Palin's Pastor Puts Wright in the Minor Leagues!

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Old 09-21-2008, 09:17 PM
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Thumbs up Agreed!

Originally Posted by SteveZ View Post
What is sad is that one of the greatest freedoms within this nation is freedom to worship freely. Yet, the religious practices of all four candidates, especially the Lead Democrat and the Second-tier on the Republican ticket, do not seem to have that privilege among many within the voting public.

I do not care if what faith, denomination, or none at all is praticed (if that's the correct word) by any candidate. It does not matter to me who the spritual advisor for any candidate is - that's between them and God (if they so believe). Whether the person actually practices the precepts of a particular faith or not, even though the person publically claims to be a member of that faith, is inconsequential. Only their political actions, not their private ones, should be subject to scrutiny.

When "religion" becomes a factor in selecting a candidate, then so does race, age, gender, left-or-right-handed, hair color (unless bald) and shoe size. And when that happens, what does that say about all of us?

I have gotten religious counsel from people hated by others, but who have given me things to think about. I didn't have to agree with the counselor, as their job was to make me THINK and come to my own conclusions based on challenged reason. What others thought of my counselors was of no matter, as they did intellectually challenge and stimulate me - and what could be wrong about that?

We're voting for a political employee, not a religious counselor. All of this concern about somebody's pastor is just examples of trying to create issues which one would have hoped the Constitution, Magna Carta and the Declaration of Independence should have shown as non-issues for government office.
I completely agree with this SteveZ. But it should go across the board. This thread was initially started because Obama has continually and falsely been called a Muslim and was attacked for Rev. Wright (who he denounced.) And I was sick of it! It was mud slinging then and I threw back. But I agree, that doesn't make it right -- ANY OF IT!
Old 09-21-2008, 09:50 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Seriously

Chels, you have NO idea at all what Gov. Pallin believes. You have misinterpreted purposely I believe by your acidic comments.

Vote for Obama. That is your right.

But it is also your responsibility to find the facts and not cherry pick what you like and don't like just to attack Gov. Palin.

Get real. Why so toxic?
Old 09-21-2008, 10:05 PM
Posts: n/a
Exclamation Read the Post, please.

Originally Posted by TallerTrees View Post
Chels, you have NO idea at all what Gov. Pallin believes. You have misinterpreted purposely I believe by your acidic comments.

Vote for Obama. That is your right.

But it is also your responsibility to find the facts and not cherry pick what you like and don't like just to attack Gov. Palin.

Get real. Why so toxic?
First, I didn't misrepresent any facts. Second, if you read the post above, it explains why I DON'T think religion should really be taken into the White House. Third, toxic begets toxic. It's a two way street.

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