Obama Would speak That Way. Oh Wait

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Old 08-17-2017, 05:24 AM
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Trump is doing a great job, in spite of hindrances from both sides. We finally have a president that does not need the job or care whether or not he gets reelected, and has a goal of doing exactly what he was elected to do. He is actually one political electee that is attempting to fulfill what he promised. Only the radical, and never satisfied liberals and the political elite that worry about their jobs want him to fail. He is basically the gun slinger hired to clean up a corrupt town, only to be ostracized for how he does his job and then run out of town by the embarrassed town council once he has done their dirty work for them. He has a major job to do in order to correct the damage of the last 8 years. Not one person or celebrity has made a valid comment about how Trump is accomplishing his goals. Not one VALID comment. All you hear is how mean and hateful he is. All lies because no one has presented any evidence of these accusations. The left ONLY attacks Trump based on his personality, not his work or his policies. Why? Because they cannot win an argument based on his job performance, only on how he fits in as a celebrity president, in comparison to the last loser and wannabe entertainer-in-chief.
Old 08-17-2017, 06:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
While I do not like Trump idiosyncrasies I do like that we do not have Hillary Clinton as our president.
You see, this is what I don't understand. Many of my right-leaning friends say the same thing; Trump has "idiosyncrasies". Everyone has idiosyncrasies. It's just that Trump's are of the extreme nature.

You don't make America great by boasting about being able to grab women by their genitals. You don't make America great by insulting the military service of a true hero. You don't make America great by insulting everyone who disagrees with you.

You make America great by pulling people together to solve problems, to at least try to make the American dream reachable by even the least of our brothers and sisters. By words and deeds, Trump has failed to achieve those goals. He is dividing Americans rather than uniting them.

You can blame the media or Hollywood or left-wing radicals if you wish but the man's words and actions speak loudly to his lack of good character.

I'm a Midwesterner. We don't take kindly to people who boast about their greatness; we look for their greatness in how they live their lives and how they treat other people.

And, finally, I'm pretty tired of hearing about how white heterosexual men have suddenly become a victimized class. That's a joke, right?
Old 08-17-2017, 06:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Trump is doing a great job, in spite of hindrances from both sides. We finally have a president that does not need the job or care whether or not he gets reelected, and has a goal of doing exactly what he was elected to do. He is actually one political electee that is attempting to fulfill what he promised. Only the radical, and never satisfied liberals and the political elite that worry about their jobs want him to fail. He is basically the gun slinger hired to clean up a corrupt town, only to be ostracized for how he does his job and then run out of town by the embarrassed town council once he has done their dirty work for them. He has a major job to do in order to correct the damage of the last 8 years. Not one person or celebrity has made a valid comment about how Trump is accomplishing his goals. Not one VALID comment. All you hear is how mean and hateful he is. All lies because no one has presented any evidence of these accusations. The left ONLY attacks Trump based on his personality, not his work or his policies. Why? Because they cannot win an argument based on his job performance, only on how he fits in as a celebrity president, in comparison to the last loser and wannabe entertainer-in-chief.
The SAME thing they do to me...NOTHING against my facts...EVERYTHING against me personally.

It's what those with nothing but lies on their side do. Don't let them fool YOU too.
Old 08-17-2017, 07:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The SAME thing they do to me...NOTHING against my facts...EVERYTHING against me personally.

It's what those with nothing but lies on their side do. Don't let them fool YOU too.
I don't read posts on the political page very often so I may not be aware of the facts you speak of. Mostly, I just hear or read people's opinions about what a good or bad job the President is doing.

I may be alone in this, but I expect my elected officials to be both moral and political leaders. I did not and would not support Hillary Clinton as President because I think she lacks the necessary moral character to be the leader of our country. I did not and will not support Donald Trump for the exact same reason.

I could never, in good conscience, be able to explain to my children that I am willing to support a man who cheats on his wives, who insults military heroes, and who turns against his friends and allies as quickly as this President does.

Therefore, despite any facts you may wish to post in support of this President, I could never become a follower.
Old 08-17-2017, 08:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You see, this is what I don't understand. Many of my right-leaning friends say the same thing; Trump has "idiosyncrasies". Everyone has idiosyncrasies. It's just that Trump's are of the extreme nature.

You don't make America great by boasting about being able to grab women by their genitals. You don't make America great by insulting the military service of a true hero. You don't make America great by insulting everyone who disagrees with you.

You make America great by pulling people together to solve problems, to at least try to make the American dream reachable by even the least of our brothers and sisters. By words and deeds, Trump has failed to achieve those goals. He is dividing Americans rather than uniting them.

You can blame the media or Hollywood or left-wing radicals if you wish but the man's words and actions speak loudly to his lack of good character.

I'm a Midwesterner. We don't take kindly to people who boast about their greatness; we look for their greatness in how they live their lives and how they treat other people.

And, finally, I'm pretty tired of hearing about how white heterosexual men have suddenly become a victimized class. That's a joke, right?
You DON'T make America great by using quotas to place minorities and women into positions they are not suited for.

Yes...and you MUST speak the TRUTH in order to solve the problems. If you can't admit to certain truths...you'll never SOLVE a problem.

So...why are you not against an expanding minority population? Tell me about all the great deeds the blacks as a people contribute. Tell me about the black villages, the black MIT...black geniuses like Newton and Einstein.

EXPLAIN their ACTIONS...how they destroy schools...name a 90% black successful school...a 50% black...30% black...25% black school you'd send your granddaughter to. EXPLAIN how EVERY neighborhood that is 90% black is dirty and dangerous. EVERY neighborhood that is 50% black...30% black...25% black. NONE are like the villages...not a single one. Why? EXPLAIN how EVERY independent black country is at the bottom of world rankings.

Blacks ARE a different species, the genetics proves it...they are called our equals for POLITICAL reasons. They are being PROTECTED from slavery.

Originally Posted by Guest
I don't read posts on the political page very often so I may not be aware of the facts you speak of. Mostly, I just hear or read people's opinions about what a good or bad job the President is doing.

I may be alone in this, but I expect my elected officials to be both moral and political leaders. I did not and would not support Hillary Clinton as President because I think she lacks the necessary moral character to be the leader of our country. I did not and will not support Donald Trump for the exact same reason.

I could never, in good conscience, be able to explain to my children that I am willing to support a man who cheats on his wives, who insults military heroes, and who turns against his friends and allies as quickly as this President does.

Therefore, despite any facts you may wish to post in support of this President, I could never become a follower.
You're delusional if you think ANY of our upper level "leaders" are moral in ANY sense of the word. They work for those who paid to get them elected. They work for the party. YOU/WE are nothing more than the bill payer and someone who needs placation with social gestures and to be kept in the dark.

Good for you Jim...now we need to convince the REST of the brainwashed voters that BOTH sides are EVIL...there is NO "lesser" evil. A "choice" between two handpicked "candidates" (corrupt thieves) is NO CHOICE at all.

You hate him...but for all the wrong reasons...those are what the media feeds you...they leave out the $ hundreds of billions that's being funneled to the corporations and therefore the wealthy. Even "welfare" ends up in the hands of the corporations/wealthy. The people use their EBT/SNAP card to buy Kraft, Tyson, Hormel, and other's products. These companies are always lobbying for MORE welfare benefits. $5,000,000,000 a MONTH is paid to people by the government to buy food. Most is the prepackaged ready to heat variety. JP Morgan runs the EBT card program. Over a $ trillion a year is spent on welfare. It doesn't stay long in the pockets of the poor.

I hate them all... You ARE new here aren't you?
Old 08-17-2017, 08:28 AM
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Originally Posted by mgjim View Post
Again, do you have a point or trying to be funny by misspelling Obama's name?

Don't you want a President who is able to unite the nation?

Don't you want a President who encourages all Americans to rise above petty differences?

Are you willing to accept mediocrity in order to make a statement about how much you hate Obama/Clinton/Carter/or some other Democrat boogieman?

Finally, does the current President represent your highest ideals?
Gee Jim - I believe the point was clear you liked Obamma and you dislike Trump, even though neither of them meets your expectations.

Sure a president that can unite the nation would be great. Obamma divided the nation from the start and continued throughout the 8 years. Now the media and dems are non stop attacking Trump. They want to fuel the fires...

What petty differences are you speaking of, give me an example of how Obamma handled one well.

I don't believe Trump is doing a mediocre job.

Trump is addressing much of what I would consider important, unlike Obamma...

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obama, black, racial, police, attempts

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