Obama's Midnight Express

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Old 12-26-2016, 12:00 PM
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Barry is an evil Islamic terrorist though and though his nicotine narcissistic soul. Had the media in his pocket, which hid his chain smoking as well as his disastrous presidency. Of course, he likes those menthol cigarettes, some say he sprays his weed with menthol too.

Ask yourself, what educated young person with children smokes?

Answer: a narcissistic piece of crap. How many smokers do you associate with?

Just a typical street thug who got pushed through with affirmative action.

Tobacco marketing and African Americans - Wikipedia
Old 12-26-2016, 12:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I am in no way ever going to defend Obama from anyone, HOWEVER, I believe in trying to present truth and IN CONTEXT.

You say "From what I have read, Obama has positioned himself two blocks from the White House for the expressed purpose of working to contain and defend his legacy."

I would love to see WHERE you read the part about the "expressed purpose" because this goes back to May of this year...quite a while before the election...

" President Obama and his family plan to move to a mansion in the upscale Kalorama neighborhood of Washington, a mere two miles from the White House, when he leaves office in January, according to people familiar with his plans.

Mr. Obama, who has said his family will remain in the capital until his daughter Sasha completes high school in 2018, "


Your post paints this as a nefarious move, and maybe it is, but if so, it was conceived pretty far up front with a built in reason to be there.

Midnight Express, as you pointed out, is nothing new or original.

BUT it is worthy of looking at....I just have a problem with presenting something that appears to be not what is really is.

Sorry if this offends. I know, as you said, you think I am falling you but read this and thought I had read quite a while ago about the residence location quite some time ago.

PS....I might also mention that I would be careful in quoting Putin. He is a master of deception and not exactly the bastion of truth
I suspect like me you read a lot. So you place me at an disadvantage to task me to cite such publication. I did go back and try to find the article but its absent. So I understand your questioning and I am not offended.

Nevertheless again, I repeat Obama plays Obama with his head fakes, which by the way, he is horrible at, and only gets away with it because of the media such as the New York Times. Again the article stated his real agenda in staying in Washington DC was to protect his legacy. You reference he made the decision in May. Guys like Obama, Trump etc are looking ahead more than one year out? Do you honestly believe that it is Trump's election that has created Obama's concerned about his legacy.

Obama's hard left push was a major paradigm shift for this nation. And it has been apparent from the start that Obama was building a house of cards (ignore congress, pen, phone fiat)

anything and everything Obama has done for 8 years was to satisfy his ideology and not to serve "we the people" In simple terms the first person knowing his/her performance is not meeting expectations is the person not meeting expectations...its basic management 101. Obama knew he was failing the nation but he didn't care and chose his ideology and kow towing to the elite few.
Do you suppose Obama was formulating his agenda when he first started running for office a few months before being elected? Of course not these guys are always thinking in long terms.

Make no mistake about it Obama would have been a dictator. He does not want to give up power and he wants his legacy/ideology to remain intact and everything he has done and is doing now points to that reality ergo the last minute rulings that will take future administrations years to untangle

You use the term nefarious move. Everything Obama does has shown that to be one adjective to describe him. You state watch Putin he is deceptive. I agree but so is Obama..if you want you to keep your... and also ask Israel

There is also no doubt that Obama will continue to lean on Trump's every move to delegitimatize Trump's election /Admin, etc and once again to reinforce his legacy

Personal Best Regards:
Old 12-26-2016, 12:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
From what I have read, Obama has positioned himself two blocks from the White House for the expressed purpose of working to contain and defend his legacy.

Both Obama and Trump are narcissists. So both demand and want to capture the limelight. Obama is not going to fade into the sunset and he will continue to do what he does best as a community organizer...divide people.

Simply stated Obama is no Bush and he has no class;albeit I am disappoint with George W's behavior as respect Trump . If he had the ability to hold his nose to show American unity with the Obama's then he could certainly with Trump. At least Mrs. Trump is easy on the eyes

Its apparent from articles such as Stassel's that Obama as the leader of his party is making a concert effort ( game plan) to discredit the legitimate election results and to diminish Trump, his Administration and anything he has done or will do in the future.

Its one thing to have opposing views and argue over legitimate and serious policy differences. In fact the founders crafted our Republic for just such a purpose.

But what we are witnessing from the left reeks of hatred, petulance, and actions that are counter to the safety and security of this nation. The left has gotten so out of hand that the NICB reported a record number of gun purchase background. the surprise it includes a record number of liberal and groups like Pink Pistols (gay organization)

And to underscore the absurdity of it all we have Putin of all people who was on the right/winning side when he chided that Democrats had lost the meaning to their name and their dignity.

Personal Best Regards:

"The left reeks of hatred", really? Was it Obama who mocked a handicapped reporter? Was it Obama who called all Mexicans criminals and rapists? Was it Obama who wants to ban all Muslims? Was it Obama who called women dogs and pigs? Was it Obama who said he could grab women by their private parts? Please post a video of Obama saying these things. We would all like to see it.

The Obamas rented this house long before the election. Nobody seems to have a problem with Melania Trump staying in NYC until her son finishes the school year, but when the Obamas do the same thing it becomes some nefarious conspiracy.
Old 12-26-2016, 02:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I suspect like me you read a lot. So you place me at an disadvantage to task me to cite such publication. I did go back and try to find the article but its absent. So I understand your questioning and I am not offended.

Nevertheless again, I repeat Obama plays Obama with his head fakes, which by the way, he is horrible at, and only gets away with it because of the media such as the New York Times. Again the article stated his real agenda in staying in Washington DC was to protect his legacy. You reference he made the decision in May. Guys like Obama, Trump etc are looking ahead more than one year out? Do you honestly believe that it is Trump's election that has created Obama's concerned about his legacy.

Obama's hard left push was a major paradigm shift for this nation. And it has been apparent from the start that Obama was building a house of cards (ignore congress, pen, phone fiat)

anything and everything Obama has done for 8 years was to satisfy his ideology and not to serve "we the people" In simple terms the first person knowing his/her performance is not meeting expectations is the person not meeting expectations...its basic management 101. Obama knew he was failing the nation but he didn't care and chose his ideology and kow towing to the elite few.
Do you suppose Obama was formulating his agenda when he first started running for office a few months before being elected? Of course not these guys are always thinking in long terms.

Make no mistake about it Obama would have been a dictator. He does not want to give up power and he wants his legacy/ideology to remain intact and everything he has done and is doing now points to that reality ergo the last minute rulings that will take future administrations years to untangle

You use the term nefarious move. Everything Obama does has shown that to be one adjective to describe him. You state watch Putin he is deceptive. I agree but so is Obama..if you want you to keep your... and also ask Israel

There is also no doubt that Obama will continue to lean on Trump's every move to delegitimatize Trump's election /Admin, etc and once again to reinforce his legacy

Personal Best Regards:
Obama's time is up very soon. We should be discussing what is coming, and we will soon have in the oval, the master of "fakes".

I actually see nothing different in what Obama is doing versus other Presidents have done.

I just see no value in discussing anything but what Trump will do. Nothing else really matters.

Election is over. As many said on this very forum in 2008/2009......they, we, you said...how long are you going to blame Bush ? I simply do not want to fall into that trap.
Old 12-26-2016, 07:39 PM
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Some people post so often and their posts are so long, one wonders of they have any hobbies but hate.

Thanks for the free entertainment, keep it up for 8 years, maybe sixteen when a Trump child wins the presidency.

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Old 12-26-2016, 07:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Some people post so often and their posts are so long, one wonders of they have any hobbies but hate.

Thanks for the free entertainment, keep it up for 8 years, maybe sixteen when a Trump child wins the presidency.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920AZ using Tapatalk
You are correct.

Everyone has to understand your total lack of comprehension and reading skills + we all should just remember to keep the words short, and of course knowing you love of cute cartoons, perhaps use pictures.
Old 12-27-2016, 07:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
"The left reeks of hatred", really? Was it Obama who mocked a handicapped reporter? Was it Obama who called all Mexicans criminals and rapists? Was it Obama who wants to ban all Muslims? Was it Obama who called women dogs and pigs? Was it Obama who said he could grab women by their private parts? Please post a video of Obama saying these things. We would all like to see it.

The Obamas rented this house long before the election. Nobody seems to have a problem with Melania Trump staying in NYC until her son finishes the school year, but when the Obamas do the same thing it becomes some nefarious conspiracy.
Totally different issues.

Obama DID show bias by bad mouthing Republicans on several ocassions, bad mouthing law enforcement, encouraging radical hate groups such as the Wall St cretins and BLM punks. Biden has used vulgar language several times in public, where Trump has not. Trump's PRIVATE conversation was over a decade ago and you are childishly attempting to justify your losing vote by bringing it up.

Trumps spouse wishes his child to finish school in the school he is currently enrolled. Do you have a problem with that? After all, his wife was not elected or a paid employee of the government. If Hillary was elected, do you think that Bill would have stayed in the White House, out of sight and trouble?

I guess if you wish to suggest that Trump PURPOSELY mocked a handicapped reporter, I guess I can suggest that Biden mocked a person in a wheel chair (handicapped) when he told him to stand up, in front of an audience.

You on the left always use exaggerations and absolutes when you make statements. Trump NEVER said ALL Mexicans are rapists and criminals. But, even if he did not say it, ALL illegal aliens are criminals. That's fact.
Trump did NOT say women were dogs and pigs. He called ONE woman that and I agree with him. Too bad if you don't.

Your problem is that you listen to liberal talking points without doing any research to verify anything you say. It's typical of liberals (generalization) to be lazy in that regard, but you are extremely naive.
Old 12-27-2016, 08:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Rockyrd View Post
You are correct.

Everyone has to understand your total lack of comprehension and reading skills + we all should just remember to keep the words short, and of course knowing you love of cute cartoons, perhaps use pictures.
A picture tells 1000 words. 99,995 villagers got together and decided.....

The Villages Florida
Old 12-27-2016, 09:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
A picture tells 1000 words. 99,995 villagers got together and decided.....

The Villages Florida
Please explain to them how they too can attach photos and cartoons to their comments. After all, they never have anything interesting to say or contribute. When was the last time they commented on an article. At least if they can attach something interesting, maybe they won't be so miserable. I would attempt it, but that would mean that I really care about them. I don't.
Old 12-27-2016, 11:18 AM
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Instead of attaching photos/cartoons, it would be nice for a number of you to learn how to link to the sources of your constant lies.

I realize the technical aspects can be daunting (right click address/left click copy/left click paste)...but even you Chumpsters should be able to eventually figure it out.

I also understand it will expose that you are easily suckered by fake news...and that's the real reason you don't do it.
Old 12-27-2016, 11:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Please explain to them how they too can attach photos and cartoons to their comments. After all, they never have anything interesting to say or contribute. When was the last time they commented on an article. At least if they can attach something interesting, maybe they won't be so miserable. I would attempt it, but that would mean that I really care about them. I don't.
That is funny actually.

I am always critiqued for attaching too many links.

Photos are for your coloring books.

Your mind is shot.....I can attest to linking to articles on almost all my posts, and can never recall you doing anything but being critical of anyone who may disagree with Trump (The Jim Jones impact)
Old 12-27-2016, 11:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Instead of attaching photos/cartoons, it would be nice for a number of you to learn how to link to the sources of your constant lies.

I realize the technical aspects can be daunting (right click address/left click copy/left click paste)...but even you Chumpsters should be able to eventually figure it out.

I also understand it will expose that you are easily suckered by fake news...and that's the real reason you don't do it.
I think you got it.

Linking does allow you an insight into sources. Many times, these Trump/Jim Jones posters do not read news...just propoganda. Would be nice to see where they steal these cute pics from however.

And they just seem to do nothing but replay the election which is over.....so tired of the election actually.

So much going on now that is important to discuss.

While you and I, COLDNOMORE, are on opposite sides of the fence politically, but we agree that if you are gong to even try to discuss politics, you have to be well read. Some of these folks strike me as living in the attic and getting emails from various FAR right wing websites. Sure wish if they could see how dumb some of these posts look, BUT I doubt they care. IF you are manifesting stupidity at our age, you have probably ALWAYS manifested stupidity. Disagreeing on issues is one thing...just rambling around is another.
Old 12-27-2016, 12:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Instead of attaching photos/cartoons, it would be nice for a number of you to learn how to link to the sources of your constant lies.

I realize the technical aspects can be daunting (right click address/left click copy/left click paste)...but even you Chumpsters should be able to eventually figure it out.

I also understand it will expose that you are easily suckered by fake news...and that's the real reason you don't do it.
Well CNM, perhaps you would be willing to comment on a subject instead of your interest in the poster. If you are that lonely, I am sure there are clubs you can participate in here. You are here, aren't you? I have started many new threads and posted many links to articles that I found interesting and thought they would create a discussion, but you and the select three appear more interested in who is posting.
Old 12-27-2016, 12:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Well CNM, perhaps you would be willing to comment on a subject instead of your interest in the poster. If you are that lonely, I am sure there are clubs you can participate in here. You are here, aren't you? I have started many new threads and posted many links to articles that I found interesting and thought they would create a discussion, but you and the select three appear more interested in who is posting.
Why do that....you, MDLNB never respond to any links or facts.

I will begin to look for links from you as I have NEVER seen any or a response to a factual story on here.
Old 12-27-2016, 12:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I think you got it.

Linking does allow you an insight into sources. Many times, these Trump/Jim Jones posters do not read news...just propoganda. Would be nice to see where they steal these cute pics from however.

And they just seem to do nothing but replay the election which is over.....so tired of the election actually.

So much going on now that is important to discuss.

While you and I, COLDNOMORE, are on opposite sides of the fence politically, but we agree that if you are gong to even try to discuss politics, you have to be well read. Some of these folks strike me as living in the attic and getting emails from various FAR right wing websites. Sure wish if they could see how dumb some of these posts look, BUT I doubt they care. IF you are manifesting stupidity at our age, you have probably ALWAYS manifested stupidity. Disagreeing on issues is one thing...just rambling around is another.
Now Rocky, you know that I have started many threads in order to get discussion going, and all that happened is that instead of discussing the links that I provided, the select few decide to divert to either the election or disparage the poster. Personally, I enjoy the attached comics better than the same old snarky CNM comments against those that post or how Trump is going to end the world. And Jan's constant rendition of Trump ending Social Security and Medicare and the nuclear war that is imminent is just boring.

I'll give it another try, but I get tired of carrying all the crybaby losers. One can only empathize with them for a while.

express, nation, midnight, obamas

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