 08:05 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Obama Finally Give Support to fight ISIS

Oh geez.. Finally.. Obama decides to give military support to help fight ISIS..

Obama ISIS fight request sent to Congress - CNN.com

He will go down as one of the worst presidents ever but really his incompetence is always really unreal to me. Can you image FDR today or Reagan.. We need a solid leader.. Democrat or Republican and a damn congress or senate that will not worry about their pensions and next book deals and care about what the American people put them in office for!! Besides the screwed up system in Washington...

ISIS is bad.. The burning of the Jordanian pilot took it to yet another level and the world needs to support. The Jordian president has been begging Obama to help him and even talks about how much he likes him...

Here is an interview from December about ISIS, etc:

Old 02-11-2015, 08:14 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Oh geez.. Finally.. Obama decides to give military support to help fight ISIS..

Obama ISIS fight request sent to Congress - CNN.com

He will go down as one of the worst presidents ever but really his incompetence is always really unreal to me. Can you image FDR today or Reagan.. We need a solid leader.. Democrat or Republican and a damn congress or senate that will not worry about their pensions and next book deals and care about what the American people put them in office for!! Besides the screwed up system in Washington...

ISIS is bad.. The burning of the Jordanian pilot took it to yet another level and the world needs to support. The Jordian president has been begging Obama to help him and even talks about how much he likes him...

Here is an interview from December about ISIS, etc:


He really had no choice but to ask for a new AUMS and everyone in congress on both sides of the aisle have been asking for this to replace the one enacted in 2002.

This one is loaded with problems, but hopefully both parties can settle their differences on this. The termination date whether ISIL is around or not is certainly not acceptable and tying our next President up getting another one with the solid date for it is not good, but I think he knew that when he made the proposal.

Lots to fight about in congress on this.
Old 02-11-2015, 09:36 PM
Posts: n/a

Reagan, yeah - they guy who cut and ran like a coward after 283 of our Marines were murdered in their barracks.

Our Commander-In-Chiefs reply .................... run like a dog.

Worse POTUS in my lifetime .

And let's not even get into the massive deficits he ran up ...... unless, you want to get into that, of course.
Old 02-12-2015, 07:44 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Reagan, yeah - they guy who cut and ran like a coward after 283 of our Marines were murdered in their barracks.

Our Commander-In-Chiefs reply .................... run like a dog.

Worse POTUS in my lifetime .

And let's not even get into the massive deficits he ran up ...... unless, you want to get into that, of course.
You don't need to sign your name. Your debate style is the same. To change the subject.

For some strange reason Mr. Obama is not interested in confronting or even naming radical Islam.
Old 02-12-2015, 10:14 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You don't need to sign your name. Your debate style is the same. To change the subject.

For some strange reason Mr. Obama is not interested in confronting or even naming radical Islam.
All one needs to do is go back and research his background....which has been done numerous times to date. Just observe who his associations, affiliations and social and financial involvements were with.

Just because he talked/promised his way into the WH does not mean he has changed from what he was. Quite the opposite. He has used the office to exploit his beliefs.

His election not once but twice just high lights how gullible a voting block sizeable enough...... that when in combination with an even more substantial voting block that stayed home and not vote because they did not like the candidates......resulted in Obama winning. And contrary to what his supporters espouse....it most certainly was not a landslide.

The people who satyed home by default put this man in office......twice!!!!

Old 02-12-2015, 05:05 PM
Posts: n/a

Does nobody have an opinion on the AUMF ???? There is a separate thread as well on this.

This is a very important piece of legislation and it amazes me that nobody has any comments.

I am concerned about the hard expiration date. Whether or not Democrat or Republican....the new President will need to face this issue immediately on taking office and I do not find this fair.

Not sure why nobody comments on this.
Old 02-12-2015, 08:56 PM
Posts: n/a

Well, nobody seems to care but this will become one of the biggest political battles in the next weeks and it is important to us all.

A few things I found about it.....first here is a link to the entire AUMF

Obama’s request for congressional authorization to fight the Islamic State: Full text - The Washington Post

And a few current articles on this subject...

"A mere six months after military operations began against the Islamic State, the White House today formally requested that Congress authorize military operations against the Islamic State. The full text of the resolution proposed by the Obama administration is right here.

Some Democrats criticized the proposal as too broad and too vague. They are right. Several critics I spoke to note that, in its current form, at least, it would not only do little to limit Obama right now, but could also leave the next president with enormous war-making latitude — whether he or she is a Democrat or a Republican.

To be clear, the proposal is merely an invitation to Congress to offer its own restrictions on Obama’s war-making authority. Still, it falls well short of what is needed, and it remains to be seen whether Congress can step in and do better.

Obama’s war authorization request is way too broad. And the damage has already been done. - The Washington Post

The most important thing to understand is the last paragraph because lots more to come.....I am hoping that anyone who enjoys current events becomes aware and comments or maybe they are just waiting for someone to TELL them how they feel...could be.

This is from the NY Times....

" In seeking authorization for his six-month-old military campaign against the Islamic State terrorist group, President Obama on Wednesday did something that few if any of his predecessors have done: He asked Congress to restrict the ability of the commander in chief to wage war against an overseas enemy.

The proposed legislation Mr. Obama sent to Capitol Hill would impose a three-year limit on American action that has been conducted largely from the air and, while allowing Special Operations commandos and other limited missions, would rule out sustained, large-scale ground combat. It would also finally repeal the expansive 2002 congressional measure that authorized President George W. Bush’s war in Iraq.

But even as Mr. Obama proposed some handcuffs on his power, he left behind the key to those shackles should he or his successor decide they are too confining. While his draft resolution would rescind the 2002 authority, it would leave in place a separate measure passed by Congress in 2001 authorizing the president to conduct a global war against Al Qaeda and its affiliates. With that still the law of the land, Mr. Obama and the next president would retain wide latitude to order military operations in the name of fighting terrorism."


My opinion...you will not be able to cop out and use the party line on opinions with this. This will split both parties and I tell you, THIS LEGISLATION WILL BE WITH US FOR AWHILE.
Old 02-12-2015, 09:46 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Reagan, yeah - they guy who cut and ran like a coward after 283 of our Marines were murdered in their barracks.

Our Commander-In-Chiefs reply .................... run like a dog.

Worse POTUS in my lifetime .

And let's not even get into the massive deficits he ran up ...... unless, you want to get into that, of course.
Not even a question… Reagan was one of the greatest presidents in our history…easily top 5!

RIP Gipper!
Old 02-12-2015, 09:59 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Not even a question… Reagan was one of the greatest presidents in our history…easily top 5!

RIP Gipper!
Not even close - aggregate 17, but your opinion is probably more valid.
Historical rankings of Presidents of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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