Obama "guarantees" justice department will not protect Clinton!?

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Old 04-12-2016, 08:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I have read all of the posts on this thread and in my view perhaps one of the most important aspects of why a president and a law professor allegedly well schooled in the US Constitution took it upon himself to publicly speak out about an investigation underway in one of the his federal agencies.

He is signaling to the FBI that he does not want Hillary prosecuted meaning his Department of Justice will not prosecute Hillary irrespective of the FBI's supporting evidence and conclusion.

His pattern of saying one thing and acting in the opposite manner is replete with examples from before 2008 and to present day.

If you look at his foreign and economic policies he is so wrapped up in his ideology that he rather fail then admit he is wrong.

From President Clinton to present day has provided an open window as to why a presidential candidate must have military service listed on their resume' Because Clinton, Bush and Obama have failed miserably along these lines and it is costing us dearly.

Finally let me say that when growing up the threat of communist take over of America was evident and addressed.

Who would have ever believed that a strong possibility of a communist take over is in the making by way of the American Democrat Party. And like Hillary many Americans simply resemble bubble heads bubbling at the communist propaganda being spewed by Hillary and Sanders.

Personal Best Regards:
McCarthy era?
Old 04-12-2016, 08:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
And why do you need the ammo? Who do you suppose will attack you?
I never said that I needed to stock up on any ammo. But, if I felt a need to purchase some, I wouldn't be paranoid and live in fear that some government agency would raid my home. It must be difficult living with a persecution complex.
Old 04-12-2016, 09:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Mr. Ammo's quote was 52% of the people will vote for Hillary, because they are on government dole. He is saying Buffet will vote for Hillary, because he is receiving social security checks from the government, and doesn't want to lose the money.
See post #20, and if you don't think they are voting for Hillary for the Government Assistance she has promised, you must think they are voting for her because of her stellar job as Sec of State...HA!

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
A majority of people receiving social security, and Medicare checks vote Republican. I have say this a number of times, "figures lie, and liars figure".

When you don't get into the detail that makes up the numbers, you will be misled. Take a look at the person that is throwing out the numbers. Do they have political agenda? In this political climate, every candidate, and news outlet has a political agenda. You can't believe a damn thing any Republican, Democrat, or news outlet has to say.
Absolutely you have an agenda when you throw out the numbers you do!

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
55% of people said that they received money from a government program in their lifetime. 45% said they never received anything for the government. I was in the 45% until I retired, and start receiving SS, and Medicare. Many of the 55% received checks for a short period of time.

52% of the 55% are still receiving money. That doesn't make any sense. Unemployed people received government checks, and probably food stamps, when they were unemployed. As soon as they got a job, those benefits probably disappeared.
Lot of numbers there, and then it all comes down to "as soon as they get a job"...Why would they want to do that???

Old 04-12-2016, 09:08 AM
Posts: n/a

Go back to Idaho.
Old 04-12-2016, 09:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I never said that I needed to stock up on any ammo. But, if I felt a need to purchase some, I wouldn't be paranoid and live in fear that some government agency would raid my home. It must be difficult living with a persecution complex.
That doesn't answer my question.
Old 04-12-2016, 09:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
And what do you imagine the ammo is for? Who scares you?
Those people that have gained a sense of entitlement from the handouts they have been given for generations might get desperate when the country is broke and unable to extend the debt any further. I am not scared of anyone in particular, but prefer to be ready if needed (rather than to be sorry and suckin hind tit).

Old 04-12-2016, 09:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I have read all of the posts on this thread and in my view perhaps one of the most important aspects of why a president and a law professor allegedly well schooled in the US Constitution took it upon himself to publicly speak out about an investigation underway in one of the his federal agencies.

He is signaling to the FBI that he does not want Hillary prosecuted meaning his Department of Justice will not prosecute Hillary irrespective of the FBI's supporting evidence and conclusion.

His pattern of saying one thing and acting in the opposite manner is replete with examples from before 2008 and to present day.

If you look at his foreign and economic policies he is so wrapped up in his ideology that he rather fail then admit he is wrong.

From President Clinton to present day has provided an open window as to why a presidential candidate must have military service listed on their resume' Because Clinton, Bush and Obama have failed miserably along these lines and it is costing us dearly.

Finally let me say that when growing up the threat of communist take over of America was evident and addressed.

Who would have ever believed that a strong possibility of a communist take over is in the making by way of the American Democrat Party. And like Hillary many Americans simply resemble bubble heads bubbling at the communist propaganda being spewed by Hillary and Sanders.

Personal Best Regards:
You REALLY think that HE is the guy running the free world? The nation? Even the White House? Hell no. He's a talking head like they've all been for a long long time. Others SET the policy, sure, he agrees with it...most of it...and can therefore seem enthusiastic. He just may be gay, that's why he's so enthusiastically pushed for gay issues. He's an actor. The .gov spokesperson.

Who is president, who gets elected, just changes some of the names of the corporations making money off the taxpayer. Social issues are the only real difference between the D and R party. The money keeps being spent. They live like Gods and you pay for it by giving them half of your labor.

About half the cost of everything is taxes. Think about it. The mining operation and equipment, the land, the ore, the fuel used, is all taxed. The railroad who ships the ore to the steel mill is taxed, the business, the train, the operators, fuel. The steel mill is taxed, the equipment, workers, corporation that owns it. The manufacturer who works the metal into a product is taxed, his equipment, his workers. The truckers were taxed who moved everything around, their truck was taxed, the fuel, their company. The store who sold it was taxed, the building, the business itself, the merchandise when bought. Each pays about 10% the cost of the item in taxes, 10% gets added to the price in the chain because of taxes.

We pay enough in taxes, AND they borrow $1 trillion every year, they live like royalty. They don't LEAD us, they DECEIVE us. And we're so stupid we "elect" them again and again, to rob us. Because they've convinced us, the "other guy" is even worse.

Ignorant rabble, the lot of you. All the Ds and Rs. You vote for "the lesser of two evils" and then complain when you're taken advantage of? Duh! STOP voting for ANY D or R, if we can stick together, we can win. Otherwise, it'll be meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Same as it ever was. Nothing good will happen.
Old 04-12-2016, 09:44 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I have read all of the posts on this thread and in my view perhaps one of the most important aspects of why a president and a law professor allegedly well schooled in the US Constitution took it upon himself to publicly speak out about an investigation underway in one of the his federal agencies.

He is signaling to the FBI that he does not want Hillary prosecuted meaning his Department of Justice will not prosecute Hillary irrespective of the FBI's supporting evidence and conclusion.

His pattern of saying one thing and acting in the opposite manner is replete with examples from before 2008 and to present day.

If you look at his foreign and economic policies he is so wrapped up in his ideology that he rather fail then admit he is wrong.

From President Clinton to present day has provided an open window as to why a presidential candidate must have military service listed on their resume' Because Clinton, Bush and Obama have failed miserably along these lines and it is costing us dearly.

Finally let me say that when growing up the threat of communist take over of America was evident and addressed.

Who would have ever believed that a strong possibility of a communist take over is in the making by way of the American Democrat Party. And like Hillary many Americans simply resemble bubble heads bubbling at the communist propaganda being spewed by Hillary and Sanders.

Personal Best Regards:
Obama has admitted that he was wrong in Libya.
Obama Admits Haphazard U.S. Intervention in Libya 'Worst Mistake' of His Presidency - Hit & Run : Reason.com

What Obama is saying is you have to have a plan for the day after.
You might not need military experience, but you better have a plan for your military intervention after it is started.

The idea that any president could have the power to make this country a communist country is beyond stupid. To try to convince a Republican with this type of thinking is a waste of time, because they have cement between their ears.
Old 04-12-2016, 10:06 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You REALLY think that HE is the guy running the free world? The nation? Even the White House? Hell no. He's a talking head like they've all been for a long long time. Others SET the policy, sure, he agrees with it...most of it...and can therefore seem enthusiastic. He just may be gay, that's why he's so enthusiastically pushed for gay issues. He's an actor. The .gov spokesperson.

Who is president, who gets elected, just changes some of the names of the corporations making money off the taxpayer. Social issues are the only real difference between the D and R party. The money keeps being spent. They live like Gods and you pay for it by giving them half of your labor.

About half the cost of everything is taxes. Think about it. The mining operation and equipment, the land, the ore, the fuel used, is all taxed. The railroad who ships the ore to the steel mill is taxed, the business, the train, the operators, fuel. The steel mill is taxed, the equipment, workers, corporation that owns it. The manufacturer who works the metal into a product is taxed, his equipment, his workers. The truckers were taxed who moved everything around, their truck was taxed, the fuel, their company. The store who sold it was taxed, the building, the business itself, the merchandise when bought. Each pays about 10% the cost of the item in taxes, 10% gets added to the price in the chain because of taxes.

We pay enough in taxes, AND they borrow $1 trillion every year, they live like royalty. They don't LEAD us, they DECEIVE us. And we're so stupid we "elect" them again and again, to rob us. Because they've convinced us, the "other guy" is even worse.

Ignorant rabble, the lot of you. All the Ds and Rs. You vote for "the lesser of two evils" and then complain when you're taken advantage of? Duh! STOP voting for ANY D or R, if we can stick together, we can win. Otherwise, it'll be meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Same as it ever was. Nothing good will happen.
No, one half of everything isn't taxes.
How do US taxes compare internationally? | Tax Policy Center

Right now, you have dueling banjos. Republicans want to cut social programs. Democrat want to reform the tax code to pay for social programs. In plain English, they want to increase taxes to pay for social programs. No one is budging. So, we are on road to nowhere.

Stick together and do what? not vote! What the hell does that accomplish?
Vote for a Tea Party person, or whatever they are calling themselves now. People that do not want to govern, and just want to make a lot of unless noise. That will certainly turn the country around.
Old 04-12-2016, 10:34 AM
Posts: n/a

That's great link.
Where did the middle class go?
Goodbye Middle Class: 51 Percent Of All American Workers Make Less Than 30,000 Dollars A Year Washington's Blog
Old 04-12-2016, 11:04 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I have read all of the posts on this thread and in my view perhaps one of the most important aspects of why a president and a law professor allegedly well schooled in the US Constitution took it upon himself to publicly speak out about an investigation underway in one of the his federal agencies.

He is signaling to the FBI that he does not want Hillary prosecuted meaning his Department of Justice will not prosecute Hillary irrespective of the FBI's supporting evidence and conclusion.

His pattern of saying one thing and acting in the opposite manner is replete with examples from before 2008 and to present day.

If you look at his foreign and economic policies he is so wrapped up in his ideology that he rather fail then admit he is wrong.

From President Clinton to present day has provided an open window as to why a presidential candidate must have military service listed on their resume' Because Clinton, Bush and Obama have failed miserably along these lines and it is costing us dearly.

Finally let me say that when growing up the threat of communist take over of America was evident and addressed.

Who would have ever believed that a strong possibility of a communist take over is in the making by way of the American Democrat Party. And like Hillary many Americans simply resemble bubble heads bubbling at the communist propaganda being spewed by Hillary and Sanders.

Personal Best Regards:
Mr. PBR has been in a tizzy for the past eight years because a Black man has been President. Just imagine his inevitable tizzy when a WOMAN is elected President in 2016!
Old 04-12-2016, 01:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Obama has admitted that he was wrong in Libya.
Obama Admits Haphazard U.S. Intervention in Libya 'Worst Mistake' of His Presidency - Hit & Run : Reason.com

What Obama is saying is you have to have a plan for the day after.
You might not need military experience, but you better have a plan for your military intervention after it is started.

The idea that any president could have the power to make this country a communist country is beyond stupid. To try to convince a Republican with this type of thinking is a waste of time, because they have cement between their ears.
Probably better than liberals with cement in their butts and can't get off of them to do some work. Obama is an inept amateur, period.
Old 04-12-2016, 01:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Mr. PBR has been in a tizzy for the past eight years because a Black man has been President. Just imagine his inevitable tizzy when a WOMAN is elected President in 2016!
I doubt that. He doesn't seem like the type. However, you are the one that keeps bringing up Obama's half black color, using it as an excuse for him being inept. It must be tiring to have to use the race card so much. You do know that Obie is half white, don't you? Does that mean, he is only half wrong? Or maybe just half inept?
Old 04-12-2016, 01:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I doubt that. He doesn't seem like the type. However, you are the one that keeps bringing up Obama's half black color, using it as an excuse for him being inept. It must be tiring to have to use the race card so much. You do know that Obie is half white, don't you? Does that mean, he is only half wrong? Or maybe just half inept?
Yes, Mr. PBR does seem that type!

I think Pres. Obama is a very good President. Sure is a lot than Crapweasel Bush - who is all white. Heck of a lot better than Romney would have been, too.

Isn't it time to get your white sheet and hood ready for your Villages Tea Party meeting?
Old 04-12-2016, 01:58 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Yes, Mr. PBR does seem that type!

I think Pres. Obama is a very good President. Sure is a lot than Crapweasel Bush - who is all white. Heck of a lot better than Romney would have been, too.

Isn't it time to get your white sheet and hood ready for your Villages Tea Party meeting?
You caught me again in your bait trap. Congrats. Obama is a scumbag loser and Hillary is just as bad if not worst. Do you think maybe Hillary is bad because she is white? Oh, I forgot her excuse is being a female. You can go crawl back into your hole now. You mom will be coming home from work soon, so you better go make your bed before she sees that you haven't done anything today but play with the old people on the Internet.

system, protect, clinton, department, guarantees, justice, obama

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