Obama flies cover for his friends in Saudi Arabia

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Old 04-20-2016, 11:21 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
This is what I was referring to as well said.:
"No, a "troll" is one that baits without a substantive argument or view.

On the other hand, it appears that you do not agree with anyone on here, but yourself. And that is OK, IF you have a substantive comment to back up your view. It appears that you blame the government (OK) the political system (valid) the military (not so much) the banks and the corporations for just about all your problems. You almost sound paranoid. And I don't mean this as a slur or to disparage you. Just making an observation and reply to your comment. You will notice that I have never called you a bigot or racist or even a sexist, even though you have used a lot of inflammatory verbiage. You have your opinion and much of what you say, I consider a valid view point. You claim you are outspoken and truthful. That may well be, but harsh language toward those that you wish to have a conversation with, is not working very well, is it? Calling someone a name that doesn't agree with you, might satisfy your frustration, but just closes the conversation as far as anyone wishing to converse with you. But, that is your choice and we do have free speech for a while yet. Some forums eject those that attack others and will not allow them to participate in discussion.

So, disregard this reply if you wish. I mean it when I say that I hope you have a good day. You do sound like you could use a decent day or two."
That was a reply to me. And I'll answer.

I agree with a lot of people. If it wasn't anonymous, you'd have known that.

I think I do offer substantive comments. I speak "facts" (as I know them), and do provide links when I feel its needed, it's not general knowledge.

I blame them for all "our" problems, the countries problems. Not MY problems. I'm doing well living here in TV. Hope you are too.

I wouldn't know if you have called me those things or not. Maybe give everyone a number, an anonymous number, but a way to keep track of who comments are coming from. 973 is a liberal, 546 is a Republican, 382 can't be reasoned with, etc.

Inflammatory? The "truth"? Is the truth as I see it inflammatory? I don't curse. Try not to call idiots idiots unless they start it. I think I'm speaking the truth. I back up "my truth" with facts. I rarely get facts in return, what I get is "You're wrong and you're a racist, sexist, homophobe". And nothing else. Nothing but "equality" gibberish.

The truth is never a welcomed guest... Did you know the average person lies 6 times an hour in general conversation. More to family and friends. Can't go 20 minutes without lying to a stranger. The "truth" to me changes as I change. What I thought was the truth, sometimes is later proved to be not so truthful. A LOT of what most people think is true is not. And no, I'm not paranoid. I worked in the government and the last two years REALLY opened up my eyes. I worked in a SCIF, I will never discuss it, all I will say is that you don't know the truth about a lot.

How do you tell someone the "truth", explain how wrong they've been, and have them like it? You ARE right, sometimes my people skills aren't up to snuff. But their idiocy, it frustrates me so. They believe the stupidest ****.

I need a "how to destroy a persons world view and make them like it" correspondence course, does Dale Carnegie do one?

I wish you a good day too.

Please don't waste your vote with a D or R, that's just, meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Old 04-20-2016, 12:27 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
That was a reply to me. And I'll answer.

I agree with a lot of people. If it wasn't anonymous, you'd have known that.

I think I do offer substantive comments. I speak "facts" (as I know them), and do provide links when I feel its needed, it's not general knowledge.

I blame them for all "our" problems, the countries problems. Not MY problems. I'm doing well living here in TV. Hope you are too.

I wouldn't know if you have called me those things or not. Maybe give everyone a number, an anonymous number, but a way to keep track of who comments are coming from. 973 is a liberal, 546 is a Republican, 382 can't be reasoned with, etc.

Inflammatory? The "truth"? Is the truth as I see it inflammatory? I don't curse. Try not to call idiots idiots unless they start it. I think I'm speaking the truth. I back up "my truth" with facts. I rarely get facts in return, what I get is "You're wrong and you're a racist, sexist, homophobe". And nothing else. Nothing but "equality" gibberish.

The truth is never a welcomed guest... Did you know the average person lies 6 times an hour in general conversation. More to family and friends. Can't go 20 minutes without lying to a stranger. The "truth" to me changes as I change. What I thought was the truth, sometimes is later proved to be not so truthful. A LOT of what most people think is true is not. And no, I'm not paranoid. I worked in the government and the last two years REALLY opened up my eyes. I worked in a SCIF, I will never discuss it, all I will say is that you don't know the truth about a lot.

How do you tell someone the "truth", explain how wrong they've been, and have them like it? You ARE right, sometimes my people skills aren't up to snuff. But their idiocy, it frustrates me so. They believe the stupidest ****.

I need a "how to destroy a persons world view and make them like it" correspondence course, does Dale Carnegie do one?

I wish you a good day too.

Please don't waste your vote with a D or R, that's just, meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Look, I understand your anger and frustration. I bet most of us feel similar. however, it's not healthy to carry so much negativity in your life. No, I haven't called you any names. I do disparage politicians because I consider them fair game, including Obummer.

You do realize that the logic of voting for anyone other than the two nominees is just a waste of a vote and just one vote closer for the worst of the two at winning the election? Personally, if I wanted the BEST candidate to vote for, I would have to vote for me. I wouldn't completely trust anyone else in that position as the leader of the world.

I'll be voting for The Donald, of course. That is, unless the RNC pulls a fast one and nominates someone else. But, there is no way in my lifetime that I would vote for that evil criminal, liar and thief Hillary. I don't like Trump, but he will get my vote in an effort of keeping Killary out of the White House. If you think that Trump would be the same as what's in there now, then we do not agree. Do I think that he is qualified for the job, all I have to do is point at Obummer and Trump appears over qualified in comparison.

I'm not telling you how to vote. I am giving you MY reason for my vote. If it was up to me, I would probably vote for Huckabee, but he can't win, so it would be a wasted effort.

So, regardless of our differences, have a great day.
Old 04-20-2016, 02:09 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Look, I understand your anger and frustration. I bet most of us feel similar. however, it's not healthy to carry so much negativity in your life. No, I haven't called you any names. I do disparage politicians because I consider them fair game, including Obummer.

You do realize that the logic of voting for anyone other than the two nominees is just a waste of a vote and just one vote closer for the worst of the two at winning the election? Personally, if I wanted the BEST candidate to vote for, I would have to vote for me. I wouldn't completely trust anyone else in that position as the leader of the world.

I'll be voting for The Donald, of course. That is, unless the RNC pulls a fast one and nominates someone else. But, there is no way in my lifetime that I would vote for that evil criminal, liar and thief Hillary. I don't like Trump, but he will get my vote in an effort of keeping Killary out of the White House. If you think that Trump would be the same as what's in there now, then we do not agree. Do I think that he is qualified for the job, all I have to do is point at Obummer and Trump appears over qualified in comparison.

I'm not telling you how to vote. I am giving you MY reason for my vote. If it was up to me, I would probably vote for Huckabee, but he can't win, so it would be a wasted effort.

So, regardless of our differences, have a great day.
Love the way you think. Trump or what ever republican is running will get my vote also.
Old 04-20-2016, 02:23 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Look, I understand your anger and frustration. I bet most of us feel similar. however, it's not healthy to carry so much negativity in your life. No, I haven't called you any names. I do disparage politicians because I consider them fair game, including Obummer.

You do realize that the logic of voting for anyone other than the two nominees is just a waste of a vote and just one vote closer for the worst of the two at winning the election? Personally, if I wanted the BEST candidate to vote for, I would have to vote for me. I wouldn't completely trust anyone else in that position as the leader of the world.

I'll be voting for The Donald, of course. That is, unless the RNC pulls a fast one and nominates someone else. But, there is no way in my lifetime that I would vote for that evil criminal, liar and thief Hillary. I don't like Trump, but he will get my vote in an effort of keeping Killary out of the White House. If you think that Trump would be the same as what's in there now, then we do not agree. Do I think that he is qualified for the job, all I have to do is point at Obummer and Trump appears over qualified in comparison.

I'm not telling you how to vote. I am giving you MY reason for my vote. If it was up to me, I would probably vote for Huckabee, but he can't win, so it would be a wasted effort.

So, regardless of our differences, have a great day.
I just can't bring myself to vote for ANY of the lesser of two evils. I don't feel guilty that most of the good blue collar jobs are gone overseas, I voted for Perot. His charts and graphs were correct, weren't they? That whooshing sound happened didn't it? I don't feel bad that Bush II got us into these endless mideast wars, I didn't vote for him. I don't feel guilty for my grandchildren because Obama added another $10 trillion to the nations debt paying for his "recovery" and continuing Bush's wars.

I've been voting Libertarian and trying to get others to do it too. I've gotten a few. You'd think after how many election cycles have we been through at our age, we'd get wise to the scam. Four years is just enough time for the people to forget how gad it was with the other side too. We have short memories. And we're insane, voting for the same people over and over and expecting a different outcome.

The party is the liaison between big business and the government. Where the corporations bid for favors with "contributions".

I won't support such a system.

Enjoy this perfect spring weather.

p.s. Are you the one who was going to consider my idea about something a while back?

easy, make, side, saudi, arabia, friends, flies, cover, obama

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