Obama reveals today the tactics to be used for the coming elections

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Old 07-16-2010, 04:17 PM
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Default Obama reveals today the tactics to be used for the coming elections

in November and he hopes it will stave off the referendum against him:


First is a surprise...claiming his policies got us out of the mess. I guess we will have to wait for the rest of the story as the saying goes. Does anyone think we are out of anything....except maybe leadership?

And then the not so surprising claim(s) comes the classic blame game...

The president said in the interview he believes voters "are going to say the policies that got us into this mess, we can't go back to."

The usual rah-rah speech making blame game with no details. Either for what he believes constitutes being "out of this mess". Or what specific policies we don't want to go back to. Did I miss what it was he eliminated from the previous policies.

I don't think he understands he has worn out his nickel...speeches...talk...no accountability...no specifics to date or for the future.

So get out your hip boots. The BS flood to come will make the BP flow seem like child's play.

He is consistent. Not me...not mine...they did it...


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