Observations and Thoughts

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Old 09-17-2008, 04:02 PM
Posts: n/a
Lightbulb Observations and Thoughts

I have really enjoyed (as in made me laugh) reading the political posts in TOTV and would like to give you my viewpoints on what I have read.

1. I notice that MOST member posts show their naked dislike for the opposing party and don't debate the issues at hand.

2. When a post is presented that suggests the issues be debated that it is ignored

3. I have seen that the same people post most of the posts and replies in the TOTV.

My post today is to share my belief that we spend too much time throwing mud at each other and little time understanding the real problem facing our voters this and every year, Congress.

The president IS just what he or she is called, our leader and not much more. He or she is supposed to lead (set the direction to follow) of the country, by getting the public, the House and the Senate to follow his ideas.

The President only proposes budgets, not pass them. That's the Congresses job. They have passed every budget presented to them, by both parties, and still blame whoever is the sitting President and his party. THEY COULD HAVE VOTED NO. It is their job and their blame that we are in so much debt.

The President can present bills to Congress and only has veto powers that Congress can override if they so choose. The president is not to blame for bad legislation, Congress is. If you don't like the current financial mess we're in, it's Congresses fault. They passed the bills allowing the lax lending practices.

Lobbyist don't run Washington, Congress does! If a lobbyists money influences a Congressman or Congresswomen it is their fault! THEY CAN AND SHOULD SAY NO to what they know is bad for the American citizen. That's what we elect them to do.

Are you getting my drift?

We all need to stop blaming the Presidential candidates or their party for America's ills. BOTH party's of Congress need to stand up to the plate, cooperate, do whats right for the voters and most of all do what we elect them to do.
Old 09-17-2008, 04:55 PM
Posts: n/a

I agree, GNU, missing the forest for the trees!
Old 09-17-2008, 05:50 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Observations and Thoughts

Excellent points!!! Too bad some peeps are less mature than their grandchildren and have to resort to name calling and snide remarks when things don't go their way or posts are made they do not agree with.
Old 09-17-2008, 06:37 PM
Posts: n/a

Thank you Peachie & Schotzyb! I now know that there are at least two people in TOTV that are of open mind and common sense.
Old 09-17-2008, 11:25 PM
Posts: n/a

Here are a few links I use to peek into how my Congressman/woman vote




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