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Old 04-07-2017, 11:15 AM
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Default Old, Old posts in this Forum...

show that only eight years ago that debates were much more sane and respectful and there wasn't the degrading ugliness that we see now. Here is an example;

06-20-2008, 02:47 PM
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Partisan Politics at it's Destructive Best? Worst?

While they debate back and forth, drill, no drill, alternative fuels, nationalize refineries, etc, etc, etc. They continue to bantor back and forth why the other has no idea what they are talking about. They are debating THEIR position.....not how to solve the problem.

There is already talk they will not get anything done before they go away on vacation.....I guess that shows the priority they have......party position first......constituency need doesn't even make their list of priorities.

That is not going to change until every single American adult writes their representatives and DEMAND a solution. They know all too well that the lazy American masses will never unite and demand the lawmakers fulfill their constitutional job......representing their constituency.

Demand they get in a room and not come out until a solution is put forth.

It doesn't matter whether a Dem or Republican when it comes to the ruination of our country by the non performing, arrogant so called lawmakers in Washington, DC.

The silent majority continues to get what it deserves.....NOTHING!!!!!!

Old 04-07-2017, 11:28 AM
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After 8 years of a lying racist in the White House and murder still being illegal some folks just need to vent...
Old 04-07-2017, 11:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
show that only eight years ago that debates were much more sane and respectful and there wasn't the degrading ugliness that we see now. Here is an example;

06-20-2008, 02:47 PM
Posts: n/a
Partisan Politics at it's Destructive Best? Worst?

While they debate back and forth, drill, no drill, alternative fuels, nationalize refineries, etc, etc, etc. They continue to bantor back and forth why the other has no idea what they are talking about. They are debating THEIR position.....not how to solve the problem.

There is already talk they will not get anything done before they go away on vacation.....I guess that shows the priority they have......party position first......constituency need doesn't even make their list of priorities.

That is not going to change until every single American adult writes their representatives and DEMAND a solution. They know all too well that the lazy American masses will never unite and demand the lawmakers fulfill their constitutional job......representing their constituency.

Demand they get in a room and not come out until a solution is put forth.

It doesn't matter whether a Dem or Republican when it comes to the ruination of our country by the non performing, arrogant so called lawmakers in Washington, DC.

The silent majority continues to get what it deserves.....NOTHING!!!!!!


I have so much to say on this....

First I agree with BTK post totally. I have been in contact with my representative both here in Florida and prior up north. I attend as many public meetings as possible. I have on going conversations with various political folks from both parties. I read everything from both sides I can get my hands on to determine my feeling on ISSUES.

Secondly, not sure where you were going with this, but BTK has changes quite a bit if we compare todays posts to then. Now, he simply posts anti Obama and anti Clinton words and condemns the criticism of Trump based on not the issues but simply because I assume he does not like it. THAT is what I see. I cannot read his heart but I even posted yesterday or the day before to him that his posts are a complete was of time...just post ditto marks.

Thirdly, you speak as if you are civil in your postings. You do not discuss issues ever, simply personalities,which seems to be your focus. I told you before and will say it again....

In the beginning the political forum was relatively civil for a political site. IN the last years, AND I RECOGNIZE YOU TOTALLY DO NOT ACCEPT THIS, but both sides moves extreme and as a founding member of this forum and one who was always after Obama and/or Clinton and demonized for it......the right...the conservatives have gone so far to the extreme alt right and they do not even see it.

To me, all of that was motivated by HATE of Obama and Clinton. I, personally simply differed with his policies, nothing else and that is not sufficient to hate another. I hate nobody and the move that you and others..BTK among them...have made to the extreme is....well, you once said THAT I was a disappointment....i suggest the same about a few posters who I supported strongly in the past on the original forum.

Your post earlier today was offensive to me. So many of the obscene talker, the name callers, the what evers on here, you have supported with great vim and vigor because, it appears they support Trump. In general supporting someone on forum because they back your chosen candidate is fine, but you cannot walk away from the negative side when you want to and become saintly.

If you support vile language or attack language when it is aimed at the correct party, you cannot be "holier than thou" when it comes back at you.

I have both criticized Trump and praised him, with the most being criticism. When I do, I offer real examples, real links, real stories to support what I say and I never use HATE as a word for my feelings for the man.

Of course, the fact that I actually supply links or facts is a source of great fun and games at the expense of those you choose to support loudly on here. You support the general condemnation of groups of people with no specifics given....just "ALL" democrats or "ALL" progressives.....on down with Muslims and blacks and those on welfare. (I guess those on welfare the color doesnt matter much or the HOW they got there)

So, excuse me......not sure what your intent here is but if it is to tone down that the general hate, the general accusations, the obscenities then I suggest you do it with action and ot words.

They simply fall short. Anyone who has been around knows what you are trying to sell here is pure and complete bunk.

Yep, strong language but I am specific when I criticize...not damning large parcels when I do.

If you wish, I will copy BTK post also from there....sorry BTK to bring you in to this but GRACIE chose you as an example...to make my point but I have read your posts about ROCKFACE going on and on. I feel a responsibility to back up what I say with facts...you should do the same.

I might add....if posters stuck with ISSUES instead of general condemnations of groups and talked about those issues, the animosity melts. You failed to mention that the original political stayed with ISSUES for the most part. On here, not so much

Post 2 on this very thread, which I know from past posts you agree, would make my point
Old 04-07-2017, 11:49 AM
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Let there be no mistake. Right or wrong I express my opinion, how I feel, my preference, likes or dislikes.

I do not believe in political correctness and make no attempt to water down my position. It is what it is.
Old 04-07-2017, 12:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Let there be no mistake. Right or wrong I express my opinion, how I feel, my preference, likes or dislikes.

I do not believe in political correctness and make no attempt to water down my position. It is what it is.
Nobody accusing you of that or anything.

My opinion and it is MY opinion is that simply expressing hate for people is discussion of politics.

Look, I recall you from the original board, and memory serves me you engaged in discussion of policy and issues facing our country. I recall a much deeper understanding of those things and recall you actually talking about them. You can disagree without hate, and if you disagree you can make a point as to why.

Most adults would not accept such general animosity from their kids. You cannot just hate, not like, or generally have a distaste for a group without reason. OK, you can BUT why would you carry that general feeling to a forum that is for "discussion" of politics, NOT who we hate and who we do not.

I know you recall the debates on the original forum, prior to it being infested, about foreign relations, tax reform, and Obama care..when posters told how they felt and why, and most times supplied links to substantiate why they felt what they felt.
Old 04-08-2017, 06:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Nobody accusing you of that or anything.

My opinion and it is MY opinion is that simply expressing hate for people is discussion of politics.

Look, I recall you from the original board, and memory serves me you engaged in discussion of policy and issues facing our country. I recall a much deeper understanding of those things and recall you actually talking about them. You can disagree without hate, and if you disagree you can make a point as to why.

Most adults would not accept such general animosity from their kids. You cannot just hate, not like, or generally have a distaste for a group without reason. OK, you can BUT why would you carry that general feeling to a forum that is for "discussion" of politics, NOT who we hate and who we do not.

I know you recall the debates on the original forum, prior to it being infested, about foreign relations, tax reform, and Obama care..when posters told how they felt and why, and most times supplied links to substantiate why they felt what they felt.
I have LOTS of reasons to not want the country taken over by a majority of minorities...and I back it ALL up with facts.

I welcome REAL discussion...but alas...all I get is..."You're a racist and you're wrong"...when the TRUTH is...I'm a racist BECAUSE I'm RIGHT.
Old 04-08-2017, 06:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I have LOTS of reasons to not want the country taken over by a majority of minorities...and I back it ALL up with facts.

I welcome REAL discussion...but alas...all I get is..."You're a racist and you're wrong"...when the TRUTH is...I'm a racist BECAUSE I'm RIGHT.
How about backing this up with some scholarly articles rather than your fanciful cherry picking and gross over generalizations?
Old 04-08-2017, 07:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
How about backing this up with some scholarly articles rather than your fanciful cherry picking and gross over generalizations?
Tal, I gotta give you credit for tenacity. But, don't go crying to the powers above when Don eats your lunch. I may not agree with him, but he has facts to back his statements up. Your best move is to start fights with someone more to your speed, public school librarian and hope she doesn't eat your lunch too.
Best advice: Back away from the keyboard.
Old 04-08-2017, 07:29 AM
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There is a huge difference in woman and men. Thank Goodness.

I don't feel unwelcome here, I just don't understand all this male nastiness. I sort of understand female nastiness and I have been nasty...I don't like female nastiness either.

I don't like the feelings of anger this Forum engenders in me.

I had every intention of staying away when I said I am dropping the mic two days ago. I can't stand the heat. I need to stay out of this kitchen. I will try.

Put the seat down.
Old 04-08-2017, 07:35 AM
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Originally Posted by MDLNB View Post
Tal, I gotta give you credit for tenacity. But, don't go crying to the powers above when Don eats your lunch. I may not agree with him, but he has facts to back his statements up. Your best move is to start fights with someone more to your speed, public school librarian and hope she doesn't eat your lunch too.
Best advice: Back away from the keyboard.
MDCPD extolling Donny B at the expense of Tal. Quite telling.

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Old 04-08-2017, 07:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Chi-Town View Post
MDCPD extolling Donny B at the expense of Tal. Quite telling.

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Your coming to the rescue of the librarian is telling.....lol
Old 04-08-2017, 07:46 AM
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Originally Posted by DavidConnie
MDCPD extolling Donny B at the expense of Tal. Quite telling.

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First, learn the definition of "extolling." Then learn the proper way to utilize the word. Stating the obvious is NOT "extolling." But, I guess a salesman is used to embellishing on a daily basis.

I am assuming that you were responding to my comment regarding your boyfriend that follows you from forum to forum like a puppy. But, different strokes for different folks, is a common saying. I am assuming because you have my quote with someone else's moniker. You seem to be confused in your old age. Sorry, I mean in your senior years...
Old 04-08-2017, 07:56 AM
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Originally Posted by MOPD (MassiveObssesivePostingDisorder)
Tal, I gotta give you credit for tenacity. But, don't go crying to the powers above when Don eats your lunch. I may not agree with him, but he has facts to back his statements up. Your best move is to start fights with someone more to your speed, public school librarian and hope she doesn't eat your lunch too.
Best advice: Back away from the keyboard.
You're lying again.

You TOTALLY agree with Racist Boy Baldwin (as demonstrated by your constant defense of him)...but don't even have the guts to come right out and say it.

You do realize don't you...that you're not fooling anyone?

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
Old 04-08-2017, 07:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You're lying again.

You TOTALLY agree with Racist Boy Baldwin (as demonstrated by your constant defense of him)...but don't even have the guts to come right out and say it.

You do realize don't you...that you're not fooling anyone?

creepest Sincere Wishes:
I would never pretend to "fool" a fool. That would be redundant....

Old 04-08-2017, 08:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Chi-Town View Post
MDCPD extolling Donny B at the expense of Tal. Quite telling.

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CHI - why do you encourage wackadoodle to get his feeling hurt? You must have missed the post in which he stated he had been clinically diagnosed (the post was a couple days ago) and how he has not had a job since. I was thinking we could contact the March of Dimes, or something like that, and see if they have some clerical job he could do for them (I assume the working environment provides a lot of positive praise, something he craves). Do they still do the Telethon?? If so, he would enjoy being on TV, he could tell them about his project and all his thousands of Facebook friends.

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